Changing or correcting course of study for Youth Allowance, Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement students 102-07020010
This document outlines how a change of course of study will affect a student's payment and how to process the changes.
On this page:
Study changes for YA, Austudy and PES students
Change of study details and issues for YA
Process Direct - coding change of course of study or educational provider
Customer First - coding change of course of study or educational provider
Study changes for YA, Austudy and PES students
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Student reports a change in a course of study + Read more ... For YA and Austudy customers notifying a change in course and/or institution as result of Course End Date or Intention to Study review, see Processing end of course and intention to study reviews for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA). For PES customers, if a Service Officer is not skilled in PES processing, send a Fast Note to the PES Smart Centre Processing team. Select Auto text, use Students, ABSTUDY & Apprentices > Pensioner Education Supplement > PES Study Update Actdoc > Confirm. If a student advises of changes to previous years of study, (for example, changed course 2 years ago), update their record so that the following screens are accurate:
Consider if the student remained qualified for all periods they received a student payment. If the student is unsure of their study history, staff may need to request transcripts. Check if the student is:
Do these circumstances apply?
2 |
Approved course at an approved educational institution + Read more ... Check course approval and get institution reference number. See Approved courses of study for Youth Allowance (YA), Austudy and Pensioner Education Supplement (PES). Is the course an approved course at an approved educational institution?
3 |
Not eligible for Centrelink administered student payments + Read more ... More support may be available to students, depending on which payment type they get. YA (student) customers under 22 years of age have the option to transfer to YA (job seeker) if they have met their notification obligations. Is the student getting YA, under 22 years of age and has met their notification obligations?
4 |
Full-time study load + Read more ... Will the student have a full-time study load?
5 |
Cross institutional study at another location + Read more ... Does the student want to do cross-institutional study at another institution and credit this to their original course at the home institution?
6 |
Concessional study load + Read more ... Determine if the student is eligible to continue receiving payment with a concessional study load and check their allowable time. Do not code a Participation Status of 'PTS' Part-Time Student on the EDC screen. Note: students can report a change in their study load from full-time to part-time using the Update Study Details online service. This activity will code the Participation Status: field as 'PTS' Part-Time Student in a provisional line on the EDC screen. Correct or delete the details, if required to remove PTS coding from the EDC screen. Will the student remain eligible with a concessional study load?
7 |
Study load requirements not met + Read more ... If a YA student cannot study full-time due to a temporary incapacity, refer to Youth Allowance (YA) student or Australian Apprentice becomes incapacitated or impacted by unforeseen or extreme circumstances. YA (student) customers under 22 years of age only have the option to transfer to YA (job seeker) if they have met their notification obligations. Is the student getting YA, under 22 years of age and met their notification obligations?
8 |
Cancel student's payment + Read more ... The student is no longer eligible for payment and must test their eligibility for other payments. See First Contact Service Offer (FCSO) workflow. Cancel the student's payment. To do this using:
9 |
Process Direct - cancel payments + Read more ...
Note: for PES, see Assessing qualifying study for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES). Procedure ends here. |
10 |
Customer First - cancel payments + Read more ...
For PES, see Assessing qualifying study for Pensioner Education Supplement (PES). Procedure ends here. |
11 |
View the existing course on EDC + Read more ... In either:
If the customer has changed course/institution and:
12 |
Process Direct - change the existing course on EDC + Read more ... A change of course start date, course or institution may affect:
For recently assessed claims, see Calculating the start day for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA) students and Australian Apprentices claims. If the change affects the start date of payment, go to Step 15. If not:
For ABSTUDY students, Incidentals Allowance entitlement is affected by institution course start and end dates. Students starting another course running at the same time as their current course may be eligible for a new Incidentals Allowance. See ABSTUDY Incidentals Allowance. |
13 |
Customer First - change the existing course on EDC + Read more ... A change of course start date, course or institution may affect:
For recently assessed claims, see Calculating the start day for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA) students and Australian Apprentices claims. If the change affects the start date of payment, go to Step 15. If not:
Note: for PES customers, access the Small Benefit System (ISS) by coding 'ISS' in the Sys field. Code:
Go to the EDC screen and correct all fields to reflect the actual study details. In the Comments field, record the exact name of the course, this field must not be left blank and must not contain any information in addition to the course name. Note: for ABSTUDY students, Incidentals Allowance entitlement is affected by institution course start and end dates. Students starting another course running at the same time as their current course may be eligible for a new Incidentals Allowance. See ABSTUDY Incidentals Allowance.
