Blended families and Family Tax Benefit (FTB) 007-07040080
This document outlines information about claiming and receiving Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for a blended family.
On this page:
Initial blended family assessment and updating current assessments
Processing claims and completing new assessments for blended families
Initial blended family assessment and updating current assessments
Table 1: portions of this process are completed by appropriately trained Smart Centre staff only.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Changes to an existing blended family + Read more ... If a member of a couple wants to:
Commence initial blended family assessment Does the family meet the definition of a blended family for FTB?
What to do if Edit E033FY appears on a current FTB customer's record (apart from new claim or when linking).
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Change existing blended family percentage + Read more ... The new percentages can apply no earlier than date paid to plus one day. If a person wants to:
Does the partner agree to new percentage?
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Blended family - claiming or linking + Read more ... Only appropriately trained Smart Centre staff can link a new couple when a blended family assessment applies. Send a DOC to Smart Centres FCC Processing using Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Families > Updates > Blended Family follow up with the following information:
If either member of the couple is in receipt of an ISP, see Change in relationship status from single to partnered, to check if forms are required. Send a request for a MOD P in:
The MOD P - Partner Details form is completed and returned within 14 days or discuss appropriate transfer/claiming options for example, PPS-PPP, PPS-JSP. Partner details for income support purposes will be collected using the MOD P. The MOD P will direct Income Support Payment (ISP) - FTB mutual customers to provide a new combined income estimate for Family Tax Benefit and/or Child Care Subsidy purposes online. Unreasonable income estimates: Staff must ensure income estimates are recorded as accurately as possible so that a person's entitlements are correctly assessed and the risk of overpayments reduced. For Parenting Payment (PP) transfers, appropriately trained Smart Centre staff code the blend if appropriate and refer back to the service centre to finalise the benefit transfer incorporating the blended assessment within the PP benefit transfer. The couple can choose:
If FTB instalments are not payable to one member of the couple due to prohibition or zero entitlement years, FTB instalments are not payable to the other member of the couple. Do both members of the couple want to receive FTB, or are both members of the couple FTB current (including CZR) when partnering?
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Both members of the couple either want to receive a percentage of the family’s FTB, or both are FTB current (including CZR) + Read more ... Have both members of the couple provided their agreed blended FTB percentage split (must be confirmed with both customers)?
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Confirm the agreed blended percentage + Read more ... Make 2 genuine attempts to contact the customer and their partner to confirm the agreed blended percentage. Before calling, use Desktop Electronic Messaging Capability (DEMC) to advise the customer they will get a phone call. If the customer and/or their partner cannot be contacted:
If the customer and the partner have not contacted when the review becomes due, attempt to contact by phone again. If unable to contact, in Customer First:
Procedure ends here. |
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Not a blended family or do not wish to be paid as a blended family + Read more ... The couple will need to decide who will receive FTB. That person will need to claim FTB for each child of the family for whom they do not currently receive FTB. If their partner is FTB current, before linking the couple, in Customer First, cancel the partner's FTB by coding the children as 'TOP' (transfer out to partner) from the relationship start date on the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen. Record details on a DOC and finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen. If the couple are linked and there is no shared care the Blended Family Assessment may be ended and the partner's FTB cancelled, by coding 'TOP' on the CHOC screen in Customer First for the partner only from the later DPT + 1 of both members of the couple. Record details on a DOC and finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen. Note: if a shared care assessment is currently coded on FSC/SSC (between the blended family couple) this will need to be updated prior to coding TOP on CHOC. If a child is not linked to the record of the person who will receive the FTB, link the child via the Link Child screen (LCH), see Linking a child to a customer's record for more details. If there is shared care for the step child of the person now receiving FTB, a problem (P24845) has been identified where shared care is not being correctly applied when a child is in the care of a parent who has transferred their FTB to their current partner (step-parent). See Table 4 in Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for coding. |
Processing claims and completing new assessments for blended families
Table 2: portions of this process are completed by appropriately trained Smart Centre staff only.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Claiming FTB - blended families + Read more ... Each member of a blended family must receive FTB in the same way (fortnightly or as a lump sum). They each need to claim for their child/ren only. If a child is from a previous relationship, ideally one person should claim for that child and their partner should claim for the children from the current relationship. This will ensure that if the child from the previous relationship ceases to be a dependant, FTB is cancelled for one member of the couple and the blended family assessment ended. Each member of the couple must be entitled to FTB. They each must have an FTB child to be able to blend their payments. From 1 July 2016, FTB Part B is not payable when their youngest child turns 13 years of age, unless the person is a grandparent carer. For information about claiming, see Initial contact by customers claiming payments for families. Tell the customer if they are also claiming Parental Leave Pay (PPL) for a child that FTB Part B will not be paid:
