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Claiming Parenting Payment (PP) 007-01030100

This is a Family and Domestic Violence Interaction Point. If the customer is with another person, on speaker phone, or already identified with family and domestic violence concerns, continue with the current business conversation. Otherwise, go to the Family and domestic violence procedure to conduct the risk identification and referral process.

This document explains how customers can make a claim for Parenting Payment (PP) online, or with help from a Service Officer using Assisted Customer Claim (ACC). It includes information on how a customer can start or access their online claim, what happens once they submit their online claim, and processing by Service Officers.

This page contains information on how to help Parents who want to claim Parenting Payment (PP).

Select the relevant tab:

  • Self service tab explains how to help a person claim online
  • Assisted tab explains how to check a parent’s circumstances to ensure a new claim is required, completing an assisted customer claim with a customer/nominee, and lodgement of paper forms

Self service

Claiming PP online

Table 1




Check access to online account + Read more ...

Check the customer has a Centrelink online account linked to myGov.

If they do not have a Centrelink online account linked to myGov:

Before the customer submits a claim, they may need to meet some more identity requirements. This could include bringing acceptable photo identity documents to a service centre or uploading a document in their Centrelink online account or the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app. The agency will let the customer know if they need to do this.

Service centre staff can help customers with their online claim through Self Service Terminals.

To check if Parenting Payment (PP) is the most appropriate service offer, customers can access the Payment and Service Finder:

  • in their Centrelink online account, or
  • on the Services Australia website

When discussing online claim options, Service Officers must check if the:

  • remote indicator is showing on the Customer Overview, or
  • residential address is in a remote location

To check if the address is in a remote location:

  • search the town name in Office Locator
  • view the Towns Result List
  • view the Remoteness column

Customers who access Services Australia via an agent, Remote Service Centre, or phone, may require assistance to lodge an online claim.

Can the customer submit an Online claim?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No:
    • If the customer lives in a remote Indigenous community, smart centre Service Officers can transfer the customer to the Remote Claims Processing (RCP) team using Services Australia workspace, to complete their Assisted Customer Claim (ACC). Procedure ends here
    • For all other customers, see the Assisted tab


Starting the online claim + Read more ...

Once the customer has linked their Centrelink online account to their myGov account, they need to:

  • sign into myGov and access their linked Centrelink online account
  • from the menu, select My details > Personal and contact details > My profile to make updates
    • The My profile page shows information from their Centrelink record
    • Select Update (relevant service name) in the sections such as Relationship or Interpreter details that need updating. Note: accommodation details are covered within the claim questions

To start an online claim for PP, customers must:

  • sign into myGov and access their linked Centrelink online account
  • from the menu, select Payments and claims > Claims > Make a claim
  • select Get started in the Families category
  • on the What would you like to do? window, select Apply for Parenting Payment
  • Eligibility check for Parenting Payment question set will start. The customer must answer the streaming questions to check they are claiming the most appropriate payment based on their circumstances, and if they are eligible for a reduced question set claim. If they are not eligible for PP:
    • it refers them to the Payment and Service Finder, or
    • advises them to contact Services Australia to discuss a more suitable payment
    • they can select Back to return to the Make a claim page to begin another claim type
  • if eligible after completing the questions, customers can start the claim
  • The Claim navigation page will display sections of the claim required to be completed:
    • Your personal details
    • Your circumstances
    • Your financial details
    • Review and confirm
    • Next steps


Electronic messaging + Read more ...

Customers who provide a mobile phone number or email address:

  • are told they are automatically subscribed to Electronic Messaging (EM) services, unless they have previously declined EM
  • are asked to nominate a preferred contact method (SMS or email) for electronic messages
  • are automatically subscribed to receive their Centrelink mail online in their myGov Inbox
  • can opt out of these services at any time


To view or update a started claim online + Read more ...

To access the online claim, customers must:

  • sign into myGov and access their linked Centrelink online account
  • select MENU > Payments and claims > Claims > My online claims. A list of all online claims started by the customer will display

If the status of the claim is incomplete, the customer can choose to:

  • Continue claim to display the next question set for completion, or
  • Cancel claim. Page will display to confirm customer wants to do this. Once cancelled, the online claim cannot be viewed or continued. No claim information is recorded. The customer can start a new online claim at any time


Claim progress + Read more ...

The Claim navigation page displays the sections of the claim that must be completed. The sections must be completed in order and the next section cannot be started until the previous section is complete.

Select Start to begin each step.

Each section contains modules with relevant questions. On each question page, the customer can select Previous, to go back to the previous question. When each module is completed and the end of the section is reached, the customer is returned to the Claim navigation page to select the next section.

Customers can select Launch the digital assistant for help with the questions on the current page.

As a section is completed the customer has the option to return to a previously completed section to change their answers by selecting the Edit option. They can then go directly to the module they wish to update.

If a question is answered incorrectly, a red cross will appear in the dots on the right side of the page. Customers can select the red cross and it will take them directly to the page containing the error.