14 |
Check if the customer is in receipt of Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) + Read more ... Customers receiving student payments may also get ACCS (transition to work). ACCS (transition to work) helps with childcare costs/fees. If the customer stops or alters their assessed course of study, reassess their entitlement to ACCS (transition to work). In Process Direct, check the Child Care Summary to see if customer receives ACCS (transition to work). Does the customer get ACCS (transition to work)?
15 |
Reassessment of new claim needed + Read more ... If the change of course start date, course, or institution, affects the PSED and the payment start date, the claim will need reassessment. If skilled in the claim type and scheduled for processing, reassess the claim. If not, refer the details of the change to Student Processing for follow up:
Procedure ends here. |
Change of study details and issues for YA
Table 2:
Step |
Action |
1 |
Continuing/intending students + Read more ... Where there is a break between courses, YA, Austudy and PES customers only retain entitlement to student payments if they are continuing/intending students. If there is no break between courses, or the customer is a continuing/intending student, go to Step 2. If a YA, Austudy or PES customer is changing course and is not a continuing/intending student:
If the customer is:
Record a DOC with the details of the update. Students wanting to test their eligibility for another payment can lodge an online claim. Procedure ends here. |
2 |
Payment type + Read more ... If the student receives:
3 |
Student has turned or will turn 25 years of age + Read more ... A student will stay on YA, if they are studying any course they started before turning 25, even if it is not the same course they were more recently getting YA for. See the Resources page in Determining minimum and maximum age for Youth Allowance (YA) for examples. Changing institutions usually means the student is in a new course.
Check if the student has reached the maximum age of YA. Has the student reached their maximum age for YA?
4 |
YA student changing courses + Read more ... Is the YA student changing to a new course (that is, a different course and/or at a different institution) at the same level of study as their previous course?
5 |
YA student changing to a new course at the same level of study as their previous course + Read more ... Decide if the student needs to sign an Activity Agreement before returning to this process. See Negotiating an Activity Agreement for Youth Allowance (YA) students returning to study after discontinuing a previous course. To make updates in:
6 |
YA student changing to a new course at a different level to their previous course + Read more ... Satisfactory progress for YA depends on progress in their current course. Previous study in a course of a different level does not affect allowable time. End the course of study by:
Note: only update the Course End Date/Inst Course End Date field if the original course end date was incorrect. Do not update the Course End Date/Inst Course End date field if:
To make updates in:
Process Direct - coding change of course of study or educational provider
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Austudy student changing to a new course + Read more ... Satisfactory progress for Austudy depends on the level of their current course. Consider previous study at the same level. Previous study at a different level has no effect. To calculate allowable time/reasonable time, see Determining allowable time/reasonable time for a course of study. If previous study details are not on the system, ask for academic transcripts. See Requesting information (CLK). Do not place the update on hold to request information, unless:
Has the student exceeded their maximum allowable time at the level of tertiary study they are changing to?
2 |
Exceeded maximum allowable time for their current study + Read more ... Students who exceed their maximum allowable time for their current level of study are no longer eligible for Austudy. Code the change as follows:
On the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen:
On the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
Identify if the student is eligible for other income support.
Note: tell the student about other study options that may attract student payments. This includes study at a different course level. |
3 |
Code the change on the system + Read more ...
4 |
Student getting Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) + Read more ... Students remain eligible for PES if they:
Is the student still eligible for PES?
5 |
Adding a new course for a student getting PES + Read more ... Go to the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen and update the following fields:
Students getting PES must provide proof of enrolment, unless:
See Proof of enrolment (POE) in a course of study. The following students must provide proof of the course start date within 14 days from the study start date or the date the new claim was finalised:
On the EDC screen, in the Enrolment Verification field key:
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Reached maximum YA age + Read more ... Cancel YA from the day after the student end date in the previous course. To end date the current course:
This will cause the auto-cancellation of YA from the day after the student end date of the previous course.
