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Change of address for Carer Payment (CP) and Carer Allowance (CA) 009-03070020

This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.

This document outlines the process when a carer or care receiver advises of a change of address and the carer is receiving CP and/or CA.

On this page:

Assessing eligibility to CP and/or CA after change of address

Caring detail review

Actions to assess ongoing eligibility for CA when carer and care receiver live apart

Actions to assess eligibility for CP when carer and care receiver live apart

Assessing eligibility to CP and/or CA after change of address

Table 1




Carer updated their address + Read more ...

Has the carer updated their address on their Centrelink online account or via the Express Plus mobile app?


Person contacting + Read more ...

If the person contacting is the:


Care receiver advises change of address + Read more ...

Where the care receiver is notifying of a change of address and:

  • the care receiver and carer are not a member of a couple, or
  • a power of attorney arrangement is in place for the care receiver, or
  • the care receiver may not be of sound mind due to their medical condition
  • Update the address details for the care receiver only, go to Step 4

Where the care receiver is notifying of a change of address and:

  • the care receiver and carer are a member of a couple, and
  • a power of attorney arrangement is not in place for the care receiver, and
  • there are no concerns that the care receiver may not be of sound mind due to their medical condition and the carer is not moving with them, go to Step 4
  • the carer is moving with them. Run the Change in Contact Details workflow to update the address and contact details for both the carer and care receiver. Note: this may need to include a child care receiver if they have a PER record. Procedure ends here


Confirm change of address details with carer + Read more ...

When the care receiver has advised the carer is not moving with them, the carer will need to be contacted.

If the carer is available, confirm the details with them.

If the carer is not available, make genuine attempts to contact the carer to confirm if the carer moved from their principal home with the care receiver?

Was the carer contacted after genuine attempts?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No:
    • DOC the carer's record with the contact attempts made to the carer
    • send a Fast Note to review the carer's circumstances
    • use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Carers > SUS/CAN/RES > CP/CA - Investigation Required
    • select Confirm
    • complete all fields
    • advise that an address change has been notified by the care receiver including the new address provided, and
    • advise if the care receiver's address has been updated or not, and
    • request follow up with the carer to confirm the details, and
    • request team to determine whether the level of care must be reviewed
    • procedure ends here


Confirm if carer moved from principal home with care receiver + Read more ...

Has the carer moved from their principal home with the care receiver?

  • Yes, update the address and contact details for both the carer and care receiver. Procedure ends here
  • No, and the carer and care receiver:
    • were already not co-residing. Update the address and contact details for the carer. Procedure end here, or
    • now no longer co-reside, go to Step 6


Review the level of care + Read more ...

As the carer has not moved with the care receiver, the level of care will need to be reviewed.

Note: this excludes CP (XWP).

If the carer is receiving:

  • CA only for an adult care receiver, go to Step 7
  • CP only
    • Send a Fast Note to determine if constant care is still being provided. Note: this is not required for CP (XWP) carers
    • Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Carers > SUS/CAN/RES > CP/CA - Investigation Required
    • Select Confirm
    • Complete all fields. Procedure ends here
  • CP and CA
    • Send a Fast Note to review. Note: this is not required for CP (XWP) carers
    • Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Carers > SUS/CAN/RES > CP/CA - Investigation Required
    • Select Confirm
    • Complete all fields
    • If the CA care receiver is an adult, go to Step 7
    • If the CA care receiver is a child, procedure ends here


Review Carer Allowance - carer no longer co-residing with care receiver + Read more ...

Send a Carer Allowance Questionnaire - Carer not living with the person for whom care is being provided (SA381). A link to the form is on the Resources page. See Requesting Information (CLK).

Note: if a manual follow-up (MFU) is outstanding on either the carer or care receiver's record, place the MFU on hold for 14 days pending the return of the RFI.

The applicable MFU will have the following Notes 'The CARER has a different address. Follow up eligibility' or 'The CARE RECEIVER has a different address. Follow up eligibility.'

Caring detail review

Table 2




Carer updates details online + Read more ...

