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Fares Allowance (FAA) authorised in advance of travel for ABSTUDY 010-02100040

This document outlines information to assist Service Officers in authorising and booking travel for eligible ABSTUDY students and approved travellers in advance of their journey.

On this page:

Determining eligibility for FAA authorised in advance

Approving a request

Cancellations and variations

Determining eligibility for FAA authorised in advance

Table 1: Portions of this process are actioned by the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Travel and Away from Base Teams only.




ABSTUDY students or approved travellers who are eligible for FAA may be entitled to have their travel pre-booked by Services Australia + Read more ...

Is the student or approved traveller eligible for FAA?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, the student or approved traveller is not eligible for FAA. Procedure ends here


Student, parent/guardian or representative contact + Read more ...

A student, approved traveller, parent/guardian or their representative (for example, boarding school or hostel) must contact the agency to arrange a pre-booked journey.

Note: travel requests for secondary school students boarding at a school or hostel will only be accepted from their boarding school or hostel. The exception to this is where:

  • the boarding school or hostel is closed, or
  • the student is a private boarder

Was the contact through the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Call or the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Travel and Away from Base Teams?

  • Yes, an ABSTUDY fares request is completed as follows, student, approved traveller, parent/guardian or their representative requests:
  • No, transfer to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre. Procedure ends here


Request for pre-booked travel + Read more ...

If the pre-booked travel is being requested by a:

  • boarding school or hostel representative
  • student or parent/guardian and boarding school or hostel is closed
  • student who is a private boarder (or their parent/guardian for students under 16 years of age), or
  • tertiary student:
  • student or parent/guardian, and student is a secondary student boarding at a school or hostel:
    • advise them to request travel through their boarding school or hostel
    • Procedure ends here


Submitting travel requests and allowable timeframes + Read more ...

Individual travel requests:

  • Received from or on behalf of a student doing post-secondary schooling study (that is, tertiary, secondary non-schooling), or
  • from or on behalf of a secondary school student who is in a private board arrangement, or
  • from an education/board provider on behalf of a student who is boarding at a school or hostel

An individual request for fares to be authorised and booked in advance of the journey must be received by the agency as soon as possible. Preferably no later than 10 days before the journey, unless unforeseen and exceptional circumstances apply. Compassionate travel is excluded from this requirement.

Bulk and group travel requests

Received for approved travellers and secondary school students at boarding schools or hostels, or from tertiary institutions doing an Away from Base activity.

Education providers, boarding schools or hostels requesting group travel bookings should submit their requests to Services Australia within a reasonable timeframe of the requested travel date.

Secondary boarding schools or hostels requesting bulk or group travel for:

  • school vacation, end/start of year, Special Purpose and Orientation Visit travel where there are 10 or more passengers regardless of dates, should contact the agency no later than 7 weeks before the travel date
  • all other travel reasons or where there are 9 or fewer passengers for the same event, should contact the agency no later than 10 days before the travel date

Education providers and board providers requesting group travel for Away from Base must contact the agency:

  • at least 3 weeks before the travel date for groups of up to 10 students
  • at least 4 weeks before the travel date, for requests of more than 10 students

Has the FAA request been received within these timeframes?


Late lodgement of individual, secondary boarding bulk and group travel requests + Read more ...

A late booking request usually means the TMC cannot guarantee that the requested travel dates can be booked in the short timeframe.

Are there factors that could be seen as unforeseen and exceptional circumstances which prevented the FAA request from being lodged in the prescribed timeframes?

  • Yes, late lodgement of a travel request can be accepted, see Step 1 in Table 2
  • No, make contact with the approved traveller, student, parent/guardian or representative to discuss the requested travel date, the required timeframes and encourage them to request a travel date within a reasonable timeframe:
    • If suitable, for individual requests, book travel for a date at least 10 days from the date of contact or for bulk and group travel requests, book travel for a date at least 7 weeks from the date of contact, see Step 1 in Table 2
    • If not suitable and travel is to be booked within the requested timeframes, advise the approved traveller, student parent/guardian or representative that the TMC may not be able to facilitate a date within the short timeframe and travel may be booked for the next available date, see Step 1 in Table 2
    • Advise the approved traveller, student, parent/guardian or representative that they can book and pay for the travel and claim reimbursement after the travel is completed. An ABSTUDY Fares Allowance Claim (SY032) must be lodged with the agency by the closing date. For further information, see Start and closing date for ABSTUDY claims. Advise the student or approved traveller of the decision and record details on a DOC on the record. Procedure ends here
    • If the approved traveller, student, parent/guardian or representative will book and pay for the travel and claim reimbursement, record details of the discussion on a DOC. Send a response acknowledging the discussion and agreed withdrawal. See the Resources page in Coding pre-booked Fares Allowance (FAA) entitlements for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) for the Quickstep Guide which includes the Prebooked Travel: Withdrawn template. Procedure ends here


Late lodgement of Away from Base group travel requests + Read more ...