7 |
Student turning 25 years of age near the end of their course and before the new course starts + Read more ... Students qualify for YA up to the day before their 25th birthday occurs. Go to the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen and key the new study details. Complete the following fields:
Cancel YA from the day the student turns 25. Use reason code 'COP' (another payment is more appropriate). See Coding a cancellation. Note: if cancellation date is more than 14 days in the future, in Customer First create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.
8 |
Check if the customer is in receipt of Long Term Income Support rate or Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) + Read more ... To identify the rate check the:
Customers receiving the Long Term Income Support (LTIS) rate of payment who change courses will need to have their eligibility checked to make sure the LTIS rate remains payable. See Assessing entitlement to the Long Term Income Support rate of Austudy for students or migrants studying English language courses. Customers receiving student payments may also get ACCS (transition to work). ACCS (transition to work) helps with childcare costs/fees. If the customer stops or alters their assessed course of study, reassess their entitlement to ACCS (transition to work). In Process Direct, check the Child Care Summary to see if customer receives ACCS (transition to work). Does the customer get ACCS (transition to work)?
Customer First - coding change of course of study or educational provider
Table 4:
Step |
Action |
1 |
Austudy student changing to a new course + Read more ... Satisfactory progress for Austudy depends on the level of their current course. Consider previous study at the same level. Previous study at a different level has no effect. To calculate allowable time/reasonable time, see Determining allowable time/reasonable time for a course of study. If previous study details are not on the system, ask for academic transcripts. See Requesting information (CLK). Do not place the update on hold to request information, unless:
Has the student exceeded their maximum allowable time at the level of tertiary study they are changing to?
2 |
Exceeded maximum allowable time for their current study + Read more ... Students who exceed their maximum allowable time for their current level of study are no longer eligible for Austudy. Code the change as follows:
Note: tell the student about other study options that may attract student payments. This includes study at a different course level. |
3 |
Code the change on the system + Read more ... Process the update:
Note: if appropriate, complete the Allowable Time End Date field on the EDC screen with the correct date. See Determining allowable time/reasonable time for a course of study. Update the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen.
Note: do not create a new NES screen unless the student
4 |
Student getting Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) + Read more ... Open the Small Benefit System (ISS) by coding ISS in the Sys field. Code SVPES in the Nxt field to view the PES screens. Students remain eligible for PES if they:
Is the student still eligible for PES?
5 |
Adding a new course for a student getting PES + Read more ... Code the change. Add a new EDC screen and continue updating the student's record manually. Record the reason for the decision on a DOC. Finalise the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen, after checking there are no incorrect:
Students getting PES must provide proof of enrolment, unless:
See Proof of enrolment (POE) in a course of study. The following students must provide proof of the course start date within 14 days from the study start date or the date the new claim was finalised:
Code the Enrolment Verification field on the EDC screen with 'VRR' (verification required). Payment will automatically suspend if proof of enrolment is not coded by the latter of:
Code the Enrolment Verification field on the EDC screen with 'VER' (verification provided) for students:
6 |
Reached maximum YA age + Read more ... Cancel YA from the day after the student end date in the previous course. End date the current course by:
Update the NES screen:
Finalise the activity on the AR screen. This will cause the auto-cancellation of YA from the day after the student end date of the previous course.
7 |
Student turned 25 years of age after the end of their previous course and before the new course starts + Read more ... Students qualify for YA up to the day before their 25th birthday when they turn 25:
On a new EDC screen, insert new study details and complete the following fields:
Note: if cancellation date is more than 14 days in the future, in Customer First create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.
8 |
Check if the customer is in receipt of Long Term Income Support rate or Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) + Read more ... To identify the rate check the:
Customers receiving the Long Term Income Support (LTIS) rate of payment and change courses will need to have their eligibility checked to make sure the LTIS rate remains payable. See Assessing entitlement to the Long Term Income Support rate of Austudy for students or migrants studying English language courses. Customers receiving student payments may also get ACCS (transition to work). ACCS (transition to work) helps with childcare costs/fees. If the customer stops or alters their assessed course of study, reassess their entitlement to ACCS (transition to work). In Process Direct, check the Child Care Summary to see if customer receives ACCS (transition to work). Does the customer get ACCS (transition to work)?