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Processing Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) hearing details and additional documents 277-09180050

This page contains information on recording hearing details and preparing additional documents for despatch to the AAT.

Recording scheduled hearing date and preparing additional documents

This table describes the steps to take when the AAT advises a hearing date and additional documents are located which are relevant to the hearing.




Notification of the scheduled hearing date + Read more ...

The AAT will email the scheduled hearing date to the Appeal Support Team (AST).

The AST mailbox administrator will:

Save the email into a notepad in the SSAT Maintenance window with the heading 'AAT Hearing Details Due Date dd/mm/yy' noting that it is an exact copy of the original.

Update the AAT database with the details of the hearing. The database will automatically display the date the s38 of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) Act documents are due to be sent to the AAT.

Manually create an AAT s95 (5) Document Required intray in Cuba. Calculate the due date as 3 days before the date due on the AAT database. Route the intray to the appropriate Cuba position.

If notification is received less than 14 days prior to the scheduled hearing date, go to Step 2.

Note: If the matter is a care appeal and cannot be loaded into the SSAT Maintenance window due to a known system error, a stacking document should be in the communications window. Record all relevant notepads relating to the hearing details and additional documents in the window type noted below:

  • Type: Electronic In
  • Category: SSAT
  • Issue: OTHER
  • Reason: Objection


Review case records + Read more ...

The SSAT s95 (5) DOCS REQD intray should be commenced three working days prior to its due date.

Review the case to see if there have been any developments relevant to the review since the AAT file was prepared.

Use the relevant s38AA of the AAT Act document checklist to ensure that all information is identified. When the s38AA documents are being prepared ensure a copy of the most recent payer account window is attached.

Child Support is required to send the AAT a copy of any relevant documents received while the review is in progress. This may include Cuba windows which have been updated, records of contact, attempted contact or action taken that is relevant to the review.

If the review has fallen overdue to the hearing being set earlier than 14 days, the intray and review is prepared asap.

Note: if the review proceeded after the AAT granted an AAT EOT application, the check for new developments should be whether there have been any developments relevant to the review since the AAT EOT Application file was prepared.


Advise the AAT of additional documents + Read more ...

If additional documents are located, go to Step 4.

If no additional documents are located, email the relevant AAT office using the AAT email template, advising that no additional documents have been received.

Copy the email into the SSAT Maintenance/Communication Screens window on Cuba (adding the note that this is a true copy) and update the AAT database field ‘Review file for hearing completed’ with the date the review was completed.


Prepare additional documents for despatch to the AAT + Read more ...

Child Support is required to send the AAT a copy of any relevant documents received while the review is in progress. This may include Cuba windows which have been updated, records of contact, attempted contact or action taken that is relevant to the review.

If additional documents are located which are relevant to the review proceed to gather and build file as guided in Management of files sent to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).

Use the relevant s38AA of the AAT Act Document checklist to ensure that all information is identified. When the s38AA documents are being prepared ensure a copy of the most recent payer account window is attached.

To prepare the additional documents:

  • organise the file. See Table 2 in Management of files sent to the AAT
  • consider the need for exception handling. See Table 5 in Management of files sent to the AAT document. Identify Exception handling and complete the process for SSO to make the decision
  • mark for redaction personal information
  • number the documents following on from the last number of the S37 file. E.g., if the S37 file was number 1 – 321, the first page of the additional documents will be numbered 322
  • update the SSAT Maintenance window on Cuba and the AAT database when the s38AA of the Act documents have been sent.

Go to Step 5.


Create a letter about the additional documents + Read more ...

Advise the AAT and customers about the additional documents:

  • Complete the email template advising the AAT of the results of the 38AA check for new information
  • Create a covering letter to the applicant using the Further docs sent to the AAT template

If there is a respondent to the review, create a unique letter to the respondent using the Further docs sent to the AAT template. See Letters Cuba Process Help.

The completed electronic ‘S38AA’ file is provided to the SSO to undergo a privacy check.

Document actions on the 'File Location' notepad on the SSAT Maintenance and or Communications window. See Documenting Child Support information.


Check additional documents and customer letters (SSO) + Read more ...

Check the additional documents, covering letter to AAT and preview the unique customer letters to ensure the letters are correct. Ensure the additional documents are relevant to the review and the document has been edited correctly. See Open exchange of information for Child Support customers.

Once satisfied the SSO will apply the redactions and page numbers to the electronic S38AA file.

If there are any sensitive information and or circumstance, the SSO will make a decision on whether an application for non-disclosure should be made under subsection 35(4), and if so, the S37(1AF) requirement to adjust the information included in the electronic s38AA file while the non-disclosure request is being considered by the AAT will be followed.

If a critical error is discovered it is escalated to the Team Leader and or SSO for resolution.

Return the S38AA review files with any instructions for further action to the Service Officer. Update the ‘File Location’ notepad on the SSAT Maintenance window when referring these documents back to the Service Officer.


Despatch additional documents + Read more ...

Print a copy of the additional documents to be sent to the customer(s) with the unique covering letter.

Note: if the review is about a refusal of EOT to object, the documents only go to the customer who has lodged the review.

Prepare the 38AA Statements and Documents coversheet and save it in PDF format. Save the coversheet as the first document in the bundle to be submitted to the AAT.

Submit the file to the AAT via Bluezone as soon as it has been checked and within the due date time.

Record the despatch of additional documents with subject heading 's38AA CUSTOMER DOCUMENTS SENT documents sent' in a new notepad on the existing SSAT Maintenance and or Communications window record.

Update the AAT database field 'Review file for hearing completed' with the date completed and manually delete the SSAT S95(5) DOCS REQD.

If either parent is on tracing or if the file is returned unclaimed, notify the AAT by email and undertake customer location activities. See Customer location (tracing).