Not effective, rejection or withdrawal of claim for Parental Leave Pay (PPL) 007-07030160
PPL details for customers with children born or entering care both before and on or after 1 July 2023.
This document outlines the requirements for effective Parental Leave Pay (PPL) claims and information on rejected or withdrawn claims. It explains how to record details when a claim for PPL is not-effective (NEF) or rejected, or withdrawn by the customer.
For PPL standalone claims, select the Process Direct tab. For FTB/PPL combined claims, select Customer First.
Process Direct
On this page:
Customer withdraws claim, lodges duplicate claim or claims too early
NEF assessments, coding NEF and following customer contact
Manual checks, recording rejection details and customer contacts
Customer withdraws claim, lodges duplicate claim or claims too early
Table 1: parts of this process are for Families and Child Care Smart Centre Processing staff only.
Item |
Description |
1 |
Claim level withdrawal + Read more ... If the PPL claim has been assessed (e.g. ASS-PCB or ASS-ASD), see Item 2 Customers can only withdraw an effective claim for PPL before a payability determination has been made. See Withdrawal of claims. Discuss the reasons for the withdrawal request with the customer and, where appropriate, offer any further referrals or assistance. Advise the customer that once their claim has been withdrawn:
If a customer is requesting to withdraw a claimed PPL day:
To action a request to withdraw or update a claimed Flexible PPL day for a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023, see Claiming and managing Flexible Paid Parental Leave (PPL) days for children born or entering care before 1 July 2023. To action a request to withdraw or update a claimed Parental Leave Pay day for a child born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023, see Claiming and managing Paid Parental Leave (PPL) days for children born on or after 1 July 2023. Is the customer requesting to withdraw their PPL claim?
2 |
Withdrawal of ASSessed claim + Read more ... Claims that are assessed and not current, such as ASS-PCB or ASS-ASD, can be withdrawn. Customers can ask to withdraw their claim for PPL or PPL days before they start being paid. PPL claim can be withdrawn at either a:
Claim Level Note: For claims for children born or adopted after 1 July 2023, the manual coding of levels is not required on the PPL Claim Action (P1CA) screen. Coding is automatic and will not display. Manually update the P1CA screen:
Once all updates have been completed, select Assess. Address any errors/warnings on the Errors (SWE) screen. Use Roxy Digital Assistance in Process Direct to address any warnings or errors that present in the Message Log on the SWE screen. Refer to additional support resources where errors or warnings present including:
If error or warnings cannot be resolved using above resources, raise an incident via Roxy. See Reporting ICT issues in Process Direct. Do not attempt unapproved manual workaround. After fixing any errors, select Assess again to go the Entitlements (ELD) screen. The Entitlement (ELD) screen displays the outcome of the activity and payment dates.
Day Level For Flexible PPL days, for a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023, see Claiming and managing Flexible Paid Parental Leave (PPL) days for children born or entering care before 1 July 2023. For PPL days for a child born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023, see Claiming and managing Paid Parental Leave (PPL) days for children born on or after 1 July 2023. |
3 |
Customer lodges duplicate claim + Read more ... To check if this is a duplicate claim, see if the information in the subsequent claim is the same as the original claim. If the customer has provided new information about their PPL, this information will not be updated within the duplicate claim. This is to be actioned as a change of circumstances. If the customer:
If the customer:
4 |
Claim lodged outside allowable early claim period + Read more ...
The online claim prevents claims from being submitted if the customer is not expecting a child to come into their care within 97 days. Processing paper claims in Process Direct where PPL claim lodged outside allowable claim period When a customer submits a paper claim, a Social Application (SOA) shell is created in Process Direct. The claim activity must be made NEF and then cancelled:
The customer will be required to complete a new claim within the allowable early claim period to be assessed for payment. |
NEF assessments, coding NEF and following customer contact
Table 2: parts of this process are for Families and Child Care Smart Centre Processing staff only.
