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Circumstances impacting job seeker compliance 001-10050000

This page contains information about recording and reviewing circumstances impacting compliance for job seekers who have compulsory requirements. The Circumstances Impacting Compliance page is only available to Services Australia staff when a job seeker is receiving a participation payment.

On this page:

Circumstances impacting compliance in a Capability Assessment

Circumstances impacting compliance in a Compliance Investigation

Circumstances impacting compliance in a Comprehensive Compliance Assessment

Circumstances impacting compliance using the standalone workflow or after completing a compliance action

Circumstances impacting compliance in a Capability Assessment

Table 1:




Job seeker presents with Family relationships and/or Domestic violence during a Capability Assessment + Read more ...

A mandatory consult with a PST-skilled social worker must occur when a job seeker presents with family and domestic violence concerns or has a current Family relationships/Domestic violence circumstance recorded.

A PST-skilled Service Officer can consult with a PST-skilled social worker during a Capability Assessment where support is required to assess the impacts of a circumstance.

For further information, see Accessing a PST-skilled social worker.


Updating Circumstances Impacting Compliance during a Capability Assessment + Read more ...

When accessing the Circumstances Impacting Compliance screen via the Capability Assessment workflow, the following additional information is required to assist with identifying specific Capability Assessment outcomes:

  • which requirements the circumstance is impacting and how they are affected
  • types of activities that can still be undertaken and dates and times the job seeker can attend

On the Circumstances Impacting Compliance screen, all relevant circumstances must be updated, paying particular attention to those with a status of 'yet to assess impact'.

Does a new circumstance need to be added?

Is the current status of any existing circumstance 'yet to assess impact' or are there existing circumstances that require review?

Does a circumstance need to be ended?


Adding a new circumstance + Read more ...

A new circumstance should only be added if it is not already recorded as an existing circumstance.

This step should be repeated for each new circumstance being recorded.

Select the Add button to launch the 'Add circumstance' modal.

Select the most suitable Circumstances category from the drop-down list.

Select the relevant Current status:

  • Does not impact ability to comply, requirements reasonable
  • Sometimes impacts ability to comply, requirements reasonable
  • Regularly impacts ability to comply, requirements require update

Describe the circumstances

Record the job seekers statement about how the circumstance affects them meeting their requirements. This information must be a clear, concise and factual record of the job seekers statement.

What evidence exists?

During a Capability Assessment, circumstances identified must be supported by an appropriate level of minimum evidence to directly impact the outcome of the assessment. For some circumstances, supporting evidence may include a medical certificate, a specialist assessment e.g. via a PST-skilled social worker consult or other third-party verification.

If minimum evidence has not been met for a circumstance that is being added, PST-skilled Service Officers must:

  • use the drop-down box to update the current status to 'sometimes impacts requirements reasonable'
  • record free text of 'evidence yet to be provided to assess impact on compliance'
  • select job seeker statement as the evidence that exists

See the Resources page for a list of categories and minimum evidence requirements.

Explain how the circumstances impact the job seeker's ability to meet requirements

Both Services Australia staff and providers must be able to easily understand the description. Information must be specific and relevant to both the circumstance and the requirement it impacts.

PST-skilled social worker consults can also occur to assist understanding the impact of a circumstance during a Capability Assessment.

Do not include:

  • sensitive information
  • acronyms that are not universally or commonly known
  • special characters (for example, '<', '>', ':', '&' or ','). These characters do not transfer to the Employment Services System (ESS)

Note: job seekers may request details of their recorded circumstances under Freedom of Information. Where the circumstance relates to a sensitive matter, PST-skilled Service Officers may wish to consult with a PST-skilled social worker for advice on how to appropriately document this.

Was someone else consulted about the circumstance?

A list presents to select who was consulted to discuss the circumstance.

Reminder: a consult with a PST-skilled social worker must occur where the job seeker presents with family and domestic violence or has a current Family relationship/Domestic violence circumstance recorded. See Accessing a PST-skilled social worker.

Further information

This section displays when the minimum evidence criteria has been met for the circumstance being assessed and the status is 'regularly impacts ability to comply, requirements require update'. See the Resources page for further information on the evidence requirements for a circumstance. When presented, additional information is required:

  • the date the circumstance first started to affect the job seeker's ability to comply
  • whether the circumstance contributed to demerits that occurred

Impacted requirements

This section displays during a Capability Assessment when the minimum evidence criteria has been met for the circumstance being assessed and the status is 'regularly impacts ability to comply, requirements require update'. When presented, additional information is required:

To update Impacted requirements, select the expand option from the action column for the relevant circumstance.

