This document outlines information about the restoration of Parenting Payment (PP) following suspension or cancellation.
On this page:
Determine if PP can be restored
Restoring payment for PP customer
Determine if PP can be restored
Table 1
Step |
Action |
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Check PP suspension or cancellation reason + Read more ...
The following screens will show a history of the PP status including date of effect and suspension/cancellation reason:
Process Direct
Search the customer record via the Customer Summary tile
Select the Benefit History icon to locate the PPS or PPP status
Alternatively, go to the Benefit status (XBS) screen. Use the drop down option in the System/benefit type code field to search for PEN or PGA
Check for any DOC relating to the SUS/CAN decision using the Notes icon
Customer First
Check Service Reason Summary (SRS) screen
For Parenting Payment Single (PPS), check Pension Status History (PNSH) screen
For Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP) check the PPP Change History (PGCH) screen
Check for any DOC relating to the SUS/CAN decision on the Document List (DL) screen
If the customer has a partner, it may be necessary to check the partner's record for reasons for suspension/cancellation (it may have been auto action, due to partner's payments being suspended or cancelled).
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Customer contacts within 13 weeks of suspension/cancellation + Read more ...
Has the customer contacted within 13 weeks of the date the suspension/cancellation decision was notified?
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Suspension/cancellation reason + Read more ...
If PP suspension/cancellation reason is:
C06 (for PPP - youngest child 6 years and over), go to Step 4
C14 (for PPS - youngest child 14 years and over), go to Step 5
C6W (child overseas more than 6 weeks) may be restored with a gap in payment under certain conditions, see Return to Australia coding for dependent children
12F (earnings preclude 12 fortnights) generally cannot be restored. If CAN 12F at the end of a PPL payment period, the payment may be restored. See Resumption of income support payments (ISP) after the end of Parental Leave Pay (PPL)
FAI (failed to attend an interview), see Conducting, rescheduling or failure to attend a Parenting Payment Single (PPS) Compulsory Participation Interview
FRC (failed to reply to correspondence):
FRP (failed to report or failed to report employment income), go to Step 6
INC (income too high) generally cannot be restored. If CAN INC at the end of a PPL payment period, the payment may be restored. See Resumption of income support payments (ISP) after the end of Parental Leave Pay (PPL)
INM (failed to contact after auto income management) should only be restored if customer has had their assessment allocation interview to discuss their expenses and priority needs
NTC (customer failed to supply Tax File Number (TFN)). PP may be restored if customer authorises use of TFN already recorded. See Table 2
NTP (partner failed to supply TFN). PP may be restored if partner authorises use of TFN already recorded. See Table 2
O6W (customer overseas more than 6 weeks):
SEA (Self-Employment Allowance) - direct deduction applied resulting in cancellation of payment or rejection of claim. Only restore if cancellation was due to SEA placement created in error, see Table 8 in Self-Employment Assistance, then see Table 2
TCF (did not meet provider requirement), see Re-engaging job seekers - Targeted Compliance Framework
TCW (Provider work refusal failure), see Re-engaging job seekers - Targeted Compliance Framework
WUK (Whereabouts unknown), see Return to sender (RTS) mail for Centrelink. If payment can be restored, see Table 2
Other reason not listed above, see Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Parenting Payment (PP). If payment can be restored, see Table 2
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PPP child turns 6 - C06 + Read more ...
PPP has cancelled due to their youngest child turning 6 or has a status of Cancel Next Payment ahead of a child’s 6th birthday (CNP-C06).
Does the PPP customer have a younger child in their care who is under the age of 6?
Yes, for each eligible child, check the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen to make sure a line has been coded for Service Reason PPP and Reason CLAIM
For any children where this line is not present, in Customer First (CF) in the PGA system, code Service Reason PPP with Reason CLAIM. See Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen
PPP will need to be restored, including where the PPP status is CNP. See Table 2
No, the PPP customer will need to lodge a claim for an alternative payment such as Jobseeker payment. Procedure ends here
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PPS child turns 14 - C14 + Read more ...
PPS has cancelled due to their youngest child turning 14 or has a status of Cancel Next Payment ahead of a child’s 14th birthday (CNP-C14).
Does the PPS customer have a younger child in their care who is under the age of 14?
Yes, for each eligible child, check the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen to make sure a line exists for Service Reason PPS and Reason Other - Not PP Child but qualifies for add IFA (OTN), or Transfer out to partner (TOP)
For any children where an OTN or TOP line is current, code Service Reason PPS with Reason End of override (EOV) to allow the system to assess the child as a PP child, see Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen
PPS will need to be restored including where the PPS status is CNP. See Table 2
No, the PPS customer will need to lodge a claim for an alternative payment such as Job Seeker payment. Procedure ends here
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FRP - failed to report or report employment income + Read more ...
