Processing claims for Age Pension and Pension Bonus 065-03030050
This document outlines how to process Age Pension claims, and combined Age Pension and Pension Bonus claims. This includes online claims, Assisted Customer Claims (ACC) and paper claims.
Submitting claims and documentation
Customers can make a claim for Age Pension and Pension Bonus payment by submitting an online claim, an Assisted Customer Claim, or by lodging a paper claim form.
A correspondence nominee (individual and organisation) can submit a claim for Age Pension on behalf of their principal. Nominees cannot submit an Age Pension combined online claim.
An online claim or ACC for Age Pension cannot be submitted until all required tasks have been completed (exceptions apply in specific circumstances).
If ACC is used to submit a verbal claim on behalf of a customer and a verbal declaration is completed, 'Staff assisted verbal declaration accepted - Yes' will show in:
- Process Direct Notes
- Customer First Super Case
- Customer Claim Summary
Verifying partner details before finalising an online claim or ACC
If a customer advises they are partnered within an online claim or via ACC, the relationship status must be verified by both parties before the customer's and partner's records are linked.
Verification can be provided by the partner either:
- through the 'Partner Confirmation Logon' service on the Services Australia website, using the Temporary Access Code (TAC) provided at the end of the customer's claim,
- verbally if the partner is present, or
- by completing a Partner details (Mod P) form
This is not required if the customer has lodged an Age Pension paper claim (SA002) which has been signed by the customer and their partner.
Age Pension claim work item
When an online or ACC is submitted as a single person or Age Pension combined partner online claim, an Age Pension claim work item is created in Process Direct containing the claim details. The claim is reviewed in Process Direct.
A SOA shell claim (with no claim details) is created automatically when an Age Pension paper claim (SA002) is scanned onto the customer's record.
Holding an Age Pension claim to user
Hold to User is a function that holds a work item in a user's worklist until it can be completed.
Claims can be held to user for many reasons, for example, if the customer needs to provide more details, is vulnerable, in hardship or has complex circumstances. For a full list of reasons a claim can be held to user see Hold to User new claim criteria.
To hold the claim to user see Work Optimiser for staff.
Age Pension combined claims
To identify if the claim is an Age Pension combined partner online claim (customer and partner), check the Claim ID numbers are the same. Alternatively, check if keyword DUALCLM appears in the keyword’s options.
If the customer and partner have lodged a joint paper claim, the SOA shell is created on the customer's record only.
Age Pension claim with a Pension Bonus claim
Age Pension with a Pension Bonus claim must only be processed by Service Officers trained in Pension Bonus assessments.
Where an Age Pension with a Pension Bonus claim has been lodged:
- before assessing the claim, contact the customer and recommend they contact a Financial Information Service (FIS) Officer if they have not yet done so
- where the claimant and/or partner have real estate, process the entire claim including the valuation request in Customer First or Customer Record
- after finalising the Age Pension claim process the Pension Bonus claim in Customer Record using the Pension Bonus Claim Assessment script. See Qualification and assessment of Pension Bonus Payment (PBP)
Age Pension claim with a Home Equity Access Scheme claim
If the customer has also submitted a separate claim for the Home Equity Access Scheme (the Scheme), process the Age Pension and (if applicable) Pension Bonus claim first. The Scheme claim is processed by the Home Equity Access Scheme National team upon completion of the Age Pension and Pension Bonus claim.
Age Pension claim for current Home Equity Access Scheme recipients
Customers currently receiving Age Pension as a loan-only payment under the Home Equity Access Scheme (identified by a benefit status of AGE/CZR-PLS) may submit a claim for Age Pension if their income and assets are under the limit.
A full assessment of their income and assets must be undertaken to determine if eligible to receive a payable rate of Age Pension. Claims must then be referred to the Home Equity Access Scheme National team to review the customer's circumstances and determine the appropriate course of action before claim finalisation.
Reopening a rejected claim
If a rejected claim needs to be opened and reassessed, re-index the original claim or create a SOA shell. See Indexing, re-indexing and cancelling claim activities.
Employment income and start date
Claimants who are qualified and payable for Age Pension are granted from the date they submit a claim with all relevant supporting documentation.
Where the income is too high for the customer to be payable from the Age Pension qualification date, but the customer will become payable within 13 weeks of the date they lodged the claim, the start date should be moved to the earliest Entitlement Period Start Date from which the customer is payable.
Note: this may not apply to claims with Pension Bonus entitlement. See Qualification and assessment of Pension Bonus Payment (PBP).
Single Touch Payroll (STP)
Customers may be presented with pre-filled Single Touch Payroll (STP) data during their online claim. Employer details, name, and ABN will be presented to the customer if STP data has been provided to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) within 8 weeks before the claim for employers who have not sent a final pay event indicator to the ATO. See Single Touch Payroll (STP) in Centrelink claims.
A customer will automatically be placed on reporting if STP data is presented to the customer within the claim, regardless of the employer status.
Reporting requirements
Claims for customers who have reporting requirements must not be completed until after the first entitlement period is recorded and eligibility has been determined.
For more details on reporting, see Reporting overview.
The Resources page contains:
- link to the Level 2 Policy Help Desks intranet page
- link to mySupport
- the Process Direct sub-site
- example text for Age Pension grant letter (Q999) for a deceased customer
Related links
Claiming and re-claiming Age Pension
Claims received that are incomplete or incorrect
Documents required for Centrelink new claims
Backdating provisions for claim lodgement
Viewing and processing online and Assisted Customer Claim (ACC)
Claims for Australian payments under International Agreements
Financial Information Service (FIS)
Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS)
Intent to claim and vulnerable customers
Identifying and making suitable referrals to the Complex Assessment Officer (CAO)
Initial contact to claim Pension Bonus Payment (PBP)
Process Direct navigation, common screens, and functions
Processing a claim after the death of a customer
Qualification and assessment of Pension Bonus Payment (PBP)
Residence assessment for customers claiming Age Pension
Residence and Portability screens
Rejecting a claim for Age Pension
Reporting ICT issues in Process Direct
Separating safely - protecting personal details
Sighting, recording, and returning original documents
Waiting periods for income support payments
Using Digital Assistant Roxy in Process Direct