Select the Add button to launch the 'Add impacted requirement' modal to update the following information:

  • the compulsory requirement/s in the job seeker's Job Plan that are impacted by the circumstance
  • how the circumstance affects the compulsory requirement/s
  • dates and times the job seeker can attend while ensuring they will be able to meet their requirements as per their participation category

Once the circumstance and impacted requirement has been updated, select Save and repeat for each circumstance where the criteria has been met.

Once all new circumstances have been recorded, go to Step 4.


Review of existing circumstances + Read more ...

PST-skilled Service Officers must review existing circumstances during a Capability Assessment.

Circumstances with a status of 'yet to assess impact' must be updated to record the impact on the job seeker's ability to comply with requirements.

Does a circumstance need to be reviewed or ended?

This step must be repeated for each circumstance, paying particular attention to those with a status of 'yet to assess impact'.

To end a circumstance, go to Step 5.

Select the circumstance that requires updating from the Existing circumstances section, using the pencil icon.

Using the drop-down boxes, select the most suitable Category status:

  • Does not impact ability to comply, requirements reasonable
  • Sometimes impacts ability to comply, requirements reasonable
  • Regularly impacts ability to comply, requirements require update

Describe the circumstances

Record the job seekers statement about how the circumstance affects them meeting their requirement. This information must be a clear, concise and factual record of the job seekers statement.

What evidence exists?

During a Capability Assessment, circumstances identified must be supported by an appropriate level of minimum evidence to be considered within the assessment. The workflow will present a summary of applicable evidence type(s) able to be selected, based on the type of circumstance under review.

Circumstances created as a result of an ESAt/JCA or Job Seeker Snapshot responses will have the appropriate evidence automatically recorded.

If minimum evidence has not been met for a circumstance that needs to be added or updated, a PST-skilled Service Officer must:

  • use the drop-down box to update the Current status to 'sometimes impacts requirements reasonable'
  • record free text of 'evidence yet to be provided to assess impact on compliance'
  • select job seeker statement as the evidence that exists

See the Resources page for further information on the evidence requirements for a circumstance.

Explain how the circumstances impact the job seeker's ability to meet requirements

Both Services Australia staff and providers must be able to easily understand the description. Information must be specific and relevant to both the circumstance and the requirement it impacts.

Do not include:

  • sensitive information
  • acronyms that are not universally or commonly in use
  • special characters (for example, '<', '>', ':', '&' or ','). These characters do not transfer to the Employment Services System (ESS)

Note: job seekers may request details of their recorded circumstances under Freedom of Information. Where the circumstance relates to a sensitive matter, PST-skilled Service Officers may wish to consult with a PST-skilled social worker for advice on how to appropriately document this.

Was someone else consulted about the circumstance?

A list presents to select who was consulted to discuss the circumstance.

Reminder: a consult with a PST-skilled social worker must occur where the job seeker presents with family and domestic violence or has a current Family relationship/Domestic violence circumstance recorded. See Accessing a PST-skilled social worker.

Further information

This section displays when the minimum evidence criteria has been met for certain circumstances impacting compliance and the status is 'regularly impacts ability to comply, requirements require update'. When presented, the following additional information is required:

  • the date the circumstance first started to impact on the job seeker's ability to comply with their compulsory requirements
  • if the circumstance contributed to demerits that triggered the Capability Assessment

Impacted requirements

This section displays during a Capability Assessment when the minimum evidence criteria has been met for the circumstance being assessed and the status is 'regularly impacts ability to comply, requirements require update'. When presented, additional information is required.

To update Impacted requirements, select the expand option from the action column for the relevant circumstance.

Select the Add button to launch the 'Add impacted requirement' modal to update the following information:

  • the compulsory requirement/s in the Job Plan that are affected by the circumstance
  • how the circumstance affects the compulsory requirement/s
  • dates and times the job seeker can attend while ensuring they will be able to meet their requirements as per their participation category

Once the circumstance and impacted requirement has been updated, select Save and repeat for each circumstance where the criteria has been met.

Once all of the circumstances have been reviewed, go to Step 5.


