This page contains information on managing compulsory Quarterly Participation Interviews (QTI) for job seekers assessed as having Partial Capacity to Work (PCW) and Temporary Reduced Work Capacity (TRWC) (0-7 or 8-14 hours per week).
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Action |
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Check the job seeker's record to determine status of income support payment (ISP) + Read more ...
Is the job seeker's payment current?
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Capacity and capability to conduct the interview + Read more ...
If the job seeker advises their QTI has not been conducted at the scheduled time, review the job seeker's record for DOCs about previous contact attempts.
Does the Service Officer have the appropriate training/skills and have the capacity and capability to conduct the interview now?
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Restoration of suspended payment - FAI + Read more ...
Advise the job seeker:
they have been suspended for missing their appointment
if they are unable to attend any appointment requested of them, they must make contact before the appointment to reschedule to avoid suspension in the future
Does the Service Officer have the appropriate training/skills and have the capacity and capability to conduct the interview now?
Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen to code the restoration activity:
Service Reason: field: select or key the type of benefit
Action field: key RES
Reason: leave blank
Effect Date: DPT + 1 (arrears are paid if entitled)
Source: select relevant source
Date of Receipt: today
DOC the restoration. Use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Generic > SUS/CAN/RES > Restore (Payment Type) DOV
go to Step 5 to conduct the interview now
No, go to Step 4.
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Book a Quarterly Participation Interview + Read more ...
Book a Quarterly Participation Interview appointment for the next available time.
In Customer First:
From Quick Links, select Appointments > Book and Manage Appointments
Select Create Appointment
Appointment Type: select Quarterly Participation Ivw
Appointment Channel: select Phone (Face to Face if no contact details)
Service Reason: select appropriate ISP
If the rescheduled appointment is in the next 5 business days, tell the job seeker the time and date because no appointment advice is issued.
Advise the job seeker their payment will be restored once the interview is conducted.
Procedure ends here.
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QTI + Read more ...
A QTI is a compulsory requirement for job seekers assessed as having a:
Partial Capacity to Work (PCW) of 0-7 or 8-14 hours per week, or
Temporary Reduced Capacity to Work (TRWC) of 0-7 or 8-14 hours per week.
Note: if the job seeker is assessed as having a TRWC of 0-7 or 8-14 hours per week for less than 12 weeks, they will only be required to attend a QTI Initial appointment
A job seeker will be identified as requiring a QTI when:
Go to Step 6.
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Triggering the QTI requirement + Read more ...
The ESAt or JCA report is accepted, triggering the start of the QTI requirements
The Service Component 707 (QTI Initial Phone) or 708 (QTI Initial Face to Face) will automatically start when the ESAt/JCA report is accepted. An Initial QTI appointment is automatically booked for 2 weeks after the ESAt/JCA acceptance date. Note: the QTI Initial appointment also applies to job seekers who are assessed with TRWC of 0-7 or 8-14 hours per week for less than 12 weeks
Once the QTI Initial interview is completed with all relevant actions coded correctly (for example, QTI activity is coded on the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen), the ongoing QTI interview will be scheduled for job seekers assessed as PCW or TRWC of 0-14 hours for 12 weeks or more
Service Component 710 (QTI Ongoing Phone) or 711 (QTI Ongoing Face to Face) will be scheduled every 12 weeks from the ESAt/JCA acceptance date (not from the date of the Initial QTI interview), where ongoing QTI appointments are required
If the job seeker has already lodged a medical certificate, follow the process to assess the medical certificate and update the Medical Certificate (MC) screen to either grant or not grant a Temporary Incapacity (INP) exemption
An automatic letter is generated for the job seeker advising them of their:
mutual obligation requirements, and
requirement to negotiate a Job Plan with the agency
Go to Step 7.
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An appointment is automatically booked + Read more ...
The intent of a QTI appointment is to make sure the:
QTI is coded on the Activities and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen, and
the Job Plan is updated
When no exemption is currently recorded, go to Step 8.
Exemption coded before QTI appointment auto booked + Read more ...
