Processing Centrelink Academic Reassessment Transformation (CART) reviews 110-07030010
For Service Officers in the Centrelink Academic Reassessment Transformation (CART) Processing team.
This document outlines the process for CART reviews. This includes when a student has received an online or postal CART letter asking them to complete the online study review.
On this page:
Locating CART reviews and interpreting CART data
Locating CART reviews and interpreting CART data
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Locate a CART review + Read more ... CART reviews allocate via Workload Management (WLM) in Process Direct as a Change of Circumstance (CoC). To search for CART reviews manually in Process Direct:
2 |
Review CART data and/or customer response + Read more ... Prior to commencing CART reviews, Service Officers must complete pre-assessment checks. Investigate the customer's record in Process Direct:
Investigate the customer's record in SIMS: The Selection Intervention Management System (SIMS) is a data repository, containing current and historical selections. These selections are created when student records are captured for action as a CART review. For information on how to access SIMS, see the Resources page.
Note: the load dates are displayed in the Selection Date column. Do not use SIMS data after 14 July 2019. |
3 |
View the review notification dates + Read more ... To view the CART review dates from initiation to suspension and cancellation stages, in Customer First:
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Identify CART Change of Circumstances (CoC) status + Read more ... Service Officers may be allocated a CART CoC transaction at several stages during the lifespan of a CART Review. For Manual Action reviews are allocated if the:
On Hold reviews are held for various reasons including:
Once an On Hold review reaches its due date, and supporting documentation has not been uploaded, they system will attempt to apply the CART data. If unsuccessful, the review will be allocated to a Service Officer. The On Hold status will revert to For Manual Action when the customer has supplied the required documents. This will enable allocation of the review. Refer to the CART review Initiated Notes and the Tasks screen in Process Direct for documentation required from the customer to finalise the review, or the reason the review is placed On Hold. Note: if the CART review was On Hold because of an escalation to ICT via ROXY, the review will remain On Hold until the ICT incident is resolved. Reviews held pending an outcome of a referral to a specialist, may need to be placed on hold again if an outcome for the referral has not been reached. |
5 |
Supporting documentation + Read more ... Students will be asked to provide evidence of their enrolment where their responses to the review question set contradict the enrolment information advised by the university, or other documents to support their change in circumstances. The student will be asked to supply documentation as part of the CART online review, if they advise they have:
To assess if further information is required, see Assessing study load requirements. Note: the online review will not request medical evidence from students receiving PES if they indicate a medical condition is the reason for their change in study load. This is because most PES customers will qualify for a concessional study load based on their existing circumstances. There may be some situations where the customer will not qualify for a concessional study load. Request medical evidence via phone or by issuing a written request for information notice, see Requesting information (CLK). If the customer commenced the CART online review, and:
If the customer has not commenced the CART online review, go to Step 6. |
6 |
Customer has failed to respond to review + Read more ... If the CART online review has not been submitted by the customer and:
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Further Information required + Read more ... Apply discretion if a student has provided unrelated or deliberately incorrect documents. Before requesting information, Service Officers must attempt to contact the customer. If contact is successful:
If unsuccessful:
Procedure ends here. |
Processing CART reviews
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Suspension of student payment + Read more ... If a student fails to submit the CART online review within 22 days of review creation, the system will automatically suspend their payment Study Load Reduced (SLR) on Day 23. The suspension may need to be manually completed in the following scenarios:
In the customer record in Process Direct:
Procedure ends here. |
2 |
Applying CART Review data - Cancellation or Restoration with a rate reduction of student payment + Read more ... If a student fails to:
CART skilled Service Officers will be allocated the work item with the status of 'For Manual Action'. The CART review data, as advised by their education provider, must be applied to the customer's record and the student payment cancelled or restored. A restoration may be required, if the customer remains qualified at a reduced rate. There are circumstances when this will occur automatically, however Service Officer intervention may be needed in the following scenarios:
Note: it is important to consider all of the CART data, dating back to the initial load where the student has reduced their study load to part time or withdrew from study. Use the CART Date of Effect rules to ensure correct dates are considered. See the Resources page for examples. If the CART data shows the student has ceased study or reduced their study load and the customer receives:
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Process CART review + Read more ... The system will automatically accept the date of a change in circumstances, as advised by the customer, if the date is:
If the date advised by the customer is more than 14 days following the CART critical date, evidence is required to establish the correct date the change occurred. To determine if the customer has met their notification requirements, Service Officers must consider if the customer has notified with 14 days of the date accepted as the date of change in circumstance. If the student:
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Student still undertaking a qualifying study workload, but has transferred to another educational provider + Read more ... When customers have confirmed they have/will commence a new course, proof of enrolment is requested within the online review if the start date of the new course is on, or earlier than the date the review is completed. To determine if they can be considered a continuing/intending student, consideration must be given to the:
Update the customers pervious and current course details:
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Determine if the student still qualifies for payment and if an exemption reason applies + Read more ... If the student has ceased study or reduced their study load to part time, they may still qualify for payment. See Assessing study load requirements. If the student is enrolled in more than one course or at more than one institution, they may still qualify for payment. See Effect on student payments of enrolment in more than one course or at more than one educational provider. If the customer qualifies for a student payment:
Note: do not code the Review exemption field for students who qualify for payment based on the concessional study load rules, or if they have ceased study due to an incapacity. If the student still qualifies for payment, coding the Review Exemption Date field on the EDC screen will prevent Part Time (PUE) reviews from loading on the customer record for the period of the exemption. If the customer does not qualify for a student payment, for:
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Applying the CART data for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY PES and PES customers + Read more ... If the customer has:
The CART data must be applied to the student's record and their study details updated. This may result in cancellation of the student payment, with or without an overpayment. If the customer remains qualified at a reduced rate, a restoration may also be required.
