Rejecting a claim for Age Pension 065-03030030
For Age Pension Processing Services staff only
This document outlines the process to follow when a claim for Age Pension including Age Pension (Blind) is to be rejected. A customer who has lodged a claim for Age Pension may not be entitled to payment because they do not meet the basic qualification, payability or recipient obligation provisions for payment. In these circumstances, reject the claims.
On this page:
Crisis or needing special help
Crisis or needing special help
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Crisis or needing special help + Read more ... Where a customer has been identified as being in a crisis situation, or requiring special assistance, care needs to be taken to make sure the customer's circumstances are considered before making a decision to reject a claim. For online claims determine if the customer has self-identified as being in crisis or needing special help, by checking for keywords applied with the claim. See the Claim submission exceptions table. Evidence that the customer is in crisis or needing special help may be available on the customer's record. See Identifying customer vulnerability and risk issues. Is there evidence that the customer may be in a crisis situation or requiring special assistance?
2 |
Claim submission exception + Read more ... An online claim submitted under an exception category cannot be rejected until 22 days is reached. Was the claim submitted less than 22 days ago under a claim submission exception, and are there outstanding required tasks?
3 |
Prior extension + Read more ... Check:
Have these criteria been met?
4 |
Customer contact for special circumstances + Read more ... Two attempts to contact must be made to determine if the customer requires an extension of time if:
The 2 contact attempts can be made at different times on the same day, where applicable. A pre-call SMS should be attempted prior to contacting customer. See the Calling a customer table. Is contact with the customer successful?
5 |
Special circumstances extension + Read more ... Determine how much time is required to provide the required documentation. Document the decision for the extension of time and place claim on hold for the required timeframe. Procedure ends here until the allowed time has passed. |
Reject Age Pension claim
Table 2
Step |
Action |
1 |
Residence information + Read more ... The customer's residence qualification will be auto-assessed as long as the residence information is correctly recorded. See Residence assessment for customers claiming Age Pension. Residence information must be recorded, even if the rejection is for any other reason. If residence details are not recorded, the system will reject the claim for an incorrect reason. |
2 |
Was the claim lodged in Australia? + Read more ... Check the customer's travel movements (if available) using the Travel Outside Australia Summary (TOAS) and Immigration Movements (RSIM) screens. Was the customer in Australia on the date of lodgement?
3 |
Assessment under an International Agreement + Read more ... If the customer does not satisfy residence requirements or lodgement in Australia rules for Age Pension, but they have lived or are in an Agreement country when they claim, they may be qualified to be assessed under an International agreement. Has the customer lived or is in an Agreement country or an E510RS message 'Assessment under agreement country required before rejecting (XXX)'' displays?
4 |
Rejection reason qualification + Read more ... Rejection reasons are:
See Cancellation, suspension and rejection codes for Age Pension. Note: where the customer is likely to meet the qualifying criteria for Age Pension within 13 weeks of claim lodgement, place the claim on hold and assess under early claim provisions. Is the claim to be rejected as customer does not meet the qualifying criteria for Age Pension?
5 |
Rejection reason FSD + Read more ... Where the customer has provided inappropriate or irrelevant documentation to allow the submission of their online claim and no additional request for information, written or verbal has been made, the claim can be rejected Failure to Supply Documents (FSD). Note: this only applies where the claim process states a request for information must not be sent. Is the claim to be rejected Failure to Supply Documents (FSD)?
6 |
Rejection reason FRC + Read more ... Check the correspondence provided by the customer before rejecting the claim. See Viewing Centrelink customer's digital images. Where a claim is already rejected (reason FRC or FSD) and the customer has not provided all requested or outstanding information, do not reopen or reassess the claim. See Table 1, Step 7 of Request to reassess a rejected claim. Is the claim to be rejected Failure to Reply to Correspondence (FRC) as the customer has been sent a request for information and failed to provide all the documents (including supporting documents requested in a form) within the time allowed to respond? Note: this includes where the request for information was for documents required to confirm identity or to provide tax file number(s).