If the job seeker has an exemption from their mutual obligation requirements and the end date is less than 2 weeks in the future, an appointment will be automatically booked by the system using the 'Quarterly Participation Interview' appointment type.
If the job seeker has an exemption end date that is more than 2 weeks in the future, their QTI appointment is deferred until after the exemption end date.
Exemption coded after QTI appointment auto booked + Read more ...
If a job seeker submits a medical certificate after a QTI appointment was booked and then an exemption is coded, the Service Officer must:
call the job seeker at their appointment time
tell the job seeker that their QTI is deferred until after the expiry of their exemption period
not code the AEX or negotiate the Job Plan. This will occur when the QTI requirement is applicable
manually complete the QTI appointment and advise the job seeker as appropriate
record a DOC with the reason the QTI appointment was not conducted
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Conducting the QTI requirement appointment + Read more ...
The QTI appointment is conducted either:
Face to Face in a local service centre, or
by Phone, send a Phone interview pre-call notification using Desktop Electronic Messaging Capability (DEMC) to job seekers with a phone QTI appointment. See Centrelink letters online and Electronic Messaging
Did the job seeker attend the appointment?
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Conduct QTI + Read more ...
During the interview, discuss the following:
The ESAt/JCA assessment and whether it is still current and valid, or if the job seeker's circumstances have changed
If the job seeker advises a change in circumstances, re-run the Job Seeker Snapshot and request a new ESAt/JCA if appropriate. This includes when:
there has been a change in circumstances
the QTI requirement has expired for a job seeker with a TRWC and the job seeker is likely to be eligible for ongoing QTI, as it appears they still have a work capacity of 0-14 hours per week
Assistance recommendations from their last ESAt/JCA
Social participation options where the job seeker has been assessed as having a TRWC
Encourage voluntary job search. Include voluntary participation with a Workforce Australia, Disability Employment Services (DES) or Community Development Program (CDP) provider. Note: voluntary participation with a provider does not end the QTI requirement
Any work the job seeker might be doing as paid employment. It could meet the job seeker's mutual obligation requirements and they may no longer be required to attend a QTI
Voluntary work and other community assistance options
Provide information on the benefits of work (such as Working Credit and Mobility Allowance)
Outline the benefits of planning for the future and explain assistance services like Financial Information Services
Outline the disadvantages of long term income support dependence, and
Explore eligibility for other income support payments
If the job seeker has a TRWC, check when this period ends as the job seeker may no longer be required to attend QTIs and will need to re-engage with a Workforce Australia, DES or CDP provider. A referral will be required when the TRWC period ends
Check for future appointments booked and inform them of any scheduled in the near future
Tell the job seeker if they are likely to have a QTI appointment booked in the future. This will depend on whether they are assessed as having a TRWC in the future
Tell the job seeker, if they are unable to attend any future appointments, they must contact to reschedule their appointment before the time/date scheduled
Go to Step 10.
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Assessing the job seekers work capacity from a recent ESAt or JCA + Read more ...
Job seekers participating in part time work (PTW) or self employment (SEL) activities for a minimum of 30 hours per fortnight may fully meet their mutual obligation requirements.
Thorough discussion must occur with the job seeker before PTW or SEL is coded, instead of QTI.
Job seekers with a PCW or TRWC are not required to attend ongoing quarterly interviews while they remain in work, if assessed as having a capacity of:
0-7 hours per week, or
8-14 hours per week
Review the job seeker’s assessed capacity to work, as per the Work Capacity (WC) screen, from the most recent current and valid ESAt or JCA assessment.
Based on the ESAt/JCA, if the job seeker’s reduced work capacity is:
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Reduced work capacity of 0-7hrs + Read more ...
Before deciding which activity is best coded on the AEX screen, discuss the following with the job seeker:
If they are expecting to continue to report more than 30 hrs per fortnight on an ongoing basis
Check the WC screen to consider the period of TRWC:
Is it expiring soon?
Would PTW or SEL be more suitable for them than QTI?
