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Receiving and assessing Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) End of Year (EOY) review forms 110-07070040

This document outlines the process for AIC Smart Centre staff to assess and process EOY reviews for AIC.

On this page:

Receiving AIC EOY reviews

Check AIC EOY reviews

Processing AIC EOY review activities

Applicant enquiries about EOY review forms for AIC

Receiving AIC EOY reviews

Table 1: This table outlines the process for Service Officers and AIC smart centre staff receiving AIC EOY reviews. Only AIC smart centre processing staff can complete portions of this process.




Receipt of EOY review

EOY review form received at service centre + Read more ...

Face-to-face contact: Typically done by service centre staff. Typically done by service centre staff. Service centre staff should check the review is complete.

Return the review to the applicant for completion if:

  • questions are not completed
  • documents are missing
  • the applicant’s signature is missing

Review is complete or received by post or fax

  • Scan the review onto the student's record
  • Include the service centre
  • Include the recorded date of receipt

The scanned copy is then available for processing by the relevant AIC smart centre.


Review form received at service centre or smart centre + Read more ...

Phone contact: Typically done by Smart Centre staff. Typically done by Smart Centre staff. Applicant providing details

  • Check if supporting documents or a new SY099 is required
  • Verbally collect the information needed and record in an open DOC
  • On the student’s record, use the Fast Note workflow:
    • Select Auto Text option
    • Category 1: Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices
    • Category 2: AIC
    • Template:
      - Verbal AIC EOY review Dis Ed, for Distance Education students
      - Verbal AIC EOY review Boarding, for Basic or Additional boarding students, or
      - Verbal AIC EOY review SHA, for Second Home Allowance students
    • Record all relevant details. Make sure the DOC is left Open
  • If further supporting documents are required, hold the Open DOC for 14 days

Note: AIC trained Service Officers may process the review while the applicant is on the phone

Form lost or not received

Reissue the form to the applicant if required, see Reissuing an Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) End of Year (EOY) review form or complete the Fast Note workflow.

Questions about the (EOY) review

See Table 4 to answer applicant enquiries about (EOY) review forms.

Check AIC EOY reviews

Table 2: For Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Smart Centre Processing staff only.




Review received as an allocated started activity + Read more ...

Processing Team: Typically done by specialised processing teams in a service centre or Smart Centre. Unless otherwise stated, all service delivery staff may complete this step if they are trained.

A Service Officer has:

  • taken the review verbally and allocated it via WLM to AIC trained processing staff, or
  • the scanned document has been allocated via WLM to AIC trained processing staff

Before selecting the EOY review activity from the student’s Future Activity List (FAL) screen, check:

  • the review has been received by 1 March in the year after the review is for
  • all questions are answered
  • all relevant supporting documents are supplied

Is there an outstanding enrolment check on the record?

  • Yes,
    • do not select the EOY review activity on the FAL screen
    • create a Display on Access DOC to advise that an outstanding enrolment check is precluding completion of EOY. DOC should also advise that the EOY may still need to be finalised once the enrolment check is completed
  • No, if the review is:


Review not completed + Read more ...

Do not select the EOY review activity on the FAL screen. Attempt to contact the applicant and take the review details verbally.

If contact is:

  • unsuccessful or more information is needed:
    • send a request for the details in a Q760 letter. Include a copy of the review
    • record details of the request on a DOC
    • Procedure ends here
  • successful:
    • and all relevant questions are answered and all supporting documents provided, go to Step 3
    • and more evidence is required, send a request for the details in a Q760. Include a copy of the review, if needed. Record details of the request on a DOC
    • Procedure ends here

If the activity is received after 1 March of the year following study:

  • check the applicant’s record for an Intent to claim (ITC) DOC. See intent to claim to determine the correct deemed date of claim. If ITC provisions are applied, when coding the review update the student's EICD screen with:
    • Late Lodgement Concession: field, 'Y'
    • Manual Assessment Start Date: field, with the Entitlement Start date
    • Reason for Manual ASD: field, include the following notes 'ITC recorded'
  • if ITC provisions do not apply, or have ended, the claim will auto REJ M01 at the AR screen. Go to Step 3


Applicant details + Read more ...

Is the person still an approved applicant for AIC payments for the student?


Applicant details (continued) + Read more ...

Does the form show the date from which the applicant was no longer an approved applicant?