Ending existing circumstances + Read more ...

PST-skilled Service Officers should end existing circumstances if they are no longer impacting a job seeker during a Capability Assessment.

Select the circumstance that requires updating from the Existing circumstances section.

PST-skilled Service Officers must record information to explain the reasons the circumstance is being ended within the 'Describe the circumstance' text box before updating the 'Current status'.

Using the drop-down box, select Circumstance no longer exists and select Save to complete the update.

Note: a circumstance should only be deleted if added in error.


Further action required + Read more ...

PST-skilled Service Officers may be prompted to update the Job Seeker Snapshot.

The workflow must be exited using the Save and Exit function, using 'Check information available within the workflow' for the exit reason.

To complete the Job Seeker Snapshot:

  • go to the More Options menu
  • select Participation Summary
  • select Job seeker registration & provider referral information
  • select Start job seeker registration

Once the Job Seeker Snapshot has been completed, return to the 'Circumstances Impacting Compliance' screen within the Capability Assessment to ensure all circumstances impacting compliance have been updated appropriately.

Circumstances impacting compliance in a Compliance Investigation

Table 2:




Job seeker presents with Family relationship and/or Domestic violence circumstances + Read more ...

A mandatory consult with a PST-skilled social worker must occur when a job seeker presents with family and domestic violence or has a current Family relationships/Domestic violence circumstance recorded.

A PST-skilled Service Officer can consult with a PST-skilled social worker during a Capability Assessment where support is required to assess the impacts of a circumstance.

For further information, see Accessing a PST-skilled social worker.


Updating circumstances within a compliance investigation + Read more ...

When accessing the Circumstances Impacting Compliance screen via the Compliance Investigation workflow, the following additional information is required which may impact the outcome of the failure decision:

  • if the circumstances directly contributed to the failure
  • when the circumstance first started to impact the job seeker's ability to meet compulsory requirements

If on the Investigation page the answer to the question 'Does the job seeker's statement suggest there are ongoing circumstances directly impacting their ability to comply with requirements?' is:


Where difficulties meeting requirements are identified, the Circumstances Impacting Compliance page must be updated + Read more ...

Does a new circumstance need to be added?

Has the job seeker disclosed that any existing circumstances directly impacted on their ability to comply with the reason the failure was lodged?

Based on the conversation with the job seeker, does an existing circumstance need to be ended?


Adding a new circumstance + Read more ...

A new circumstance should only be added if it is not already recorded as an existing circumstance.

This step should be repeated for each new circumstance being recorded.

Select the Add button to launch the 'Add circumstance' modal.

Select the relevant Circumstances category from the drop-down list.

Select the most suitable Current status:

  • Does not impact ability to comply, requirements reasonable
  • Sometimes impacts ability to comply, requirements reasonable
  • Regularly impacts ability to comply, requirements require update

Describe the circumstances

Record the job seekers statement about how the circumstance affects them meeting their requirements. This information must be a clear, concise and factual record of the job seekers statement.

What evidence exists?

New circumstances identified during an investigation into the reported failure must include any supporting evidence, for example a statement from the job seeker and/or a consult with PST-skilled social worker.

See the Resources page for a list of categories and minimum evidence requirements for Capability Assessments.

PST-skilled social worker consults can also occur to assist in understanding the impact of a circumstance during a compliance investigation.

Explain how the circumstances impact the job seeker's ability to meet the requirement

Both Services Australia staff and providers must be able to easily understand the description. Information must be specific and relevant to both the circumstance and how it affected the job seekers capacity to comply with the requirement being investigated.

Do not include:

  • sensitive information
  • acronyms that are not universally or commonly in use
  • special characters (for example, '<', '>', ':', '&' or ','). These characters do not transfer to the Employment Services System (ESS)

Note: job seekers may request details of their recorded circumstances under Freedom of Information. Where the circumstance relates to a sensitive matter, PST-skilled Service Officers may wish to consult with a PST-skilled social worker for advice on how to appropriately document this.

Was someone else consulted about the circumstance?

A list presents to select who was consulted to discuss the circumstance.

Reminder: a consult with a PST-skilled social worker must occur where the job seeker presents with family and domestic violence or has a current Family relationship/Domestic violence circumstance recorded. See Accessing a PST-skilled social worker.

