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Assessing study load concessions for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) 010-02080060

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Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)

Examples of documentation for two-thirds study load concession



Institution’s normal requirements

Evidence does not need to be written confirmation from the Academic Registrar. It can be:

  • written confirmation from the relevant faculty/school of the institution, or
  • in the case of a reduced study load needed to complete a course, the institution’s handbook or official course structure would be sufficient

Direction by the Principal, deputy Principal or an academic registrar

The student will need to provide evidence of the written direction issued by the deputy Principal, an Academic Registrar or an equivalent officer.

Academic or vocational reasons

The student to provide evidence of the written recommendation.

Note: the institution does not have to specify the reasons on which the recommendation is based.