Step |
Action |
1 |
NEF assessments + Read more ... Pre-birth and post-birth PPL claims can be made non effective (NEF). In most cases, the NEF will occur automatically when processing the claim. However, manual coding can be completed in certain circumstances. Automatic NEF assessments For PPL pre-claims that have been assessed and are awaiting proof of the child's birth or entry to care, a reminder letter will be sent 14 days after the nominated start date to provide the proof. If the proof of birth is not provided within 56 days of the nominated start date, the claim will be automatically assessed as NEF. PPL already claimed by customer For duplicate PPL claims lodged where the:
For information about the approval process, viewing and managing Approval Giver and Approval Seeker details, see Paid Parental Leave (PPL) approval to claim and share PPL days. If the customer contacts and:
If completing a manual NEF assessment, go to Step 4. |
2 |
Customer contacts about their NEF claim + Read more ... Customer contacts after the claim was made not effective (NEF), check the customer has met all general requirements for an effective claim. Check the following for the explanation:
Tell the customer:
Has the customer provided all the requested information required to make the claim effective?
3 |
Request information/documentation + Read more ...
The customer may have been told to provide further information on the Next steps page of the online claim.
Time frames for return of documents/information Customers are to provide:
Allow extra time for mail delivery for resubmit dates. Has the required information/documentation been received by the resubmit date?
4 |
Manual NEF coding + Read more ...
To manually NEF a PPL claim:
The most appropriate NEF code should be applied so the correct letter is sent to the customer. In very limited circumstances where the manual NEF reason code is OTH, an auto advice will not be sent to the customer. Staff must issue a free text Q999 letter advising the customer their claim is NEF, and the reason. A Social Online Application (SOA) cannot be created for the paper claim if:
When a SOA cannot be created, the claim activity must be made NEF and then cancelled:
The customer must complete a new claim within the allowable early claim period to be assessed for payment. Procedure ends here. |
5 |
Customer contacts about their NEF-ANP assessment + Read more ... Approval Giver has an active Approval ID When the Approval Giver (i.e. birth mother) has an active approval ID but does not provided approval for their partner or other parent to claim PPL days, the Approval Seeker's (i.e. partner of birth mother) claim will automatically be assessed as not effective - Approval not provided (NEF-ANP). If the Approval Seekers does not agree and indicates they want to claim again, they need to lodge a new claim to be assessed. The Approval task will be generated again for the Approval Giver to complete. Approval Giver has an inactive Approval ID If:
Even if the Approval Giver has provided approval for their partner or the other parent to claim PPL the claim outcome will be NEF-ANP. These customers can be identified via the SAP notes on the Approval Givers record - 'Submission logic skipped as Approval ID <approval ID number> is Inactive due to <reason code>'. Explain to the Approval Seeker they are not eligible to claim PPL as the birth mother is relinquishing care. Procedure ends here. |
6 |
Customer contacts about their NEF-PAC or NEF-PAO assessment + Read more ... NEF-PAC (Partial PPL entitlement already paid to the customer) For claims where some of the PPL entitlement has been paid:
Customer contacts to discuss the NEF-PAC outcome.
NEF-PAO (PPL already claimed by other claimants) Primary claimant transfers the PPL period in full for a child born before 1 July 2023, and
The claim will be made not effective NEF-PAO (PPL already claimed by other claimants) If a customer contacts to discuss the NEF-PAO outcome:
7 |
Re-Index a new claim + Read more ... The date of receipt (DOR) used when re-indexing the claim is the date the requested information was lodged. If all requested information has been provided:
Non-FCC processing staff:
FCC Processing staff:
8 |
Re-indexing NEF pre-birth claims - child not born/entered into care + Read more ... NEF pre-birth and the child has not yet been born/entered into care. If all requested information has been provided:
Note: if the customer has lodged a subsequent pre-birth claim and the child has not yet been born, this claim can be used to assess PPL. Claim finalisation Procedure ends here. |
9 |
Re-indexing NEF pre-birth claims - child born/entered into care + Read more ... Where the pre-birth claim was NEF and the child has now been born/entered care:
Where pre-birth claim was NEF and child birth or entry into care is pending:
To create a SOA shell:
If the customer has previously provided proof of birth and it is scanned on the record, it can be used for the claim. View the scanned image via Documents in Process Direct. If the customer has lodged a new online post-birth claim and provided all required information to make the previous post birth claim effective, the new online claim can be used to assess PPL entitlement for the customer. Claim finalisation Procedure ends here |
10 |
Re-indexing NEF post-birth claims + Read more ... NEF post-birth and all required information has been received Post-birth claim can be reindexed using the DOR as outlined in Step 7.