Further information

This section displays when the minimum evidence criteria has been met for the circumstance impacting compliance. The following additional information is required when investigating a failure that is not an unemployment or work refusal:

  • did the circumstance directly contribute to the failure
  • if the impact of the circumstance or the terms of the requirement mentioned in the failure has changed since the last Capability Assessment
  • if it is appropriate to reject the failure for reasons related to the circumstance
  • the date the circumstance first started to impact on the job seeker's ability to meet compulsory requirements

Select Save once the circumstance has been added.

Once all new circumstances have been recorded, go to Step 5.


Review of existing circumstances + Read more ...

Does a circumstance need to be reviewed or ended?

This step should be repeated for each circumstance that requires review.

To end a circumstance, go to Step 6.

Select the circumstance that requires updating from the Existing circumstances section, using the pencil icon.

Using the drop-down boxes, select the most suitable Current status:

  • Does not impact ability to comply, requirements reasonable
  • Sometimes impacts ability to comply, requirements reasonable
  • Regularly impacts ability to comply, requirements require update
  • Circumstance no longer exists

Describe the circumstances

Record the job seekers statement about how the circumstance affects them meeting their requirement. This information must be a clear, concise and factual record of the job seekers statement.

What evidence exists?

The workflow will present all circumstances and the appropriate evidence used to add/review the circumstance initially. When reviewing a circumstance within a compliance investigation, additional evidence can be recorded by selecting the relevant option.

Circumstances created as a result of an ESAt/JCA or Job Seeker Snapshot responses will have the appropriate evidence automatically recorded. See the Resources page for a list of categories and minimum evidence requirements.

Explain how the circumstances impact the job seeker's ability to meet requirements

Both Services Australia staff and providers must be able to easily understand the description. Information must be specific and relevant to both the circumstance and how it affected the job seekers capacity to comply with the requirement being investigated.

Do not include:

  • sensitive information
  • acronyms that are not universally or commonly in use
  • special characters (for example, '<', '>', ':', '&' or ','). These characters do not transfer to the Employment Services System (ESS)

Note: job seekers may request details of their recorded circumstances under Freedom of Information. Where the circumstance relates to a sensitive matter, PST-skilled Service Officers may wish to consult with a PST-skilled social worker for advice on how to appropriately document this.

Was someone else consulted about the circumstance?

A list presents to select who was consulted to discuss the circumstance.

Reminder: a consult with a PST-skilled social worker must occur where the job seeker presents with family and domestic violence or has a current Family relationship/Domestic violence circumstance recorded. See Accessing a PST-skilled social worker.

Further information

This section displays when the minimum evidence criteria has been met for the circumstance impacting compliance. The following additional information is required when investigating a failure that is not an unemployment or work refusal:

  • Did the circumstance directly contribute to the failure?
  • If the impact of the circumstance or the terms of the requirement mentioned in the failure has changed since the last Capability Assessment
  • If it is appropriate to reject the failure for reasons related to the circumstance
  • The date the circumstance first started to impact on the job seeker's ability to meet compulsory requirements

Select Save once the circumstance has been reviewed.

Once all of the circumstances have been reviewed, go to Step 6.


Ending existing circumstances + Read more ...

PST-skilled Service Officers should end existing circumstances if they are no longer impacting a job seeker when conducting a Compliance Investigation.

Select the circumstance that requires updating from the Existing circumstances section, using the Pencil icon.

PST-skilled Service Officers must record information to explain the reasons the circumstance is being ended within the 'Describe the circumstance' text box before updating the 'Current status'.

Using the drop-down box, select Circumstance no longer exists and select Save to complete the update.

Note: a circumstance should only be deleted if added in error.

Select the Next button to continue the workflow.

Circumstances impacting compliance in a Comprehensive Compliance Assessment

Table 3:




Job seeker presents with Family relationships and/or Domestic violence circumstance + Read more ...

A mandatory consult with a PST-skilled social worker must occur when a job seeker presents with family and domestic violence or has a current Family relationship/Domestic violence circumstance.

A PST-skilled Service Officer can consult with a PST-skilled social worker during a Comprehensive Compliance Assessment where support is required to assess the impacts of a circumstance.

For further information, see Accessing a PST-skilled social worker.


CCA Specialist reviewing, updating, adding or ending a circumstance impacting compliance in a Comprehensive Compliance Assessment + Read more ...

The Circumstances Impacting Compliance page is accessed when selecting the Next button on the CCA Commencement screen within the Comprehensive Compliance Assessment workflow.

After gathering relevant information from the CDP participant, the CDP participant's record and (if required) any third parties, the CCA Specialist will:

  • consider the CDP participant's mutual obligation requirements and if they have adequately taken account of their assessed capacity
  • form an assessment as to whether there have been any circumstances that have directly contributed to the pattern of non-compliance

On the Circumstances Impacting Compliance page the CCA Specialist will record:

  • the circumstances which have directly impacted the CDP participant's ability to comply
  • the assessment of how the identified circumstances affected the CDP participant's daily activities, including both personal and mutual obligation requirements
  • for review CCAs, whether the CDP participant's circumstances have varied significantly since the last CCA was conducted

Note: identifying circumstances that may impact compliance does not in itself provide a valid reason for non-compliance, particularly where the CDP participant's provider has appropriately tailored employment servicing to the CDP participant's capacity and needs.

The reasons for non-compliance must be clearly established through the CCA workflow to assist the PST decision maker to decide if persistent non-compliance has occurred.


Circumstances Impacting Compliance page + Read more ...

On the Circumstances Impacting Compliance page, all relevant circumstances must be updated, paying particular attention to those with a status of 'yet to assess impact'.

Does a new circumstance need to be added?

Is the status of any existing circumstance 'yet to assess impact'?

Does a circumstance need to be reviewed or ended?


Adding a new circumstance + Read more ...

A new circumstance impacting compliance should only be added if it is not already recorded as an existing circumstance.

This step should be repeated for each new circumstance being recorded.

Select the Add button to launch the 'Add circumstance' modal.

Select the most suitable Circumstances category from the drop-down list.

Select the relevant Current status:

  • Does not impact ability to comply, requirements reasonable
  • Sometimes impacts ability to comply, requirements reasonable
  • Regularly impacts ability to comply, requirements require update

See the Resources page for a list of circumstance categories.

Describe the circumstances

Record the job seekers statement about how the circumstance affects them meeting their requirement. This information must be a clear, concise and factual record of the job seekers statement.

What evidence exists?

During a Comprehensive Compliance Assessment, circumstances identified must be supported by an appropriate level of evidence. For some circumstances, supporting evidence may include a medical certificate or a specialist assessment for example, via a PST-skilled social worker consult or other third-party verification.

Circumstances created as a result of a JCA/ESAt or Job Seeker Snapshot responses will have the appropriate evidence automatically recorded.

Explain how the circumstances impact the job seeker's ability to meet requirements

Both Services Australia staff and providers must be able to easily understand the description. Information must be specific and relevant to both the circumstance and the requirement it impacts.

Do not include:

  • sensitive information
  • acronyms that are not universally or commonly in use
  • special characters (for example, '<', '>', ':', '&' or ','). These characters do not transfer to the Employment Services System (ESS)

Note: job seekers may request details of their recorded circumstances under Freedom of Information. Where the circumstance relates to a sensitive matter, PST-skilled Service Officers may wish to consult with a PST-skilled social worker for advice on how to appropriately document this.

Was someone else consulted about the circumstance?

A drop-down list presents to select who was consulted to discuss the circumstance.

Reminder: a consult with a PST-skilled social worker must occur where the job seeker presents with family and domestic violence or has a current Family relationship/Domestic violence circumstance recorded. See Accessing a PST-skilled social worker.

Before completing the below, see interventions recorded in the most recent CCA

If displayed, this section will show a summary of historical and active interventions that a CCA Specialist has recorded for that circumstance, from previously conducted CCA's. New interventions can be recorded here.

Consider any additional or alternative assistance that may benefit the CDP participant.

Does an intervention need to be recorded or updated?


Interventions + Read more ...

Generally, the CDP provider is responsible for implementing non-vocational interventions. CDP providers may be aware of a CDP participant's circumstances that impact their ability to comply. Before suggesting a change to servicing strategies, consider if the provider has already developed servicing strategies to take into account the CDP participant's circumstances.

The CCA Specialist is responsible for conducting or assisting with crisis interventions.

This step must be repeated for each intervention that is being added, updated or reviewed.

Add Intervention

From the drop-down list, select who is responsible for the intervention:

  • Services Australia
  • Provider

Then select the appropriate intervention type and category from the drop-down list.