7 |
Rejection reason payability + Read more ... Does the customer qualify for Age Pension but claim is to be rejected as customer is not payable? Check that the customer's income & assets have been correctly coded and the rejection outcome reason is correct. Where a customer is qualified for Age Pension but not payable on the date they lodged their claim, start day rules may apply where a change of circumstances occurs within 13 weeks of claim lodgement. See Start Day. Note: employment income is assessed in the entitlement period in which it is paid. Where the income is too high for the customer to be payable, but the customer will become payable within 13 weeks of the date they lodged the claim, the start date should be moved to the earliest Entitlement Period Start Date from which the customer is payable. See Processing claims for Age Pension and Pension Bonus. If rejecting a customer’s claim for one of the following reasons, refer the claim to the DVA Clearance Team for review. See Step 6 in the Checking DVA income coding and referring work to the DVA Clearance Team table:
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Rejection reason qualification or payability + Read more ...
If neither the customer nor their partner (where they have a partner) are currently on a means tested income support payment (including where the customer/partner are exempt from the means test due to permanent blindness), income and asset coding is not required if rejecting due to residence qualification or if they are not age pension age, within 13 weeks of submitting their claim. Claim outcome is auto-assessed when the residence information is correctly recorded. If the customer is receiving an Adjusted Disability Pension from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA), and the claim start date is before 1 January 2022, do not reject their claim based on income before checking whether they may be entitled to receive Defence Force Income Support Allowance (DFISA). The system will be able to identify these customers if the claim is correctly coded, including DVA Adjusted Disability Pension details. |
9 |
Automatic or manual rejection + Read more ... Does the claim require manual rejection via the Benefit Action (BA) screen?
Note: manual rejections for FRC include where identity documents have not been provided. |
10 |
Claim rejection processing + Read more ... For claim rejections processed in:
11 |
Streamline rejection in Process Direct + Read more ... Streamline rejection allows rejection of a claim in Process Direct, without coding all of the information provided in the claim. This function will only display if the claim will not be rejected for residency reasons. For combined claims, both the customer and partner must meet residency requirements in order for the streamline reject function to be available. Note: if the claim is a combined claim, the BA screen may need to be coded for both customer and partner claims. Combined claims may have a different eligibility outcome, as one may be granted and the other rejected). If streamline rejection does not display, go to Step 12. Claims subject to Circumstance Change Monitor (CCM) Where the customer has not provided the required documents at the time they submitted their claim, it can be rejected Fail to Supply Documents (FSD) using the streamline rejection function. Where the customer has intentionally provided inappropriate documentation to allow their claim to be submitted under Circumstance Change Monitor (CCM). For example, non-claim related documents or images, reject the claim FSD with no request for information or documentation requests to be issued. To streamline reject the new claim:
To undo a streamlined rejection in the claim, regenerate the claim from the TS screen. If customer and/or partner are receiving a means tested Income Support Payment and they have had a change of circumstances, see:
12 |
Manual rejection in Process Direct + Read more ... A claim is manually rejected as follows:
Note: for a manual rejection, all customer verified personal details must be coded to make sure the notice of rejection is issued to the correct address. If the customer and their partner (where they have a partner) are not currently on an income support payment, income and asset coding is not required if rejecting FSD or FRC. If customer and/or partner is current ISP and they have had a change of circumstances, see:
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Handover function + Read more ... Sometimes a claim activity may need to be processed in Customer First/Customer Record and the Handover to CF/CR function may be required. Generally, this is to apply an approved workaround for a known issue/error or gaps in Process Direct. Prior to utilising the Handover function, staff must refer to the Using Digital Assistance Roxy in Process Direct and the Handover function table for required actions. Is a handover to Customer First or Customer Record required?
14 |
Manual rejections in Customer First/Customer Record + Read more ... A claim is manually rejected as follows:
For a manual rejection, all customer verified personal details must be coded to make sure the notice of rejection is issued to the correct address. If the customer and their partner (if they have a partner) are not currently on an income support payment, income and asset coding is not required if rejecting FSD or FRC. If customer and/or partner is current ISP and they have had a change of circumstances, see:
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Rejection DOC and follow-up action + Read more ... For claims rejected in Process Direct:
For claims processed in Customer First/Customer Record:
If the rejection reason is FSD/FRC:
Follow-up actions in Process Direct for claims finalised in Customer Record and Customer First:
Home Equity Access Scheme (the Scheme) applications:
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Send a manual letter + Read more ...
The Resources page contains an example of suitable text for these letters. For other cases where no auto-reject letter is generated, send manual letter Q134 (select the 'undetermined' option) to the customer giving the reason(s) for rejecting the claim and advising their review and appeal rights. Record the details of decision on a DOC. |