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View or update Youth Allowance (YA) or Austudy student and Australian Apprentice online claim 010-04010050

This page contains 3 tables with information to assist Service Officers with customer contact about online claims.

On this page:

Online claim preliminary information

Online claim payment specific questions table

Review of claim and final processing

Online claim preliminary information

Table 1: This table describes actions to take when dealing with preliminary customer contact regarding viewing or updating Youth Allowance (YA) or Austudy student and Australian Apprentice online claims, and the process of information gathering.




Access online + Read more ...

A customer who has already registered online, or registers as a part of the claiming process, and who is currently claiming a payment as a student or an Australian Apprentice may use this service to view and update the details of any online claims they have already started.

This service will allow the customer to:

  • view the details of any 'submitted' online claims
  • update the details of an 'in-progress' online claim
  • provide further information or documents via Upload documents


Finding the customer's claim + Read more ...

  • Launch Customer First
  • Search for customer by the Customer Reference Number (CRN), the Claim ID number or customer's name
  • Navigate to Workspace
  • Select Assisted Customer Claims under the Customer Claim Summary
  • If there is a started claim on the Customer Claim Summary, the claim can be continued by selecting the Pencil icon under the Actions column or cancelled by selecting the Trash icon under the Actions column


Initial questions + Read more ...

The questions asked include:


Contact preferences + Read more ...

These questions allow the customer to supply or confirm their contact preferences as part of the Student Online Claim process:

  • If an interpreter is needed and their preferred language
  • Special contact considerations such as Telephone Typewriter, Braille, sign language, large font text, cassette tape or floppy disk
  • Whether the customer wishes to have a Payment or Correspondence Nominee
  • Whether the customer is willing to participate in Customer Research
  • Customer can request another person or organisation be permitted to enquire on their behalf

For customers who already have a record, some of this information may be automatically entered. The customer is able to update the answers if they have changed.

The system will determine their closest service centre. The customer is then given the choice of changing if another service centre would be more convenient.


Questions regarding names and relationship status + Read more ...

Questions include:

Relationship status. If the customer:

  • is single, they will go on to the next question set
  • has a partner, a screen will be displayed to provide details of their partner including:
    • name
    • date of birth
    • other names they have been known by
    • whether the partner is also claiming/receiving a Centrelink payment
    • whether the customer would like to give their partner permission to enquire about their payments
  • is partnered but unable to live together. Details of the partner including:
    • name
    • date of birth
    • other names they have been known by
    • whether the partner is also claiming/receiving a Centrelink payment
    • whether the customer would like to give their partner permission to enquire about their payments
    • reasons why they are unable to live together
    • whether it is a temporary or indefinite situation
  • is now widowed. For Austudy customers, only the date of death is requested. For Youth Allowance (YA) customers, if it was a de facto relationship, the start date is required to determine whether the customer would be independent on the basis of having been married or a member of a YA couple
  • is now separated. Details of the former partner including:
    • name
    • date of birth
    • other names they have been known by
    • whether the partner is also claiming/receiving a Centrelink payment
    • date separated
    • for YA customers, the start date of the relationship and whether they were member of a couple is also asked to determine whether they are independent on the basis of having been married or a member of a YA couple
  • is now divorced. The date of the divorce is required

If the customer is claiming YA and appears to be independent, they will be requested to provide proof of the details they have provided.


Questions regarding dependent children + Read more ...

Dependent child is explained and the customer is asked whether they have any dependent children.

If there are any dependent children on the customer's existing record (FTB current only), they will be displayed for the customer to select if they are still a dependent child. If anything has changed, the customer is able to provide updated details.

If there are new dependent children to be added, the customer must provide full details of the child including:

A summary of all details currently held (excluding surname and DOB of child) will be provided for the customer to check and change if required if they are an authenticated customer.


Questions regarding Australian residence + Read more ...

The following information may pre-populate in the online claim if information is already known to the agency. The customer is able to change anything that is incorrect.