Active interventions or interventions that are no longer required

For a Review CCA, consider if the active intervention/s are still relevant or are no longer required.

  • For active interventions which are no longer required, select an appropriate outcome reason for the update from the drop-down list
  • For active interventions that are still appropriate, no updates are required

Recording an outcome against an intervention

An outcome must be recorded for any new Services Australia Interventions added. When a Services Australia intervention is added, the CCA Specialist will be alerted that they must record an outcome.

An outcome may be recorded for any other active intervention, for example:

  • an outcome should be recorded for a provider intervention if the CCA Specialist has had contact with the CDP participant's provider during a CCA and the provider has advised they are unable to implement a specific outcome (for example, they don't have the available funds), or
  • during contact with a provider, the provider indicates they have recently referred the CDP participant to this type of intervention or made the referral during the CCA Specialist contact. In these cases, an intervention outcome of 'referral made' should be used

It is not appropriate to use an intervention outcome of 'referral made' if a recommendation has been made to the provider but the referral has not been made. The 'referral made' outcome is recorded by the CDP provider after the CCA has been completed and they have made the appropriate referral.

Intervention outcomes are selected when the intervention is added. See the Resources page of Completing a Comprehensive Compliance Assessment (CCA) for intervention outcome codes and recording details.

A maximum of 10 active interventions may be current at any time. Once this limit is reached, the following outcome codes can be used to remove a current active intervention if a more beneficial intervention needs to be added:

  • 'No longer required', or
  • 'Created in error', this should only be used if the intervention is being deleted because it should not have been added in the first place

Before changing an active intervention from a previous CCA, consider the reasons why the intervention was added before ending it.

Once the intervention has been added or updated, select Save to confirm the updates.

Go to Step 6.


Review of existing circumstances + Read more ...

CCA Specialists are required to review existing circumstances when conducting a CCA. Circumstances with a status of 'yet to assess impact' must be updated to record the impact on the CDP participant's ability to comply with requirements.

A CCA Specialist (PST SO5) must consult with a PST-skilled social worker where the CDP participant presents with family and domestic violence or has a current Family/Domestic violence circumstance recorded. A PST-skilled Service Officer can consult with a PST-skilled social worker where the CDP participant:

  • presents with mental health issues, or
  • has an assessed circumstance of 'Medical conditions - Mental health', or
  • is in crisis and has complex personal circumstances, or
  • receives Youth Allowance, especially if in receipt of Unreasonable to Live at Home rate

See Accessing a PST-skilled social worker.

Does a circumstance need to be reviewed or ended?

  • Yes, continue
  • No, procedure ends here

This step should be repeated for each circumstance that requires review or has a status of 'yet to be assessed'.

If only ending of a circumstance is required, go to Step 7.

Select the circumstance that requires updating from the Existing circumstances section, using the pencil icon.

Using the drop-down boxes, select the most suitable Current status:

  • Does not impact ability to comply, requirements reasonable
  • Sometimes impacts ability to comply, requirements reasonable
  • Regularly impacts ability to comply, requirements require update

Describe the circumstances

Record the CDP participant's statement about how the circumstance affects them meeting their requirement. This information must be a clear, concise and factual record of the CDP participant's statement.

What evidence exists?

During a Comprehensive Compliance Assessment, circumstances identified must be supported by an appropriate level of minimum evidence.

The workflow will present a summary of available evidence type(s) able to be selected, based on the type of circumstance under review.

Circumstances created as a result of an ESAt/JCA or Job Seeker Snapshot responses will have the appropriate evidence automatically recorded. See the Resources page for a list of categories and evidence requirements.

Explain how the circumstances impact the CDP participant's ability to meet requirements

Both Services Australia staff and providers must be able to easily understand the description. Information must be specific and relevant to both the circumstance and the requirement it impacts.

Do not include:

  • sensitive information
  • acronyms that are not universally or commonly in use
  • special characters (for example, '<', '>', ':', '&' or ','). These characters do not transfer to the Employment Services System (ESS)

Note: CDP participants may request details of their recorded circumstances under Freedom of Information. Where the circumstance relates to a sensitive matter, PST-skilled Service Officers may wish to consult with a PST-skilled social worker for advice on how to appropriately document this.

Was someone else consulted about the circumstance?