The claim does not have to be completed in one session. Customers can leave the Claim navigation page at any time and responses will be saved. The claim can be continued later.


Your personal details + Read more ...

Question sets include:

  • Relationship details
  • Contact Requirements - Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Australian South Sea Islander, Interpreter, Permit to Enquire, Nominee
  • Australian Residence
  • Accommodation
  • Child details


Your circumstances + Read more ...

Question sets will depend on the customer's circumstances and the payment they are claiming. For example:

  • Circumstances
  • Your previous employer details
  • Your Leave and Redundancy payments
  • Additional circumstances


Your financial details + Read more ...

This section allows the claimant to supply or confirm information about their financial income and assets before submitting their claim. The module includes questions about:

  • payment instructions
  • savings
  • investments
  • business, trust and companies
  • other assets
  • income
  • additional circumstances

Provide details later

If the customer cannot provide all their income and asset information, they can provide this information on a paper form. This is advised at Next steps.


Review and Confirm claim + Read more ...

The Confirm Details page contains a summary of all information provided by the customer so they can check what they have entered is correct.

A summary of My profile information also displays. Customers must ensure all information is correct.

To correct online claim or My profile information, the customer can select the Update button relevant to the answers requiring change. This will take them back to My profile or the relevant section of the claim to review/update the particular claim questions and responses.


Once all information is correct, the customer must accept the 'Declaration' and the Acknowledgement by ticking the box. This means a signed claim form is not required.

Confirm Information

The customer must read and select the Confirmation Information button to save all the information provided in the claim. No answers in the claim can be changed once this button is selected.


Uploading documents for online claims + Read more ...

Customers can access their started online claim using their Centrelink online account or the Centrelink Express Plus mobile app to upload documents required to submit their claim.

On the Next steps page, select the Upload button.

If necessary, Service Officers can scan the documents and submit the claim for the customer:

  • scan the documents
  • run the Request & Manage Customer Tasks guided procedure to submit the claim

If the customer uploaded or provided documents before starting the online claim or Assisted Customer Claim (ACC), the document displays as Required on the Next steps section. The customer can either:

  • re-upload the document on the Next steps page, or
  • contact by phone or in person to have the Request & Manage Customer Tasks guided procedure run to change the document status from Required to Provided


To submit claim + Read more ...

Customers must:

  • answer all mandatory questions
  • provide all their required documents
  • verify their identify (when no Identity Confirmation Indicator (ICI) is recorded)

Some vulnerable customers may be able to submit their claim before providing all required documents.

Claims not submitted within 13 weeks will expire.

The claim cannot be submitted if the Required tasks are not complete. Once the relevant tasks are completed, the button will change to Submit so the customer can submit the claim.

When the claim has been submitted, the customer cannot update their online claim details. They will need to contact to advise changes.

Customers can:

  • track the progress of their claim
  • withdraw their claim


On this page:

Contact about claiming PP

Assisted Customer Claim (ACC)

Contact about claiming PP

Table 1




Customer contact + Read more ...

Customer contacts regarding an intention to claim Parenting Payment (PP).

Note: if the customer or their nominee submits a paper claim for Parenting Payment (SC277), ACC must be run, using the information provided on the claim form. A Customer Declaration Form is not required if the paper claim is signed, however the paper claim must be scanned to store on the customer's record.

Check eligibility for PP and determine shared care.

Is the customer eligible for PP?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, tell the customer they do not meet the eligibility for PP. Procedure ends here


Check details + Read more ...

Remote indicator

Check if the:

  • remote indicator is showing on the Customer Overview, or
  • residential address is in a remote location

To check if the address is in a remote location:

  • search the town name in Office Locator
  • view the Towns Result List
  • view the Remoteness column

Customers who access Services Australia through an agent, Remote Service Centre, or phone, may need help to lodge an online claim.

If the customer lives in a remote Indigenous community, smart centre Service Officers can transfer the customer to the Remote Claims Processing (RCP) team using Services Australia workspace, to complete their Assisted Customer Claim (ACC). Procedure ends here.

Is the customer already in receipt of a Parenting Payment or another income support payment?


Customer is currently receiving PP or another income support + Read more ...

If customer is receiving:

For Other ISP to PP, go to the Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) table.

Assisted Customer Claim (ACC)

Table 2




Before starting ACC + Read more ...

Check the Document List (DL) screen for any DOCs relevant to a claim for Parenting Payment (PP).

Update the customer's personal details via the Change in Contact Details workflow, as the ACC no longer asks for this.

If the ACC was started before that workflow was run, exit the claim and make updates outside the claim before submitting it. The updates will appear on the Review page in the ACC.

Do not update accommodation details using the Change in Contact Details workflow, as it is updated in the ACC.

Remote customers

If the customer lives in a remote Indigenous community, smart centre Service Officers can transfer the customer to the Remote Claims Processing (RCP) team using Services Australia workspace, to complete their Assisted Customer Claim (ACC). Procedure ends here.