If the group travel request has been received from an education representative via:

  • ABSTUDY Smart Centre Call, warm transfer the caller to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Away from Base Team using the National Transfer Number in Office Locator:
    • If a call back is required, Service Officers must use the Away from Base callback required Fast Note to notify the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Away from Base Team
    • use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > ABSTUDY Travel > Away from Base callback required. See Processing Services details for: ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES. Procedure ends here
  • ABSTUDY Smart Centre Away from Base Team, go to Step 7


Actioning late lodgement of Away from Base group travel requests + Read more ...

Are there unforeseen and exceptional circumstances impacting travel which prevented the FAA request from being lodged in the prescribed timeframes?

Approving a request

Table 2




Traveller details + Read more ...

To accept a travel request, the following information is required about the student or approved traveller:

  • Reason the student or approved traveller wants to travel. Note: if a secondary student discontinues study before the end of term, ABSTUDY entitlements will cease from the date they discontinue
  • Where the student or approved traveller is travelling to and from
  • Date(s) student or approved traveller wishes to travel
  • Mode of travel. Note: approval is based on the most practical and cost effective mode of transport for the journey which is reasonable in the circumstances
  • Student or approved traveller's name on their identification, including the title, e.g. Miss, Mr, Mrs (update the preferred name on the Customer Person Detail Summary (CPDS) screen if not already listed) Note: ensure the customers preferred name and title have been confirmed with the school/boarding provider, parent/guardian or student prior to making any updates. See Aliases and other names (legal, preferred, sex and gender diverse customers, cultural considerations etc)
  • Phone number (ensure the Telephone Summary (TDS) screen is up to date)
  • Email address is included to send a copy of the itinerary. To check the email address, in Customer First, go to the Email Address (EMA) screen
  • Whether the student or approved traveller has excess baggage above the applicable limits, see Additional costs associated with travel for ABSTUDY
  • Whether the student or approved traveller need accommodation or transfers during the journey. For further information, see Additional costs associated with travel for ABSTUDY


Safe Travel Plan (STP) + Read more ...

Does the student require a mandatory STP?

Note: If weekend travel is requested, the parent/guardian, education or boarding institution responsible for requesting the travel, must ensure the student has a supervisor and a STP is in place for the journey. If a supervisor is unavailable due to unforeseen and exceptional circumstances, travel can be approved if the boarding school/provider:

  • understands their responsibility to manage risks, and
  • implements the Safe Travel Plan

They must also provide emergency contact numbers that will be included in the booking with the Travel Management Company (TMC).


Mandatory STP requirements + Read more ...

Students in primary or secondary school under 18 years old must have an STP in place to have pre-booked travel approved.

Where a mandatory STP is not in place, the student will not qualify for FAA authorised in advance and travel will be rejected, unless exceptional circumstances exist (e.g. a student is travelling for orientation and is accompanied by a supervisor, but no STP is in place).

Use of the Exceptional Circumstances code is discretionary, however, it should never be used as means to approve pre-booked travel for students who have no STP in place and no exceptional circumstances exist.

If exceptional circumstances are applied, information to support the decision must be recorded in the Notes tab of the relevant booking within the Travel Management Application (TMA). The Service Officer must include:

  • details of the student's circumstances
  • the applicable ABSTUDY Policy reference
  • any other information critical to the decision

Is an STP in place or exceptional circumstances apply?


Review traveller's age + Read more ...

Is the student studying at secondary school and/or under 18 years old?


Mandatory supervision requirements + Read more ...

Services Australia may determine a secondary school student, or a student under 18 years old, needs mandatory supervision when assessing a pre-booked travel request. Examples of circumstances where mandatory supervision would be required include:

  • vulnerable students
  • students under 12 years old
  • students travelling on a weekend and there are no exceptional circumstances for not having a supervisor
  • where a student has had 2 or more No Shows without valid reason in the calendar year
  • where it is a requirement of the travel carrier (e.g. Greyhound Australia requires supervisors for children under 15 years of age)
  • where the agency has received reports from the travel carrier of property damage by the student
  • where an STP has previously been deemed inadequate to manage a travel disruption

See Non-student travellers for ABSTUDY to determine who can be an approved supervisor.

Note: in exceptional or unforeseen circumstances, prebooked travel may be booked without a mandatory supervision, provided the boarding school/provider:

  • understands their responsibility to manage risks, and
  • implements the Safe Travel Plan

See the Resources page for examples.