  • If the country of birth is:
    • Australia for either the customer or their partner and they are living in Australia, they will be asked if they have ever lived outside Australia
    • not Australia for either the customer or their partner, the Next steps screen may advise of the requirement to supply proof of residence status (for example, citizenship papers, passports or other documentation)
  • If the customer is living in Australia, they are asked to provide details of the date they started living in Australia. The countries lived in page will automatically be displayed
  • If the country of citizenship is:
    • not Australia and the customer does not have a Department of Home Affairs reference number on their Centrelink record, Visa details will be requested on the Visa Details page
    • Australia but the country of birth is not Australia, they will be asked for the date they were granted Australian citizenship
  • Living in Australia permanently? If they answer No, the Service Officer will use this to determine if the customer is living in Australia - the claim may be rejected.
    Note: for claims lodged from 1 July 2016 customers residing on Norfolk Island must answer 'Yes' to this question
  • Except for short trips or holidays, have they ever lived outside Australia? If the customer answers 'Yes', the Countries lived in page will display.
    Note: customers who have ever lived on Norfolk Island before 1 July 2016 must select the 'Yes' option. If they have never lived in Australia before this date they must enter 1 July 2016 as the date they started living in Australia
  • Have they ever travelled outside Australia, including short trips and holidays? If they answer yes, they will be asked to provide the date they last entered or left Australia, their passport number and the country that issued their passport.
    Note: on the Countries lived in page, customers who have ever lived on Norfolk Island before 1 July 2016 must include Norfolk Island. If they were living on Norfolk Island on 1 July 2016, they must also select Australia from this date. If they are not an Australian citizen and they lived on Norfolk Island for at least 5 years before 1 July 2016, the Next steps screen will ask for proof of Norfolk Island Resident grant date
  • If the customer is not an Australian citizen, and the date they started living in Australia is less than 2 years ago, questions about Assurance of Support and Refugee or Humanitarian visas will be asked
  • If the customer has a partner who is not on an income support payment, the partner's residence details are collected either online or on a paper module (Mod P or Mod O). The information required and the method of collection will depend on whether or not the partner is on an income support payment and also whether the customer has indicated they are able to provide their partner's details

For further information, see:


Contact details + Read more ...

The customer must provide at least one telephone number they can be contacted on during business hours. This can be a mobile number.

The following numbers may be provided:

  • mobile
  • home
  • other contact
  • work
  • facsimile


The customer is also able to input a valid email address.

Customers who provide a mobile phone number and/or email address are advised that they will automatically be subscribed to the Online Letters (OLL) and Electronic Messaging (EM) services unless they have previously declined these services for certain reasons.

Customers are asked to nominate a preferred contact method (SMS or email) for notifications of new Online Letters and electronic messages.

Once a claim is submitted, and they have an active self service registration, they will be automatically subscribed to Online Letters (OLL) and the Electronic Messaging (EM).

The customer is advised they can opt out of these services at any time.


Questions regarding address and accommodation + Read more ...

The customer must provide details of their address.

Depending on their circumstances, they may need to supply:

  • term address if they have to live away from home to study
  • work address if they are required to live away from home in order to undertake their Australian Apprenticeship
  • temporary address
  • postal address if they prefer to have their mail directed to somewhere other than where they are living
  • YA customers: Family home address is dependent on whether the student could qualify for a relocation scholarship

Accommodation questions relating to:

  • living with parents, or in the principal family home (only asked of some customers who are under 22)
  • living in a home owned by the customer or their partner. Further questions about home ownership are asked including:
    • does the customer live in a home that is owned by a company, or
    • has the customer sold their home with an intention to buy another home within 12 months
  • for non-homeowners - accommodation costs - rent, board, lodgings and who these are paid to
  • whether they share accommodation
  • YA customers who live away from home to study or work may be entitled to receive Rent Assistance. Some independent categories of YA may also be entitled to Rent Assistance
  • Austudy customers may be entitled to receive Rent Assistance

Online claim payment specific questions table

Table 2: This table describes the payment specific questions required for the process of gathering further information.




Questions regarding course details + Read more ...

The customer must provide full details of the course they are/will be studying including:

They must also provide details of:

  • highest level of education previously completed
  • tertiary study completed
  • previous tertiary study not completed


Assessing dependence and independence + Read more ...

If the customer has not previously been assessed as independent for a non-reviewable reason, questions to determine whether they are independent will be presented.

Further information on independence reasons can be found at:


If the customer has indicated they are not considered independent and are dependent upon a Parent/Guardian, questions will be presented to determine the Youth Allowance customer's parents for the purposes of the Parental Income Test (PIT) and/or Family Actual Means if applicable.

