The process outlined in the Tables below will assist Service Officers to answer enquiries from customers and/or detail how to conduct a Parenting Payment Single (PPS) Compulsory Participation Interview. The interview is completed for PPS customers who have compulsory mutual obligation requirements when their youngest child turns 6 years of age.
On this page:
Determine progression
Preparing for conducting a compulsory participation interview with a PPS customer
Conducting a compulsory participation interview with a PPS customer
Follow up actions: non-attendance
Determine progression
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer contact or preparing for interview + Read more ...
Has the customer contacted?
Yes, go to Step 2
No, Service Officer is preparing to conduct the Compulsory Participation Interview, see Table 2
2 |
Determine status of Parenting Payment Single (PPS) + Read more ...
Is the customer's payment PPS/CUR?
Yes, and customer is unable to attend the scheduled appointment time and wants to reschedule, go to Step 9
No, go to Step 3
3 |
Check PPS suspension (or cancellation) reason + Read more ...
The following screens will show a history of the PPS status including date of effect and suspension/cancellation reason.
Process Direct:
search the customer record via the Customer Summary tile
select the Benefit History icon to locate the PPS status
alternatively, go to the Benefit status (XBS) screen. Use the drop down option in the System/benefit type code field to search for PEN
check for any DOC relating to the SUS/CAN decision using the Notes icon
Customer First:
check the Service Reason Summary (SRS) screen
for Parenting Payment Single (PPS), check the Pension Status History (PNSH) screen
check for any DOC relating to the SUS/CAN decision on the Document List (DL) screen
Go to Step 4.
4 |
Reason for suspension/cancellation + Read more ...
If the PPS suspension/cancellation any of the following:
PPS status is SUS-FAI (Failed to attend an interview) or SUS-FRC (Failed to reply to correspondence), go to Step 5
all other suspension/cancellation reasons:
5 |
Customer contacts within 13 weeks of suspension/cancellation + Read more ...
Has the customer contacted within 13 weeks of the date the suspension decision was notified?
PPS is SUS-FAI (Failed to attend an interview), go to Step 6
PPS is SUS-FRC (Failed to reply to correspondence), go to Step 7
6 |
PPS/SUS-FAI + Read more ...
Tell the job seeker:
'You have been referred for a Parenting Payment Single Compulsory Participation Interview'
'It's important that you attend any scheduled appointment'
'If you are unable to attend a scheduled appointment, please contact before the appointment time/date to reschedule to avoid suspension'
'I am able to book another appointment for you now to enable your payments to be restored'
Is the Service Officer skilled to conduct the interview now?
Yes, PPS needs to be current prior to commencing, go to Step 10
No, an appointment will need to be booked and then PPS can be restored, go to Step 8
7 |
Restoration of suspended payment - FRC + Read more ...
Tell the customer:
'Parenting Payment Single payments have been suspended because you need to agree to a Job Plan with Centrelink or accept a referral to an Employment Service Provider as part of mutual obligation requirements'
Is the Service Officer skilled to conduct the interview now?
Yes, PPS needs to be current prior to commencing, go to Step 10
No, an appointment will need to be booked and then PPS can be restored, go to Step 8
8 |
Book a Compulsory Participation Appointment + Read more ...
Tell the job seeker:
'I am able to book an appointment for you now to enable your payments to be restored'
Book a compulsory participation interview appointment for the next available time.
For assistance in booking appointments in either Customer First or Process Direct, see Booking appointments in the Centrelink Appointment System.
Use the following parameters:
Appointment Type: select Compulsory Participation Interview
Appointment Channel: select Phone (Face to Face if no telephone contact details)
Service Reason: select Parenting Payment - Single
Note: if the appointment is within the next 5 business days, Service Officers must verbally advise the customer of the time and date because no appointment advice is issued.
Tell the customer:
'Your scheduled appointment will be conducted':
'via telephone. Calls from us will display as a private number. Please answer this call' - if telephone number available; or
'at <details of the office location>' - if no telephone details available for the customer
'It's important that you attend/participate in any scheduled appointment'
'If you are unable to attend/participate in a scheduled appointment, please contact before the appointment time/date to reschedule to avoid suspension'
'I can now restore your payment'
Go to Step 10.
9 |
Request to reschedule an appointment + Read more ...