Backdating limit for FTB claims An FTB claim for an additional child for a period the person received FTB instalments can only be backdated to 1 July of the preceding financial year. They would need to claim by 30 June 2022 for 2020-21. FTB claim lodgement timeframes Customers have until the end of the lodgement year to lodge a lump sum FTB claim, for example by 30 June 2019 for 2017-18. From the 2012-13 financial year onwards, a customer prevented from lodging their lump sum claim by the end of the lodgement year due to special circumstances may be granted a lodgement extension. See Assessing special circumstances extensions for families unable to meet lodgement and other specific requirements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and Single Income Family Supplement (SIFS). For financial years 2011-12 or earlier, customers had until the end of the extended lodgement year to lodge a lump sum claim. For example, by 30 June 2014 for the 2011-12 financial year. Agreed blended percentage When claiming, the couple should nominate the percentage of the family's total FTB rate each is to receive, between 1-99%. The total must equal 100%. The percentage does not need to reflect the number of children each claims. |
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Start date + Read more ... A couple cannot be treated as a blended family for any period either member of the couple has been paid FTB. The start date cannot be earlier than the relationship start date, or the date they were both eligible for FTB. The assessment cannot include a period for which either person has been paid FTB. The Resources page contains start date examples. Does the couple wish to receive FTB instalments?
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More Choice For Families + Read more ... Each member of the couple may choose any of the FTB payment choices if they are both FTB instalment customers. They must advise their choice separately. They do not need to make the same choice. Note: each member of a blended family must receive FTB in the same way (fortnightly or as a lump sum).
All other staff, transfer the request to Smart Centres FCC processing:
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FTB instalment customers + Read more ... Appropriately trained Smart Centre staff only Is either person currently receiving FTB instalments?
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Date paid to (DPT) after relationship start date + Read more ... Only one member of the couple has been paid FTB:
Both have been paid FTB since the relationship start date:
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For current or new FTB instalment claim + Read more ... Linking children For each claim, add or link children according to who has claimed for each child:
For customers who have claimed FTB for the partner's additional children up until DPT, those children will need to be coded off and transferred back to the partner from DPT + 1. Ensure the Child in Customer Care (CHC) and Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screens are coded correctly for each member of the couple. For help, see: |
7 |
Record blended family details + Read more ... Ensure that the family's income estimate is coded on each person's record. For help, see Updating income estimates for the current financial year. The Blended Families Split FTB Rate (FBSR) screen must be updated in the same activity as linking the members of the couple. It should only be coded if the family is a blended family. If the couple has not nominated a percentage, an edit will appear to suggest a percentage split based on the children linked to each person. If acceptable to the couple, these percentages must then be coded. On the FBSR screen, in the following fields:
Any changes to the nominated percentage can only be coded via a new line with effect no earlier than DPT + 1. |
8 |
Finalise instalment activity + Read more ... Record details on a Note/DOC and complete Activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen after checking the details are correct. To correct a reconciliation result where the blended family percentage used does not match the latest details on the FBSR screen for the same period, the FAO Blended Percentage Override (FBPO) screen can be updated in Customer First (AS06 delegation). See Reconciliation of Family Tax Benefit. Procedure ends here. |
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FTB lump sum claims + Read more ... A person may have more than one blended family period within a financial year. Separate details must be coded for each blended family partner. Blended family details are recorded on the FTB Lump Sum Period (FLSP) screen for the relevant financial year for each member of the couple separately: In Customer First, in the following fields:
In Process Direct:
When recording the lump sum claims for each member of the couple, details on each record should match. If recording maintenance income details for one person, they must also be recorded for the other. If one member of the couple advises they are not required to lodge a tax return for a previous financial year, record non lodgement exemption. Process an activity on both records if the estimate should affect both records for blended family cases. If the person is providing an estimate for themselves and an ex-partner, there is no need to access or code an activity on the ex-partner's record. For more help with claims, see Processing Family Tax Benefit (FTB) lump sum claims. |
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FTB lump sum claims + Read more ... Record details on a Note/DOC and finalise activity. The claim of one member of a couple will remain pending until a claim is processed for the other member of the blended family. If the partner has not lodged a claim by the end of the lodgement year, a letter will be sent to the member of the couple who has claimed to ask them to advise one of the following options to receive FTB:
The person would need to lodge a claim for additional children under the last 2 options. The person who has lodged the claim that is pending may ask for a review during the financial year so they can claim all FTB for all children. The couple would no longer be able to be assessed as a blended family for that period. |