  • Yes:
    • do not select the EOY review activity on the Future Activity List (FAL) screen
    • go to the Claim Details (EICD) screen
    • code Event date: with date they became an unapproved applicant
    • code NPC: in Non-approval Reason
    • code Source:
    • code DOR: with the date the details were provided
    • code I in Action: to insert new details
    • go to the AR Screen
    • send any overpayment for investigation
    • record details on a DOC
    • finalise the REJection activity
  • No:
    • phone the applicant to work out the date they became unapproved
    • if uncontactable by phone, send a request for the details to the applicant in a Q760
    • record details in a DOC
    • procedure ends here


Processing an AIC EOY review + Read more ...

The EOY activity displays on FAL until 1 April. Index EOY reviews received after 1 April as new claims.

Is the EOY activity showing on the FAL screen?



Access the Future Activity List (FAL) screen in Customer Record + Read more ...

Process the review using the 'EOY' activity on the Future Activity List (FAL) screen.

Go to the FAL screen by coding 'FAL' in Nxt: field:

  • Select the 'EOY' activity
  • Source: field 'AICEY'
  • DOR: field the date the review was received. Note: do not leave the DOR blank as the system will auto default to the date the review was sent. This affects timeliness standards
  • Confirm changes?: field 'Y'
  • Select [Enter] to register the EOY review activity
  • Select the 'REA' activity from the AL screen to start processing the review. Service Officers can pick this activity up from the AL screen in Customer First to complete the review if preferred

Select the screens that need updating.

Go to Table 3.

Processing AIC EOY review activities

Table 3: For Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Smart Centre Processing staff only.




Home address + Read more ...

Has the principal home address changed?

  • Yes, update the address details on the Address Details (AD) and Payments Instruction (PIPI) screens. Go to Step 2
  • No, go to Step 2


Geographical isolation + Read more ...

An applicant is paid under geographical isolation rules 1 or 2 if there are distances coded on the EIC Isolation Details (EIID) screen, or under geographic rule 3, if the 'other reason isolated' fields are completed on the same screen.

Is the applicant paid under a geographical isolation rule?


Geographical isolation and change of address + Read more ...

Applicants paid geographical isolation must have their eligibility re-established if there has been a change to:

  • their address
  • the distance to the transport pick-up point
  • the distance to the nearest appropriate state school
  • circumstances that previously prevented, or will likely prevent in the future, reasonable access to appropriate state schooling for at least 20 school days in a year.

Has the applicant indicated there are changes to any of the above?


Test geographic isolation + Read more ...

Test the applicant's ongoing eligibility for geographical isolation rules 1, 2 or 3.

When a change to non-isolated location starts in the year the review was issued, AIC may still be payable until 31 December under Continuity of School concession. See Change of address for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme applicants or students for continuity of school concession coding.

Do the new circumstances satisfy the geographical isolation rules from 1 January of the new study year?


Student has a special need + Read more ...

An applicant is paid under special needs because of the student's:

  • health related condition, or
  • need to attend a special school/facility

Check the EIC Isolation Details (EIID) screen to see if the student has special needs.

Is the applicant paid because of the student’s special needs?


Special needs documentation + Read more ...

Temporary special needs

For students with temporary special needs, the EIID Isolation Conditions screen will show “Needs to study from home” in the Special Needs Reason field. Special needs that are temporary, must be verified each year for eligibility. The form Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Medical Statement - Student Special Needs (SY099) is used. The applicant and medical professional complete the form.

Do not complete the EOY activity without the new SY099 form to verify ongoing eligibility.

They must complete a new SY099 when:

  • the condition is temporary, and
  • no duration estimate was given on the previous SY099 which is dated earlier than the 1 July to which the EOY relates

Students with a long term or permanent medical condition or disability

For students with long term or permanent special needs, the EIID Isolation Conditions screen will show “Course pre-requisite tert study” in the Special Needs Reason field. Students with these special needs will not be re-verified each year.

Does the special need have to be re-verified?

  • Yes, and are the documents provided acceptable to make an assessment?
    • Yes, make updates to the EIID see Isolation conditions for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme, then go to Step 9
    • No, phone the applicant to advise what details are required
      Code the following on the EIC Isolation Details (EIID) screen:
      - Distance from Home to the Nearest Approp Govt School:
      - Distance from Home to School Attended:
      - Disability/health cond: Y
      - Special Needs Reason: NSN
      - Go to BA screen to CAN FSD from 1 January of the new study year
      - go to Step 16
  • No, go to Step 8


Deemed isolation conditions + Read more ...