A Caring Detail Review for carer Allowance task generates for the carer when they:

  • change their address using their:
    • Centrelink online account, or
    • Express Plus Centrelink mobile app, and
  • advise they are no longer residing with the care receiver aged 16 years or over

The task appears on the carer's Centrelink online account or Express Plus Centrelink mobile app. It replaces the need to issue the carer with the paper form Carer Allowance Questionnaire (SA381).

If the carer does not complete the 'Update your caring details' online task on the same day, a message with a link is sent to the carers myGov inbox asking them to update their caring details:

  • by day 9, an electronic reminder message is sent to carers subscribed to electronic messaging asking them to complete the 'Update your caring details' online task
  • within 14 days, a work item is allocated to staff to manually cancel CA 'failed to reply to correspondence' (FRC)
  • carers not subscribed to myGov inbox or electronic messaging are sent a paper letter asking them to complete the 'Update your caring details' task online. No further reminders are sent

If the carer completes the 'Update your caring details' online task:

  • within 14 days, a work item is created in WLM for staff assessment, go to Step 2
  • within 13 weeks from date of cancellation, a work item is allocated to staff to assess and restore CA if eligible, go to Step 3


Action the 'Caring Detail Review for Carer Allowance WLM item + Read more ...

Locate Work Item in Process Direct.

  • Select the work item 'Caring Detail Review for Carer Allowance', to view the 'Customer and Claim information'
  • Select Process
  • Select Relations menu to view the Relations panel and select the relevant care receiver
  • Go to the Care Details (CDCR) screen or select CDCR – Care Details from the Task Selector screen. Ensure the date the event occurred (DOV) is used. Select Next to continue
  • Review the carer's responses against the Carer Allowance (CA) (adult) when caring in a private home not shared by the carer and care receiver. See Resources -Task cards, Assessment B
  • To edit the responses, select Edit
  • Select the carer from the Relations panel to return to the carer's record, then select Assess > Assess again to review the carer's entitlement to CA
  • If the updates are cancelling CA, make genuine attempts to contact the carer. Discuss the hours of daily care provided and online responses and edit if required. If the carer is also receiving CP, discuss constant care to check ongoing entitlement to CP
  • Select Finish to finalise. Add any additional comments about the decision. The comments will appear in Notes
  • Select Finalise to change the work item Caring Detail Review for Carer Allowance to completed

If the carer:

  • is also receiving CP, see Table 4, Step 1. Note: care assessments do not apply to CP (XWP), only to the carer's CA
  • has had CA cancelled, see Table 3, Step 8. Otherwise, procedure ends here


Type of payment + Read more ...

If this is a change of address for:


Determine under which Section of the Social Security Act 1991 the carer is being paid CA + Read more ...

Check if information is coded on the Care Details (CDCR) screen. To access the CDCR screen, in the care receiver's record go to the CRS screen, select Self > Care Details. If CA is being paid for:

  • a child care receiver (s953), or for an adult care receiver living together (s954), see Table 3, Step 2
  • an adult care receiver living separately (s954A), go to Step 5

Note: CA (child) payable automatically to carers who are paid CP for the same child (s954B) are not subject to CA (child) standard (s953) provisions.


CA paid under Section 954A + Read more ...

Are the carer and care receiver living at the same address?

  • Yes, the carer no longer qualifies for payment under section 954A, but may qualify for payment under section 954:
    • Investigate Eligibility for CA when the care receiver is aged 16 years or over
    • If the carer is qualified, the carer can be transferred to payment under section 954. This is not actually a transfer, as all CA payments use the same system code. However, update the CDCR screen to remove information from the Living Separately section and key it in the Living Together section
    • If the carer is not qualified, cancel the payment
    • If the carer is also receiving CP, see Table 4, Step 1. Otherwise, procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 6


CA paid under section 954A, living separately + Read more ...

Is the care being provided in a residence that is the private home of either the carer or the care receiver (or, if care is shared, the home of the other carer?)


Carer receiving CA under s954A only or CA (954A) and CP + Read more ...

As the care is taking place in a residence that is the private home of either the carer or the care receiver (or the other carer), qualifications for CA have been maintained. Record the change of address details on a DOC.