Customer has contacted to request rescheduling of a compulsory participation interview. For assistance with rescheduling, see View, reschedule or cancel an appointment in the Centrelink Appointment System.
Note: if the appointment is within the next 5 business days, Service Officers must verbally advise the customer of the time and date because no appointment advice is issued.
Once the appointment has been rescheduled, tell the customer:
'Your scheduled appointment will be conducted':
'via telephone. Calls from us will display as a private number. Please answer this call' - if telephone number available; or
'at <details of the office location>' - if no telephone details available for the customer
'It's important that you attend/participate in any scheduled appointment'
'If you are unable to attend/participate in the scheduled appointment, please contact before the appointment time/date to reschedule to avoid suspension'
Procedure ends here.
10 |
Restoration of suspended payment + Read more ...
Process Direct:
Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen, complete the following fields:
Benefit Type: select or key PPS
Benefit Action: key RES - restore
Date of Effect: key the date to resume payment, example payment can be restored back to date of suspension (DLP+1)
Select Save
Update the fields:
- Receipt Date - Channel - Service Reason - if the system does not select a default Service Reason, select PPS
Select Save
In the header, check the Payment System is PEN
Update any changes in circumstances, such as change of address. See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA)
Code or confirm any employment income and process outstanding reports. See Recording and correcting employment income details
Check customer is the principal carer of a dependent child from the date of restoration. Check information on file such as DOCs or scanned documents that might suggest the child is no longer in the customer's care. If any doubt exists, a care assessment must be completed prior to restoration. See Change of care for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
Select Assess and address any errors under Message Log on the Errors (SWE) screen
Select Assess to go to the Entitlement (ELD) screen. If the customer is entitled to arrears, check the correct amount is being paid. If required, see How to manually calculate arrears
Select Finish to finalise the activity
Customer First:
Make sure the right system is selected for restoration: PEN for PPS
Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen, complete the following fields
Svc Rsn: select or key PPS
Action: key RES - restore
complete Source and DOR fields
the Event Date will default to the effect date
Update any changes in circumstances, such as change of address. See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA)
Code or confirm any employment income and process outstanding reports. See Recording and correcting employment income details
Check customer is the principal carer of a dependent child from the date of restoration. Check information on file such as DOCs or scanned documents that might suggest the child is no longer in the customer's care. If any doubts exists, a care assessment must be completed prior to restoration. See Change of care for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
Go to the Assessment Warnings and Error (AWE) screen and address any errors under Message text
Select Continue to go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen. If the customer is entitled to arrears, check the correct amount is being paid. If required, see How to manually calculate arrears
Select Finalise and Continue to finalise the activity
If presented with error (E235RT) - Manual Report Reason no longer valid: End date on the Reporting Regime Details (RPRD) screen, see Step 6 in Table 6 in Reporting employment income self service troubleshooting.
Use the Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Parents > SUS/CAN/RES > PP restored. Record all relevant details, especially if any manual adjustments were made to arrears/overpayment, and include the following Reason for restoration:
customer has been advised to attend the booked compulsory participation interview on <date>, or
customer has been advised they need to agree to a Job Plan
Complete the Fast Note.
Is the skilled Service Officer conducting the interview at point of contact now?
Yes, see Table 3
No, procedure ends here
Preparing for conducting a compulsory participation interview with a PPS customer
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Issuing the pre-call SMS + Read more ...
Service Officer must:
If unable to contact the customer on the first attempt, try again approximately 15 minutes later.
Go to Step 2.
2 |
Preparing for a compulsory participation interview + Read more ...
While waiting for the pre-call SMS to deliver to the customer, check the record:
Go to the Customer Summary screen and select CRN/BP hyperlink in Customer First to review Child/ren information. Check the age and number of children in their care
'S'elect the child/ren from the Child Selection (CHS) screen. On the Child Task Selector (CHTS) screen:
'S'elect the In Customer Care (CHC) and SSA Shared Care (SSC) screens to ensure they reflect correct care details
Check the customer is fully meeting their mutual obligations requirements by checking:
Employment Income Summary (EANS) and Real Estate/Business Summary (REBS) screens to confirm they are undertaking sufficient paid work or self-employment of at least 30 hours per fortnight with employment income, or net business income at the national minimum wage or above
Education Course History (EDCH) screen to confirm undertaking Approved studying for at least 30 hours per fortnight, inclusive of contact and/or non-contact hours
the EANS, REBS and EDCH screens to confirm if undertaking a combination of paid work (including self-employment) and study of at least 30 hours per fortnight
If the customer is self-employed, check how recent the last business income assessment is and determine if a new assessment is required
Go to Step 3.