Claim finalisation Procedure ends here. |
Manual checks, recording rejection details and customer contacts
Table 3: this table describes the steps to follow before recording the details of rejected PPL claim
Portions of this process are for Families and Child Care Smart Centre Processing staff only.
Item |
Action |
1 |
Manual rejection coding + Read more ...
Check the customer is not eligible for PPL and the reason to reject is correct. If a manual rejection needs to be recorded:
An error message will display if the information in each field is not consistent with the rejection reason. Finalise the activity on the Entitlements (ELD) screen. If the manual rejection code is OTH, staff must send the customer a manual free text (Q999) letter advising their claim is rejected and the reason. When creating the Q999:
Procedure ends here. |
2 |
Customer contacts to discuss PPL rejection + Read more ... Review the claim details to see why the claim was rejected. Refer to the REJ Note/DOC and/or History Summary (HS) for the explanation. Discuss PPL eligibility requirements with the customer. There may be other eligibility requirements the customer has not met, in addition to the specified rejection reason. Discuss general eligibility in addition to the specified reason. Generally, to be eligible for PPL, the customer must meet the work test, income test, primary care, etc. If the customer is contacting to discuss:
3 |
Customer contacts about REJ-PAS or REJ-PAP assessment + Read more ... If a customer contacts to discuss the REJ-PAS or REJ-PAP outcome, check the customer's record to confirm all PPL payments the customer was eligible to receive have been paid. REJ-PAS (Full PPL entitlement already paid to customer) For a PPL claim a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023, if the primary claimant transfers the PPL period in full, and:
The subsequent claim is rejected REJ-PAS. REJ-PAP (Full PPL entitlement already paid to partner or another person) For a PPL claim a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023, if the Primary claimant transfers the PPL period in full, and:
The Primary claimant claim is rejected REJ-PAP. Or, The Primary claimant has claimed all the PPL entitlement, and
The secondary claimant claim is REJ-PAP. |
4 |
Customer contacts to have PPL reassessed: PPL rejected BNR - birth not registered + Read more ... The customer advises they have registered or applied to register their child's birth and the birth verification is:
For Non-FCC processing staff:
For FCC processing staff:
Customer advises they have not registered or applied to register their child's birth The claimant must register or apply to register the birth of their child before PPL can be granted for the child. If the customer does not understand or does not agree with the decision, and they want to request an explanation or apply for a formal review, see Parental Leave Pay (PPL) employee initiated reviews and appeals. Procedure ends here. |
5 |
Customer contacts about REJ-ONC assessment + Read more ... For PPL claims for children born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023. If a customer contacts to discuss the REJ-ONC outcome, confirm if the gaining parent in a surrogacy arrangement has lodged a claim for the child. If the gaining parent in a surrogacy arrangement has not lodged a claim or is not eligible then the customer's PPL claim will be rejected. Tell the customer that the gaining parent in a surrogacy arrangement will need to lodge a claim and be eligible for PPL. |
6 |
Customer contacts about REJ-AWC assessment + Read more ... For PPL claims for children born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023. If a customer contacts to discuss the REJ-AWC outcome, tell the customer that the Approval Giver has withdrawn their approval for the customer to claim PPL for the child. Any customer other than the birth mother, first adoptive parent or a claimant in exceptional circumstances must have approval to claim and share PPL days from the birth mother or first adoptive parent. See Paid Parental Leave (PPL) approval to claim and share PPL days. |
7 |
Customer contacts about REJ-WTA assessment + Read more ... For PPL claims for children born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023. If a customer contacts to discuss the REJ-WTA outcome, tell them to be eligible for PPL both the Approval Giver and Approval Seeker must meet the PPL work test where the Approval Giver is the birth mother or first adoptive parent. If:
If the Approval Seeker contacts, Service Officers:
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Customer contacts to have PPL reassessed (PPL rejected for reason other than birth registration) + Read more ...
