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Identifying and assisting income managed customers 103-01020010

This document outlines how to identify whether a customer is subject to Income Management (IM) and how to assist these customers.

Identifying income managed customers

To identify if a customer is income managed, the benefit status line on a customer's record will display 'INM' immediately before their payment type. Details regarding qualification for IM, account details and priority needs can be found on the Income Management Summary screen.

Note: if ‘EIM’ displays on the benefit status line, the customer is on Enhanced Income Management (enhanced IM).

Requests for an urgent payment

When an income managed customer contacts Services Australia, Service Officers must conduct all necessary business, ensuring any messaging within scripts or workflows are relayed to the customer, prior to referring them to a specialised Service Officer. The exception to this is a request for an urgent payment, as these requests must be referred to a specialised IM Service Officer for assessment.

Service Officer initiated assessment result process

If a Service Officer initiates an assessment result (AR) process on an income managed customer, or a potential income managed customer, and further action is required, one of the following will display:

  • the Income Management Summary screen (workflow), or
  • the Income Management Warning and Error (IMWE) screen (manual coding)

These screens will display a message or Work Item that could impact IM and this must be addressed as part of the contact. An un-actioned Work Item will also create an INM/ACT activity on the Activity List (AL) screen.

Service Officers actioning work items

When a Work Item or INM/ACT is generated, the following process should be followed:

Access Services Service Officers:

  • Utilise current procedures to assist in actioning the Income Management and BasicsCard Work Items
  • Seek assistance from a specialised Service Officer (if available) or Service Support Officer (SSO), or
  • Contact the Access Services Support Line (select Income Management option 7). Specialised staff will assist Service Officers to be able to complete the customer's enquiry or update

Smart Centre Telephony Service Officers are to transfer the customer to:

  • the Income Management Line
  • the Indigenous Services queue (if appropriate), or
  • Multilingual Call (if appropriate)

All appropriate discussions and updates must be completed whilst the customer is present.

Income managed customer initiated contact

In addition to their normal business, income managed customers may contact the agency because they:

Role of Access Service Officers

In all instances, Access Services Service Officers should assist customers with their IM enquiries utilising the resources available.

The Resources page contains links to the Customer Financial Capability Branch and Income Management homepages.

Identification and eligibility for Income Management

Income Management and BasicsCard Work Items

Hierarchy and movement between Income Management (IM) measures - Overview

Determining a person's priority needs for Income Management

Changes to Income Management priority needs

Coding Income Management expenses

Income Management Summary Screen

Expense Management Summary Screen