A student can be deemed to be isolated because:

  • their parents occupation requires frequent moves:
  • they live in a second home with a sibling that meets an Isolation condition:
  • they live in a Special Institution:
    • no supporting evidence is needed. The eligibility was established as part of the initial claim processing

Is the student deemed to be isolated?

Note: reassess students eligibility for geographical isolation or special needs if applicable


Study details + Read more ...

The EOY review process may need a new, or an initial Home Schooling Registration Certificate (either formal or provisional), as required by the state or territory, if the student:

  • has changed state/territory
  • has changed from an approved distance education provider to home schooling
  • had a break in home schooling
  • has reached the maximum age for home schooling in their state or territory

AIC applicants across the country with continuing students doing home schooling, do not need to get a new Home Schooling Registration Certificate for the EOY review process. The student's registration is checked through the Services Australia Student Review (data matching) process during the study year.

See the Resources page of Eligibility for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Distance Education Allowance (DED) for eligibility rules for home schooling.

Will the student meet the approved study requirements for the new study year?


Student meets the approved study requirements + Read more ...

Enter the education details for the following year on a new Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First. For example, primary, secondary year or tertiary course level.

For a continuing student + Read more ...

  • On the EDC screen, if required select the current course and update the Student End Date field with the determined entitlement end date
  • Select Add New EDC Details
  • Participation Status Event Date: key 01/01 for year of study
  • Participation Status: key Full Time (FTS) or Part Time (PTS), as appropriate
  • Enrolment verification: key appropriate code
  • Course Level: key as actual level
  • Inst Course Start Date and Inst Course End Date: key start date for Term 1 and the end date of Term 4 for the individual states, see National Course Approvals - Semester and Term Dates. Use the relevant state/territory 'Sem 2/Term 4' end date, not the 'Last Day' specified for years 10, 11 or 12
  • Institution: key Education Provider code, see National Course Approvals
  • Student Start Date and Student End Date: key entitlement start and end dates for the student's new study details
  • Mode of Study: if the student is studying via:
    • Distance Education/home schooling, key 'DIS'
    • all other circumstances, key 'INT'
  • Comment: key exact name of the course or course level

Go to Step 11.

Not a continuing student with a gap in entitlement + Read more ...

  • Student End Date: key the determined entitlement end date, DOC the record and finalise the activity. If an overpayment is identified, action the debt
  • Assess and code a new claim, using Date of Receipt (DOR) of the EOY
  • Participation Status Event Date: key the start date for the new study details, or 1 January of the following year, if relevant
  • Inst Course Start Date and Inst Course End Date: key the start date for Term 1 and the end date of Term 4 for the individual states, see National Course Approvals - Semester and Term Dates
  • Student Start Date and Student End Date: key the entitlement start and end dates for the student’s new study details
  • Mode of Study: DIS/INT as applicable

If they are a tertiary student, include the tertiary end date in the Tertiary End Date: field on the EIC Claim Details (EICD) screen.

Go to Step 11.


Student does not meet approved study requirements + Read more ...

If the student has ceased study, determine the entitlement end date, and then update the record.

If the student has reached the maximum age for home schooling:

  • determine the entitlement end date, and
  • update the record

If the student is studying part time, and they are enrolled at an Unapproved Institution or in an Unapproved course:

  • enter the education details for the following year on a new EDC screen
  • code the appropriate rejection reason

Use the following codes:

  • Part-time Student:
    • key Part Time (PTS) in Participation Status on the EDC
  • Unapproved Institution:
    • navigate to the BA screen and code NAI in the reason field for an unapproved institution
    • Action: CAN
    • Reason: Not Approved Institution (NAI)
  • Unapproved Course:
    • go to the Living Arrangement Details (EILA) screen
    • select Continue to bring up a blank EILA page
  • Living Arrangement: code NOP unapproved living arrangement
  • Living Arrangement start date: code 1 January of the year the review applies
  • Go to Step 16


Change in living arrangement + Read more ...

AIC pays allowances for students who:

  • live at home and study via Distance Education
  • live in a second family home to access appropriate schooling
  • board away from home to access appropriate schooling

Students can only be paid for one of these arrangements at a time. Make sure this does not change in the EOY review process. It will result in an incorrect payment.