3 |
Contact customer to conduct interview + Read more ...
Has the customer attended the phone appointment?
Yes, see Table 3
No, and this is the:
first unsuccessful contact attempt, go to Step 4
second unsuccessful contact attempt, see Table 4
4 |
Follow up contact attempt to conduct interview + Read more ...
After waiting 15 minutes from the first unsuccessful attempt to contact, make another contact attempt.
Has the customer attended the phone appointment?
Yes, see Table 3
No, and this is the second unsuccessful contact attempt, see Table 4
Conducting a compulsory participation interview with a PPS customer
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Information to discuss with the customer + Read more ...
The purpose of the appointment is due to their youngest child, who has turned 6 years of age. They are now required to undertake an approved activity to ensure they meet their mutual obligation requirements to keep getting their payment.
Discuss options for satisfying their mutual obligation requirements. If the customer is not already satisfying the requirements, offer some examples such as paid work, study or job search.
Discuss available programs and services, Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP), Skills for Education and Employment (SEE), Financial Information Service, 'Information in your language' brochures.
Discuss if the job seeker may be eligible for a long term exemption from their mutual obligation requirements based on their current circumstances. This includes exemptions due to:
caring for a large family (where the customer is the principal carer of 4 or more dependent children under 16 years of age, or a secondary pupil child from 16-19 years of age)
having a dependent child home-schooled
supervising distance education of a dependent child
being a registered and active Foster Carer
caring for a sick or disabled child but not qualify for Carer Payment (CP)
being a relative carer (other than a parent) with a parenting or protection order under the Family Law Act
being a family or community member (not the parent) caring for a child under a care plan supported by the state/territory child protection authority
Evidence may be required from the customer to support these exemptions.
See the Resources page for links to Services Australia website:
Mutual obligation requirements and exemptions for principal carers
What the Financial Information Service is
Information in your language
Go to Step 2.
2 |
What are the job seeker's current participation circumstances? + Read more ...
If the job seeker is:
Eligible for a long term, or automatic exemption from mutual obligation requirements, go to Step 3
Fully meeting their mutual obligation requirements through work or study, go to Step 4
Not fully meeting their requirements or eligible for a short term exemption, go to Step 5
3 |
Exemption from mutual obligation requirements + Read more ...
Exemptions from mutual obligation requirements for job seekers who are the principal carer of a dependent child vary according to the type of payment they receive and the age of the youngest child.
If it is deemed appropriate, code an exemption from Mutual obligation requirements for principal carers.
A principal carer granted an exemption (16 weeks +) is required to register as a Job Seeker Registration only (JSRO)/No Remote Referral Required (NRRR). Connection to an Employment Services Provider is not compulsory unless they volunteer for employment services.
Go to Step 6.
4 |
Fully satisfying mutual obligation requirements + Read more ...
If the job seeker is currently fully meeting their mutual obligation requirements, they will be Centrelink managed and required to negotiate a compulsory Job Plan with Services Australia.
Go to Process Direct:
Select Customer Summary from the Process Direct landing page
Enter the customer's CRN, select Go
In the customer's record, go to the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen
Update the appropriate AEX screen to reflect the job seeker's current activity with a maximum of 52 weeks with:
PTW for customers fully satisfying using paid work (Centrelink or provider approved)
SEL for customers fully satisfying using self-employment
PFT for customers fully satisfying using approved study
DFR for customers fully satisfying using Defence Force Reserves Service
SPW for customers fully satisfying using a combination of study and paid work
SSE for customers fully satisfying using a combination of study and self-employment
PWS for customers fully satisfying using a combination of Paid Work and Self-Employment
VWK for customers fully satisfying using voluntary work (Centrelink or provider approved)
VPE for customers fully satisfying using a combination of paid work and voluntary work (Centrelink or provider approved)
The combination of VWK and SEL can be coded on the AEX screen
Voluntary work as an approved activity
Customers 55 years of age or over can use voluntary work or a combination of voluntary work and other paid employment to satisfy requirements.
