If a child is in immediate danger or risk of harm you must act, and a delegate must call Triple Zero (000). If you have concerns about a child’s safety, conduct the risk and referral process.
Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.
The process tab is currently under review. The current content relates to Centrelink processes only. For Medicare and Child Support processes see:
- Sensitive Information Indicators in the CDMS
- Sensitive issue management Cuba Process Help
This document outlines how to identify a customer who may be at risk of, or experiencing, vulnerability.
Checking customer’s Centrelink record to identify vulnerable circumstances through file assessment
This table provides the common screens to review when identifying if a customer is experiencing vulnerability circumstances.
Note: this is not a complete list of screens within a customer’s Centrelink record that may indicate they are experiencing vulnerability. It is important if a customer may be experiencing vulnerability, to discuss this with them to clarify their circumstances and offer appropriate support.
Item |
Description |
1 |
Immediate Alert issues - Display on Access (DOA) documents + Read more ...
Critical and vital information for the customer will display when entering the customer record as a DOA DOC.
Staff must read each DOA DOC and follow all included instructions.
Additional screens and the Document List/Notes screen may also need to be checked.
2 |
Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) issues (or history of FDV) - screens to check + Read more ...
AEX - alerts to significant events that have impacted customers with mutual obligation requirements including:
MPC (personal crisis)
MPD (personal disruption)
CUSE/OOP - Crisis Payment grants for family and domestic violence or other extreme circumstances
MNGS - exemption for maintenance action, for reasons such as:
VIO (family and domestic violence)
IMP (imposition e.g. sexual assault)
Circumstances Impacting Compliance in Process Direct, key BIJC into the Super Key, press [Enter]. This screen provides information on family relationship/domestic violence. See Circumstances impacting job seeker compliance
Social Work contact for FDV - check Notes/Document List (DL) screen for social work contact for family and domestic violence. More information may be available in the Social Work Information System (SWIS), but a social worker must check this.
3 |
Health issues (mental or physical health) - screens to check + Read more ...
MC - Medical conditions
JCA - in Customer First (Job Capacity Assessment)
Workflow - under 'referral' drop down box select 'JCA referral information' then select 'view report'
Manual coding - access JCA screen and select hyperlink
Notes/DL screen - for social work contact regarding health issues. More information may be available in SWIS, but this must be checked by a social worker
Circumstances Impacting Compliance - key BIJC into the Super Key, press [Enter]. This screen provides information on physical and psychological factors
NOLS nominee information. Select the arrangement and view the reason:
CRT Court Appointed
PAI Power of Attorney incapacitated, or
POA Power of Attorney (POA) and/or nominee is a Public Trustee or Guardian
4 |
Homelessness or unstable accommodation issues - screens to check + Read more ...
Homeless Indicator Details:
In Process Direct - key 'HID' (Homeless details) in the Super Key
Customer First - go to the Homeless Indicator Details workflow
ADH/ADS/ACS - Check frequent changes of address including boarding homes/ caravan parks (more than 3 times in one year indicates at risk of homelessness)
ADH - C/O - Care of the post office/Services Australia/external agency indicates customer has no alternate mailing address and has arrangements in place
Circumstances Impacting Compliance - in Process Direct, key BIJC into the Super Key, press [Enter]. This screen provides information on homelessness. See Circumstances impacting jobseeker compliance
NIH - UTLAH (unreasonable to live at home) assessment
Independent status codes HDH, HNH, HSR, HOE and PPG indicate a UTLAH status or is otherwise unable to live with a parent.
Codes PSF or PSU indicate a state ward status (risk and child protection issues)
Notes/DL explore documents including:
Whereabouts unknown (WUK)
SU19 being collected
Community Engagement Officer contact
Social worker contacts (more information may be available in SWIS; but this must be checked by a social worker)
AEX - alerts to significant events that have impacted customers with mutual obligation requirements including:
MPC (personal crisis)
MPD (personal disruption)
NOLS - nominee information. Select the arrangement and view the reason:
CRT - Court Appointed
SNI - Security Notice Issued, and/or
nominee is a Public Trustee or Guardian
5 |
Court or legal issues - screens to check + Read more ...
