Return to Australia procedures for service centre and Smart Centre staff for non-pension payments and cards 061-03050000
The Dad and Partner Pay (DAP) information in this file is for historical assessments/information only. DAP was only available for customers with children born or entering care before 1 July 2023. Claims for DAP closed 30 June 2024.
This document outlines the actions for service centre and Smart Centre staff to take when a non-pension payment/card customer advises of a return to Australia, as well as the possible effect on their payment/card upon return.
On this page:
Customer advises return to Australia
Finalising processing for return to Australia
FHA customer returns to Australia
Customer advises return to Australia
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Non-pension and/or card customer advises return to Australia + Read more ... For pension customers (includes Age Pension, Disability Support Pension, Carer Payment and Parenting Payment Single), see Return to Australia procedures for service centre and Smart Centre staff for pension payments. In most cases, customers do not need to advise Services Australia that they have returned from a temporary absence, but there are particular circumstances when customers should advise they have returned to Australia. Is the customer advising the return to Australia of their dependent child/ren only? (the customer has not recently been outside Australia)
2 |
Returned to Australia + Read more ... Has the customer already returned to Australia?
3 |
Check the return has been recorded + Read more ... Has the return been automatically recorded on the Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM) screen?
4 |
Request the Immigration Datalink + Read more ... Request the Immigration Datalink on the RSIMME screen. This should provide the customer’s movement information.
Has the return date been recorded on the RSIM screen?
5 |
Return date has not been coded after triggering the Immigration Datalink + Read more ... Refer the case to Centrelink International Services (CIS). See Referring inconsistencies in overseas departure and arrival information to Centrelink International Services (CIS). If the customer left Australia (and/or returned) on a cruise, collect and include the following information in the referral to CIS:
When CIS completes the request (either by phone or through actioning the referral), go to Step 6. |
6 |
Update the customer's address details + Read more ... Go to the Address History (ADH) screen.
For FHA customers, see Table 3 > Step 1. For all other customers, see Table 2 > Step 1. |
Finalising processing for return to Australia
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer returning to live in Australia + Read more ... Check the Country of Residence (CRES) screen. If the top entry is a country other than Australia, the customer is recorded as being a resident overseas. Is the customer returning to live in Australia after residing overseas?
2 |
Reclaiming non-automatic concession card + Read more ... Non-automatic concession cards include Commonwealth Seniors Concession Card (CSHC), Low Income Health Care Card (LIC), Ex Carer Allowance Health Care Card (EHC) and Foster Child Health Care Card (FST). A new concession card will need to be reclaimed if the customer has lost entitlement because they:
Does the customer want to reclaim a non-automatic concession card?
3 |
Update customer information + Read more ... Check these customer details and update, if needed:
If the customer usually works, check if they are resuming their work after return to Australia:
Note: the customer's first payment after returning to Australia will be issued automatically. If the customer has earnings within that period, they need to report the amount paid to avoid being overpaid Does the customer have dependent children also recorded as being overseas?
4 |
Suspended or cancelled payment + Read more ... Check to see if the customer's payment can have continuation of payment on their return to Australia. If the customer has remained outside Australia after their payment has stopped for exceeding their maximum portability period, their payment can generally be restored from the date of return to Australia if they have returned to Australia within 13 weeks of their payment suspending. Special Benefit (SpB) customers should contact Services Australia on their return to Australia if their payment stopped while they were overseas and has not been automatically restored. Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) cannot be restored once there is a gap in entitlement (even if the primary payment for example, JobSeeker Payment can be restored). If PES suspends (EFP/SUS) the customer will need to reclaim PES when they return to Australia, even if the suspension is less than 13 weeks. PES must be cancelled to allow the primary payment to be restored (if applicable). See Cancellation of Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and ABSTUDY PES. Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Double Orphan Pension (DOP) will generally be automatically restored on a customer's/child's return to Australia when that return is within 13 weeks of payment being cancelled for a portability reason. If the customer/child returns to Australia more than 13 weeks after their payments cancelled due to portability, then payment will need to be re-claimed. Note: if FTB cancels because of income support payments stopping and is eligible to be restored. FTB should be restored first. For more information on restoration of these payments, see: Child Care Subsidy (CCS) will reassess on a customer's return to Australia. A child's absence from Australia does not affect CCS. However, if a child has 14 continuous weeks of non-attendance at child care, their enrolment automatically ceases and payment may be recovered from the customer. If a child has no entitlement for 52 consecutive weeks, CCS would cancel N52. The customer would need to lodge a new claim for any child where this occurs. For information on eligibility, claiming and enrolments for CCS, see:
Check whether payment should:
Some reasons for restoring payment without a claim include:
For more information, including links to restoration of different payments, see Restoration of payments (CLK). A new claim will generally be needed if the customer returns to Australia:
An abridged claim may be used depending on the rules applicable to the relevant payment type. Does the customer need to lodge a new claim for payment?