A list presents to select who was consulted to discuss the circumstance.

Does a circumstance need to be ended?


Ending existing circumstances + Read more ...

CCA Specialists are required to end existing circumstances if they are no longer impacting a CDP participant when conducting a CCA.

Select the circumstance that requires updating from the Existing circumstances section, using the pencil icon.

PST-skilled Service Officers must record information to explain the reasons the circumstance is being ended within the 'Describe the circumstance' text box before updating the 'Current status'.

Using the drop-down box, select Circumstance no longer exists and select Save to complete the update.

Note: a circumstance should only be deleted if added in error.


Specialist conducting assessment + Read more ...

Details about the CCA Specialist who has conducted the CCA must be recorded.

This includes recording:

  • the type of CCA Specialist using option available
  • the date the CCA was conducted
  • the contact phone number for the CCA Specialist
  • specialist name and availability details, and
  • location of the CCA Specialist

Select the Next button to continue the workflow.

Circumstances impacting compliance using the standalone workflow or after completing a compliance action

Table 4:




Reviewing, updating, adding or ending a circumstance impacting compliance using the standalone workflow + Read more ...

All Service Officers and specialists have responsibility for identifying, recording and reviewing job seeker circumstances that are ongoing in nature and are likely to impact on the job seeker's capacity to comply with requirements.

If a job seeker circumstance impacting their compliance requires:


Adding a new circumstance + Read more ...

Access the customer's record by keying the Customer Reference Number (CRN) in the Customer Summary tile in Process Direct.

A new circumstance impacting compliance should only be added if it is not already recorded as an existing circumstance.

Where a job seeker is receiving a participation payment, and a circumstance impacting compliance is required to be added:

  • key BIJC or Circumstances Impacting Compliance into the Super Key
  • select [Enter]
  • select the Add icon
  • the Add Circumstance modal will display
  • use the drop-down boxes to select the most suitable category

The status of the circumstance will default to 'created by Service Officer/specialist - yet to assess impact'.

What evidence exists?

Adding a circumstance using the standalone workflow does not require supportive evidence. However, evidence can be recorded, for example a statement from the job seeker, a consult with PST-skilled social worker or a scanned medical certificate.

  • Select Save
  • Update the fields:
    • Receipt Date
    • Channel
    • Service Reason
  • Select Save. The new circumstance will now display in the Existing Circumstances table with a provisional status
  • Select Assess, the warnings and errors (SWE) screen will display. Resolve any warnings or errors and select Assess again. The entitlements (ELD) screen will display. Once the outcome is confirmed as correct, select Finish, and the Finalise screen will present. Add any notes required, select Finalise
  • The Finalise box will present, select OK to complete the workflow

Repeat this step for each new circumstance being recorded.

Does a circumstance need to be reviewed?


Reviewing of existing circumstances after finalising a compliance action + Read more ...

PST staff may be prompted to review circumstances impacting compliance after completing a compliance workflow.

The Existing circumstances impacting compliance require review to confirm they are up to date link will present if there are existing circumstances recorded that have not been reviewed or updated in the last 6 months or have a current status of:

  • Circumstance requires review - change to supporting information
  • Automatically created - yet to assess impact
  • Created by Service Officer/specialist - yet to assess impact

If the only action is to end the circumstances under review, go to Step 4.

This step should be repeated for each circumstance that requires review.

Describe the circumstances

Record the job seekers statement about how the circumstance affects them meeting their requirements. This information must be a clear, concise and factual record of the job seekers statement.

What evidence exists?

The workflow will present all circumstances along with the evidence used to create it. When reviewing a circumstance, updates to the evidence should not be completed.

Circumstances created as a result of an ESAt/JCA or Job Seeker Snapshot responses will have the appropriate evidence automatically recorded. See the Resources page for a list of categories and minimum evidence requirements.

Select Save once the circumstance has been reviewed.

Does an existing circumstance need to be ended?


Ending existing circumstances + Read more ...

All Service Officers and specialists are required to end existing circumstances if they are no longer impacting a job seeker on a participation payment.

Using the edit function, PST-skilled Service Officers must record information to explain the reasons the circumstance is being ended.

Select the circumstance that requires updating from the 'Existing circumstances' section. Using the drop-down box, select Circumstance no longer exists and select Finalise review to complete the update.

Note: a circumstance should only be deleted if added in error.