Any voluntary work activity or combination involving voluntary work for customers aged 55 years or under, the Employment Services Provider needs to approve.
Note: principal carers under 55 years of age doing approved voluntary work activity of at least 30 hours per fortnight, which is only approved by the provider, may be suspended or exited from employment services by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR). These job seekers will become Centrelink managed and require a Centrelink Job Plan to be negotiated.
If the AEX activity is selected for QMA, the system will not be able to auto populate with the correct Job Plan until the AEX QMA is completed.
The following standalone or combination activities can only be approved by a provider. The relevant activity code will automatically be recorded on the AEX screen of the job seeker’s record.
PVW - approved voluntary work for at least 30 hours per fortnight
PVS - approved voluntary work and study (combined) for at least 30 hours per fortnight
PSV - approved voluntary work, study and paid work (combined) for at least 30 hours per fortnight
PVP - approved voluntary work and paid work (combined) for at least 30 hours per fortnight
PSW - for Workforce Australia job seekers participating in a combination of study and paid work (as least 70 hours per fortnight)
PPW - participating in a combination of study and paid work (at least 30 hours per fortnight)
Has the activity been approved by Services Australia?
5 |
Not satisfying mutual obligation requirements or not eligible for an exemption + Read more ...
The customer is required to be registered as a Fully Eligible Participant (FEP) job seeker. This may have been actioned before this interview. Check before proceeding with the next steps.
Make sure the customer's AEX screen displays the current activity of Job Search (JSE) and remove any other code as necessary. The provider will negotiate the Job Plan and appropriate activities for the customer.
To view the AEX screen in Process Direct:
Select Customer Summary from the Process Direct Landing page
Enter the customer's CRN, select Go
Go to the AEX screen
If the customer has a current 'Full-time student' (FTS) code on their AEX screen from a previous student payment assessment and coding, this must be removed via the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen
To update the NES screen in Process Direct:
Go to the NES screen
Select Add
On the Create Education Status screen, enter:
Start Date: code the date the customer's mutual obligations requirements commenced (the latter of their youngest child's 6th birthday or the day after they ceased study)
Student Status: select NST - Not a Student
Education Level Attained: select appropriate level
Select Save
Complete the relevant fields, select Save
Update the fields:
Receipt Date
Service Reason - if the system does not select a default Service Reason, select the most relevant Service Reason for the update
Select Save
Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
Finalise the transaction by selecting Assess again, then select Finish. Record details of the update on the Finalise screen
Select Finalise to complete the transaction
This will automatically end date the FTS code on the AEX screen.
Go to Step 7.
6 |
To register as a job seeker + Read more ...
All principal carers meeting their mutual obligation requirements or have an exemption (16 weeks+) must be registered as a job seeker before negotiating a Job Plan (if applicable). Customers can volunteer to be referred to an Employment Service Provider but will need to be registered as FEP.
Does the customer wish to volunteer to be referred to an Employment Service Provider?
7 |
Referral to an Employment Service Provider or other assistance/programs + Read more ...
In the customer's record, select > Participation Summary > Job seeker registration > Start job seeker registration
Select 'No' to the 'Set job seeker register to no provider referral required?' if presented > Next
Update details on the Principal Carer screen
Select Next > 'Yes' to 'Do you wish to conduct a Job Seeker Snapshot for this customer?'
Select the link to open Job Seeker Snapshot
The Job Seeker Snapshot will determine whether the customer can be referred directly to an employment service provider or whether an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) is required. If the customer is referred for an ESAt, the ESAt assessor will determine the most suitable employment service for the customer
Close Job Seeker Snapshot after completion was successful to return back to Process Direct
Select 'Yes' or 'No' to 'Have you successfully completed Job Seeker Snapshot in DEWR system? > Next
Job Seeker Snapshot Result screen will identify beneficial assistance and/or program referrals
Select 'Yes' or 'No' to 'Office use Question Only' section > Submit
Referral Determination will display Messages with the required appointment to be booked
If referral is Workforce Australian Online, select Finish. Procedure ends here
If referral is for an Employment Service Provider, select Next
To book an appointment with a provider, see Online Diary
Go to Step 10.
