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Restoration of Parenting Payment (PP) 102-10040190

This document outlines information about the restoration of Parenting Payment (PP) following suspension or cancellation.

Re-establishing qualification or payability

Restoration of PP may be possible when a customer's qualification or payability for payment has been re-established after PP has been cancelled or suspended, and PP qualification and payability have continued since the date of suspension/cancellation.

This may be the result of:

  • a change in the customer's circumstances
  • a review of a decision made by Services Australia
  • the customer providing information
  • negotiating a Job Plan after failing to do so
  • an event which has made the customer temporarily ineligible for payment, or
  • entitlement to payment after a period of PPL

Generally, there must not be a gap in entitlement for PP to be restored. When restoring payments, it is important to establish continuing qualification for payment. If there have been any changes in the customer's circumstances, these must be recorded before restoring payment to avoid incorrect arrears being generated.

Reasons for restoration

PP can only be restored if one of the following applies:

  • the payment is suspended and there is a reason that is restorable. PP will automatically cancel 12 weeks after the date of suspension, or
  • the decision to cancel PP was incorrect and the review of decision (13 week) rules allow for the date of effect of the restoration to be the date of the suspension/cancellation

Restoration after PPL

PP customers may be eligible to have their payment resumed after the end of a PPL period if they have maintained eligibility for payment. Customers claiming PPL may elect to receive PPL days in a way that means their income support payment may CAN-INC for part of their entitlement period and therefore they may be eligible for income support for the remaining days. See Resumption of income support payments (ISP) after the end of Parental Leave Pay (PPL).

Restoration limitations

In most cases, payment cannot be restored if it is more than 13 weeks after the customer was notified of the decision to cancel or suspend. The customer must reclaim the payment.

Outstanding compliance action

Where a customer has a participation-related payment suspension or outstanding compliance action, they may need to re-engage with their provider and/or speak to the Participation Solutions Team (PST) about an outstanding failure investigation before reporting can be finalised. Service Officers must check the Participation Compliance Hub and where the:

  • Outstanding compliance actions section shows a compliance investigation is outstanding, assist the job seeker to contact the Participation Solutions Team and/or
  • Completed provider compliance actions section shows outstanding actions the provider is responsible for managing, tell the job seeker to contact their provider

Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Child Care Subsidy (CCS) customers

Before restoring, it is important to check the:

Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Parenting Payment (PP)

Confirming prison admission and release dates

Claiming Parenting Payment (PP)

Recording and correcting employment income details

Services Australia’s responsibilities for managing compliance with compulsory requirements

Return to Australia procedures for service centre and Smart Centre Call staff for pension payments

Return to sender (RTS) mail for Centrelink

Conducting, rescheduling or failure to attend a Parenting Payment Single (PPS) Compulsory Participation Interview

Re-engaging job seekers - Targeted Compliance Framework

Resumption of income support payments (ISP) after the end of Parental Leave Pay (PPL)