Make sure the job seeker is aware if PTW or SEL is approved, they will be asked the mutual obligation question relevant to their approved activity
Whether they require an updated ESAt to determine if a new reduced capacity period applies because they have had a significant change in circumstances
Is it more appropriate to approve PTW or SEL to fully meet mutual obligation requirements?
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Reduced work capacity of 8-14 hrs + Read more ...
Before deciding which activity is best coded on the AEX screen, discuss the following with the job seeker:
Are they expecting to continue to report more than 30 hrs per fortnight on an ongoing basis?
Check the WC screen to consider the period of TRWC:
Is it expiring soon?
Consider suitability of PTW or SEL instead of QTI
Make sure the job seeker is aware if PTW or SEL is approved, they will be asked the mutual obligation question relevant to their approved activity.
Is it more appropriate to approve PTW or SEL to fully meet mutual obligation requirements?
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Job seeker is fully meeting requirements through PTW or SEL + Read more ...
For both Centrelink and provider managed job seekers, record the job seekers participation as an approved requirement.
In Process Direct:
Select Customer Summary from the Process Direct Landing page
Enter the job seeker's CRN, select Go
In the job seeker's record, go to the AEX screen
If ‘QTI’ was previously recorded, select the edit button next to the ‘QTI’ activity and manually enter End Date, then Save
Code the AEX screen with the appropriate PTW or SEL approved activity requirements:
Tell the job seeker:
when reporting each fortnight, they may be asked a specific question related to their approved activity, to determine whether they are meeting their requirements
they must notify the agency of any reduction in their approved activity hours or if they cease work. If this occurs, they will be required to attend QTIs with Services Australia for the duration of their PCW or TRWC
Go to Step 15.
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Job seeker is not meeting requirements through PTW or SEL + Read more ...
The job seeker will have QTI requirements for the duration of their PCW or TRWC.
Update the job seeker's record by coding the Activity Type QTI on the AEX screen in Process Direct to auto populate the content of the Job Plan.
In Process Direct:
Go to the AEX screen
Select Add to view the Create Activity and Exemption Summary screen
Complete the Activity Type and enter the start and end date of the QTI activity
Start date is the date the QTI is conducted
End date is the date equal to the latest end date recorded on the Work Capacity (WC) screen
TRWC - the TRWC end date, or
PCW - the ESAt acceptance date plus 2 years > Select Save
Complete the Receipt Date, Channel and Service Reasons fields > Select Save
Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
Select Assess > Finish. Record details of the update on the Finalise screen
Select Finalise to complete the transaction
Job seekers placed in DES Post Placement Support
If a job seeker continues to participate in a Post Placement Support program with a Disability Employment Service (DES) provider, do not update the Job Plan. The job seeker's current DES Placement Type is displayed on the Provider referral information table within the Participation Summary in Process Direct. The DES provider will negotiate a new Job Plan in this instance.
The DES provider will contact the job seeker to discuss whether they will keep participating in DES or not. If, after talking with their DES provider, a job seeker chooses to exit DES (and is eligible to exit), Services Australia must update the Job Plan at that time.
Is the job seeker placed in DES Post Placement Support?
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Negotiate a Job Plan + Read more ...
If the AEX activity coding is subject to a Quality Management Application (QMA) check, the system will not auto populate the Job Plan until the Quality Management Officers (QMO) check is completed. Staff must not start the negotiation of a new Job Plan until the QMA check is completed.
After the AEX screen is updated and confirmed, the system identifies if the Job Plan is to be updated. See Negotiating Centrelink Managed Job Plans.
To update the Job Plan:
> Participation Summary to view the Key Information screen
Under Action Item, select Message > Customer is Centrelink managed and has no current Job Plan. Negotiate a Job Plan with the job seeker where appropriate
Select Negotiate Plan and negotiate a Job Plan:
The Job Plan will display the relevant Job Plan item Reduced Work Capacity and the sentence text - 'I agree to attend all compulsory appointments made for me by Centrelink. If I am unable to attend an appointment, I will advise Centrelink of my situation as soon as possible after being notified of my appointment date and time.'
