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Processing end of course and intention to study reviews for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA) 110-07040020

This document explains how end of course reviews are processed for Austudy and YA.

Your course is ending review (course end date review)

The end of course review is undertaken on all YA and Austudy students.

A 'You need to act now' letter is sent to students 4 weeks before their student end date. This lets them know they must advise if there has been a change to their course end date or if they intend to continue studying.

The review letter lets the customer continue their payments without completing a new claim or verify they will no longer be studying and may need other help.

A self service option is available for customers Customers should provide this information via the Manage study details option online service.

Course details required (intention to study review)

Customers who have been unable to provide their course details as part of their end of course review, but have advised they intend studying in the next study period will have an intention to study recorded.

These customers will be issued a 'Course details required' letter 21 days before the end date of their current intention to study period.

The Course details required letter lets the customer advise Services Australia the course they are intending to study so that their continuing entitlement can be assessed. They are also advised to contact if they no longer intend to study.

A self service option is available for customers Customers should provide this information via the Manage study details option online service.

Determining study start dates for YA and Austudy

Most education providers have an academic calendar with the standard date many students start or end their courses or study periods. Service Officers can access these dates on the National Course Approvals sub-site. Education providers often publish their academic calendars on their websites. It is important to note that many students will be enrolled in a course that starts or finishes on a different date to the standard date on the education provider’s academic calendar.

Service Officers can accept a student start date advised by a YA or Austudy customer, providing that date is not greater than 14 days before the standard course start date published on the National Course Approvals sub-site, or an education provider's website.

Continuing and intending students

When making study updates, consider whether the customer can be treated as a continuing/intending student. This may influence what date they are eligible to receive a student payment. The rules for continuing/intending students vary between different student payments.

Responding to the letter/notifying study details

Students can:

  • A self service option is available for customers view and manage their study details online if they are registered online and authenticated - this service is also available on the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app
  • call Services Australia and speak to a Service Officer
  • visit a service centre to use the self service facilities or to provide their new course information verbally

Phone self service

If customers use the IVR service and intend to continue studying and know their course details, they will be referred to a Service Officer in a Smart Centre to complete the coding required.

Online accounts

The Manage study details service collects and if possible, records updates to the customers study details. If the update requires manual action Workload Manager (WLM) will allocate a Change of Circumstance (CoC) work item to a suitably skilled Service Officer.

Notification of stopping studies

If a YA (student) under 22 years of age stops full-time study and wants to continue to receive payment as a job seeker, they must notify the agency and complete a participation interview within 14 days.

Failure to notify cessation of study within 14 days will result in cancellation of YA from the Student End Date + 1 day.

If a student fails to notify they have stopped study within 14 days, payment of YA (job seeker) can only start from the date a new claim is submitted. A debt may be generated for students who fail to notify cessation of studies.

Students 22 years of age or over at their study end date who are receiving either Austudy or YA (student), and notify of cessation of study within 28 days of their study end date may be eligible to access a streamlined claim for JobSeeker Payment (JSP). See Student to job seeker transfers.

Unfavourable decision

If not speaking with the customer when making an unfavourable decision, make 2 genuine attempts to contact the customer before finalising the decision.

The Resources page has links to the Technical Support Line page, Payment and Service Finder and the Student Programme Resource Tool.

Student to job seeker transfers

Payment of Youth Allowance (YA) and Austudy when a student is deferring or discontinuing study before the end of the course

Manage study details

Centrelink self service – access status, locking and unlocking

Reviews and appeals

Accessing and using Centrelink self service

First Contact Service Offer (FCSO) workflow

Determining minimum and maximum age for Youth Allowance (YA)

Startup Year Courses