If the change of address of either the carer or the care receiver results in 1 of them moving to another town, a review of the level of care is required. Issue a Carer Allowance Questionnaire (SA381) (See Resources) to the carer to ensure qualification continues to be met. Consider:

  • time involved for the carer in travelling between the 2 homes
  • level of care provided, and
  • accessibility of the carer to the care receiver

If the CA has been cancelled for failure to respond to correspondence, see Table 3, Step 8.

If the carer is also receiving CP, see Table 4, Step 1. Otherwise, procedure ends here.

Actions to assess ongoing eligibility for CA when carer and care receiver live apart

Table 3




Care is not being provided in the private home of carer or care receiver - Section 954A + Read more ...

The carer no longer qualifies for CA:

  • cancel the payment, record the details on a DOC and tell the carer of the outcome
  • if the carer is also receiving CP, see Table 4, Step 1. Otherwise, procedure ends here


CA paid under Section 953 or 954 + Read more ...

Is the care still being provided in a private home?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, the carer no longer qualifies for CA
    • cancel the CA, record the details on a DOC, and tell the carer of the outcome
    • if carer is also receiving CP (not required for CP (XWP)), see Table 4, Step 1. Otherwise, procedure ends here


CA paid under Section 953 or 954 + Read more ...

Are the carer and care receiver living at the same address?


Carer receiving CA only, or CP and CA + Read more ...

As the carer and care receiver are sharing a home, qualifications for CA have been maintained. Record the change of address details on a DOC.

If carer is also receiving CP (not required for CP (XWP)), see Table 4, Step 1. Otherwise, procedure ends here.

If the CA has been cancelled for failure to respond to correspondence, go to Step 8


Check if carer and care receiver meet exceptions for living together + Read more ...

To continue to receive CA, the carer and care receiver are required to live together, unless certain exceptions are met.

Do the carer and care receiver meet the exceptions to live together in a private home?

  • Yes, qualification for CA has been met. Restore the CA if it has been suspended. Record the details on a DOC. If the carer is also receiving CP, see Table 4, Step 1. Otherwise, procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 6


Check care receiver is an adult + Read more ...

Is the carer providing care to an adult care receiver?

  • Yes, the carer may be entitled to receive CA under section 954A if at least 20 hours per week of personal daily care is provided in a home that is the home of either the carer or the care receiver (or, if care is shared, the other carer). This must be investigated. Go to Step 7
  • No, the carer no longer qualifies for CA
    • cancel the CA, record the details on a DOC, and tell the carer of the outcome
    • if carer is also receiving CP (not required for CP (XWP)), see Table 4, Step 1. Otherwise, procedure ends here


Investigate qualification under Section 954A + Read more ...

Request a Carer Allowance Questionnaire - Carer not living with the person for whom care is being provided (SA381) form, see Requesting Information (CLK). Select Information to be supplied within 14 days + Delivery option.

  • If a manual follow-up (MFU) is outstanding on either the carer or care receiver's record, place the MFU on hold for 14 days for the return of the form. The applicable MFU will have the following Notes 'The CARER has a different address. Follow up eligibility' or 'The CARE RECEIVER has a different address. Follow up eligibility'
  • If the form is not returned within the required timeframe, cancel the carer FRC
  • Otherwise, use the information on the form to assess qualification for CA under section 954A

If the carer is:

  • not qualified for CA under section 954A, cancel the payment, go to Step 9
  • qualified, they can be transferred to payment under section 954A. This is not actually a transfer, as all CA payments use the same system code. However, update the CDCR screen to remove information from the Living Together section and key it into the Living Separately section
  • also receiving CP, see Table 4, Step 1. Otherwise, procedure ends here


Restore CA when 'Update your caring details' task is completed + Read more ...

If the carer has not completed the 'Update your caring details' online task within 14 days, CA will be manually cancelled FRC.

The online task will remain available on the carers Centrelink online account for 13 weeks from date of cancellation. If the carer completes the online task within 13 weeks of cancellation, a new work item is created in WLM for staff action.

To restore CA, see Restoration of CA.

If carer is also receiving CP, see Table 4, Step 1.


Cancellation of CA + Read more ...

If the carer does not provide daily care and the shared care provisions do not apply?

If the carer:

  • met their notification provisions, go to Step 10
  • did not met their notification provisions, cancel CA from the date daily care ceased
  • provides daily care, go to Step 11


Notification provisions met + Read more ...