Circumstances Impacting Compliance - in Process Direct, key BIJC into the Super Key, press [Enter]. This screen provides information on recent prison release. See Circumstances impacting jobseeker compliance
PINS - fines being deducted from payments through Centrepay
CUSE/OOP - Crisis Payment grants for prison release payments
ABH/ PNSH/ PGCH - for Imprisonment (IMP)
Notes/DL - noting contacts with Community Engagement Officers or Incarcerated Customer Servicing Team
NOLS - nominee information. Select the arrangement and view the reason:
CRT - Court Appointed
SNI - Security Notice Issued, and/or
nominee is a Public Trustee or Guardian
6 |
Personal or caring issues - screens to check + Read more ...
Notes/DL - check documents including from:
Contact with service centres and smart centres
Recent claims (granted or rejected) indicating significant life events for example, Crisis Payment, Parenting Payment claim, Carer, Disability Support Pension
Customer Relation Unit (CRU) contact regarding issues other than mainstream services (such as urgent payments, welfare referrals, personal issues)
Social workers contacts (more information may be available in SWIS; but this must be checked by a social worker)
UTLAH (unreasonable to live at home) assessment and 'At Risk' information
MS - (relationship status), including separated under one roof (SUOR) code may indicate recent separation or martial status complexity. Note that:
if the customer is separating from a relationship, including where they are separated under the one roof (SUOR) there are key steps they should consider to keep their personal information safe
The sequence of these key steps is important and all updates need to be made separately for Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support. See Separating Safely – Protecting personal details
CRS - Care Receiver Summary. View any care provided details by selecting the care receiver then ADMD for an adult or CDMD for a child
AEX - alerts to significant events that have impacted customers with mutual obligation requirements including:
MPC (personal crisis)
MPD (personal disruption)
Carers exemption (CAR)
Circumstances Impacting Compliance - in Process Direct, key BIJC into the Super Key, press [Enter]. This screen provides information on significant personal or caring issues. See Circumstances impacting jobseeker compliance
NOLS - nominee information. Select the arrangement and view the reason:
VOL - a voluntary nominee arrangement with a family member as the nominee
CRT - a court appointed nominee
PAI - Power of Attorney – incapacitated, or
POA - Power of Attorney and/or nominee is a Public Trustee or Guardian
7 |
Social exclusion issues - screens to check + Read more ...
Job Plan - the customer may have counselling or contact with other agencies to address non-vocational barriers in their Job Plan, which can be found in the Participation drop down box
Participation Summary - will advise of which 'stream' the customer is allocated in (Stream C indicates a higher level of vulnerabilities) this information can be found in the participation drop down box
NOLS - nominee information. Select the arrangement and view the reason:
VOL - a voluntary nominee arrangement with a family member as the nominee
CRT - Court Appointed
PAI - Power of Attorney - incapacitated
POA - Power of Attorney and/or nominee is a Public Trustee or Guardian
Circumstances Impacting Compliance in Process Direct, key BIJC into the Super Key, press [Enter]. This screen provides information on social exclusion issue. See Circumstances impacting jobseeker compliance
AEX - alerts to significant events that have impacted customers with mutual obligation requirements including:
MPC (personal crisis)
MPD (personal disruption)
Financial hardship
Overpayments and/or debts (OPDL), the customer may have withholdings from regular payments to repay the debt
Request for a debt waiver on DL (document list) - Staff and social workers can also refer to and consult with specialist social workers in the Payment and Integrity Division, see Social workers role in Payment and Integrity
Financial hardship indications from multiple requests for:
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Literacy and numeracy, language or cultural issues - screens to check + Read more ...
Notes/DL - it should be noted on DL or as a DOA DOC if the customer needs help with completing forms
EDCH - education achievements
OCD - contact considerations such as:
CRES - will identify residency and potential language barriers, may alert to past experience of torture and trauma, arrival on refugee/ Humanitarian visa
RRSUM - Referral summary screen providing information for literacy and numeracy referrals
Circumstances Impacting Compliance - in in Process Direct, key BIJC into the Super Key, press [Enter]. This screen provides information on literacy, numeracy, language and cultural issues. See Circumstances impacting jobseeker compliance.
NOLS - nominee information. Select the arrangement and view the reason:
VOL - a voluntary nominee arrangement with a family member as the nominee
CRT - a court appointed nominee
PAI - Power of Attorney – incapacitated, or
POA - Power of Attorney and/or nominee is a Public Trustee or Guardian
9 |
Natural disaster issues + Read more ...
10 |
Place-Based Initiatives (IM/eIM) + Read more ...