Start ACC + Read more ...

Service Officers can access ACC via the ACC desktop icon and entering the customer's CRN.

If the ACC started before the workflow was run, the claim can be saved, and the updates made outside the claim before submitting it. Updates made using the Change in Contact Details workflow will appear on the Review page in the ACC. Note: accommodation details are not to be updated using the Change in Contact Details workflow as they will be updated in the ACC.

Select Make a new claim when ready to start:

  • If there is a started claim on the My online claims page, the claim can be:
    • Continue under the Actions column
    • Cancel under the Actions column
  • From the Make a claim page, select:
    • Get started under the Families life event, and
    • select Apply for Parenting Payment


Answer eligibility check questions + Read more ...

Read the Privacy message in full to the customer. The customer must agree to the privacy agreement before starting the claim.

In the streaming questions:

  • Indicate the customer's relationship status
  • Indicate if customer is a principal carer
  • Indicate if the customer is in crisis. This will allow the claim to be submitted before providing any required documents, see Circumstance Change Monitor (CCM)
  • Ensure the DOR is correct

The streaming questions will determine if the customer is eligible to claim Parenting Payment and whether a reduced question set may be applicable.

Once the streaming questions are answered, select Continue.


Your Personal details + Read more ...

Question sets include:

  • Relationship details
  • Contact Requirements
  • Australian Residence
  • Accommodation
  • Child Details


Your circumstances + Read more ...

Questions will ask the customer to provide information on their previous circumstances before submitting the claim for payment. Circumstances the customers may select include:

  • wage/salary earner (full time, part time or casual)
  • seasonal, contract or intermittent wage/salary earner
  • self employed
  • self-employed and wage/salary earner
  • student - full time education
  • student - part time education
  • student receiving ABSTUDY
  • apprentice or trainee
  • Community Development Employment Project
  • caring
  • in psychiatric confinement (14 days or more)
  • in prison (14 days or more)
  • unemployed
  • other

Based on the selection, further questions are on the following pages:

  • Previous Employer details
  • Leave and Redundancy Payments
  • Seasonal Contract or Intermittent work details

If customer selects any of the work related circumstances:

  • date last worked must be provided
  • if still employed, and
  • details of the former employment such as the employer's name and contact details


Your financial details + Read more ...

Questions include:

  • Payment instructions
  • Income and asset modules based on the customer's responses to trigger questions in the claim

The customer is advised if there is existing income and asset information.

Online income and asset collection includes:

managed investments

  • shares
  • real estate
  • superannuation
  • income streams
  • funeral bonds
  • home equity conversion loans
  • gifting
  • foreign pensions
  • other government payments
  • compensation and/or damages
  • income and assets outside Australia
  • scholarships
  • other income
  • other assets
  • savings
  • earnings

Some question sets still require paper forms to be completed:

  • Private Trust (MOD PT)
  • Special Disability Trust (MOD SDT)
  • Private Company (MOD PC)
  • Business details (MOD F)

Customers can upload their supporting documents for income and assets by using the Upload documents service.


Review, confirm and Next steps + Read more ...

Check all information is correct on the Review your claim section.

  • If answers have to be corrected, select the relevant Update button
  • If personal details have to be corrected, exit the ACC and update using the Change in Contact Details workflow


Select my obligations link at the bottom of the page and read in full to the customer. Ask customer to acknowledge the online claim declaration and agree they understand and accept their obligations. A Customer Declaration Form (CDF) is not required.


Completing tasks + Read more ...

Encourage customers to access their Centrelink online account or the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app to complete tasks and submit the claim.

Some tasks may have an information pop-up message with help text to explain what type of documentation is required and considered valid for this task. Access this by selecting a specific word, underlined in the task. Selecting the specific word again will close the pop-up message.

On the Next steps page there is an Upload button.

If the customer uploaded or provided documents before starting the online claim or ACC, the document displays as Required on the Next steps section. The customer can either:

  • re-upload the document from the Next steps section
  • contact by phone or in person to have the Request & Manage Customer Tasks guided procedure run to change the document status from Required to Provided

Telephony Service Officers can help the customer upload documents and submit the claim online.

If necessary, face to face Service Officers can scan the documents and run the Request & Manage Customer Tasks guided procedure to submit the ACC for the customer.


Submit claim + Read more ...

To submit the claim via ACC, all mandatory questions must be answered, and all required documents must be provided, including identity documents when no Identity Confirmation Indicator (ICI) is recorded. Exceptions will be made for some vulnerable customers.

Once all Required tasks are completed, the Save button will change to Submit so the claim can be submitted.

The Submitted page will display:

  • Claim ID
  • Estimated Completion Date Range (ECDR), a date range that can be given to the customer
  • A 'withdraw claim' option
  • Tabs that link to Notifications, Tasks & Review claim details information


Additional action + Read more ...

If urgent processing is required, see Immediate new claim and non-new claim priority processing.

Otherwise, procedure ends here.