If the student is suspended, but remains qualified a restoration must be coded, see:
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Applying the CART data for YA and Austudy customers + Read more ... If the customer has:
Their study details must be updated using the deemed critical date or the CART critical date. This may result in cancellation of their student payment, with or without an overpayment. Note: customers who advise they have ceased study in the CART review and do not provide a reason for ceasing study (such as a medical condition or aggregation of study), are asked if they require further financial support from the agency. Unless the customer is eligible to transfer from YA (student) to YA (job seeker), their payment will be cancelled and they will be directed to claim another payment. If the CART data has not been automatically applied to the customer's record. Update the student's record to reflect the change in circumstance:
Is the customer receiving YA and under the age of 22?
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Applying the change of circumstance for YA customers under 22 + Read more ... YA customers under 22 who meet the following can be transferred to YA (job seeker) without lodging a new claim:
They are directed at the end of the CART review to contact the agency to have the participation interview conducted to discuss their job seeker obligations and complete the transfer. Annotate the CART DOC, procedure ends here. If the YA customer has not met the conditions above their payment must be cancelled:
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CART Support required + Read more ... If there are discrepancies between CART data and information the customer has supplied, refer to CART support to clarify the customer's enrolment:
Procedure ends here. |
10 |
Customer enrolled in an unapproved course + Read more ... To check for approved courses, see: |
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Finalising the CART review + Read more When finalisation of a CART review results in cancellation or a reduction in rate of payment, staff do not need to contact the customer to notify of an adverse decision, unless the customer:
In both instances, follow the process in Student to job seeker transfers. Was a debt shell created by the CART review?
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CART debts + Read more ... When the result of the assessment is a negative adjustment, the debt is to be finalised by the CART processing team at the time of the study update. For help raising an overpayment, see Raising debts for students and Australian Apprentices. Exceptions: ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES (EPA) debts can be finalised by ABSTUDY Smart Centre:
If a customer's payment is cancelled due to reduced study load or withdrawal from studies, and the customer then re-qualifies for a student payment, raise an overpayment for the period of non-qualification. |
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Determine if customer has regained entitlement to payment + Read more ... Service Officers must determine if the student has lost entitlement to payment as a result of a CART review assessment, and has regained entitlement between the date they lost eligibility and the date the CART review is processed. Has the customer regained entitlement to their student payment before completion of the CART review?
Re-grant student payment
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
CART re-grant process + Read more ... Completing or requesting a re-grant is not appropriate if the customer has not re-qualified at the time the CART review is processed.
Note: this procedure does not apply to transfer of payments. For example if the customer was in receipt of YA, and would later be eligible for Austudy. However, if the customer had applied for Austudy and that payment had been rejected to action the YA CART review then a re-grant of the Austudy would be appropriate. |
2 |
Social Application (SOA) shell for Centrelink Academic Reassessment Transformation (CART) + Read more ... If a customer is subject to a re-grant for YA (student) or Austudy and an Online Claim or Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) is not available to re-index, Service Officers can create a claim activity using the SOA shell application in Process Direct. For example:
Service Officers can create a SOA shell transaction for:
Note: unlike claims indexed and processed through other channels (such as ISIS), the SOA shell does not have a date limitation. The Date of Receipt (DOR) can be more than 12 months in the past. Before creating a SOA shell:
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Youth Allowance (Students) and Austudy re-grants + Read more ... Locate the SOA shell on the Home Page in Process Direct.
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Determine if Activity Agreement required for YA students returning to study after discontinuing a previous course + Read more ... The Service Officer must negotiate an Activity Agreement with the student at the time of re-granting their payment, if they have:
Procedure ends here. |
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Youth Allowance (Jobseeker) and JobSeeker Payment re-grants + Read more ... There are cases where the customer has transferred to a job seeker payment between the date they discontinued study and the date the CART review is finalised. If a CART review identifies that a customer has lost qualification for a student payment in the past, their payment needs to be cancelled and debt raised for the period of non-qualification.
Procedure ends here. |
6 |
Pensioner Education Supplement (PES), ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES re-grants + Read more ... If a student has lost qualification for PES (EPF), ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES (EPA) in a previous study period, and has since re-qualified for payment between the date they lost eligibility and the date their CART review is processed:
Service Officers must populate the DOC text accordingly, select the appropriate Service Reason and ensure that a sufficient level of detail is included to support the re-granting Service Officer to complete necessary actions. |