Is mandatory supervision needed?


Supervision requirements - student 12-17 years old + Read more ...

For all students 12-17 years old travelling great distances, on multiple carriers or who may be at risk of a travel disruption, a supervisor is strongly recommended.

Is a supervisor to be included in the booking?


Nominating an appropriate supervisor + Read more ...

To accept a travel request, the following information is required about the supervisor:

  • full name
  • contact phone number, if they do not have a phone number establish a way they can be contacted in the event of travel change or emergency
  • where they are travelling to and from
  • return date for supervisor (if applicable)

The supervisor nominated should:

  • ensure the child meets all travel arrangements shown on the travel itinerary
  • supervise the child during transit periods between travel carriers
  • supervise the child if they experience travel disruptions, like transport or weather delays
  • supervise the child in overnight accommodation if a travel disruption means travel arrangements need to be rebooked for the next day
  • have a current contact number and provide this to the agency to contact if a disruption occurs


Previous No Show + Read more ...

A 'No-Show' refers to the situation where an approved ABSTUDY traveller failed to travel when it had been authorised and booked in advance.

To determine if a student or approved traveller is eligible for fares to be authorised in advance due to a previous No Show, see No show for ABSTUDY travel.

Is the student or approved traveller eligible for fares to be authorised in advance for this journey?


Destinations for advance bookings + Read more ...

FAA authorised in advance is usually booked between the student or approved traveller's permanent home to their term address. Travel may be booked to an alternate location in some circumstances. See Determining the appropriate travel destination for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance (FAA) for more information.

Is the travel request to an approved destination?


Completing the travel request + Read more ...

Complete a Travel Booking Request in the TMA noting the information requirements outlined already. See Coding pre-booked Fares Allowance (FAA) entitlements for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES). Procedure ends here.

Cancellations and variations

Table 3: Portions of this process are for the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Travel and Away from Base Teams only.




Request received to cancel or vary travel + Read more ...

Services Australia requires a minimum of 24 hours' notice to cancel or amend (in unforeseen or exceptional circumstances) travel arrangements on behalf of the traveller without penalty under the agencies travel contract.

Where an approved traveller does not travel or cancels or requests amendment of travel arrangements 24 hours prior to departure, a no show may result and penalties applied unless unforeseen or exceptional circumstances occur on the travel date. See No show for ABSTUDY travel.

Requests to cancel pre-booked travel arrangements due to unforeseen or exceptional circumstances are treated as a variation.

If the request is to:


Travel variation + Read more ...

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A travel variation involves changing the details (for example, dates or destination) of a travel booking with a status of Requested or Booked in the Travel Management Application (TMA).

In some cases, the new travel date is unknown. For example, when a student attends a funeral in the community and the community/family cannot confirm the date the funeral will end. The existing travel is cancelled and re-booked with the new travel date when known.

Requests to vary booked travel must meet any of the following allowable exceptions:

  • unforeseen and exceptional circumstances
  • to reunite with their immediate family who have temporarily moved
  • to attend a funeral and the parents have left their permanent home to commence arrangements early, and:
    • there is no family to supervise the student, or
    • to arrange transport for the student to the temporary location of the parents
  • the student cannot return to or travel from their permanent home temporarily due to adverse weather events outside of their control
  • in circumstances where it is deemed more convenient or appropriate for an approved traveller, who requires travel along their usual route, and needs to:
    • terminate at a point prior to reaching the study location or permanent home, or
    • commence their travel from a location along their usual route that is not their normal starting point

The Process and Resources pages of Determining the appropriate travel destination for ABSTUDY Fares Allowance (FAA) provides further information and scenarios for assessing travel.

Note: requests for variations to booked travel for secondary school boarding students, must come from the boarding school or hostel. Tell parents or students requesting a variation to travel, to contact the student's boarding school or hostel. The exception to this is where:

  • the boarding school or hostel is closed and immediate variation to booked travel is required
  • a student is a private boarder, or
  • a tertiary student

Is the student, approved traveller, parent/guardian or representative requesting a variation to travel due to unforeseen and exceptional circumstances or other allowable exceptions?


Is the variation request for travel today or on the next day? + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.png

  • Yes:
    • use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > ABSTUDY Travel > ABSTUDY Travel Variation
    • warm transfer the call immediately to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Travel and Away from Base Teams using the National Transfer Numbers in Office Locator. See Processing Services details for: ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 4


Variation request for travel 2 or more days away and meets allowable exceptions or unforeseen and exceptional circumstances + Read more ...