Has the customer swapped living arrangement?

  • Yes,
    • go to the Living Arrangement Details (EILA) screen
    • enter the new living arrangement and the start date from which this occurred
    • when entering a new EILA screen for a student living in a Second Family Home, make sure to enter the number of other siblings living in the Second Family Home in the No of SHA siblings field
    • go to Step 12
  • No, go to Step 12


Additional Boarding Allowance (ABA) + Read more ...

ABA assessments are available to students who board away from home:

  • at a school
  • hostel, or
  • as a private boarder

Assess an applicant for ABA from 1 January of the school year the review is requesting information for, if the applicant (or their partner):

  • is receiving an ISP or pension, or
  • has a valid HCC coded (on the MCCS screen)

All ABA assessments are subject to boarding costs.

Is the applicant applying for ABA or eligible for a PIT exemption?


ABA claim support documents + Read more ...

An applicant needs to provide one of the following documents to support the ABA claim:

  • Boarding fees and Base Tax Year income details or estimate, or
  • Voluntary maintenance received between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2018 (if relevant)

Has the applicant given all the relevant details for the ABA claim?

  • Yes, code all relevant details for parents/guardians on the NHI screen:
  • No,
    • if ABA can be assessed (that is, PIT details are available), but new boarding fees have not been provided, use the previous year’s boarding fees on the EILA screen
    • if ABA is not being assessed, or PIT details are not available, code a new line from 01/01 of the following year with the boarding fees as $1. Use a Q760 to request the additional information.
      Note: coding the boarding fees as $1 prevents the ABA from being granted as the boarding fees are below the assessable ABA threshold (as per AIC Guidelines Boarding Costs)
    • send a Q760 to ask for the extra details

For details about PIT exemptions See Circumstances when the Parental Income Test (PIT) does not apply and Applying the parental income test (PIT) for assistance for isolated children (AIC) Scheme.

Go to Step 14.


Other factors affecting payment + Read more ...

Where there are changes to the following details, update the respective screens.


  • addition or loss of applicant's partner, update the PIT Parent Selection (NPPS) screen
  • changes to siblings, update the details via the PIT Sibling Selection (NPSS) screen. Check the details of the siblings on the Dependent Youth Rate Summary (DYRSUMM) screen
  • changes to income details, update the Household Income and Assets (NHI) screen if necessary

If the review is being processed after 31 December and before 1 April, the activity will need to be restored before finalising.


Payment Destination + Read more ...

Payments of AIC can go to the applicant or to a third party nominated by the applicant.

Has the applicant changed the payment destination?

  • Yes, update the payment destination via the Payment Instruction (PIPI) screen. If the applicant says pay the school directly, type 'o' instead of 's' in the default payment section to search for the school. Once found, select the school. The school's bank details will show
  • No, go to Step 16


DOC and finalise the activity + Read more ...

Record a DOC inside the activity before finalising the activity. The DOC must include:

  • the outcome of the review
  • the changes made (if any)
  • any extra details requested or supplied
  • details of any supplementary information used to process the activity. For example, the date the AIC Medical Statement - Student Special Needs (SY099) was received

If a Q760 Request for Information manual letter is to be issued, stop the auto letter at the AR screen.


Repeat for all siblings + Read more ...

Repeat this process for all AIC siblings who have had EOY reviews lodged and not assessed yet. This makes sure all family members are actioned and assessed on the same day.

Applicant enquiries about EOY review forms for AIC

Table 4: This table describes the process to follow when answering applicant enquiries about EOY review forms for AIC.




Applicant's payments in respect of the student have ceased (reason CAN/STE) + Read more ...

Payments have cancelled due to the non-return of the End of Year (EOY) review.

If the applicant contacts before 1 March in the year following the year for which they want to reclaim, and the applicant:

The applicant will need to:

  • complete the EOY review form, or
  • provide the review verbally by 1 March in the year following for which they are reclaiming

This will make sure payments are restored from 1 January.

Payments have cancelled but the applicant has returned the EOY review form:

  • if 21 days has not passed since the receipt of the EOY review form, tell the applicant that Services Australia have 21 days to process the EOY review. AIC trained Service Officers may process the review while the applicant is on the phone
  • if 21 days has passed since the receipt of the EOY review form, Service Officers must:
    • create an Open Fast Note for urgent processing
    • select Auto Text, use Students > ABSTUDY & Apprentices > AIC > EOY Review process request
    • AIC trained Service Officers may process the review while the applicant is on the phone


Applicant's payments in respect of the student have ceased (reason CAN/...(another reason)) + Read more ...

