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Lodgement of unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) statements for Youth Allowance (YA) and Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) 010-06020050

If a child is in immediate danger or risk of harm you must act, and a delegate must call 000.

This document outlines the information Services Australia needs to assess eligibility for Youth Allowance or Tertiary Access Payment (TAP).

The agency decides if it is unreasonable for a customer to live in their parental home (UTLAH) when assessing eligibility for Youth Allowance (YA).

If the customer is not deemed UTLAH, they may still be exempt from providing parental income for the Tertiary Access Payment (TAP).

Referral procedures and required actions once a young person lodges their statements are outlined.

Lodgement of UTLAH statements




Under 18 + Read more ...

Is the customer under 18?


Currently receiving/claiming YA or TAP + Read more ...

Has the customer claimed:


At risk assessment + Read more ...

Does the young person aged 18 or over appear to be at risk or has complex needs and minimal supports?

  • Yes, refer the customer to a social worker, who will undertake a risk assessment and discuss community support options:
    • Note: do not make a UTLAH appointment or refer the customers to social work to have their UTLAH assessment progressed. See Social worker - referrals
    • Service Officers must action any lodged UTLAH statement(s), regardless of whether a social work risk or support referral is made. Go to Step 4
  • No, go to Step 4


Lodgement of UTLAH statements + Read more ...

Customers who are 18 or over must, in most cases, provide 2 statements that have been completed and signed:

Has the customer lodged the statements?

Note: an SY015 supplied by the customer via their online services does not require a signature. SY016 and SY017 forms must have a wet ink signature, no digital signatures of any kind can be accepted.

Yes, and the statements have been completed and signed, go to Step 7

No, if:

  • the customer has not lodged any statements, go to Step 5
  • the only form that has been completed and signed is the SY015 and the customer:
    • has given permission to contact their parent/s, go to Step 7
    • has not given permission to contact their parent/s, go to Step 6


Customer has not lodged any statements + Read more ...

Issue the 2 statements:

The Statement by an Independent Third Party form (SY017) will only be requested by the Over 18 UTLAH Assessment team if:

  • the Statement by young person form (SY015) and Statement by Parent(s)/Guardian(s) form (SY016) do not align
  • a parent is refusing or failing to provide a statement or the young person has advised it would put them at risk for the parent(s) to be contacted, or
  • there is doubt about the reason the young person is unable to live at home

Record details on a DOC.

If the young person indicates that:

  • contacting their parent/s will put them at risk
  • they will not give permission for the Over 18 UTLAH Assessment Team (O18) to contact parent/s, or
  • they have not had any contact with their parent/s for at least 2 years, go to Step 6, otherwise procedure ends here


Contact with parents + Read more ...

Parental contact is part of the UTLAH assessment process, via the SY016 or phone interview.

Warm transfer the young person to the Over 18 UTLAH Assessment Team if the young person:

  • has not or will not give permission to contact their parents
  • indicates that contacting their parent/s will put them at risk, or
  • advises that they have not had contact with their parent/s for at least 2 years

If the customer, parent or third party contacts in response to an O18 request for contact (refer to the progress DOC or HS screen), attempt to warm transfer to the Over 18 UTLAH Assessment Team.


Update customer's record + Read more ...

Using the information provided verbally by the customer and/or completed in the Statement by Young Person (SY015) form, update the customer's:

  • Address details
  • Telephone details. If the customer does not have a telephone number, obtain an alternative contact number so that the Over 18 UTLAH Assessment Team can contact the customer for the assessment to proceed

If the customer has previously indicated that their parent(s) or third party has permission to enquire, and this arrangement is active on their record, confirm with the customer whether this should continue. See Person Permitted to Enquire (PPE) or Update (PPU) authority.

If the customer has a nominee, consider whether this arrangement should continue. See Cancelling a nominee arrangement.

If the customer is currently receiving YA and their payment is directed to their parents, consider updating the payment destination.


Priority assessment check + Read more ...

A young person may be considered for a priority UTLAH assessment if they do not receive the basic rate of a Centrelink income support payment and meet one of the below criteria:

  • has no form of accommodation, that is, they need to access refuge or emergency accommodation
  • has significant health issues (physical or psychological)
  • are at risk of suicide or self-harm
  • has left a family and domestic violence situation and has no support

Note: a priority assessment check is not applicable for TAP claims. Eligibility is determined 42 days after the customer's student start date. Encourage customers to claim Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY as a UTLAH customer to facilitate a priority assessment check.

Is the customer in one of the above situations and needs a priority assessment?

  • Yes, record reasons for priority assessment by creating an open Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Social Worker > Update > O18 UTLAH ACTDOC Enquiry
  • No, go to Step 9


Scan UTLAH statements + Read more ...

Prepare and scan the available UTLAH statements onto the customer's record. For scanning a document, and to manually update outstanding related tasks for a pending new claim, see Circumstance Change Monitor (CCM).

When scanning:

Note: If the documents were uploaded by the customer online, ensure all necessary referrals are completed, and UTLAH work items are open. See Unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) initial contact for Youth Allowance (YA), Disability Support Pension (DSP), Special Benefit (SpB) or Tertiary Access Payment (TAP).