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Locate the applicable booking ID number (#) within the TMA and:

  • Select Edit
  • Update the travel booking with the new details (for example, dates and/or destination)
  • Ensure detailed notes are added, within the Notes tab of the booking, explaining the decision to vary the original request
  • Save the changes and ensure the Booking Status has changed to Pending Approval. This will allocate via Workload Management to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Travel or Away from Base Teams for action

For further coding advice, see Coding pre-booked Fares Allowance (FAA) entitlements for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).

Tell the student or approved traveller the variation request will be assessed and they will be contacted to confirm the outcome of their request. Procedure ends here.


Variation does not meet allowable exceptions or unforeseen and exceptional circumstances impacting travel + Read more ...

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Advise Services Australia cannot make a variation to the travel. The student or approved traveller must travel as per the pre-arranged itinerary or cancel the travel arrangements with the agency.

Where a secondary student discontinues study before the end of the school term they no longer qualify for ABSTUDY entitlements from the date they discontinued studies at school.

Does the student or approved traveller wish to cancel their pre-booked travel arrangements?

  • Yes, go to Step 7
  • No:
    • Record a DOC on the student or approved traveller's record with the decision
    • For secondary students, send a ABSTUDY Boarder ACTION request Fast Note to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing Service Team. Include the date the secondary student discontinued studies
    • use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Update > ABSTUDY Boarder ACTION request
    • Procedure ends here


Variation meets allowable exceptions or unforeseen and exceptional circumstances impacting travel + Read more ...

Take details of the request for variation to travel. Re-book travel with the Travel Management Company (TMC) by coding a travel variation in TMA.

If a secondary student discontinues study before the end of term:

  • Send a ABSTUDY Boarder ACTION request Fast Note to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing Service Team. Include the date the secondary student discontinued studies
  • use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Update > ABSTUDY Boarder ACTION request

See Coding pre-booked Fares Allowance (FAA) entitlements for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).

Procedure ends here.


Travel cancellations + Read more ...

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Requests to cancel pre-booked travel arrangements due to unforeseen or exceptional circumstances are treated as a variation.

Travel cancellations can be made to the agency by students, approved travellers, parents/guardians, board providers or education institutions before the departure date.

Note: requests for cancellations to booked travel for secondary school boarding students, must come from the boarding school or hostel. Tell parents or students requesting a cancellation to travel, to contact the student's boarding school or hostel. The exception is where the boarding school or hostel is closed and immediate cancellation of booked travel is required.

Cancellation of a pre-booked/authorised travel journey means travel for that same journey may not be re-booked. That is, the student or approved traveller no longer needs the travel. Students and approved travellers must consider this when requesting a cancellation.

If at a later time the traveller requires travel for the same journey, they may need to book and pay for it themselves and seek reimbursement. See No show for ABSTUDY Travel.

Ask all student or approved travellers who want to cancel a booked journey if:

  • the journey is no longer required, or
  • they want a variation to the original booking for the journey

Does the student or approved traveller wish to proceed with the cancellation?

  • Yes, and has contacted through:
  • No, record a DOC on the student or approved traveller's record with the decision. Procedure ends here


Cancelling of pre-booked travel + Read more ...

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Is the cancellation request for travel today or on the next day?

  • Yes:
    • use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > ABSTUDY Travel > ABSTUDY Travel Cancellation
    • Immediately warm transfer the call to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Travel and Away from Base Teams using the numbers in Office Locator. The Resources page contains a link to Office Locator
    • If a secondary student discontinues study before the end of term, send a ABSTUDY action request Fast Note to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing Service Team and include the date the secondary student discontinued studies
    • Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Update > ABSTUDY Action request. See Processing Services details for: ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, for a student or approved traveller requesting a travel cancellation and the travel date is 2 or more days in the future, find the applicable booking ID number (#) in TMA and:
    • Select Edit
    • Update the travel booking. Add detailed notes in the Notes tab to explain the reason for cancelling the original request including where a secondary student has discontinued studies before the end of term
    • Save the changes and ensure the Booking Status has changed to Pending Approval. This will then allocate via Workload Management to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Travel and Away from Base Teams for action
    • Procedure ends here

For further coding advice, see Coding pre-booked Fares Allowance (FAA) entitlements for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).


Processing a cancellation + Read more ...

Take details of the request to cancel travel. Cancel travel with the TMC by coding a travel cancellation in TMA. See Coding pre-booked Fares Allowance (FAA) entitlements for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES).

If a cancellation request is received less than 24 hours prior to departure time, determine if a No Show penalty is to be applied. See No show for ABSTUDY travel.

If a secondary student discontinues study before the end of term:

  • send a ABSTUDY Boarder ACTION request Fast Note to the ABSTUDY Smart Centre Processing Service Team
  • include the date the secondary student discontinued studies
  • use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Update > ABSTUDY Boarder Action request