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Family Tax Benefit (FTB) 007-07000000

This document outlines information on Family Tax Benefit (FTB).

Government intent

FTB is a payment to help families with the cost of raising children.

FTB components

FTB consists of the following parts:

  • FTB Part A
    • Paid for each FTB child in their care
    • Can include additional components depending on the family's circumstances: Large Family Supplement (LFS) (not payable from 1 July 2016), Multiple Birth Allowance (MBA), Newborn Supplement (NBS) and Rent Assistance (RA)
  • FTB Part B
    • Provides extra assistance to single parents, non-parent carers (including grandparent carers) and couples with one main income and is paid per family based on the age of the youngest child
  • Single Income Family Supplement (SIFS)
    • Paid after the end of the financial year. Note: SIFS is not payable to new recipients from 1 July 2017, however existing recipients may be eligible if they meet the grandfathering provisions

Basic requirements

Individuals and Approved Care Organisations (ACO) may be eligible for FTB for a dependent child in their care for at least 35% of the time. Different eligibility criteria applies.

A claim for FTB is required.

Individuals must choose a payment option of either fortnightly instalments or an annual lump sum.

Recipients are required to notify a change in their circumstances when receiving payments. Rules apply to how long payment can continue when a recipient goes overseas temporarily.

Rates of payment

The amount of FTB Part A is based on the actual family income, the number of children and how old they are.

The amount of FTB Part B is paid per family, based on the age of the youngest child.

Instalment payments are based on the recipient's reasonable estimate of their annual income. It is essential that estimates include all components of their assessable income. Online estimators are available. At the end of the financial year payment is reconciled to determine correct entitlement.

There are separate income tests for FTB Part A and Part B for individuals.

ACOs are paid the base rate of FTB Part A which is not income tested.


Claiming Family Tax Benefit (FTB)

Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claims and forms

Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claim options and payment choices

Assessing family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme claims

Eligibility for Family Tax Benefit (FTB)

Shared care eligibility for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payments

Dependent child changes

Foster care

Rate of Family Tax Benefit (FTB)

Income tests for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payments

Assessment of adjusted taxable income for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payments

Estimating income for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payments

Online estimator options

Family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme options online

Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Paid Parental Leave scheme customer/child going overseas

Cancellation, restoration and rejection of Family Tax Benefit (FTB)

Enquiry, rate and assessment explanation screens for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payments

Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities

Child in care reviews and change of circumstances for family assistance

Family Tax Benefit (FTB) letters

New Financial Year Assessments (NFYA) for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Child Care Subsidy (CCS)

Medicare Safety Net and Family Tax Benefit (FTB) validation with Medicare

Reconciliation of family assistance payments

Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS)