Conducting, rescheduling or failure to attend a Parenting Payment Single (PPS) Compulsory Participation Interview 007-04080030
This document outlines how to conduct or reschedule a Parenting Payment Single (PPS) compulsory participation interview or the process to follow if a customer fails to attend the interview. The interview is completed for PPS customers who have compulsory mutual obligation requirements when their youngest child turns 6 years of age.
Compulsory participation requirements
It becomes compulsory for PPS customers to agree to a Job Plan and undertake activities to meet mutual obligation requirements when their youngest child turns 6 years of age.
The system will automatically book an appropriate interview for identified customers. The interview is conducted by phone.
If the customer does not attend the compulsory participation interview and enter into a Job Plan, their Parenting Payment may be cancelled.
Information covered in interview
At the compulsory participation interview, the following information is covered:
- assess the customer's current circumstances, for example, is the customer currently working or studying at least 30 hours per fortnight
- discuss, evaluate and record the customer's mutual obligation requirements
- advise requirement for connection to the Workforce Australia Online for Individuals or an Employment Services Provider if customer not currently meeting their mutual obligation requirements
- assess any short or long term exemptions, where appropriate
- inform and arrange, if required, any appropriate support for the customer, for example child care options and other assistance programs
- run the Job Seeker Snapshot where appropriate. Note: if the customer is already meeting their mutual obligation requirements and they attended the Parenting Payment briefing interview when their youngest child was 5 years and 9 months, the Job Seeker Registration Only (JSRO) may have been run and the Job Seeker Snapshot does not need to be run again
- negotiate a Job Plan if the customer is Centrelink managed. Provider managed customers are referred to, and enter into a Job Plan with Workforce Australia Online for Individuals or a provider
advise reporting requirements and options via self service (
online and phone) in person or in writing (SU19)
discuss advantages of Centrelink letters online and Electronic Messaging (EM) services
- future compliance framework implications
Compulsory participation interview service updates
Compulsory Participation Interview Service Updates, includes the following Service Components:
- 207 - Principal Carer Compulsory Participation Interview
- 254 - Principal Carer Compulsory Participation Interview (remote including CDP regions)
The Resources page contains a link to the Services Australia website for information on flexible arrangements for parents and principal carers.
Exempting a job seeker from mutual obligation requirements due to special circumstances
Related links
Mutual obligation requirements for principal carers
Approved activities for principal carers
Briefing Interviews when youngest child is 5 years and 9 months Service Update for Parenting Payment
Community Development Program (CDP)
Negotiating Centrelink Managed Job Plans
Mutual obligation requirements exemptions