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Raising Assurance of Support (AoS) debts 005-03060000

This document outlines the process of raising AoS debts. This includes the role of the AoS processing team and service centres in this process and who is responsible for repaying the AoS debt.

On this page:

Raising AoS debts

Manual AoS debts

Review, write off or waive AoS debts

Yearly Review

Expiry Review


Finalising activities and quality checking

Raising AoS debts

Table 1: For Assurance of Support (AoS) Processing Team only.




Calculate AoS manual debt + Read more ...

  • Complete the AoS Debt Proforma on the Resources page as part of an Expiry or Yearly Review
  • Use the Payment Summary Tool to calculate the debt. See Payment Details Download Sheet (PS Tool).
    • Use Microsoft Edge to launch the PS Tool
    • Only have Customer Record open. Close any Process Direct and Customer First windows
  • Assurer AoS debts are reduced by the equivalent amount of any assuree determined debts for the relevant AoS period


Checks before raising a debt + Read more ...

Before raising an AoS debt, check if letters to the assurer are inhibited due to family and domestic violence:

  • Within the review, check Review Details for the 'Inhibit Letter Status'
  • Outside of the review or Manual Debt, open Process Direct and select Customer Summary
  • Search for assuree's record
  • Go to Inhibiting AoS letters (AOIL) screen

Conduct a file review if DOM - DOMESTIC VIOLENCE is coded on the AOIL screen. Check if further contact has been made from the assuree for family and domestic violence since the initial social worker contact.

Has further contact been made by the assuree?

  • Yes:
    • Contact the social worker line for a case consult to discuss if there is any risk if contacting the assurer
    • If there is no risk of contacting the assurer, update the AOIL screen to NOT - NO LONGER INHIBITED
  • No, update the AOIL screen to NOT - NO LONGER INHIBITED

Go to Step 3.


Check if there is an undetermined debt on the assuree's record + Read more ...

Where the assuree (the recipient of the payment) is incorrectly paid, such as due to administrative error or misrepresentation, a debt may be raised against the assuree. This is not an AoS debt against the assuree, only an assurer can owe an AoS debt, this debt owed by the assuree, is raised under Section 1223(1) of the Social Security Act.

For more information, see the Resources page > Distinction between an AoS debt and a debt arising from a contravention of the Act.

If the assuree has a liable debt that is within the AoS period this debt would not be included in any debts that the assurer would be liable for:

  • Check the Debt Summary (DEBTDTL) screen in Process Direct to view debts
  • Match the debt period by viewing details on each debt

Does the assuree have any debts that fall within their assurer's AoS period?

  • Yes, if the debt(s) are:
    • undetermined on the assuree's record, use Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Debts > DMB Raising > Debt Raising ACTion DOC Request. Procedure ends here
    • determined in the AoS period, make sure this has been or is to be deducted from the assurers debt calculations. Refer to Table 2 Manual AoS debts
  • No, go to Step 4


Check for multiple or intertwined records + Read more ...

Investigate if there is an existing or potential multiple or intertwined records (this applies to the assurer's and assuree's records). See Centrelink Multiple Match List (MML) screen.

Does the assuree have a multiple or intertwined record?


Action multiple/intertwined record + Read more ...

Check if Data Quality Unit (DQU) has assessed the multiple/intertwined record. Check the Document List (DL) screen for a Display on Access (DOA) DOC by NA8.

Has the multiple/intertwined record been determined by DQU?


DQU determined a multiple/intertwined record + Read more ...

Has there been any income support payments granted on either the primary or multiple record?

Yes. Check which CRN has the AoS case coded and check the following:

  • AoS case:
    • Status of the case in Process Direct. It should display as ACC, CUR, EXP or On Hold
    • Names of assurers and assurees
    • CRN of assurees
  • AoS period:
    • Start and end date of the AoS period
    • If a recoverable payment has been paid to the assuree during the AoS period
    • Any AoS debt that have already been raised against the assurer's record
    • Raise a manual debt on the primary record of the Assurer
    • Go to Table 2

No. Continue to assess debt. For:

Manual AoS debts

Table 2: For Assurance of Support (AoS) Processing team only.




Reasons for manual AoS debts + Read more ...

Manual AoS debts are raised in the following circumstances:

  • An assuree is granted an AoS recoverable payment on a multiple record, go to Step 2
  • An Expiry or Yearly Review:
    • where No data is showing, and a debt has been identified, go to Step 3
    • work item has an incorrect start and/or end date, go to Step 3
  • When instructed to do so by an ARO decision, as instructed by ICT or an AoS Helpdesk, go to Step 4
  • To adjust or correct an already existing manual AoS debt, go to Step 10
  • For any other reason, please first confirm with Policy enquires, Level 2 Helpdesk


Recoverable payment granted on a multiple record + Read more ...

When an assuree is granted an AoS recoverable payment on a multiple record, the standard auto review or debt processes are not generated.

The reviews only generate when the recoverable payment is on the AoS record, with a Benefit Status of AOE/CUR or AOE/ACC.

Give feedback to the Service Officer who incorrectly granted payment on the multiple record if it is clear the error might have been avoided. Use the Staff Feedback Tool.

It will be clear in some cases that the Service Officer could not locate the multiple record either due to the:

  • lack of options available at the time of record creation for detecting or preventing the multiple record, or
  • nature of the details on the multiple record were so incorrect, that the standard searches would not have located the record

The Service Officer should contact the assuree and their assurer(s) to:

An AoS Service Officer needs to manually raise a determined debt on the assurer's AoS record for all the recoverable payment(s) made on the assurer's multiple record.

Go to Step 4.


AoS Expiry or Yearly Review with incorrect review start/end dates + Read more ...

For an Expiry or Yearly Review:

  • where No data is showing, and a debt has been identified
  • in Process Direct that has an incorrect review start and/or end date, is not updatable

Override the Process Direct review by:

  • zeroing out all the debt amounts so that no auto debt will be raised
  • raise a manual Determine debt in Customer First or Customer Record for the appropriate record

If the Process Direct review has a gap in a payment period:

  • action the Process Direct review for the relevant period, and
  • raise a manual Determined debt for the gap in the review

Go to Step 4.


AoS manual debt + Read more ...

Manual debts are raised on the assurer record in Customer First or Customer Record via the Add Debt (OPAD) screen.

In joint AoS cases, raise a multiple liability debt with the same debt ID by coding the Multiple Liability (OPML) screen. Do not raise separate debts on each assurer's record.

If the assurer was not contacted when the assure claimed the recoverable payment. AoS Service Officer must make 2 genuine attempts to contact the assurer(s) to advise of the debt raised.


Raise a manual AoS debt + Read more ...

On the primary assurer record in Customer First or Customer Record, go to the Add Debt (OPAD) screen, code the fields:

  • Benefit Type: the recoverable payment type the assuree received
  • Reason: ASO – Assurance of Support recovery (old)
  • Section of Act: 1227 – Assurance of Support
  • Date of Event and Start Date: start date of AoS debt
  • End Date: end date of AoS debt
  • Calculated Amount: total AoS debt amount
  • Addtnl Reference No.: assuree payment record CRN

Press [Enter] to go to the Component Amount (OPCA) screen.


Code OPCA screen + Read more ...

Code the fields:

  • Component Type: Basic Payment or the recoverable supplementary payment type
  • Ben: the code for the recoverable payment type the assuree received
  • Start Date and End Date: as relevant to the AoS debt
  • Calc Amt $: total calculation of the Basic Payment or recoverable supplementary type

If an error 'E171DB - Component period cannot span two financial years' presents, change the dates to match the Entitlement Period End (EPED) dates.


Finalise manual AoS debt activity + Read more ...

Press [Enter] to go to the Assessment Finalisation screen. Enter Y in the Finished? field.

Add any notes in Activity Comments field.

Is this a multiple liability debt?


Code OPML screen + Read more ...

Do not raise separate debts for each assurer.

If there are joint assurers, raise a multiple liability debt with the same debt ID:

  • Go to the Multiple Liability (OPML) screen
  • Select the debt of the primary assurers record from the OPDL screen
  • Code OPML in the next screen
  • For each joint assurer, complete the:
    • Co-Debtor CRN field with the CRN of the secondary assurer
    • Enter the full debt amount in Liability field
    • Press [Enter] to go to the Assessment Finalisation (OPAF) screen
    • Enter Y in the Finished? field
    • Add any notes in Activity Comments field

Go to Step 10.


Adjust existing manual AoS debt amount + Read more ...

To adjust a manually raised AoS debt because it is 'Determined' debt calculation is incorrect, or needs to be adjusted to comply with a review of a decision, or ARO determination:

  • Select the relevant manual AoS debt from the Debt List (OPDL) screen
  • Go to the Debt Amount (OPDA) screen:
    • Select the correct Debt ID
    • Select the relevant option from the Reason Changed field
    • Correct the Calculated Amount $ field to adjusted amount or to zero, as applicable


Issue manual letters to the assurer(s) and the CBA + Read more ...

Create manual letters using:

  • Q084 AoS-to-AOR – Final Statement of Account, and
  • Q271 to CBA in Customer First

Note: if the debt is a multiple liability debt, send a Q084 to each assurer.

See Creating an Online Advice (OLA), including within an existing activity.

Letter to assurer(s):

  • Key LD in Next
  • Letter Code: Q084
  • Service Reason: AoS
  • Enter all the required fields:
    • In the Amount field, do not code $
    • Option 1 - unable to support
    • Option 2 - unreasonable to support and is for family and domestic violence only
  • Command: FIN

Letter to CBA:

  • Key LD in Next
  • Letter Code: Q271
  • Service Reason: AoS
  • In <BGRCVY: Bank Guarantee recovery - full=1 partial=2, None=3 field, key:
    • 1 if the full bond is to be returned to Centrelink, or
    • 2 if partial bond to be returned to Centrelink
  • Command: FIN


Adjust bond on the assurer(s) records + Read more ...

In Process Direct update the bond balance for the AoS case via the AoS Bond Details (AOBD) screen, for future debt recovery or release.

AoS period has not expired

  • Select Add
  • Enter start date (date the debt was raised)
  • Select appropriate Bond Action Reason
    • Bond Manually Recovered to Centrelink
    • Partial Bond Manually Recovered to Centrelink
  • Update Bond Account Balance field (Note: due to system limitation, $0 cannot be coded, instead code $0.01)
  • Update Debt ID. Add the Debt ID for the debt raised

AoS period expired

  • Select Add
  • Enter start date
  • Select appropriate Bond Action Reason
    • Bond Manually Recovered to Centrelink
    • Partial Bond Manually Recovered to Centrelink
    • Bond Manually Recovered to assurer
  • Update Bond Account Balance field
  • Update Debt ID. Add the Debt ID for the debt raised

Create a manual Bond Review to follow up return of bond to Services Australia

In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: AOS
  • Review Reason: FSB (Failed to Supply Proof of Bond Lodgement)
  • Due Date: 42 days from date debt raised
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: 'Manual letter issued <insert date issued> to CBA requesting return of bond amount <insert bond amount> to recover AoS debt ID <insert debt ID number located on the Debt List (OPDL) screen>.'
  • Keywords: MANREV
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.


Document the records + Read more ...

Open the AoS Debt Proforma on the Resources page.

Complete the Fast Note section of the pro forma.

Use Fast Note - select Auto Text > Assurance of Support > AoS Debt > AoS Debt Action.

Paste the completed proforma section into the Fast Note text.

If there are multiple assurers, document each assurer record for cross referencing.

Upload the completed AoS Debt Proforma to all relevant records using Form Type as DBTCAL. See Attaching electronic documents to a Centrelink customer's record using Document Tools in Customer First.

Review, write off or waive AoS debts

Table 3: For Assurance of Support (AoS) Processing team only.




Required action + Read more ...

Is the customer asking for an:


Request for an explanation or application for a formal review of an AoS debt decision + Read more ...

If the customer disagrees with the debt decision, see Request for an explanation or application for a formal review.

Procedure ends here.


Writing off an AoS debt + Read more ...

For the Assurance of Support (AoS) Processing team and Debt Recovery team only.

Standard write off considerations apply for AoS debts, see Writing off Centrelink debts.

Procedure ends here.


Waiving an AoS debt + Read more ...

For the Assurance of Support (AoS) Processing team and Debt Recovery team only.

See Waiving Centrelink debts for details on the process of waiving a debt, but continue below for more process and policy information for waiving an AoS debt.

An AoS debt cannot be waived due to administrative error as s1237A of the Social Security Act 1991 only applies where the payment is received by the debtor (assurer). An assurer does not receive the payment so s1237A does not apply. For instance, where an assuree had received an incorrect rate of recoverable payment, due to an administrative error. Although the error was administrative, the payment was made to the assuree rather than the debtor. As such, the debt cannot be waived due to administrative error as the assuree is not the debtor in the AoS case.

See the Resources page, Reasons and AoS debt cannot be waived.

Yearly Review

Table 4: For Assurance of Support (AoS) Processing team only.




Open the Yearly Review + Read more ...

Note: currently, AoS debts for joint assurance cases must be raised manually

The Yearly Review work item will open on the assuree's record, with the:

  • heading Online Intervention for [assuree's name]
  • Customer and interaction details, and
  • Assessment dates

Select > AoS Review.

The Process icon is not used for Yearly Reviews.


Action the Yearly Review + Read more ...

Open the AoS Debt Proforma on the Resources page.

Complete the AoS Debt Proforma as the review is undertaken.

On the Yearly Review screen, is the indicator No data in the Recoverable Payments field?

  • Yes, if there is no recoverable amounts, complete the Yearly Review, no user interaction is needed:
    • Select Finalise
    • Key No AoS Recoverable Payment paid in period [DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY]. Use the 'Review Period Start' and 'Review Period End' date on the Yearly Review screen
    • Select Finalise. This displays a Success. Review Finalised Successfully message
    • Select Close. The Customer and interaction details screen opens. The Status field, above the Description: AoS Yearly Review field, displays Complete

After completing the Yearly Review with No data, investigate if any recoverable income support payments were paid and have not been raised during the AoS period.

To investigate if a recoverable income support payment is paid, check:

  • for any multiple or intertwined CRNs, then
  • the AoS period for each assuree
  • any recoverable income support payments paid to the assuree(s) during the AoS period, and
  • if the recoverable income support payment paid is considered an assuree's or assurer's debt

Raise the manual debt as needed. See Table 2.

  • No:
    • Check debt amount displaying is correct, use the Payment Summary Tool
    • Select each listed Payment Type in the Recoverable Payments field
    • View and update Payment Components if needed
    • View and Save the Payment Components for each payment line, even if the component amount is not changed
    • Select Finalise
    • Key Recoverable Payment paid in period [DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY]. Use the 'Review Period Start' and 'Review Period End' date on the Expiry Yearly Review screen
    • Select Finalise. This displays a Success Review Finalised Successfully message
    • Select Close. The Customer and interaction details screen opens. The Status field, above the Description: AoS Yearly Review field, displays Complete

Note: if the Yearly Review is finalised without saving each Payment Component, an AoS debt will not raise in Debt Management Information System (DMIS). A manual debt will need to be raised. See Table 2.


Finalise the Yearly Review + Read more ...

After finalising the Yearly review in Process Direct.

Check the:

  • Debt Summary (DEBTDTL) screen to ensure AoS debt has been raised
  • AOS Case (AOBD) bond screen to ensure bond has been adjusted for AoS debt amount

DOC each assurer's record, use Fast Note - select Auto Text > Assurance of Support > AoS Debt > AoS Debt Action.

Upload the completed AoS Debt Proforma to all relevant records using Form Type as DBTCAL. See Attaching electronic documents to a Centrelink customer's record using Document Tools in Customer First.

Procedure ends here.

Expiry Review

Table 5: For Assurance of Support (AoS) Processing team only.




Open the Expiry Review + Read more ...

The Expiry Review work item will open on the assurer's record, with the:

  • heading Online Intervention for [assurer's name]
  • Customer and interaction details, and
  • Assessment dates

Select > AoS Review.

Note: the Process icon is not used for Expiry Reviews.


Action the Expiry Review + Read more ...

Open the AoS Debt Proforma on the Resources page:

On the Expiry Review screen, is the indicator No data in the Recoverable Payments field?


No data in the 'Recoverable Payments' field + Read more ...

If there is no recoverable amounts, complete the Expiry Review, no user interaction is needed:

  • Select Finalise
  • Key No AoS Recoverable Payment paid in period [DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY]. Use the 'Review Period Start' and 'Review Period End' date on the Expiry Review screen
  • Select Finalise. This displays a Success. Review Finalised Successfully message
  • Select Close. The Customer and interaction details screen opens. The Status field, above the Description: AoS Yearly Review field, displays Complete

After completing the Expiry Review with no data, investigate for any income support payments paid but has not been raised while under AoS period. Raise the manual debt as needed.

To investigate if a recoverable income support payment is paid, check:

  • for any multiple or intertwined records, then
  • the AoS period for each assuree. Check the AOAE screen
  • any recoverable income support payments paid to the assuree(s) during the AoS period, via the Benefit Status (XDS) screen. If this displays a large amount data, narrow the search by inputting the following types into System/benefit type code field:
    • NSS
    • PGA
    • PEN

If debt has been identified, see Table 2.


Data in the 'Recoverable Payments' field + Read more ...


  • review period start and end dates are correct
  • case status is On Hold
  • recoverable payments matches the calculation for the period raise
  • for deducted overpayments, these are non-recoverable payments
  • the calculated liabilities (the debt) are correct, check against the Payment Summary Tool on the Resources page

Select each listed Payment Type in the Recoverable Payments field if there are multiple benefit types paid the assuree(s):

  • Update Payment Components if needed
  • Service Officers must view and Save the Payment Components for each payment, even if the component amount is not changed.
    Note: if the Expiry Review is finalised without saving each Payment Component, an AoS debt will not raise in Debt Management Information System (DMIS). A manual debt will need to be raised. See Table 2
  • Debt List (OPDL) screen on the assurer's record for any AoS debts already raised on any of the assurees
  • Review period start and end dates of the expiry review activity do not overlap with the previously raised AoS debt
    • If the review period start and end dates are incorrect, zero out the debts. Raise a manual debt with the correct review period start date, end date and debt amount on the assurer's record
  • Select Finalise
  • Key Recoverable Payment paid in period [DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY]. Use the 'Review Period Start' and 'Review Period End' date on the Expiry Review screen
  • Select Finalise. This displays a Success Review Finalised Successfully message
  • Select Close


Finalise the Expiry review + Read more ...

  • Check the:
    • Debt list (OPDL) screen to ensure AoS debt has been raised
    • AOS Case (AOBD) bond screen in Process Direct to ensure bond has been adjusted for AoS debt amount
  • The system generate the following correspondence. Check all 3 letters have issued and the content is correct:
    • Statement of Account letter, addressed to an assurer
    • Full or partial bond release letter with a bond amount to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), if applicable
    • Expiry letter to the assurer(s)
  • The system creates a Bond Return review where a bond is still held. Check the Bond Return review is created, if applicable

DOC each assurer's record, use Fast Note - select Auto Text > Assurance of Support > AoS Debt > AoS Debt Action.

Upload the completed AoS Debt Proforma and calculations to all relevant records using Form Type as DBTCAL. See Attaching electronic documents to a Centrelink customer's record using Document Tools in Customer First.


Table 6




Escalate ICT issues via Roxy + Read more ...

Where a system issue is encountered, staff must escalate the issue to ICT via Roxy. See Using Digital Assistant Roxy in Process Direct.

Staff must record details on a DOC and await ICT response with instructions.


For Commonwealth Bank of Australia + Read more ...

Where the system has incorrectly released a full bond release letter before the expiry review being finalised. If required, send an email to the Business Process Migrants positional mailbox to confirm if the bond is still sitting with the bank.

Staff must:

  • not finalise the activity until confirmation has been received, and
  • record details on a DOC

Finalising activities and quality checking

Table 7




Quality checking + Read more ...

AOS Yearly and Expiry Reviews have no Quality Management Application (QMA) in Process Direct.

Manual debts raised in Customer First or Customer Record will be selected for Quality On line (QOL).

Staff not proficient in AOS debts must:

  • have their activity manually checked by a suitably skilled officer, and
  • finalise the Yearly and or Expiry Review in Process Direct once checked

Note: if a manual letter is required, staff must not finalise the letter until it has been checked by a suitably skilled officer.

The AoS Yearly and Expiry Reviews will automatically create the appropriate debt letter.

For more information, see Quality On Line (QOL) and Creating an Online Advice (OLA), including within an existing activity.