Review the record and provide an explanation why the PPL claim was rejected. Tell the customer what information is required for their claim to be reassessed. Refer to the progress/rejection DOC for additional information, Notes and/or the HS screen to confirm if any other documents had previously been requested and not provided. Alternatively, the customer may advise they have additional information to provide which may change the outcome of the claim. Where Service Officers identify an error in the original decision, a reassessment must occur without a request for a formal review of decision. For the initial PPL claim to be reassessed, the customer needs to provide all requested information within 28 days of the rejection. In some circumstances, the customer may require more than 28 days to provide all of the required information, such as evidence from a specialist. If additional information is not available to allow their claim to be reassessed, and they want to request an explanation or apply for a formal review, see PPL employee initiated reviews and appeals. Procedure ends here. Did the customer provide all of the requested documents/ information within 28 days, or is the Service Officer satisfied the customer needed more time, or a formal review resulted in the PPL rejection decision being set aside?
9 |
Re-indexing a new claim + Read more ... For Non-FCC processing staff:
For FCC processing staff: Complete a reassessment of the customer's PPL entitlement. Contact the customer if there are concerns or circumstances that have changed since the initial claim was submitted. Do not re-index the pre-birth claim where the child is now born as this can cause issues. Create a new claim activity using the Social Online Application (SOA) using both the information provided in the pre-birth claim and post birth details (FA081/Add Newborn). Date of receipt to use when creating the SOA claim:
Date of receipt to use when re-indexing a claim:
To re-index the claim:
Note: if a customer is advising after the financial year has changed, new financial year estimates may need to be provided. |
Customer First
On this page:
Customer withdraws claim, lodges duplicate claim or claims too early
NEF assessments, coding NEF and following customer contact
Manual checks, recording rejection details and customer contacts
Customer withdraws claim, lodges duplicate claim or claims too early
Table 1: this table describes the actions to take when a customer wants to withdraw their PPL claim, lodges a duplicate claim, or lodges a claim outside the allowable early claim period.
Portions of this process are for Families and Child Care Smart Centre Processing staff only.
Item |
Description |
1 |
Claim level withdrawal + Read more ... If the PPL claim has been assessed (e.g. ASS-PCB or ASS-ASD), see Item 2 Customers can only withdraw an effective claim for PPL before their payment status is CURrent for that child. Discuss the reasons for the withdrawal request with the customer and, where appropriate, offer any further referrals or assistance. Tell the customer once their claim has been withdrawn:
Note: if a customer is requesting to withdraw a claimed PPL day:
To action a request to withdraw or update a claimed Flexible PPL day for a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023, see Claiming and managing Flexible Paid Parental Leave (PPL) days for children born or entering care before 1 July 2023. To action a request to withdraw or update a claimed PPL day for a child born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023, see Claiming and managing Paid Parental Leave (PPL) days for children born on or after 1 July 2023. Is the customer requesting to withdraw their PPL at a claim level?
2 |
Withdrawal of ASSessed claim + Read more ... Claims that are assessed and not current, such as ASS-PCB or ASS-ASD, can be withdrawn. Customers can request to withdraw their claim for PPL or Flexible PPL days. PPL claims can be withdrawn at either a:
Manually update the P1CA screen:
Day Level: For Flexible PPL days for a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023, see Claiming and managing Flexible Paid Parental Leave (PPL) days for children born or entering care before 1 July 2023.
For PPL days for a child born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023, see Claiming and managing Paid Parental Leave (PPL) days for children born on or after 1 July 2023. |
3 |
Customer lodges duplicate PPL claim + Read more ... To check if this is a duplicate claim, see if the information in the subsequent claim is the same as the original claim. If the customer has provided new information about their PPL, this information will not be updated within the duplicate claim. This is to be actioned as a change of circumstances. If the customer:
If a customer:
4 |
Claim lodged outside allowable early claim period + Read more ...