5 |
Customer's payment suspended for a portability related reason + Read more ... To restore Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance, see Carer Restoration workflow for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA). Procedure ends here. For all other payments, on the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
For more information, including links to restoration of different payments, see Restoration of payments (CLK). Is the customer's payment restoring from the correct date?
6 |
Customer's FTB or DOP cancelled for a portability related reason + Read more ... If the customer or child returned to Australia:
If the automatic restoration is unsuccessful, an activity with the following keywords will be left as started on the Activity List (AL) screen:
For FTB:
If the date of cancellation is in a previous financial year, or for more information see Restoration of Family Tax Benefit (FTB). For DOP: DOP cannot be restored via the BA screen, so a new claim activity must be actioned as a manual workaround. For restorations of DOP, see Restoration of Double Orphan Pension (DOP). |
7 |
Customer’s payment cancelled for a portability related reason + Read more ... Payment may generally be restored from the date the customer returned to Australia if:
If Family Tax Benefit (FTB) cancels because of income support payments stopping, restore FTB first. This is essential where the customer is eligible for Rent Assistance. To restore Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance, see Carer Restoration workflow for Carer Payment (CP) and/or Carer Allowance (CA). Procedure ends here. To restore all other payments, on the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
For more information, including links to restoration of different payments, see Restoration of payments (CLK). Is the customer's payment restoring from the correct date?
8 |
Check and seek assistance if necessary + Read more ... If there appears to be no reason for the payment to remain suspended/cancelled seek technical assistance from:
They may recommend that a support request be raised in mySupport, so that the relevant Service Desk can analyse the record to determine if the system is acting correctly. If the customer has lost qualification:
Once payment is restored, check if the customer has a concession card. Does the customer have a concession card?
9 |
Automatically issued concession cards and payment reissue + Read more ... A concession card will generally remain current for up to 6 weeks if a customer temporarily leaves Australia. If the concession card is attached to a payment and has not expired, a new card will not be automatically reissued. If the customer has lost entitlement to their payment or card because they have been absent for more than their maximum portability period, but payment is re-granted when they return to Australia, any concession card associated with the payment will be automatically reinstated. A new HCC will not be issued unless it expired while the customer was overseas (if they need one before the replacement arrives, they should contact their nearest service centre for an interim voucher). If the customer holds a non-income tested PCC, the card will automatically reissue if the customer returns to Australia within 13 weeks of cancellation. If the return is outside the 13 weeks of cancellation the card has to be reissued manually. For help, see Non-income tested (NOI) concession cards. The system issues concession cards automatically based on details recorded on the following:
If the system is not issuing or reactivating the customer's card, check the:
See Concession Entitlement Summary (MCCS) screen. If not coded correctly, obtain information directly via the Immigration Datalink. See Activating the Immigration Datalink. Record all information regarding the return to Australia in a DOC. |
10 |
Check if an appointment is needed + Read more ... Check the customer's circumstances. An appointment should occur if the customer:
An appointment would not normally be needed before payment is restored if their circumstances have not significantly changed and:
For help, see General reviews and Service Updates for job seekers, students, trainees or Australian Apprentices. Is the customer subject to a Job Plan and needs to have it reviewed?
FHA customer returns to Australia
Table 3: This table describes the steps to follow to finalise the return to Australia for a FHA customer. For Farmer Assistance hotline staff only.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer’s return to Australia has been confirmed + Read more ... Where the customer’s return to Australia has been confirmed, this will trigger a reassessment of the customer’s rate of payment. Does the customer have a payment determined Social Service Plan (SSP) on the record?
2 |
Payment suspended or cancelled + Read more ... Is the customer’s payment showing as suspended or cancelled with reason code OVS - customer overseas?
3 |
Reassess the customer’s record + Read more ... Where the customer’s return to Australia has not triggered an automatic reassessment, this will need to be completed manually. See Change of circumstance for Farm Household Allowance (FHA) to action the reassessment SSP. The SSP should show a zero rate period for the time the customer was outside Australia. The correct rate should apply from date of return to Australia. Record the details on a DOC. Procedure ends here. |
4 |
Approving the SSP + Read more ... The SSP should show a zero rate period for the time the customer was outside Australia. The correct rate will be applied from date of return to Australia. If the SSP is not reflecting the correct outcome, select:
If the SSP is now showing the correct result, select Approve and then Save. If the SSP is still showing the incorrect result, refer to Local Peer Support (LPS). Record the details in a DOC on the record. |