Service Officers must:

  • check the Document List (DL) in Customer First, and
  • the Event Summary (ES) screen to establish the reason for cancellation of benefits and advise applicant accordingly
  • record details of the advice given and/or action taken on a DOC


Applicant has lost, misplaced or did not receive their EOY review form + Read more ...

Check the applicant's home address on the Address Details (AD) and Payments Instruction (PIPI) screens and update if necessary.

If the applicant contacts before 1 March in the year following that for which they want to reclaim, and the applicant requests a new EOY review form, see Reissuing an Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) End of Year (EOY) review form:

  • record the applicant's intent to claim, advice given and/or action taken on a DOC. See Contact in relation to an intended claim (CLK), or
  • AIC trained Service Officers may take the EOY review verbally by selecting the appropriate Open Fast Note; Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Students, ABSTUDY and Apprentices > AIC > Verbal AIC EOY review. Complete relevant details. Tell the applicant AIC processing staff will action the review
  • record details on a DOC
    • AIC trained Service Officers may process the review while the applicant is on the phone
  • if a manual EOY letter is to be created, use the appropriate letter template


Applicant is no longer claiming for the student + Read more ...

Tell the applicant to:

  • complete the first question on the EOY review form
  • sign the declaration
  • return the form in the envelope supplied

The person who is currently the parent/guardian of the student will need to complete a new Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) claim form (SY040).

Record the new applicant's intent to claim, advice given and/or action taken on a DOC. See Contact in relation to an intended claim (CLK).


No tax return or NOA + Read more ...

The applicant (and/or partner) does not have a tax return or Notice of Assessment (NOA) from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for the relevant financial year.

NOAs from the ATO as evidence of parent(s) taxable income and evidence of any other income are needed for assessments of the Additional Boarding Allowance (ABA).

Tell the applicant:

  • they can give an estimate of their income. They should provide a letter from a qualified accountant or tax agent stating the expected income for the particular financial year and the expected date they will have their NOA available
  • if proof is not available immediately, Basic Boarding Allowance (BA) may be payable (if qualified for the allowance) while the ABA assessment is pending
  • if an estimate of income has been provided, the student's entitlement will be reassessed once the actual income figures are received. If their income figure has been underestimated, there may be an overpayment which will be recoverable. If their income figure has been overestimated, the student's payments will be adjusted

Record advice given and/or action taken on a DOC.


Applicant wants an explanation of the reassessment process + Read more ...

Tell the applicant that the requested information is needed to confirm the student's entitlement for the coming year.

If the information is not provided, payments will cease on 31 December of the year the EOY review form was issued.

A new claim will need to be lodged or the applicant:

  • will need to complete the EOY review form, or
  • provide the review details verbally by 1 March in the year following which assistance is sought for benefits to be payable from 1 January of the previous year

Record details of advice given on a DOC.


Applicant wants to know by what date they have to lodge the form + Read more ...

Tell the applicant:

  • they should lodge the EOY review form by 1 March in the year following which assistance is sought for benefits to be payable from 1 January of the previous year
  • if the review is not lodged by 31 December of the year the EOY review form was issued, payments will cease
  • payments will be restored on receipt of the review if lodged by 1 March in the year following that for which the applicant is reclaiming and if the student is eligible
  • if the form is lodged after 1 March in the year following the year for which the applicant is reclaiming, the form cannot be accepted
  • no AIC is payable for that year unless the applicant's record indicates an intent to claim, advice given and/or action taken on a DOC. See Contact in relation to an intended claim (CLK)

Record details of advice given on a DOC.


Applicant advises the student has changed their living arrangements (for example, from distance education to boarding arrangement) + Read more ...


  • complete Fast Note and refer to the AIC Smart Centre Processing team, Look up Processing details for: Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC)
  • tell them details of the changes can be provided in the EOY review form (or in an attachment to the form), or
  • AIC trained staff may take the EOY review verbally by selecting the appropriate Open Fast Note; Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Students, ABSTUDY and Apprentices > AIC > Verbal AIC EOY review. Complete relevant details. Tell the applicant AIC processing staff will action the review. Procedure ends here

Record details on a DOC.

AIC trained Service Officers may process the review while the applicant is on the phone.