Note: the Job Plan defaults to the Reduced Work Capacity item if the QTI activity is current at the time the Job Plan workflow is launched, regardless of the QTI activity end date. Service Officers cannot manually add this activity item in the Job Plan and should not remove it when the QTI activity is still current
For reduced work capacity periods longer than 12 weeks, the Job Plan Activity is Attend Quarterly Appointments. The relevant sentence text will apply according to the Job Plan Activity type
When the Job Plan negotiated is finalised, the Action Item is automatically removed
Go to Step 16.
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Complete QTI
After the appointment is completed, finalise the Service Profiling Update workflow.
If the QTI appointment was conducted from a pre booked phone or face to face appointment: + Read more ...
In Customer First, launch the Service Profiling Update Workflow directly from the booked appointment by selecting the Execute icon in the Actions section
The Select Service Strategy screen will display
Select the Quarterly Interview initial/ongoing action, then select next
Complete the workflow questionnaire by selecting the appropriate radio button once each discussion topic/action is addressed with the job seeker
After answering all the YES/NO questions, select Finish in the top left corner of the screen. This automatically completes the Service Action coding and updates the status of the Service Component to 'COM'pleted on the Service Strategy (PQSS) screen
Procedure ends here.
If the QTI was conducted without a pre booked appointment being scheduled: + Read more ...
Launch the Service Profiling Update Workflow from the Workspace page in Customer First
The Select Service Strategy screen will display
Select the Quarterly Interview initial/ongoing action, then select next
Complete the workflow questionnaire by selecting the appropriate radio button once each discussion topic/action is addressed with the job seeker
After answering all the YES/NO questions, select Finish in the top left corner of the screen. This automatically completes the Service Action coding and updates the status of the Service Component to 'COM'pleted on the Service Strategy (PQSS) screen
Procedure ends here.
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Manual suspension of payments + Read more ...
As this is the job seeker's only compulsory activity, any outstanding QTI appointments must be completed. If a job seeker fails to attend their QTI, suspend their payment to prompt contact with the agency.
Face to face appointments + Read more ...
Must do's:
Make one attempt to contact the job seeker on their nominated phone number. If unsuccessful:
DOC the attempted contact. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Jobseekers > Update > QTI - Attempts to Contact. Before completing the Fast Note, replace the reference in the DOC about the second contact attempt with 'Job seeker to be suspended following non-attendance of QTI appointment.'
Finalise the appointment as Did not Attend in the Centrelink Appointment System
Do not finalise the Service Profiling Update workflow. The Service Component must remain 'STA'rted. Once the job seeker attends, the workflow will be run and the Service Component completed
Phone appointments + Read more ...
Must do's:
Try to contact the job seeker at the scheduled appointment time. If unsuccessful:
DOC the record using Fast Note - select Auto text, use Jobseekers > Update > QTI - Attempts to Contact
Make a second attempt approximately 15 minutes later. Annotate the Attempts to contact DOC to confirm if the contact was successful
If unable to make contact after these attempts, finalise the appointment as Did Not Attend in the Centrelink Appointment System
Do not finalise the Service Profiling Update workflow. The Service Component must remain 'STA'rted. Once the job seeker attends, the workflow will be run and the Service Component completed
Suspension of payment following Did Not Attend (DNA) + Read more ...
In Customer First
Go to the BA screen
Service Reason: payment type
Action: Suspend
Reason: FAI - Fail to attend Interview
Effect Date: enter the date the job seeker failed to attend appointment
Source: select relevant source
Receipt Date: date the information was recorded
Select Submit Change, go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise the activity
Create a closed DOC + Read more ...
Use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use > Generic > SUS/CAN/RES > Suspend Cancel Reason
Once the text has been confirmed, update all the fields in the text. Include the following:
Reason for Suspension: Failed to attend appointment on <date>
Attempts to contact the customer were made at <time> and <time>
Requirements for customer to have their payment restored: Book a Quarterly Participation Interview appointment for customer to attend