8 |
Customer is Job Seeker Registration (JSRO) or No Remote Referral Required (NRRR) + Read more ...
The customer does not have to complete the Job Seeker Snapshot, see Eligibility and registration as a Job Seeker Registration Only (JSRO)/No Remote Referral required (NRRR) job seeker.
Go to Process Direct:
Select Customer Summary from the Process Direct landing page
Key the customer's CRN, select Go
In the customer's record select
> Participation Summary > Job seeker registration > Start job seeker registration
Select 'PCP Meeting Requirements' or 'PCP with longer term exemption' to 'Set Job Seeker Registration as No Provider Referral Required?
Select Next
Update details to the Principal Carer screen
Select Next > 'No' to 'Do you wish to conduct a Job Seeker Snapshot for this customer?' > Next > OK as 'Participation Interview has now been completed' will display
Registration type will appear as Job Seeker Registration Only or No Remote Referral Required. Note: if the customer is currently registered as a job seeker do not run the workflow
Go to Step 9.
9 |
Create a Job Plan + Read more ...
To negotiate a Job Plan with the job seeker, see Negotiating Centrelink Managed Job Plans.
Customers with an exemption from their mutual obligations do not require a Job Plan.
Go to Participation Summary > Job Plan > Negotiate Job Plan
If Negotiate Job Plan is protected, select End Plan > Volunteer decides not to participate > Confirm. Negotiate Job Plan will now be available to select
Go to Step 10.
10 |
Confirm, update reporting requirements + Read more ...
Based on the information collected in the interview, review the Reporting Regime Details (RPRD) screen and advise the customer their next reporting due date and frequency.
Provide customers with Self Service reporting information and register them to these services if possible. See Self Service Access Facility (SSAF) for reporting employment income, participation and change of circumstance details.
If the customer will be reporting in person or in writing and is unable to use self service reporting, discuss whether a change in payday may make it easier for them to attend on a particular day, and give them the option to change either now or in the future. Tell the customer they may discuss their needs with the agency at any time.
Go to Step 11.
11 |
More information to discuss with customer + Read more ...
12 |
Service Profiling Update + Read more ...
Launch the Service Profiling Update workflow directly from the booked relevant appointment by selecting the Execute button in Customer First.
Complete the questions and finalise the workflow. If this is not 'COM'pleted, errors will be experienced in processing the rest of the Service Component.
This will automatically update the status of the Service Component to 'COM' (completed) and update the appointment status to Completed. Note: when the Service Component is completed, it cannot be restarted.
Document all the interview information using the Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Parents > Updates > PPS Compulsory Interview.
Follow up actions: non-attendance
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
Did Not Attend (DNA) process + Read more ...
If the customer fails to attend the appointment, suspend their payment FAI - Failed to attend interview.
Finalise the appointment
In Customer First:
from Quick Links, select Appointments > Book and Manage Appointments
Select and highlight the appointment details
Select Did Not Attend > Finish
For more information, see Complete and finalise appointment in the Centrelink Appointment System.
Suspend Parenting Payment (PP)
Consider whether to suspend payment, taking into account:
the existence and type of any vulnerability and its impact on the customer's capacity to comply
any recent events (as documented) that may impact on the customers capacity to comply, or
any other known factors that may indicate customer was unable to comply, or had a reasonable excuse for not doing so
Will customer's payment be suspended?
Yes, go to Step 2
No, Service Officers must clearly document the reasons for not suspending the payment on the customer's record. Procedure ends here
2 |
Suspension of payment following DNA + Read more ...
In Customer First:
code the suspension in the PEN system:
go to Benefit Action (BA) screen, update the following fields:
Service Reason: PPS
Action: Suspend
Reason: FAI - Fail to attend Interview
Effect Date: enter the date the customer failed to attend appointment
Source: select relevant source
Receipt Date: date the information was recorded
select Submit Change and go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and Finalise the activity
Create a closed DOC
use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Generic > SUS/CAN/RES > Suspend Cancel Reason
once the text has been confirmed, update all the fields in the text. Include the following:
Reason for Suspension: Failed to attend appointment on <date>. Attempts to contact the customer were made at <time> and <time>
Requirements for customer to have their payment restored: Service Officer needs to book a Compulsory Participation Interview - Parenting Payment Single (PPS) appointment for customer to attend
Complete the Fast Note