Away from home rate

If the customer has indicated in their address details questions they are living away from home, questions will be presented to determine whether the away from home rate is payable.


Circumstances prior to claiming + Read more ...

The customer is requested to provide details of what activity they were engaged in prior to claiming.

The activity they were engaged in prior to claim may affect the start date of their payments.

If the customer was previously working and has received a termination payment, they may be subject to an Income Maintenance Period (IMP).

If a customer who is aged 22 and over was a full time or part time student in the previous study period, and now intends to be a full time student in the next study period, they will be entitled to receive payment as an intending student from the date of claim. New students can only be paid from the date the course starts. Australian Apprentices can only be paid from the later of the date of claim or the date they have a valid Commonwealth registration ID number.


Apprenticeship details + Read more ...

To be paid Youth Allowance or Austudy as an Australian Apprentice (apprentice or trainee) the customer must provide details of their apprenticeship including:

  • Apprenticeship type
  • Commonwealth registration identification number
  • Apprenticeship start date
  • Apprenticeship duration
  • Employer details
  • Employment income details


Relevant bank details + Read more ...

Customers under the age of 18 will have their payments sent to their parent's bank account, unless one of the following applies:

  • they are considered independent
  • parent gives permission to receive payments into personal account
  • exceptional circumstances exist

These customers will receive a message about this requirement as part of the online claim.

Customers who are 18 or over or who are independent will have their payments sent to their own bank account.

The customer must provide the following details for the relevant bank account:

  • Name of account
  • Bank name
  • Branch (BSB) number
  • Account number

If the customer does not have the relevant bank details, they can provide them later.

For further information, see Payment destination.


Questions regarding income and assets + Read more ...

The customer is requested to provide details of:

Customers required to provide income and assets details for their claim can update these details as part of their online claim replacing the need to be issued with the Additional Income and Assets (Module IA) form.

For authenticated customers, existing customer information may be pre-populated into the claim for the customer to confirm or update.

If a customer cannot complete an Income and Assets category within their claim, they can defer these categories and complete later using the link to the tailored Additional Income and Assets Online form. Alternatively, they will have the option to print a paper Mod IA form using the link or have a form mailed to them.


Providing a Tax File Number and requesting deductions + Read more ...

If the customer has previously advised their TFN, they can agree to reuse this number.

If they have not previously advised their TFN, they can provide it now.

If the customer has lodged an application for a TFN and the TFN has not been updated on their record or they do not know what their TFN is, advise the customer to go to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website for more information on retrieving their TFN and then provide it in writing to Services Australia. The web address is available in Australian Taxation Office (ATO) - tax file numbers.

If the customer does not have a TFN, they must arrange a TFN application or enquiry for individuals (NAT1432) form to be sent to them or pick one up from their local service centre. There is also a link within the claim direct to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website to request a NAT1432 to be sent to them or to contact the ATO. Contact details are available in Australian Taxation Office (ATO) - tax file numbers.

The customer can also elect to have an amount or percentage of tax deducted from their payments.

For more information, see Requesting a Tax File Number (TFN).

Review of claim and final processing

Table 3: This table describes the online claim review, printing and access procedure.




Review, summary and declaration page + Read more ...

This page contains a summary of all of the information provided by the customer so they can check what they have entered is correct.

If any of the information needs to be changed or provided, the customer can click on relevant Change link to go back to the question pages.

If all of the information is correct, the customer can click on the continue button.

The Declaration page displays and the customer must tick the box that says 'I accept this declaration' before clicking on the Submit claim button.

Students and Australian Apprentices must supply all required information before their claim can be submitted. Customers who have indicated that they are vulnerable or at risk may be exempt from this requirement. See Circumstance Change Monitor (CCM).

The Information about your claim page will display the claim number. .

The customer can print this page and view the information they provided in the claim, including any income and asset details provided. They cannot change any of the information once the claim has been submitted.


Printing the online claim + Read more ...

The customer can print:

  • View Your Online Claim details - outlining all of the claim information including the income and asset information provided by the customer
  • View Your Online Income and Assets details - outlining all of the income and assets information provided in the claim and in the additional income and asset form. It is only present if a category was deferred and an online I&A form is submitted


Accessing an existing online claim + Read more ...

To access their online claim, customers must:

  • logon to their Centrelink online account
  • select Apply for a Payment or Concession Card> View your Online Claims