If the entitlement period:

  • in which the event occurred has not finished, cancel CA from the date qualification was lost
  • following the instalment period in which the event occurred has not finished, cancel CA from the end of the instalment period in which the event occurred

If neither of the above applies, cancel CA from the end of the notification period.


Co-resident or non-co-resident + Read more ...

Before the change of address was the carer a co-resident?

  • Yes, cancel CA from the date of determination
  • No, go to Step 12


Hours of care + Read more ...

Did the carer state they were providing at least 20 hours of care per week?

  • Yes, cancel CA from the date of determination
  • No, go to Step 13


Carer states they provide less than 20 hours of care per week + Read more ...

If the instalment period:

  • in which the event occurred has not finished, cancel CA from the date qualification was lost
  • following the instalment period in which the event occurred has not finished, cancel CA from the end of the instalment period in which the event occurred

If neither of the above applies, cancel CA from the end of the notification period.

Actions to assess eligibility for CP when carer and care receiver live apart

Table 4




Check carer still providing care to the care receiver + Read more ...

A care receiver may be considered to have more than one home if the carer and care receiver are regularly moving between 2 private residences together.

This table does not apply to CP (XWP). Procedure ends here.

Is the CP carer still providing care to the care receiver in the private residence that is the home of the care receiver?


The CP carer is still providing care in the private residence that is the home of the care receiver + Read more ...

To determine ongoing entitlement to payment, obtain the following details:

  • roughly how far apart the carer and care receiver are living (see Resources for information on distances)
  • the hours the carer provides care
  • the level of care provided
  • if the care is being provided on a daily basis
  • the accessibility of the carer to the care receiver
  • if the carer and care receiver are still living together, whether care will be provided in one or 2 homes. If in 2 homes, obtain details of the arrangement (see the Resources page for what to consider)
  • if the carer receives CA, tell them that a form will be sent about the CA entitlement

Based on the above, decide if the carer continues to provide constant care. In limited situations, the responses from the carer may result in the need for a medical review. Only send a Review of care provided - Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance - Caring for a person 16 years or over (SA010) form if a medical review is being conducted.

If the carer is receiving CP (child), see Eligibility for CP when a care receiver is aged under 16 or CP (child) terminal illness.

If the carer cannot be contacted over a 2 day period, complete the fillable component of the Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance - non-medical review (SC236) and issue manually.

Note: the SC236 is not available from the Services Australia website.


Check carer still qualifies for CP + Read more ...

See Eligibility for CP when a care receiver is aged 16 years or over or Eligibility for CP when a care receiver is aged under 16.

If there is a need for further investigation, go to Step 4.

Is the carer still qualified for CP?


Need for further investigation to determine ongoing qualification for CP + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-phone.pngSend to Carer Processing (CD1).

  • Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Carers > SUS/CAN/RES > CP/CA - Investigation Required
  • Select Confirm
  • Complete all fields

Advise of change of address and the reason it is necessary to follow up qualification for CP. In the meantime, suspend the payment. In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: CAR
  • Review Reason: FCP (Carer Payment Future Rea)
  • Due Date: within 14 days of the advice of the change of address
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: 'Check that the constant care of supervision criteria are still being met following change of address. Payment suspended xx/xx/xxxx. Return to OB 009-03070020 to action.'
  • Keywords: CARCOA
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

Conduct a Carer Circumstance Service Update for CP and CA.

If qualification for payment is determined as:


Carer still qualified for CP + Read more ...

If the carer still meets the qualification for payment of CP:

Restore the CP payment if it has been suspended. Record details on a DOC.

Consider whether the carer or care receiver may be entitled to a 2 year asset exemption if they have left their principal home to enter a care situation.

This may apply if the:

  • care receiver has had to leave their home to receive care in a care situation in a private home for at least 14 consecutive days, for more detailed information see Vacation of principal home due to illness, or
  • carer has had to leave their principal home to provide a substantial level of care to a person in a private home for at least 14 consecutive days. For more detailed information, see Vacation of principal home due to provide care

Procedure ends here.


Carer no longer qualifies for CP + Read more ...

If the carer no longer meets the qualification for payment of CP, cancel the CP, and record all details in a DOC.