Payment may be restored if the customer contacts within 13 weeks of being given the cancellation notice and can supply employment details for all relevant periods.
PPS customers who are subject to mutual obligations, must have an acceptable Reason for late reporting and supply all employment income details for the relevant entitlement periods.
Customers with mutual obligation requirements must have also satisfied their mutual obligation requirements for these periods.
See Early or late lodgement of job seeker reports.
If the customer's income reduces their fortnightly rate to nil and some of that income is employment income, the customer's payment may remain current at nil rate for up to 12 fortnights and they may retain certain benefits.
Has customer contacted within 13 weeks of the date the cancellation decision was notified and they have provided an acceptable reason for late lodgement and they can supply all employment income details for the relevant entitlement periods?
Yes, see Table 2
No, the customer will need to reclaim PP
Restoring payment for PP customer
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Information needed for restoration of payment + Read more ...
Payment cannot be restored if there is:
more information/documents still needed from the customer
other information that states restoration cannot be actioned
Has the customer provided the required information verbally or as requested in writing?
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Income Managed PP customer + Read more ...
When a decision has been made to restore an income managed customer's PP, consider how this may impact Income Management (for example, automatic reinstatement of Income Management or reviewing priority needs).
If a customer is income managed, the benefit status line will show INM immediately before their payment type.
Is the PP customer income managed?
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FTB status is cancelled - Off Income Support (OIS) + Read more ...
Restore FTB first where:
a customer is eligible for Rent Assistance (RA)
PP is suspended/cancelled, and
both PP and FTB need to be restored
Is FTB status CAN-OIS?
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Restore PP + Read more ...
For restorations of CAN FRP, it is preferred staff action the restoration and coding of earns/reporting in Customer First as all updates will be completed in one activity. For staff not trained in Customer First see the Process Direct instructions below.
For restorations of CAN/CNP C06 staff must action the restoration in Customer First.
Customer First:
Make sure the right system is selected for restoration:
Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
in the Svc Rsn field, select or key PPP or PPS
in the Action field, key RES
complete Source and DOR fields
the Event Date will default to the effect date
Update any changes in circumstances, such as change of address. See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA)
Code or confirm any employment income and process outstanding reports. See Recording and correcting employment income details
Check customer is the principal carer of a dependent child from the date of restoration. Check information on file such as DOCs or scanned documents that might suggest the child is no longer in the customer’s care. If any doubts exits, a care assessment must be completed prior to restoration. See Change of care for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
Go to the Assessment Warnings and Error (AWE) screen and address any errors under Message text
Select Continue to go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen. If the customer is entitled to arrears, check the correct amount is being paid. If required, see How to manually calculate arrears
Select Finalise and Continue to finalise the activity
If presented with error (E235RT) - Manual Report Reason no longer valid-End date on RPRD screen, see Table 6, Step 6 in Reporting employment income self service troubleshooting.
Use the Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Parents > SUS/CAN/RES > PP restored. Record all relevant details, include any manual adjustments made to arrears/overpayment.
Go to Step 5.
Process Direct:
Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
in the Benefit Type Code, select or key PPP or PPS
in the Benefit Action, key RES - restore
in the Date of Effect, key the date to resume payment, Example Payment can be restored back to date of suspension (DLP+1)
Select Save
Update the fields:
- Receipt Date - Channel - Service Reason - if the system does not select a default Service Reason, select the most relevant Service Reason for the update
Select Save
Complete Receipt Date and Channel fields, select Save
In the Header check Payment System is PGA or PEN
In the Header check Service Reason is PPP or PPS
If restoring CAN FRP
Manually update any outstanding earnings on the EANS screen within the restoration activity. See Recording and correcting employment income details. If the activity is selected for QMA request an urgent QMA. DOC all details of the restoration including that the outstanding payment/s will be processed in a second activity
When the above activity is finalised, process any outstanding reports using the Earnings and Reporting workflow
Update any changes in circumstances, such as change of address. See Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA)
Check customer is the principal carer of a dependent child from the date of restoration. Check information on file such as DOCs or scanned documents that might suggest the child is no longer in the customer’s care. If any doubt exists, a care assessment must be completed prior to restoration. See Change of care for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)
Select Assess and address any errors under Message Log on the Errors (SWE) screen
Select Assess to go to the Entitlement (ELD) screen. If the customer is entitled to arrears, check the correct amount is being paid. If required, see How to manually calculate arrears
Select Finish to finalise the activity
Go to Step 5.
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Follow up + Read more ...
FTB / Child Care Subsidy, check if the: