Processing claims for Age Pension and Pension Bonus 065-03030050
Age Pension claim processing staff only
This document outlines how to process Age Pension claims, and combined Age Pension and Pension Bonus claims. This includes online claims, Assisted Customer Claims (ACC) and paper claims.
On this page:
Reviewing the claim status and details
Requests for clearances, details and referrals
Process Age Pension claim in Process Direct
Assess and finalise claim in Process Direct
Process Age Pension claim in Customer First or Customer Record
Assess and finalise claim in Customer First or Customer Record
Assessment of Employment Income for a New Claim
Reviewing the claim status and details
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Locate claim + Read more ... For claims, request or search for the claim work item via Inbox. Select the work item to view the Customer and Activity Information table on the Transaction Summary (TS) screen. For new claims, Service Officers must stream the claim on the day allocated and a progress of claim note must be created and/or updated, if the claim cannot be immediately finalised. Has the claim been streamed previously by another Service Officer (see Progress DOC for details)?
2 |
Claim status + Read more ... The claim status must be In Process before it can be processed. Is the claim status In Process?
To reassess a previously rejected claim:
Note: the claim should not be re-opened until the customer provides all requested details. |
3 |
Review claim details in Process Direct + Read more ... Check the customer's benefit status line. If the customer's benefit status is:
To review the details provided by the customer in the online claim or ACC:
To view paper claims and scanned supporting documents:
Check the date the document was scanned. There may also be older documents not related to the claim. Check customer tasks, DOCs and Notes by selecting |
4 |
Pension Bonus + Read more ... Is the customer claiming Pension Bonus or is the customer a registered member of the Pension Bonus Scheme (check if Benefit Status is Pension Bonus Registration PDB/REG)?
To allocate to a PDB skilled officer:
Procedure ends here. |
5 |
Claiming and/or registered for Pension Bonus + Read more ... For more details, see Initial contact by customers claiming Pension Bonus Payment (PBP) and Qualification and assessment of Pension Bonus Payment (PBP). Only Service Officers trained in Pension Bonus assessments should complete the following. Not claiming Pension Bonus but registered
Note: if a customer has lodged a registration for PBS (SA319) before 1 July 2014 which was not actioned at the time, escalate to ICT via mySupport to index the Pension Bonus registration from the original lodgement date. Claiming Pension Bonus but not registered From 1 July 2014 the Pension Bonus Scheme closed to new registrations. A customer may incorrectly claim the Pension Bonus if not registered by lodging a paper claim SA002. The online claim only presents Pension Bonus questions to customers registered in the PBS.
6 |
Type of Age Pension claim + Read more ... Check the type of Age Pension claim that has been allocated. If 2 separate single claims for customer and partner are allocated, the oldest claim must be processed first. Age Pension combined partner online claim
Online claim/ACC submitted
Paper Claim for Age Pension (SA002) lodged
Paper International Age Pension claim (AUS140) lodged
7 |
SOA shell created + Read more ... The Assessment Date (or start date) of the claims is based on the:
Update Date of Receipt (DOR) if a SOA shell work item has been created with an incorrect date. Updating the receipt date will automatically regenerate the claim. The date of receipt must be updated on the Transaction Summary (TS) screen before selecting Process. Select Common screens that may need updating via SWE:
8 |
AGE claim start date + Read more ... Check the Assessment Date (start date) appears on the Pensions Assessment (PNA) screen. The PNA may auto populate as the Date of Receipt (DOR) and need to be changed to the correct assessment date. See Start Day and Backdating provisions for claim lodgement for more details If the customer has indicated in the claim that they are vulnerable or in a crisis, this can be confirmed by:
Where the customer has pre-claim vulnerable circumstances recorded within the 8 weeks before their intent to claim contact date, the system will automatically calculate the start date. Contact dates can be viewed on the Pre-Claim Vulnerable Circumstance (PRECLM) screen. See Intent to claim and vulnerable customers for background and processing details. |
9 |
Check Customer Details + Read more ... Service Officers must check the claim details against the existing customer details. Amend where required. If the customer has died, see Processing a claim after the death of a customer. If changes to the customer's contact details are required, these updates need to be applied before assessing the claim. For assistance with updating address details including accommodation, see Updating address details. If changes to the customer or their partner’s nominee arrangement are required, see Adding or rejecting a nominee request or Cancelling a nominee arrangement. This is a potential family and domestic violence interaction point. Review Family and domestic violence. Access any Display on Access (DOA) alerts for specific warnings or messages on the customer's record. This includes:
10 |
Superannuation exemption + Read more ... A superannuation exemption may apply if the:
See Exempting superannuation investments for more details. |
11 |
Relationship details + Read more ... These details must be reviewed/updated. On the TS screen:
If a customer advises the death of their partner occurred before the date of the claim and the records are linked, complete the death action. See Notification of death. |
12 |
Partner's intent to claim + Read more ... Is the Age Pension claimant single, or has a partner who either has also claimed Age Pension (including as part of a combined partner claim online or paper), or is in receipt of an income support payment?
13 |
Qualification requirements + Read more ... Does the customer meet the age and residence requirements for Age Pension, or will they qualify within 13 weeks of claim lodgement? For more details see Qualification for Age Pension, Residence assessment for customers claiming Age Pension and Early claims.
14 |
Identity confirmation + Read more ... On the TS screen, check the customer's Identity Status. If the Identity Status is:
The presence of a proof of age document on the Identity Summary or the (Proof of Identity Details (POI) screen or in a DOC is evidence that details have been checked against the customer's record and are correct. Go to Table 2. |
Requests for clearances, details and referrals
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Compensation and DVA income + Read more ... If the customer has advised compensation details or Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) income, see:
If rejecting a customer's claim for one of the following reasons, refer the claim to the DVA Clearance Team for review. See Checking DVA income coding and referring work to the DVA Clearance Team table:
Note: for DVA income already recorded, resulting in either claim rejection, rate change or no impact, a DVA clearance must be obtained before finalising the claim. |
2 |
Required details + Read more ... Determine whether supporting documentation/evidence provided is acceptable and/or if further details should be requested. See Documents required for Centrelink new claims for guidance on making this decision. A new claim under the income and assets tests must be fully completed with all required documents supplied except where more documents will not change the outcome of the claim. Note: If the customer and/or their partner has employment income, the customer must provide details of all employment income paid from the date eligible for Age Pension. This can be provided either verbally, or by supplying payslips until the claim is finalised. The customer has provided a completed claim with all the relevant details required for assessment.
For online claims:
For incomplete paper claims:
The Request for Information (RFI) will place the new claim on hold. If the claim status needs updating manually change the status to On Hold via the Status icon until the customer responds or after the allowed time. See Requesting information (CLK). The claim can be held to user if it meets Hold to User new claim criteria. For more details on holding claims to user see Work Optimiser for staff. Procedure ends here until customer has responded to the request for details or the due date for return of details has passed. |
3 |
Referrals + Read more ... If a referral to one of the following is required, follow the below processes:
Note: some referrals will automatically change the new claim status to On Hold, and a DOC will be recorded with Customer Referral work item ID. If the claim status needs updating manually, change the status to On Hold via the Status icon for the required duration. The claim status will update to In Process when all referrals are completed. |
4 |
Property valuation + Read more ... Is a property valuation required for the claim (see Valuation of real estate and other assets for assistance)?
Note: if a property valuation is required for a Pension Bonus claim, the entire claim including the valuation request must be processed in Customer First or Customer Record. |
5 |
Ready to process claim + Read more ... If:
For claims processed in Process Direct, go to Table 3. For claims handed over to Customer First or Customer Record, go to Table 5. |
Process Age Pension claim in Process Direct
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Start processing/update claim + Read more ... Note: if customer’s benefit status is AGE/CZR-PLS, the Age Pension claim cannot be processed as a NCL activity due to system limitations. See Table 5 > Step 1. Select Process. The Errors (SWE) screen will show a Message Log and Task Selector:
The Task Selector does not list all screens that may contain provisional or confirmed data. Check the Claim Overview to see if other details have been provided that may need to be updated. To check confirmed data, go to the individual screens via the Super Key field. Check the POI screen shows an entry with Service Reason Code AGE. For paper claims (SOA shells), select the screens to manually code details from the claim. Check all screens including the TRCIAS screen to make sure claim is not assessed using outdated details. For help, see Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions. |
2 |
Pension Assessment Date + Read more ... The Pensions Assessment (PNA) screen shows the Age Pension Age Date and the Pension Assessment Date. The Assessment Date automatically determines from what date the claim will be assessed. This is based on the date the claim was submitted, the date customer reached Age Pension age and recorded contact dates for claimants that have vulnerable circumstances. If applicable, the Assessment Date can be changed manually. For example:
To change the Assessment Date, select the Calendar and select the new assessment date. For help with calculating the start date, see Start Day. |
3 |
Blind indicator (PDI) screen + Read more ... A customer can qualify for Age Pension (Blind) if they are qualified for Age Pension and assessed as permanently blind. The PDI screen contains details in relation to the customer's impairment and exemptions that may apply.
The PDI screen is not pre-populated from the online claim. If the customer is claiming Age Pension (Blind), verification will be requested from the customer as part of the claim lodgement process. Check the verification against the claim summary and update within the claim if needed.
For more details, see Assessing Age Pension (Blind) claims. |
4 |
Residence and claim lodgement + Read more ... The customer's Australian residence qualification will be automatically assessed based on the residence details recorded. Residence details must be recorded for every claim, to allow the system to override any other rejection reason and correctly reject for a residence related reason. For coding help, see Residence and Portability screens. The customer must generally also be in Australia when the claim is made, or meet an exception to the lodgement inside Australia rule. View the Immigration Advised Movements Screen (RSIM) screen to confirm if the customer was in Australia on the lodgement date. See Residence assessment for customers claiming Age Pension. Is the customer residentially qualified for Age Pension and in Australia when the claim was made?
5 |
Customer does not satisfy residence or claim lodgement requirements for Age Pension + Read more ... The customer may be qualified under an agreement if:
If there is evidence the customer was in an agreement country when the claim is deemed to be made, attempt to confirm and 'DOC' this.
Has the customer lived or is in an agreement country or an E510RS message 'Assessment under agreement country required before rejecting NSR' shows?
6 |
Rejection of claim + Read more ... If the customer will satisfy the Age Pension 10 years qualifying residence period within 13 weeks of submitting the claim, then their claim should not be rejected. See Start Day and Early claims. Is the claim to be rejected?
7 |
Code income and assets + Read more ... For details about recording details, see Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services. Note: employment income is coded in later steps. For details about the assessment, see:
When a CAO assessment has been completed, check the CAO assessment DOC for any actions that the Service Officer must complete. Does the customer and/or partner have employment income?
8 |
Employment income + Read more ... Employment income paid to the customer and/or partner from the Pension Assessment Date (PNA) must be assessed before finalising the claim. Where the customer (or partner) has ongoing employment income:
Single Touch Payroll (STP) data from employers who have reported payroll details in the previous 8 weeks for the customer may be presented to customers or staff within Online Claims and Assisted Customer Claims (ACC). See Single Touch Payroll (STP) in Centrelink claims. Where STP data is present or provisional coding of a variable frequency is assessed in the claim, the customer will be automatically placed on reporting. See Reporting Regime Details (RPRD) screen. Has the Pension Assessment Date (PNA) passed?
9 |
Resolve all edits or errors + Read more ... After saving updates, return to the SWE screen to view errors, warnings, and messages in the Message Log. These messages inform of the items that need to be resolved to prepare to finalise the claim. Select See Using Digital Assistance Roxy in Process Direct. Once all errors have been resolved, see Table 4 to assess and finalise Age Pension claim. |
Assess and finalise claim in Process Direct
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
Assess claim - ELD screen + Read more ... Select Assess. If there are any further errors, they will present on the Errors (SWE) screen. For help, see Using Digital Assistant Roxy in Process Direct. Note: if an E510RS message 'Assessment under agreement required before rejecting NSR' shows, see Table 3 > Step 5. After fixing any errors, select Assess again to go the Entitlements (ELD) screen. The ELD screen shows the outcome of the claim and payment dates. |
2 |
Handover function + Read more ... Sometimes a claim activity may need to be processed in Customer First/Customer Record and the Handover to CF/CR function may be required. This is to apply an approved workaround for a known issue/error or gaps in Process Direct. Before using the Handover function, staff must refer to Using Digital Assistance Roxy in Process Direct and the Handover function table in Process Direct navigation, common screens and functions for required actions. Is a handover to Customer First or Customer Record required?
3 |
Initial outcome + Read more ... Check outcome of claim on the ELD screen and make sure the provisional data contains the expected results. Note: there is a known system issue for Age Pension customers with vulnerable circumstances - the system incorrectly grants from the Age Pension Age Date if this date falls between the contact date and the date the claim was submitted. Check if the Assessment Date has changed after selecting Assess in Process Direct.
Will the Age Pension claim be rejected?
4 |
Employment income + Read more ... Has the first Entitlement Period End Date (EPED) of the claim period passed?
5 |
Claim outcome + Read more ... The ELD screen shows the outcome of the claim. Will the Age Pension claim be rejected?
6 |
Claim rejected + Read more ... Employment income caused the claim to be rejected and:
If neither of these options has occurred, see Rejecting a Claim for Age Pension. |
7 |
Check results + Read more ... Check outcome of claim on the ELD screen and make sure the provisional data matches the expected results. Check income and asset details from relevant Date of Events (DOV) on the following screens.
If customer and/or partner have employment income:
If required, check the following screens, and make any necessary updates such as manual rate adjustments on the Daily Rate Component (RAC) and Daily Rates Summary (RATS) screens:
For claims where the customer is deceased, see Processing a claim after the death of a customer to adjust arrears manually before finalising. Note: if the customer is also claiming Pension Bonus Payment and no basic amount of Age Pension or pension supplement basic is payable, no Pension Bonus Payment will be payable. The customer may wish to withdraw both claims until an amount of Age Pension or pension supplement basic is payable. See Qualification and assessment of Pension Bonus Payment (PBP). The customer should be referred to a Financial Information Service (FIS) Officer. |
8 |
Finalise claim + Read more ... If the customer is under income management (Benefit status INM) and they have an arrears or lump sum payment entitlement, do not make any changes to the customer's record to allow this payment to be made. Refer to the appropriate process in Income Management to request income management to be turned on for the arrears payment before it is made. If assessing a claim for an Age Pension (Blind) customer, the ELD screen may not indicate Age Pension (Blind) will be granted. When the claim has been finalised, the Benefit Status Line will show AGB/CUR. If assessing an early claim for an Age Pension, the ELD screen may not indicate that Age Pension has been granted. When the claim has been finalised, the Benefit Status Line will show AGE/ASS. Once the claim outcome is correct, select Finish. The Claim Finalisation DOC will appear, see Recording reasons for decisions. Edit or add any extra details required. For example, discretionary decisions including references to Operational Blueprint. Select Finalise to complete the claim, a confirmation dialog box will appear. Select OK. If a checklist of scans shows, mark as complete using the tick boxes to close scans off the customer's record. Note: If a customer has received Crisis Payment and a change has occurred, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more details, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP). If the customer is deceased, go to Step 9. Otherwise procedure ends here. |
9 |
Send a manual letter + Read more ... If the customer is deceased, a manual grant letter (Q999) must be issued. The grant letter must be issued to the:
The Resources page contains an example of suitable text for these letters. |
Process Age Pension claim in Customer First or Customer Record
Table 5
Step |
Action |
1 |
AGE/CZR PLS recipients + Read more ... An Age Pension claim submitted by an AGE/CZR PLS recipient, cannot be processed as a NCL activity due to system limitations. Upon allocation of the referral, HEAS CAO's will review circumstances, contact customer to discuss impact of change and DOC action taken. A Fast Note will be sent by the CAO for further action by Service Officer:
Procedure ends here. |
2 |
Claims handed over to legacy + Read more ... Go to the activity list (AL) screen. 'S'elect the claim activity and immediately place 'on hold' for one day. Re-select the 'held' claim activity and resume processing. Note: when a claim is handed over, it creates a new work item for Workload Management (WLM) allocation. By placing the claim on hold, it prevents the new work item allocating to another Service Officer. |
3 |
Update customer details + Read more ... At the Customer Details Task Selector (CDTS) screen, select any other relevant screens which have not already been preselected and complete any required updates, for example, address, and contact details. Before linking to a partner, check both records are in the same Environment. If required, action an Inter-environment change of address (ICoA). Check that the POI/POIS screens show ‘Identity Confirmed’ for Service Reason Code AGE, otherwise refer to the Identity Confirmation process. |
4 |
Pension Assessment Date + Read more ... The Pensions Assessment (PNA) screen shows the Start Date. The Assessment Date automatically determines from what date the claim will be assessed. This is based on the date the claim was submitted, the date customer reached Age Pension age and recorded contact dates for claimants that have vulnerable circumstances. See Intention to claim for vulnerable customers. If applicable, the Assessment Date can be changed manually, for example:
To change the Assessment Date select the Calendar and select the new assessment date. For help with calculating the start date, see Start Day. |
5 |
Blind indicator (PDI) screen + Read more ... A customer can qualify for Age Pension (Blind) if they are qualified for Age Pension and assessed as permanently blind. The PDI screen contains details of the customer's impairment and exemptions that may apply:
The PDI screen is not pre-populated from the online claim. If the customer is claiming Age Pension (Blind), verification is requested from the customer as part of the claim lodgement process. Check the verification against the claim summary and update within the claim if needed:
6 |
Residence and claim lodgement + Read more ... The customer's Australian residence qualification will automatically assess based on the residence details recorded. Residence details must still be recorded for every claim to allow the system to override any other rejection reason and correctly and correctly reject for a residence related reason. For coding help, see Residence and Portability screens. The customer must generally also be in Australia when the claim is made, or meet an exception to the lodgement inside Australia rule. View the Immigration Advised Movements Screen (RSIM) to confirm if the customer was in Australia on the lodgement date. See Residence assessment for customers claiming Age Pension. Was the customer residentially qualified for Age Pension and in Australia when the claim was made?
7 |
Customer does not satisfy residence and/or claim lodgement requirements for Age Pension + Read more ... The customer may be qualified under an agreement if:
If there is evidence the customer was in an agreement country when the claim is deemed to be made, attempt to confirm and 'DOC' this.
Has the customer lived or is in an agreement country or an E510RS message 'Assessment under agreement country required before rejecting NSR' shows?
8 |
Rejection of claim + Read more ... If the customer will satisfy the Age Pension 10 years qualifying residence period within 13 weeks of submitting the claim, then their claim should not be rejected. See Start Day and Early claims. Will the claim be rejected?
9 |
Code income and assets + Read more ... At the Pension Task Selector (PTS) screen, select any other relevant screens which have not already been preselected. For details about recording details, see Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services. Note: employment income is coded in later steps. For details about the assessment, see:
When a CAO assessment has been completed, check the CAO assessment DOC for any actions that the Service Officer must complete. Does the customer and/or partner have employment income and reporting requirements?
10 |
Employment income + Read more ... Employment income paid to the customer and/or partner from the Pension Assessment Date (PNA) must be assessed before finalising the claim. Where the customer (or partner) has ongoing employment income:
Single Touch Payroll (STP) data from employers who have reported payroll details in the previous 8 weeks for the customer may be presented to customers or staff within Online Claims and Assisted Customer Claims (ACC). If the claim needs to be finalised in Customer First and the customer advised Yes to working for the STP employer, staff must return to Process Direct to confirm the STP Employer through the STP Employer Update Workflow. See Single Touch Payroll (STP) in Centrelink claims. The customer and/or partner must be manually placed on reporting via the Reporting Regime Details (RPRD) screen in Customer First or Customer Record. Has the Pension Assessment Date (PNA) passed?
11 |
Resolve all errors and warnings + Read more ... After making updates:
Note: if an E510RS message 'Assessment under agreement required before rejecting NSR' shows, go to Step 7
Assess and finalise claim in Customer First or Customer Record
Table 6
Step |
Action |
1 |
Initial outcome + Read more ... Check outcome of claim on the Assessment Result (AR) screen and make sure the provisional data contains the expected results. Will the Age Pension claim be rejected?
2 |
Employment income + Read more ... Has the first Entitlement Period End Date (EPED) of the claim period passed?
3 |
Claim outcome + Read more ... The AR screen shows the outcome of the claim. Will the Age Pension claim be rejected?
4 |
Claim rejected + Read more ... Employment income caused the claim to be rejected and:
If neither of these options has occurred, see Rejecting a Claim for Age Pension. |
5 |
Check results + Read more ... Check outcome of claim on the AR screen and make sure the provisional data contains the expected results. Check income and asset details from relevant Date of Events (DOV) on the following screens:
If customer and/or partner have employment income:
If required, check the following screens, and make any necessary updates such as manual rate adjustments on the Daily Rate Component (RAC) and Daily Rates Summary (RATS) screens:
For claims where the customer is deceased, see Processing a claim after the death of a customer to adjust arrears manually before finalising. Note: if the customer is also claiming Pension Bonus Payment and no basic amount of Age Pension or pension supplement basic is payable, no Pension Bonus Payment will be payable. The customer may wish to withdraw both claims until an amount of Age Pension or pension supplement basic is payable. See Qualification and assessment of Pension Bonus Payment (PBP). The customer should be referred to a Financial Information Service (FIS) Officer. |
6 |
Finalise claim + Read more ... If the customer is under income management (Benefit status INM) and they have an arrears or lump sum payment entitlement, do not make any changes to the customer's record to allow this payment to be made. Refer to the appropriate process in Income Management to request income management to be turned on for the arrears payment before it is made. If assessing a claim for an Age Pension (Blind) customer, the AR screen may not indicate that Age Pension (Blind) has been granted. When the activity has been finalised, the Benefit Status Line will show AGB/CUR. If assessing an early claim for an Age Pension, the AR screen may not indicate that Age Pension has been granted. When the activity has been finalised, the Benefit Status Line will show AGE/ASS. If customer on reporting and employment income for passed entitlement periods has been coded, stimulate outstanding reporting date on RR screen. Note: for Age Pension claims also requiring Pension Bonus Claim assessments assess the Pension Bonus Claim in Customer Record and finalise with the Pension Bonus Claim Assessment script. Once the claim outcome is correct, complete from the AR screen.
Follow-up actions in Process Direct for claims finalised in Customer Record and Customer First:
Note: If a customer has received Crisis Payment and a change has occurred, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more details, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP). If the customer is deceased, go to Step 7, otherwise procedure ends here. |
7 |
Send a manual letter + Read more ... If the customer is deceased, a manual grant letter (Q999) must be issued. The grant letter must be issued to the:
The Resources page contains an example of suitable text for these letters. |
Assessment of Employment Income for a New Claim
Table 7
Step |
Action |
1 |
Employment income + Read more ... Employment income is income paid in return for personal effort or exertion (example, wages) and is defined by an employer/employee relationship. Employment income does not include:
See Assessment of employment income for Centrelink payments. Refer to Work Bonus for pensioners of Age Pension age for details of how to assess and apply the Work Bonus and balance for pensioners of Age Pension age. Where evidence of employment income is provided with a new claim, correct income for past periods if required. Does the customer and/or partner have employment income?
2 |
Determine the length of the Income Support Payment (ISP) Entitlement Period (EP) + Read more ... All income support payments are calculated on a fortnightly arrears basis, using a 14-day entitlement calculation:
If one member of the couple is already receiving an income support payment, the claimant’s entitlement period will automatically align with the existing recipient's entitlement period. If neither the customer nor the partner are receiving a social security payment, the claimant’s entitlement period starts from the Assessment Date (PNA) of the claim. When the first EPED of a claim is less than 14 days after the PNA date, Service Officers must code the correct frequency for employment income. There are several ways to identify the EPED once entitlement is assessed:
Count the number of days in the entitlement period. |
3 |
Determine date/s paid during the entitlement period + Read more ... Employment income is assessed once it is paid by an employer to their employee. This is the 'Date Paid' or 'Pay Date' on the customer's payslip. The customer will need to provide details of all employment income paid from the PNA date up to and including the most recent EPED. If further details of employment income paid are required to complete the claim assessment, attempt to contact the customer to get the details verbally:
If the details cannot be provided verbally, request the details and allow extra days for mail delivery. The request for information (RFI) letter must also include the Payslips - customer - until customer claim is finalised for customer and/or partner document type. The RFI will often place the new claim on hold. If required, manually update the status to On Hold via the Status icon until the customer responds or after the allowed time. The claim can be held to user if it meets Hold to User new claim criteria. See Work Optimiser for staff for more details on holding claims to user. Procedure ends here. Once all employment income paid from the PNA are available, go to Step 4. |
4 |
Determine the length of the employment pay period + Read more ... The employment pay period is typically the length of the employer’s pay cycle. This may be different to the number of days the customer actually worked.
5 |
Determine the frequency IOP or LOP + Read more ... If the length of the Employment Pay Period (Step 4) is:
Refer to Resources page > Table 1 in Recording and correcting employment income details for examples and further details. |
6 |
Code EAPP + Read more ...