The online claim prevents claims from being submitted if the customer is not expecting a child to come into their care within 97 days. However, customers are not prevented from lodging a Claim for Parental Leave Pay and Family Tax Benefit (FA100) form outside the allowable time frame. Processing paper claims where PPL claim lodged outside allowable claim period
The customer must complete a new claim within the allowable early claim period to be assessed for payment. |
NEF assessments, coding NEF and following customer contact
Table 2: this table contains information about automatic NEF assessments, manual NEF coding, and what to do when a customer contacts after their PPL claim has been made NEF.
Portions of this process are for Families and Child Care Smart Centre Processing staff only.
Step |
Action |
1 |
NEF assessments + Read more ... Pre-birth and post-birth PPL claims can be made NEF. In most cases, the NEF will occur automatically when processing the claim. However, manual coding can be completed in certain circumstances. Automatic NEF assessments For PPL pre-birth claims that have been assessed and are awaiting proof of the child's birth or entry to care, a reminder letter will be sent 14 days after the nominated start date to provide the proof. If the proof is not provided within 56 days of the nominated start date, the claim will be automatically assessed as NEF. PPL already claimed by customer Duplicate PPL claims lodged where the:
Customer contacts and:
If completing a manual NEF assessment. Go to Step 4. |
2 |
Customer contacts about their NEF assessment + Read more ...
Check the following for the explanation:
Tell the customer:
Has the customer provided all the requested information required to make the claim effective?
3 |
Request information/documentation + Read more ...
The customer may have been told to provide information on the Next steps page of their claim.
Time frames for return of documents/information Customers are to provide:
Allow extra time for mail delivery for resubmit dates. Has the required information/documentation been received by the resubmit date?
4 |
Manual NEF coding + Read more ... To manually NEF a PPL claim:
An automatic letter will be sent to advise the outcome except for reason OTH (Other). For reason 'OTH' a Manual Follow Up (MFU) will be created and a free text Q999 letter must be sent. If an Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) cannot be used for the paper claim If:
Procedure ends here. |
5 |
Customer contacts about NEF-PAC or NEF-PAO claim + Read more ... NEF-PAC (Partial PPL entitlement already paid to the customer)
The subsequent claim will be made not effective reason PAC-PPL already claimed by customer. If a customer contacts, tell them what payments have been made and any outstanding payments still payable. For example any unclaimed Flexible PPL days. Check if the customer was attempting to claim PPL days only. See Claiming and managing Flexible Paid Parental Leave (PPL) days for children born or entering care before 1 July 2023. NEF-PAO (PPL already claimed by other claimants)
The claim lodged by the Primary claimant will be made not effective with reason NEF-PAO (PPL already claimed by other claimants). If a customer contacts, tell them what payments have been claimed and any outstanding Flexible PPL days still available. Check if the customer was attempting to remove permission for any Flexible PPL days given to a secondary claimant. See Claiming and managing Flexible Paid Parental Leave (PPL) days for children born or entering care before 1 July 2023. |
6 |
Index a new claim + Read more ... The date of receipt (DOR) used when re-indexing the claim is the date the requested information was lodged. If all requested information has been provided:
Non-FCC processing staff:
If all requested information has been provided for a:
7 |
Re-Indexing NEF pre-birth claims + Read more ... NEF pre-birth and the child has not been born/entered into care If all requested information has been provided:
Note: if the customer has lodged another pre-birth claim and the child is not yet born, this claim can be used to assess PPL entitlement for the customer. Claim finalisation See Processing standalone and combined claims for family assistance and/or Paid Parental Leave payments. Procedure ends here. |
8 |
Re-Indexing a claim after birth or entry into care, where previous claim was NEF + Read more ... If the pre-birth claim was NEF and the child has now been born/entered into care, the customer must provide all relevant information including the child's details and proof of birth. See Processing proof of a child's birth. If all requested information has been provided:
If the customer has lodged a new online post-birth claim and provided all information to make the previous post birth claim effective, this online claim can be used to assess PPL entitlement. Complete an Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) to generate a new claim
If the customer has previously provided proof of birth and it is scanned on the record, it can be used for the claim. View the scanned image via Document Tools in Customer First. Claim finalisation See Processing standalone and combined claims for family assistance and/or Paid Parental Leave payments. Procedure ends here. |
Manual checks, recording rejection details and customer contacts
Table 3: this table describes manual rejection coding and action required when a customer contacts about a rejection.
Portions of this process are for Families and Child Care Smart Centre Processing staff only.
Item |
Action |
1 |
Manual rejection coding + Read more ...
Check the customer is not eligible for PPL and the reason to reject is correct. If a manual rejection needs to be recorded:
An error message will display if the information in each field is not consistent with the rejection reason. Finalise the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen If the manual rejection code is OTH, send the customer a manual free text (Q999) letter advising their claim is rejected and the reason. See Resources for suitable q999 text. When creating the Q999:
Procedure ends here. |
2 |
Customer contacts to discuss PPL rejection + Read more ... Review the claim details to see why the claim was rejected. Refer to the REJ DOC and/or letters for the explanation. Discuss PPL eligibility requirements with the customer. There may be other eligibility requirements the customer has not met, in addition to the specified rejection reason. Discuss general eligibility in addition to the specified reason. Generally, to be eligible for PPL, the customer must meet the work test, income test, care of the child, etc. If the customer is contacting about:
Customers can request a review and explanation of the rejection by a Subject Matter Expert (SME). If the customer still disagrees with the rejection following the SME explanation and requests a formal review, use the Internal Review/Explanation script to record the customer's application for a formal review. |
3 |
Customer contacts about REJ-PAS or REJ-PAP assessment + Read more ... If a customer contacts to discuss the REJ-PAS or REJ-PAS outcome, check the customer's record to confirm all PPL payments the customer was eligible to receive have been paid. REJ-PAS (Full PPL entitlement already paid to customer) For a PPL claim a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023, if the Primary claimant transfers the PPL period in full, and:
The subsequent claim is rejected REJ-PAS. REJ-PAP (Full PPL entitlement already paid to partner or another person) For a PPL claim a child born or adopted before 1 July 2023, if the Primary claimant transfers the PPL period in full, and:
The Primary claimant claim is rejected REJ-PAP. Or, The Primary claimant has claimed all the PPL entitlement, and
The secondary claimant claim is REJ-PAP. If the customer believes the decision to reject their PPL claim is incorrect and no additional information is required for their new claim to be reassessed, see Item 5. |
4 |
Customer contacts to have PPL reassessed: PPL rejected BNR - birth not registered + Read more ... The customer advises they have registered or applied to register their child's birth. For Non-FCC processing staff:
For FCC processing staff:
Customer advises they have not registered or applied to register their child's birth The claimant must register or apply to register the birth of their child before PPL can be granted for the child. If the customer does not understand or does not agree with the decision, and they want to request an explanation or apply for a formal review, see Parental Leave Pay (PPL) employee initiated reviews and appeals. Procedure ends here. |
5 |
Customer contacts to have PPL reassessed (PPL rejected for reason other than birth registration) + Read more ...
Review the record and provide an explanation why the PPL claim was rejected. Tell the customer what information is required for their claim to be reassessed. Refer to the progress/rejection DOC for additional information, Notes and/or the HS screen to confirm if any other documents had previously been requested and not provided. Alternatively, the customer may advise they have additional information to provide which may change the outcome of the claim. Where Service Officers identify an error in the original decision, a reassessment must occur without a request for a formal review of decision. For the initial PPL claim to be reassessed, the customer needs to provide all requested information within 28 days of the rejection. In some circumstances, the customer may require more than 28 days to provide all of the required information, such as evidence from a specialist. Did the customer provide all information within 28 days, or is the Service Officer satisfied the customer needed more time or a formal review resulted in the PPL rejection decision being set aside?
6 |
Re-indexing a new claim + Read more ... The date of receipt (DOR) used when re-indexing the claim will depend if the claim is a pre-birth or post birth claim:
Note: if a customer is advising after the financial year has changed, new financial year estimates may need to be provided For Non-FCC processing staff:
For FCC processing staff: Complete a reassessment of the customer's PPL entitlement. Contact the customer if there are concerns or circumstances that have changed since the initial claim was submitted. Do not re-index the pre-birth online claim as this may result in the incorrect outcome. Index a new claim activity using the Social Online Application (SOA) using the original claim information provided in the pre-birth claim and post birth claim (FA081/Add Newborn). To re-index the claim: