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Processing end of course and intention to study reviews for Austudy and Youth Allowance (YA) 110-07040020

This document explains how end of course reviews are processed for Austudy and YA.

Process Direct

On this page:

End of course and intention to study reviews for students

End of course and intention to study reviews when customer intends to study in a new course

Finalising process when a customer advises they no longer intend to study or they cannot be considered a continuing/intending student

Assessing a student's entitlement when starting a new course after an end of course or intention to study review

End of course and intention to study reviews for students

Table 1




Type of review/activity being processed + Read more ...

Do not use Process Direct when a Change of Circumstances (ZCOC or ZALL) activity is allocated with a status of In Progress or For Manual Action. For these activities, hand over activity to Customer First as per Manage study details option online, then follow the Customer First process subtab.

If the review/activity being processed is the:

  • 'You need to act now' letter for an End of Course Review, go to Step 5
  • 'Course details required' letter for an Intention to Study Review, go to Step 6
  • Manual Follow-Up (MFU) is displayed as CED SY73 letter not sent - issue manually, go to Step 3
  • Review Reason: Course End Date Failed course end date review, go to Step 2


Failed course end date (CED) review + Read more ...

Where there are no new course details, a review will happen the day after the Student End Date (SED) to change student status on the Newstart Education Status (NES) table to NST - Not a Student.

If there is an error, this review cannot autocomplete. The system creates a work item that allocates for manual action. Service Officers can recognise these work items by:

  • Review Reason: Course End Date on the Activity Details (AY) screen
  • ‘Failed Course End Date Review, review and/or update EDC and NES’ in the activity notes
  • the CEDERR keyword. To view keywords, in Customer First, select:
    • the activity from the Activity List (AL), and
    • (K) Keyword option

Failure to correctly complete these work items can result in payment continuing incorrectly.

If allocated a failed CED review, Services Officers must:

  • check the record for any uploaded documents or online study updates made after the SED (new course or intention to study)
  • select the activity from AL
  • view and resolve the error
  • make any required updates in the activity
  • finalise the activity and make sure that the outcome is correct – YA/JSK or YA/AUS/CAN-NST
  • record a DOC where appropriate

YA customers under 22 years of age who are getting YA:

  • can choose to stay on YA as a job seeker
  • must book a Student to Job Seeker Transfer (SJT) appointment as part of their CED review

When actioning a failed CED review for a person under 22 years of age:

  • check Appointments for an SJT appointment
  • if the SED has passed and the customer has not booked a SJT appointment, code a manual cancellation:
    • Effect date: SED + 1 day
    • Reason: Not a full-time student (NST)

For assistance resolving complex issues, see Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency.

Procedure ends here.


Actioning CED SY73 letter not sent MFU + Read more ...

Where a student payment claim is granted or when updates are made and on the day of processing, the Student End Date (SED) is within 28 days, a CED SY73 letter not sent - issue manually MFU is created. This occurs because the system has been unable to issue the You need to act now letter that would usually issue 4 weeks before the SED.

Attempt to contact the customer by phone to see if they intend to continue studying.

If contact with the customer is:

  • successful, go to Step 5
  • unsuccessful, and the Youth Allowance or Austudy is
    • current a manual letter is required, go to Step 4
    • cancelled, record details of the unsuccessful contact with customer on a DOC and finalise the CED SY73 letter not sent-issue manually MFU activity.

Procedure ends here


Issuing a manual course end date letter + Read more ...

To generate a manual letter:

  • check and note the current Student End Date recorded on either:
    • Process Direct - Customer Study Details (EDC) screen
    • Customer First - Education Course Details (EDC) screen
  • in Customer First Workspace, locate the Generic Letter guided procedure. Complete the following:
    • Letter Type, select Q999
    • Business Line, select STUDENTS
    • Letter Description, depending on the payment the customer is receiving, choose either AUS Course End or YAL Course End
  • the appropriate advice text will display
  • manually key the Student End Date for the current course in the space provided on the letter
  • make sure the options at the bottom of the page are updated:
    • Create DOCCompleted
    • Finalise letter - Yes
    • Print - Central
    • Select - Finish
  • the system will create a Q999 letter and corresponding DOC on the record
  • finalise the CED SY73 letter not sent - issue manually MFU activity

Procedure ends here.


Your course is ending review sent + Read more ...

Four weeks before their student end date, an End of Course Review letter is sent to the student. If updates are made to the student end date so that it falls within the next 28 days, a manual End of Course Review letter will not be generated and information needs to be gathered verbally or by sending a manual letter.

A self service option is available for customers The student is encouraged to advise details of their future study intentions online or by phone, but may advise their details in person or by mail.

If the information is being provided verbally, make sure full details of the new course are obtained.

Once obtained, determine if there are any complex issues, (for example, allowable time discrepancies, course pending approval) that may need further investigation and action.

If there are:

  • no complex issues, go to Step 7
  • complex issues that need to be addressed, refer to Local Peer Support (LPS)


Course details required review sent + Read more ...

Three weeks before their intention to study end date, a 'Course details required' letter is sent to the student to remind them that they are required to supply their new course details as their intention to study period is ending.

If the student does not respond to the 'Course details required' letter before the end of their intention to study period, their record will Suspend - Failed to Provide Course Details (SUS-PCD).

Intention to study periods for intending students can be extended up to 20 weeks. If the extension is beyond 20 weeks, they must nominate a course to continue being assessed as a student. (This does not apply to YA recipients who have an intention to study during a temporary incapacity period. See Youth Allowance (YA) student or Australian Apprentice becomes incapacitated or impacted by unforeseen or extreme circumstances.)

To assess an intention to study review, see Step 4 in Table 2.


Continuation of study + Read more ...

Does the student intend to continue studying in the next study period?

  • Yes, and they:
  • No, update the education details manually:
    • go to the most recent Education Course Details (EDC) screen and correct the Student End Date field with the date the customer stopped their studies. If the newly advised student end date is later than the date previously recorded, the Inst Course End Date field will need to match the Student End Date field.
      If the newly advised student end date is an earlier date than the date previously recorded, the Inst Course End Date remains unchanged. Unless it needs to be updated after taking into account the Inst Course End Date field coding rules
    • make sure the Date of Receipt is recorded as the date the customer provided this information
    • go to the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen
    • key the Event Date as student end date + 1 day
    • for Student Status select Not a Student
    • update the Educ Level Attained and whether Y12/Equiv verified. Use field help (?) if needed
      Note: for customers who have completed year 12 or attained an equivalent qualification, or attempted but not passed the level, code 'Y12' in the U18 Study Exemption rsn field. Use the exemption end date of the day before turning 18 years of age
    • select 'Ins'ert in the Action field
  • Go to Step 8


Determine age of customer + Read more ...

Once the education details have been updated, determine the age of the student:


Under 18 years of age, not intending to study + Read more ...

If the student has replied to the 'Your Course is Ending' letter and they contacted before their student end date, or within 14 days of their student end date, and they:

  • want to remain on YA, they can remain current but they will need to satisfy their mutual obligation requirements as a job seeker or start an Australian Apprenticeship from the day immediately after their student end date
  • do not want to remain on YA, their payment will need to be cancelled from the day after their student end date

Students who contacted more than 14 days after the cessation of their study will need to have their payment cancelled from the student end date + 1 day.

If the student has not completed year 12 or attained an equivalent qualification (Certificate II or above), YA will cancel NEX if there is no study exemption once the activity is finalised via the Assessment Results (AR) screen.

If YA has not cancelled (CAN-NEX) and they no longer wish to receive YA or they advised of the cessation of their studies more than 14 days after the date their study stopped, undertake the following:

Procedure ends here.


18 - 21 years of age inclusive not intending to study + Read more ...

If the student has replied to the 'Your Course is Ending' letter and they contacted:

  • Before their student end date, or within 14 days of the actual student end date, YA will remain current but they will now need to satisfy their mutual obligation requirements as a job seeker or start an Australian Apprenticeship
  • More than 14 days after the actual student end date, cancel YA with a date of effect of the student end date + 1 day. To do this:
    • Go to the most recent EDC screen and correct the Student End Date field with the date they stopped their studies, and
    • Go to the NES screen and enter the Event Date as student end date + 1 day, and a Student Status as 'NST' (Not a Student). Update the Educ Level Attained and whether Y12/Equiv verified. Use field help (?) if required. Make sure this new screen is inserted
    • Check the Independent/Homeless/Away from Home Details (NIH) screen to make sure any changes to their independent or away from home status are updated
    • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen and update fields with Svc Rsn 'YAL', Action 'CAN', Reason 'NST' (Not a Full-Time Student), Effect Date student end date + 1 day
    • Finalise the activity on the AR screen
  • Tell them that a debt may be generated for payments received when not qualified as a student. For more details, see Payment of YA and Austudy when a student is deferring or discontinuing study before the end of the course
  • If they have returned the review indicating they will stop within 28 days and they wish to continue to receive payment as a job seeker, see Student to job seeker transfers
  • If they do not wish to continue receiving payment as a job seeker, cancel the payment using the same steps as above for students who advised more than 14 days after the student end date. Discuss with the customer eligibility for other payments and services
  • Record details of contact with customer on a DOC

Procedure ends here.


22 years of age or over not intending to study + Read more ...

Austudy or YA will auto cancel with reason Not a Full-Time Student (CAN-NST) when the student end date is reached. An automatic letter will be issued.

If study has stopped and contact has been made to test eligibility for another income support payment, tell the customer that a debt may be generated for payments received when not qualified as a student. If they want to claim payment as a job seeker, see Student to job seeker transfers. Discuss eligibility for other payments and services.

  • If they indicate they will stop study within the next 28 days and want to transfer to job seeker payment, see Student to job seeker transfers. Alert the customer that they will have access to a streamlined claim for JobSeeker Payment (JSP)
  • Record details of contact and cancellation decision on a DOC

Procedure ends here.


Continuing/intending student + Read more ...

Does the customer meet the continuing/ intending student rules?

  • Yes, go to Step 13
  • No, and the customer is:
    • under 22 years of age on their student end date, see Step 3 in Table 3
    • 22 years of age or over on their student end date, their student payment will cancel from their student end date + 1 day. If the customer requires more help, refer them to the Payment and Service Finder (see the Resources page for a link) and tell the customer to complete a new claim as soon as possible

Procedure ends here.


Extending or continuing in the same course + Read more ...

There may be a need to change or correct the date in the Inst Course End Date and Student End Date fields on the EDC screen.

Allowable time must also be considered. See Determining allowable time/reasonable time for a course of study.

For more information on changing course end dates, see Effect of end of course on payments for students.

Procedure ends here.

End of course and intention to study reviews when customer intends to study in a new course

Table 2




Details of new course + Read more ...

Is the student able to provide full details of the new course, or their first course preference for the next study period?


Full details of the new course are available + Read more ...

If advising of study by distance education/correspondence or flexible learning, make sure that minimum workload criteria have been met.

Determine whether the student's course can be approved, and whether they:

Note: a maximum age limit applies to YA

Remind the student that if they are providing their first course preference and they are not accepted into that course, or they choose to start a different course, they must notify the change of study details within 14 days.

For students who intend on studying a Startup Year course to be considered a continuing student they must:

  • be enrolled in the course
  • have been selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan, and
  • have their STARTUP-HELP loan verified

See Startup Year Courses for more information.

If the student is unsure if they will enrol in the Startup Year Course due to waiting on advice to confirm selection for a STARTUP-HELP loan, go to Step 3.

A self service option is available for customers Students should provide this update via the Manage study details option online service.

See Step 1 in Table 4.

If course approval or full-time study requirements cannot be determined, refer to Local Peer Support (LPS).


Student does not have full details of course + Read more ...

If the student intends to study in the next study period but is unable to provide course details, they can continue to receive YA or Austudy until their study intentions have been confirmed.

Note: a maximum age limit applies to YA.

For a dependent student under 22 years of age receiving the away from home rate, determine if they continue to be entitled to the away from home rate.

Code the intention to study period as shown below:

  • Key START in the Super Key and select the Study and Scholarship Details workflow from the Task Selector
  • Select Customer Study Details and Newstart Education Summary. Select Start
  • On the Education Details table, take note of the student end date for the most recent course
  • Select Add. On the Create Education Details screen update these fields:
    • Participation Status Event Date: key the previous student end date+ 1
    • Participation Status: select either:
      INT – Intention to Study Tertiary for students intending to study a tertiary course
      INS – Intention to Study Secondary for students intending to study a secondary course
    • Course Start Date: key the same date used in the Participation Status Event Date field
    • Course End Date: key the day before the intended course is expected to start
    • Select Save
  • Key the Receipt Date and Channel. Select Save
  • Select Next
  • Check the Newstart Education Status screen to decide if it needs to be updated
  • To update, select Add. On the Create Education Status screen, update these fields:
    • Start Date: if Not a Student is coded for student end date + 1 day for the previous intention to study period
    • Student Status: select FTS - Full-Time Student
    • Education Level Attained: select the relevant option if required
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings on the Errors (SWE) screen
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise

Note: if Not a Student is coded on the NES screen for student end date + 1 day for the previous intention to study period, the system may automatically cancel payments from this date. If required, check the XDS/XBS screens and restore via the Benefit Action (BA) screen.

The system will issue a Course Details Required letter to obtain actual study details 3 weeks before the end of the intention to study period. If the customer does not respond to this letter by the end of the intention to study period, their payments will Suspend - Failed to Provide Course Details (SUS-PCD).

Procedure ends here.


Course Details Required letter + Read more ...

Has the customer responded to the Course Details Required letter?


No response to required letter + Read more ...

If no contact has been made by the student end date, the student's payment will suspend with the reason Failed to Supply Course Details PCD from the student end date + 1 day. A letter advising the student of the suspension is automatically issued.

If the student:

  • Responds to the suspension within 13 weeks of it being issued, go to Step 6
  • Has not returned to study, see Step 1 in Table 3
  • Has not replied to the suspension letter, the record will automatically cancel with reason PCD 13 weeks after the suspension date. A cancellation letter will be automatically issued. If they respond within 13 weeks of the date recorded on the cancellation letter, the record can be restored if they have maintained qualification as a student throughout the entire restoration period. See Restoration of YA or Austudy for full-time students and Australian Apprentices

Procedure ends here.


Student with intention to study on the EDC screen contacts or responds to the Course Details Required letter + Read more ...

If they advise:

  • new approved course details, see Step 1 in Table 4
  • new course details but the course is not approved, go to Step 8
  • new course details but there are doubts about whether the course is approved or the course details are incomplete, go to Step 9
  • they no longer have an intention to study and are looking for work, go to Step 8
  • they no longer have an intention to study and they have returned to work:
    • if they are under 22 they may continue to be eligible for YA as a job seeker (for example, they are working part-time and are seeking full-time work)
    • if they no longer want to receive YA or they are working full-time, go to Step 8
    • if they are 22 or over, they will no longer qualify for YA or Austudy and the payment will need to be cancelled, go to Step 8
  • they still have an intention to study but are unsure of course details, advise that intention to study periods can be extended for up to 20 weeks (if the extension is beyond 20 weeks, to continue being assessed as a student they must nominate a course)

If the student needs an intention to study extension:

  • Key START in the Super Key and select the Study and Scholarship Details workflow from the Task Selector
  • Select Customer Study Details and Newstart Education Status. Select Start
  • On the Customer Study Details screen select Edit on the most recent Intention to Study period entry
  • On the Change Education Details screen, key in these fields the new intention to study course end date
    • Course End Date
    • Student End Date
  • Select Save
  • Key the Receipt Date and Channel. Select Save
  • Select Next
  • The Newstart Education Status screen displays
  • If Not a Student has been coded for student end date +1 day for the previous intention to study period:
    • Delete the previous Student Status of Not a Student for previous student end date + 1 day
    • Add the Student Status of Not a Student from the newly corrected student end date + 1 day
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings

Are payments suspended or cancelled Failed to provide course details (SUS-PCD) or (CAN-PCD)?

  • Yes, go to Step 7
  • No:
    • Select Assess
    • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise
    • Procedure ends here


Restoring payments + Read more ...

Decide if the YA or Austudy payments can be restored on the Benefit Action (BA) screen:

  • Go to the BA screen
  • Select Add. On the Create Benefit Action screen, key these fields:
    • Benefit Type Code: YAL
    • Benefit Action: RES - Restore
    • Select Save
  • Key the Receipt Date and Channel. Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings on the Errors (SWE) screen
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise

Procedure ends here.


No longer has intention to study or intends to study in unapproved course so does not meet the continuing/intending student rules + Read more ...

Update the customer record to show the date the student decided not to return to study or enrol in an unapproved course:

  • Key START in the Super Key and select the Study and Scholarship Details workflow from the Task Selector
  • Select Customer Study Details and Newstart Education Summary. Select Start
  • On the Education Details screen, select Edit on the education line that requires updating
  • On the Change Education Details screen, edit these fields to the date the student decided to no longer return to study or enrol in an unapproved course:
    • Course End Date
    • Student End Date
  • Select Save
  • Key the Receipt Date and Channel. Select Save
  • Select Next
  • Select Add on the Newstart Education Status screen
  • On the Create Education Status screen, key these fields:
    • Start Date: the student end date + 1 day
    • Student Status: NST - Not a Student
    • Education Level Attained: select from the dropdown menu
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings on the Errors (SWE) screen
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise

See Step 1 in Table 3.


Course approval issues or course details provided are incomplete + Read more ...

If the information they have provided is unclear or incomplete, or if it cannot be immediately determined whether the course is approved, collect as much information from the student as possible.

Information that could be requested in this situation includes proof of enrolment, description of course from education institution website or handbook.

If details cannot be obtained verbally, issue a Request for Information to obtain details. See Requesting information (CLK).

A self service option is available for customers Information can also be lodged via the Manage Study Details online service. In rare circumstances where details cannot be submitted online, a Study Details (MOD ST) form could also be requested via the Request for Information.

If the student knows the full course details, but it cannot be determined whether the course is approved on National Course Approvals intranet page, see Referrals to Course Assessment and Liaisons Officers (CALOs)

Finalising process when a customer advises they no longer intend to study or they cannot be considered a continuing/intending student

Table 3




Identifying status of customer + Read more ...

  • If payments are suspended - Failed to Provide Course Details (SUS-PCD), or will SUS-PCD within 14 days based on the future assessment on the Allowance/Benefit History (ABH) screen, go to Step 2
  • For a Youth Allowance (YA) student under 22 years of age who advised:
    • within 14 days of the day they decided they no longer had an intention to study/stopped to be a continuing/intending student, go to Step 3
    • more than 14 days after the day they decided they no longer had an intention to study/stopped to be a continuing/intending student, go to Step 4
  • For an Austudy or YA student aged 22 or over who advised:
    • within 14 days of the day they decided they no longer had an intention to study/stopped to be a continuing/intending student, go to Step 5
    • more than 14 days after the day they decided they no longer had an intention to study/stopped to be a continuing/intending student, go to Step 4


Payment suspended - Failed to Provide Course Details (SUS-PCD) + Read more ...

Determine the date the customer no longer has an intention to study and if payments are suspended for any of the following reasons:

  • failed to provide new course details
  • failed to notify Services Australia that they no longer intend to study, or
  • did not respond to the 'Course Details Required' letter sent to them 3 weeks before the suspension date

This could be the date they were advised they were not accepted in the course/s they applied for, or the date they decided not to return to study, especially if they were pursuing other options. Eligibility for YA or Austudy would stop from this date if they no longer have an intention to study.

Once this date is determined, code details:

  • Key START in the Super Key and select the Study and Scholarship Details workflow from the Task Selector
  • Select Customer Study Details and Newstart Education Summary. Select Start
  • Select Edit on the Customer Study Details screen. Key the date the customer decided they no longer had an intention to continue study in these fields:
    • Course End Date
    • Student End Date
  • Select Save
  • Key the Receipt Date and Channel. Select Save
  • Select Next
  • Select Add on the Newstart Education Status screen
  • On the Create Education Status screen, key these fields:
    • Start Date: student end date + 1 day
    • Student Status: NST - Not a Student
    • Education Level Attained: select from the dropdown menu
    • Study Exemption Reason: key 'Y12' for customers who completed year 12 or attained an equivalent qualification, or attempted but not passed the level. Use the exemption end date of the day before turning 18 years of age
  • Select Save
  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen
  • Select Add. On the Create Benefit Action screen, key these fields:
    • Benefit Type Code: select YAL or AUS
    • Benefit Action: CAN - Cancel
    • Reason: Select NST – Not a full-time student
    • Date of Effect: key the Student end date + 1 day
    • Select Save
    • Key the Receipt Date and Channel. Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise

Advise that a debt may be generated for payments received when not qualified as a student.

If they want to continue receiving payment as a job seeker, see Student to job seeker transfers.

Procedure ends here.


Current YA student under 22, no longer intends to study or cannot be considered a continuing/intending student, notifies within 14 days from date of event + Read more ...

The student may continue to qualify for YA if they are under 22 years of age and willing to satisfy their mutual obligation requirements as a job seeker or they have become an Australian Apprentice.

If they want to receive YA as:

If they no longer want to receive YA:

  • In a customer’s record, go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen
  • Select Add. On the Create Benefit Action screen, key these fields:
    • Benefit Type Code: YAL
    • Benefit Action: CAN - CANCEL
    • Reason: select from the dropdown menu either:
      NST – Not a full-time student
      NAC – Enrolled in unapproved course
      UMD – Studying unapproved MST or DOC
    • Date of Effect: key the Student end date + 1 day
    • Select Save
    • Key the Receipt Date and Channel with the date the customer decided they no longer had an intention to continue study. Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise

Any arrears payment due may need to be released using the Recording and correcting employment income details.

Procedure ends here.


Current Austudy or YA student, no longer intends to study or cannot be considered a continuing/intending student, notifies outside 14 days from the date of event + Read more ...

If an Austudy or YA student stops to have an intention to study or be considered a continuing/intending student, they must:

  • notify within 14 days
  • register as a job seeker, and
  • if over 22 years of age, claim another income support payment such as JobSeeker Payment (JSP)

This will allow assessment of their job seeking payment from the student end date (intention to study end date) + 1 day.

Failure to notify stopping study within 14 days will result in job seeking claims being assessed from the date they contact the agency.

If they have become an Australian Apprentice with a current Commonwealth registration number, see Existing customer starts an Australian Apprenticeship.

Newstart Education Status (NES)/Education Course Details (EDC/EDCH) coding may cancel payment NST (Not a Full-Time Student). If another cancellation code is more appropriate or manual cancellation is needed:

To cancel the payment:

  • In a customer’s record, go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen
  • Select Add. On the Create Benefit Action screen, key these fields:
  • Benefit Type Code: YAL or AUS
  • Benefit Action: CAN - Cancel
  • Reason: select from the dropdown menu either:
    NST – Not a full-time student
    NAC – Enrolled in unapproved course
    UMD – Studying unapproved MST or DOC
  • Date of Effect: key the Student end date + 1 day
  • Select Save
  • Key the Receipt Date and Channel with the date the customer decided they no longer had an intention to continue study. Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise

Any arrears payment due may need to be released using the Recording and correcting employment income details.

If they want to claim YA (job seeker) or JSP, tell them that their YA or JSP may be granted only from the date they lodge a new claim.

Advise that a debt may be generated for payments received when not qualified as a student.

Procedure ends here.


Currently Austudy or YA student, over 22, no longer intends to study or cannot be considered a continuing/intending student, notifies within 14 days from the date of event + Read more ...

The student stops to qualify for Austudy or YA from the date they stopped to have an intention to study, unless they have become an Australian Apprentice.

If they want to receive YA as an Australian Apprentice, see Existing customer starts an Australian Apprenticeship.

Newstart Education Status (NES)/Education Course Details (EDC/EDCH) coding will cancel payment NST (Not a Full-Time Student). If another cancellation code is more appropriate:

To cancel Austudy or YA:

  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen
  • Select Add. On the Create Benefit Action screen, key these fields:
  • Benefit Type Code: YAL or AUS
  • Benefit Action: CAN - Cancel
  • Reason: select from the dropdown menu either:
    NST – Not a full-time student
    NAC – Enrolled in unapproved course
    UMD – Studying unapproved MST or DOC
  • Date of Effect: key the Student end date + 1 day
  • Select Save
  • Key the Receipt Date and Channel with the date the customer decided they no longer had an intention to continue study. Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise

Any arrears payment due may need to be released using the Recording and correcting employment income details.

If the customer wants to apply for:

Assessing a student's entitlement when starting a new course after an end of course or intention to study review

Table 4




Continuing/intending student assessment + Read more ...

Students who are continuing to study and starting a new course in the next available study period must meet the continuing/intending student rules.

Does the student meet the continuing/intending student rules?


22 years of age and over, not entitled to receive payment for new course + Read more ...

Auto cancellation will occur when the previous course end date is reached. An automatic letter will be sent to the student to advise of the cancellation of Austudy/ Youth Allowance (YA) from this date.

If the new course is not approved, the auto cancellation reason can be replaced with one of the following cancellation reasons by coding the Benefit Action (BA) screen. To update:

  • Go to the BA screen
  • Select Add. On the Create Benefit Action screen, key these fields:
    • Benefit Type Code: YAL or AUS
    • Benefit Action: CAN - Cancel
    • Reason: select from the dropdown menu either:
      NST – Not a full-time student
      NAC – Enrolled in unapproved course
      UMD – Studying unapproved MST or DOC
    • Date of Effect: key the Student end date + 1 day
    • Select Save
    • Key the Receipt Date and Channel with the date the customer decided they no longer had an intention to continue study. Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise

As this is an unfavourable decision, tell the customer by phone or by manual letter why they cannot receive payment for their new course. Give them their review and appeal rights.

Record details of the contact and the decision not to approve the new course on the DOC.

Discuss eligibility for other payments and services.

Procedure ends here.


18-21 years of age (inclusive), not entitled to receive payment for new course + Read more ...

If the new course is not approved or the customer cannot be considered a continuing/intending student, cancel the payment by recording the appropriate cancellation reason on the Benefit Action (BA) screen:

  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen
  • Select Add. On the Create Benefit Action screen, key these fields:
    • Benefit Type Code: YAL or AUS
    • Benefit Action: CAN - Cancel
    • Reason: NST – Not a full-time student
    • Date of Effect: key the Student end date + 1 day
    • Select Save
    • Key the Receipt Date and Channel with the date the customer decided they no longer had an intention to continue study
    • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise
  • Go to the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen
  • Make sure the screen shows 'Not a Student' from the student end date + 1 day
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise

As this is an unfavourable decision, tell the customer, by phone and by manual letter, why they are not qualified for YA as a student and advise their review and appeal rights

Advise that a debt may be generated for payments received when not qualified as a student.

Check ongoing entitlement

  • If they want to continue receiving payment as a job seeker, see Student to job seeker transfers
  • If they do not want to continue receiving payment as a job seeker and they have not started an Australian Apprenticeship, cancel the payment. Discuss eligibility for other payments and services
  • If their payment is still current, (for example, they advised their new course details before the current student end date, or within 14 days of their student end date), their YA status will change from full-time student to job seeker immediately after the student end date is reached. They will need to satisfy the job seeker mutual obligation requirements to continue to receive YA

Record details of the contact and of the decision not to continue paying as a full-time student on a Note.

Procedure ends here.


Under 18 years of age, not entitled to receive payment for new course + Read more ...

Check ongoing entitlement

  • If they want to continue receiving payment as a job seeker, see Student to job seeker transfers
  • If their payment is still current (for example, they advised their new course details before the current student end date, or within 14 days of their student end date), their YA status will change from full-time student to job seeker immediately after the student end date is reached, if they have completed year 12 or equivalent. They will need to satisfy the job seeker mutual obligation requirements to continue to receive YA
  • If they have not completed year 12 or attained an equivalent qualification, YA will cancel (NEX) if there is no study exemption
  • If the new course is not approved, cancel the payment by recording the appropriate cancellation reason on the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • NAC - Enrolled in Unapproved Course
    • UMD - Studying Unapproved Masters or Doctorate
  • If the study has stopped and they have contacted more than 14 days after study end date, cancel YA:
    • Go to the BA screen
    • Cancel YA with reason 'NST' (Not a Full-Time Student) from the student end date recorded on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen + 1 day
    • Finalise the activity on the Entitlement (ELD) screen
    • As this is an unfavourable decision, tell the customer, by phone and by manual letter, why they are not qualified for YA as a student and advise their review and appeal rights
  • Advise that a debt may be generated for payments received when not qualified as a student
  • Record details of the contact and decision not to continue paying as a full-time student on a Note

Procedure ends here.


Updating Intention to study details + Read more ...

If the customer has a current intention to study coded on EDC

  • Key START in the Super Key
  • Select the Study and Scholarship Details workflow from the Task Selector
  • Select Customer Study Details
  • Select Edit next to the intention to study line
  • On Change Education Details update the Course End Date and Student End Date: to the day before the new course starts
  • Select Save

Go to Step 6


New course details + Read more ...

  • Key START in the Super Key and select the Study and Scholarship Details workflow from the Task Selector
  • Select Customer Study Details and Newstart Education Summary. Select Start
  • On the Education Details screen, note of the student end date recorded for the most recent course
  • Select Add. On the Create Education Details screen, key these fields:
    • Participation Status Event Date: key the previous student end date+ 1
    • Participation Status: FTS – Full-time Student
    • Key the course details supplied by customer
    • Select Save
  • Select Next
  • Check the Newstart Education Status screen
  • It may need updating if the completion of the most recent course means the Education Level Attained field needs updating and/or if Not a Student is coded for student end date + 1 day
  • Update the Student Status to Full Time Student in addition to the Education Level Attained if needed
  • Select Save
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings on the Errors (SWE) screen
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update. Select Finalise

For YA only, once the study details have been updated, the system will determine if the student qualifies for Relocation Scholarship (RS). If so see Relocation Scholarship (RS) payment and coding.

For YA, Austudy and ABSTUDY customers check if customer has claimed for and is eligible for the Student Start-up Loan (SSL).

Record details of contact with the customer on a Note.

Customer First

On this page:

End of course and intention to study reviews for students

End of course and intention to study reviews when customer intends to study in a new course

Finalising process when a customer advises they no longer intend to study or they cannot be considered a continuing/intending student

Assessing a student's entitlement when starting a new course after an end of course review

End of course and intention to study reviews for students

Table 1




Type of review/activity being processed + Read more ...

If the customer makes updates online via the Manage study details option and the updates need manual coding, the system will create ZCOC or ZALL activities.

Check the Document List (DL) and History Summary (HS) screens to determine which review the activity relates to.

If the review/activity being processed is the:

  • 'You need to act now' letter for an End of Course Review, go to Step 5
  • 'Course details required' letter for an Intention to Study Review, go to Step 6
  • Manual Follow-Up (MFU) for CED SY73 letter not sent - issue manually, go to Step 3
  • Review Reason: Course End Date Failed course end date review, go to Step 2


Failed course end date (CED) review + Read more ...

Where there are no new course details, a review will happen the day after the Student End Date (SED) to change student status on the Newstart Education Status (NES) table to NST - Not a Student.

If there is an error, this review cannot autocomplete. The system creates a work item that allocates for manual action. Service Officers can recognise these work items by:

  • Review Reason: Course End Date on the Activity Details (AY) screen
  • ‘Failed Course End Date Review, review and/or update EDC and NES’ in the activity notes
  • the CEDERR keyword. To view keywords, in Customer First, select:
    • the activity from the Activity List (AL), and
    • (K) Keyword option

Failure to correctly complete these work items can result in payment continuing incorrectly.

If allocated a failed CED review, Services Officers must:

  • check the record for any uploaded documents or online study updates made after the SED (new course or intention to study)
  • select the activity from AL
  • view and resolve the error
  • make any required updates in the activity
  • finalise the activity and make sure that the outcome is correct – YA/JSK or YA/AUS/CAN-NST
  • record a DOC where appropriate

YA customers under 22 years of age who are getting YA:

  • can choose to stay on YA as a job seeker
  • must book a Student to Job Seeker Transfer (SJT) appointment as part of their CED review

When actioning a failed CED review for a person under 22 years of age, staff must:

  • check Appointments for an SJT appointment
  • if the SED has passed and the customer has not booked a SJT appointment, code a manual cancellation:
    • Effect date: SED + 1 day
    • Reason: Not a full-time student (NST)

For help resolving complex issues, see Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency.

Procedure ends here.


Actioning CED SY73 letter not sent MFU + Read more ...

Where a student payment claim is granted or when updates are made and on the day of processing, the Student End Date (SED) is within 28 days, a CED SY73 letter not sent - issue manually MFU is created. This occurs because the system has been unable to issue the You need to act now letter that would usually issue 4 weeks before the SED.

Attempt to contact the customer by phone to see if they intend to continue studying.

If contact with the customer is:

  • successful, go to Step 5
  • unsuccessful, and customer is:
    • still current go to Step 4
    • cancelled, record details of attempted contact on a DOC and finalise the CED SY73 letter not sent- issue manually MFU activity.

Procedure ends here.


Issuing a manual course end date letter + Read more ...

Generate a manual letter:

  • Check and note the current Student End Date recorded on either:
    • Process Direct - Customer Study Details (EDC) screen
    • Customer First - Education Course Details (EDC) screen
  • In Customer First Workspace, locate the Generic Letter guided procedure. Complete the following:
    • Letter Type, select Q999
    • Business Line, select STUDENTS
    • Letter Description, depending on the payment the customer is receiving, choose either AUS Course End or YAL Course End
  • The appropriate advice text will display
  • Manually key the Student End Date for the current course in the space provided on the letter
  • Make sure the options at the bottom of the page are updated:
    • Create DOC - Completed
    • Finalise letter - Yes
    • Print - Central
    • Select Finish
  • The system will create a Q999 letter and corresponding DOC on the record
  • Finalise the CED SY73 letter not sent - issue manually MFU activity

Procedure ends here.


Your course is ending review sent + Read more ...

Four weeks before their student end date, an End of Course Review letter is sent to the student. If updates are made to the student end date so that it falls within the next 28 days, a manual End of Course Review letter will not be generated and information needs to be gathered verbally or by sending a manual letter.

A self service option is available for customers The student is encouraged to advise details of their future study intentions online or by phone, but may advise their details in person or by mail.

If the information is being provided verbally, make sure full details of the new course are obtained.

Once obtained, determine if there are any complex issues, (for example, allowable time discrepancies, course pending approval) that may need further investigation and action.

If there are:

  • no complex issues, go to Step 7
  • complex issues that need to be addressed, refer to Local Peer Support (LPS)


Course details required review sent + Read more ...

Three weeks before their intention to study end date, a 'Course details required' letter is sent to the student to remind them that they are required to supply their new course details as their intention to study period is ending.

If the student does not respond to the 'Course details required' letter before the end of their intention to study period, their record will Suspend - Failed to Provide Course Details (SUS-PCD).

Intention to study periods for intending students can be extended up to 20 weeks, but should not extend past the next available study period for the student's course at their institution. (This does not apply to YA recipients who have an intention to study during a temporary incapacity period. See Youth Allowance (YA) student or Australian Apprentice becomes incapacitated or impacted by unforeseen or extreme circumstances.)

To assess an intention to study review, see Step 4 in Table 2.


Continuation of study + Read more ...

Does the student intend to continue studying in the next study period?

  • Yes, and they:
  • No, update the education details manually:
    • Go to the most recent Education Course Details (EDC) screen and correct the Student End Date field with the date the customer stopped their studies.
      If the newly advised Student End Date is later than the date previously recorded, the Course End Date/Inst Course End Date field will need to match the Student End Date field.
      If the newly advised student end date is an earlier date than the date previously recorded, the Inst Course End Date remains unchanged, unless it needs to be updated after taking into account the Inst Course End Date field coding rules
    • Make sure the Date of Receipt is recorded as the date the customer provided this information
    • Go to the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen
    • Key the Event Date as student end date + 1 day
    • For Student Status select Not a Student
    • Update the Educ Level Attained and whether Y12/Equiv verified. Use field help (?) if required
      Note: for customers who have completed year 12 or attained an equivalent qualification, or attempted but not passed the level, code 'Y12' in the U18 Study Exemption rsn field and use the exemption end date of the day before turning 18 years of age
    • Select 'Ins'ert in the Action field
    • Record details of the contact and changes made to EDC screen in a DOC
    • Go to Step 8


Determine age of customer + Read more ...

Once the education details have been updated, determine the age of the student:


Under 18 years of age, not intending to study + Read more ...

If the student has replied to the 'Your Course is Ending' letter and they contacted before their student end date, or within 14 days of their student end date, and they:

  • want to remain on YA, YA can remain current but they will need to satisfy their mutual obligation requirements as a job seeker or start an Australian Apprenticeship from the day immediately after their student end date
  • do not want to remain on YA, YA will need to be cancelled from the day after their student end date

Students who contacted more than 14 days after the cessation of their study will need to have their payment cancelled from the student end date + 1 day.

If the student has not completed year 12 or attained an equivalent qualification (Certificate II or above), YA will cancel NEX if there is no study exemption once the activity is finalised via the Assessment Results (AR) screen.

If YA has not cancelled (CAN-NEX) and they no longer wish to receive YA or they advised of the cessation of their studies more than 14 days after the date their study stopped, undertake the following:

Record details of contact and cancellation decision on a DOC.

Procedure ends here.


18-21 years of age (inclusive), not intending to study + Read more ...

If the student has replied to the 'Your Course is Ending' letter and they contacted:

  • Before their student end date, or within 14 days of the actual student end date, YA will remain current but they will now need to satisfy their mutual obligation requirements as a job seeker or start an Australian Apprenticeship
  • More than 14 days after the actual student end date, cancel YA with a date of effect of the student end date + 1 day. To do this:
    • Go to the most recent EDC screen and correct the Student End Date field with the date they stopped their studies, and
    • Go to the NES screen and enter the Event Date as student end date + 1 day, and a Student Status as 'NST' (Not a Student). Update the Educ Level Attained and whether Y12/Equiv verified. Use field help (?) if required. Make sure this new screen is inserted
    • Check the Independent/Homeless/Away from Home Details (NIH) screen to make sure any changes to their independent or away from home status are updated
    • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen and update fields with Svc Rsn 'YAL', Action 'CAN', Reason 'NST' (Not a Full-Time Student), Effect Date student end date + 1 day
    • Finalise the activity on the AR screen
  • Tell them that a debt may be generated for payments received when not qualified as a student
  • If they have returned the review indicating they will stop within 28 days and they wish to continue to receive payment as a job seeker, see Student to job seeker transfers
  • If they do not wish to continue receiving payment as a job seeker, cancel the payment using the same steps as above for students who advised more than 14 days after the student end date. Discuss with the customer eligibility for other payments and services

Record details of contact with customer on a DOC.

Procedure ends here.


22 years of age or over, not intending to study + Read more ...

Austudy or YA will auto cancel with reason Not a Full-Time Student (CAN-NST) when the student end date is reached. An automatic letter will be issued.

If study has stopped and contact has been made to test eligibility for another income support payment, tell the customer that a debt may be generated for payments received when not qualified as a student. If they want to claim payment as a job seeker, see Student to job seeker transfers. Discuss eligibility for other payments and services.

  • If they indicate they will stop study within the next 28 days and want to transfer to JobSeeker Payment (JSP), see Student to job seeker transfers. Alert the customer that they will have access to a streamlined claim for JSP
  • Record details of contact and cancellation decision on a DOC

Procedure ends here.


Continuing/intending student + Read more ...

Does the customer meet the continuing/ intending student rules?

  • Yes, go to Step 13
  • No, and the customer is:
    • under 22 years of age on their student end date, see Step 3 in Table 3
    • 22 years of age or over on their student end date, their student payment will cancel from their student end date + 1 day. If the customer requires more help, refer them to the Payment and Service Finder (see the Resources page for a link) and tell the customer to complete a new claim as soon as possible
    • Record details of contact and cancellation decision on a DOC

Procedure ends here.


Extending or continuing in the same course + Read more ...

There may be a need to change or correct the date in the Course End Date/Inst Course End Date field and Student End Date fields on the EDC screen. Allowable time must also be considered.

For more on changing course end dates, see Effect of end of course on payments for students.

Note: the NES screen may need updating if the previously recorded Student End Date on the EDC screen is in the past. Delete the NES entry of Not a student to restore and correctly represent continuing study. If payment is cancelled from previous Student End Date + 1, check the XDS/XBS screens and restore via the BA screen if required.

Procedure ends here.

End of course and intention to study reviews when customer intends to study in a new course

Table 2




Details of new course + Read more ...

Is the student able to provide full details of the new course, or their first course preference for the next study period?


Full details of the new course are available + Read more ...

If advising of study by distance education/correspondence or flexible learning, make sure that minimum workload criteria have been met.

Determine whether the student's course can be approved, and whether they:

Note: a maximum age limit applies to YA

Remind the student that if they are providing their first course preference and they are not accepted into that course, or they choose to start a different course, they must notify of the change of study details within 14 days.

For students who intend on studying a Startup Year course to be considered a continuing student they must:

  • be enrolled in the course
  • have been selected for a STARTUP-HELP loan, and
  • have their STARTUP-HELP loan verified

See Startup Year Courses for more information.

If the student is unsure if they will enrol in the Startup Year Course due to waiting on advice to confirm section for a STARTUP-HELP loan, go to Step 3.

A self service option is available for customers Students should provide this update via the Manage study details option online service.

See Step 1 in Table 4.

If course approval, or full-time study requirements cannot be determined, refer to Local Peer Support (LPS).


Student does not have full details of course + Read more ...

If the student intends to study in the next study period but is unable to provide course details, they can continue to receive YA or Austudy until their study intentions have been confirmed. Note: a maximum age limit applies to YA.

For a dependent student under 22 years of age receiving the away from home rate, determine if they continue to be entitled to the away from home rate.

Code the intention to study period by updating the Education Course Details (EDC) screen manually as follows:

  • Go to the Education Course History (EDCH) screen and take note of the most recent student end date recorded for the most recent course. Once noted, go to the Next field and enter 'EDC' and press [Enter] to obtain a blank EDC screen
  • on the EDC screen, code the:
    • Participation Status Event Date field as the previous student end date+ 1, and
    • Participation Status field as 'INT' for students intending to study a tertiary course, or 'INS' for students intending to study a secondary course
    • Inst Course Start Date with the same date used in the Participation Status Event Date field
    • Course End Date/Inst Course End Date field with the day before the intended course is expected to start
  • Check the NES screen. It may require updating if Not a Student is coded for student end date + 1 day for the previous intention to study period. Update the Student Status to Full Time Student in addition to the Level Attained if required
  • Finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Record details on a DOC

Note: if Not a Student is coded on the NES screen for student end date + 1 day for the previous intention to study period, the system may automatically cancel payments from this date. If required, check the XDS/XBS screens and restore via the BA screen.

The system will issue a 'Course Details Required' letter to obtain actual study details 3 weeks before the end of the intention to study period. If the customer does not respond to this letter by the end of the intention to study period, their payments will Suspend - Failed to Provide Course Details (SUS-PCD).

Procedure ends here.


Course Details Required letter + Read more ...

Has the customer responded to the Course Details Required letter?


No response to required letter + Read more ...

If no contact has been made by the student end date, the student's payment will suspend with the reason Failed to Supply Course Details PCD from the student end date + 1 day. A letter advising the student of the suspension is automatically issued.

If the student:

  • Responds to the suspension within 13 weeks of it being issued, go to Step 6
  • Has not returned to study, see Step 1 in Table 3
  • Has not replied to the suspension letter, the record will automatically cancel with reason PCD 13 weeks after the suspension date. A cancellation letter will be automatically issued. If they respond within 13 weeks of the date recorded on the cancellation letter, the record can be restored if they have maintained qualification as a student throughout the entire restoration period. See Restoration of YA or Austudy for full-time students and Australian Apprentices

Procedure ends here.


Student with intention to study on the EDC screen contacts or responds to the Course Details Required letter + Read more ...

Action the intention to study review according to the circumstances advised.

If actioning an update that has been allocated as a Change of Circumstances (CoC), edit the status of the CoC to ‘completed’ when the update is complete.

If they are advising:

  • new approved course details see Step 1 in Table 4
  • new course details but the course is not approved, go to Step 7
  • new course details but there are doubts about whether the course is approved or the course details are incomplete, go to Step 9
  • they no longer have an intention to study and are looking for work, go to Step 7
  • they no longer have an intention to study and they have returned to work:
    • if they are under 22 they may continue to be eligible for YA as a job seeker (for example, they are working part-time and are seeking full-time work)
      - if they no longer want to receive YA or they are working full-time, go to Step 7
    • if they are 22 or over, they will no longer qualify for YA or Austudy and the payment will need to be cancelled, go to Step 7
  • they still have an intention to study but are unsure of course details, advise that intention to study periods can be extended for up to 20 weeks (if the extension would take the total intention period beyond 20 weeks, to continue being assessed as a student they must nominate a course)

If the student needs an intention to study extension:

  • Go to the EDCH screen and select the most recent Intention to Study period screen
  • On the EDC screen, update the Course End Date/Inst Course End Date field and Student End Date fields with the new intention to study end date
  • Enter the Source, Receipt Date and Change or 'C' the information on the screen
  • The Newstart Education Status (NES) screen may require updating if Not a Student has been coded for student end date +1 day for the previous intention to study period
    • On the NES screen, delete the previous Student Status of Not a Student for previous student end date + 1 day, and insert Student Status of Not a Student from the newly corrected student end date + 1 day
  • If payments are suspended or cancelled - Failed to provide course details (SUS-PCD) or (CAN-PCD) determine whether the YA or Austudy payment can be restored via the Benefit Action (BA) screen. See Restoration of Youth Allowance (YA) or Austudy for full-time students and Australian Apprentices
  • Finalise the activity via the AR screen
  • Record details on a DOC

Procedure ends here.


No longer has intention to study or intends to study in unapproved course so does not meet the continuing/intending student rules + Read more ...

Go to the EDC screen, correct the Course End Date/Inst Course End Date field and the Student End Date fields to the date the student decided to no longer return to study or enrol in an unapproved course.

On the NES screen, update Student Status to 'Not a Student' from the newly corrected student end date + 1 day.

See Step 1 in Table 3.


Course approval issues or course details provided are incomplete + Read more ...

If the information they have provided is unclear or incomplete, or if it cannot be immediately determined whether the course is approved, collect as much information from the student as possible.

Information that could be requested in this situation includes proof of enrolment, description of course from education provider’s website or handbook.

If details cannot be obtained verbally, issue a Request for Information letter to obtain details using the guided procedure.

A self service option is available for customers Information can also be lodged via the Manage Study Details online service. In rare circumstances where details cannot be submitted online, a Study Details (MOD ST) form could also be requested via the Request for Information letter.

If the student knows the full course details, but it cannot be determined whether the course is approved from the Approved Courses and Educational Institutions - Students intranet page, see Referrals to Course Assessment and Liaisons Officers (CALOs).

Finalising process when a customer advises they no longer intend to study or they cannot be considered a continuing/intending student

Table 3




Identifying status of customer + Read more ...

  • If payments are suspended - Failed to Provide Course Details (SUS-PCD), or will SUS-PCD within 14 days based on the future assessment on the Allowance/Benefit History (ABH) screen, go to Step 2
  • For a Youth Allowance (YA) student under 22 years of age who advised:
    • within 14 days of the day they decided they no longer had an intention to study/stopped to be a continuing/intending student, go to Step 3
    • more than 14 days after the day they decided they no longer had an intention to study/stopped to be a continuing/intending student, go to Step 4
  • For an Austudy or YA student aged 22 or over who advised:
    • within 14 days of the day they decided they no longer had an intention to study/stopped to be a continuing/intending student, go to Step 5
    • more than 14 days after the day they decided they no longer had an intention to study/stopped to be a continuing/intending student, go to Step 4


Payment suspended - Failed to Provide Course Details (SUS-PCD) + Read more ...

Determine the date the customer no longer has an intention to study and if payments are suspended for any of the following reasons:

  • failed to provide new course details
  • failed to notify Services Australia that they no longer intend to study, or
  • did not respond to the 'Course Details Required' letter sent to them 3 weeks before the suspension date

This could be the date they were advised they were not accepted in the course/s they applied for, or another date they decided not to return to study, especially if they were pursuing other options. Eligibility for YA or Austudy would stop from this date if they no longer have an intention to study.

Once this date is determined, code details:

  • Go to the Education Course History (EDCH) screen and select the Intention to Study screen
  • On the Education Course Details (EDC) screen correct the Course End Date/Inst Course End Date field and Student End Date fields with the date they decided they no longer had an intention to continue study
  • Enter the Source and Receipt Date and Change or correct the information on this screen
  • Go to the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen and insert a screen with a 'Not a Student' status from the student end date recorded on the EDC screen + 1 day. If required update the Education Level Attained and Y12/Equiv Verified fields
  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • Svc Rsn = 'YAL' or 'AUS'
    • Action = 'CAN'
    • Reason = 'NST' (Not a Full-Time Student)
    • Effect Date = student end date + 1 day
  • Finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Record details on a DOC

Advise that a debt may be generated for payments received when not qualified as a student.

If they want to continue receiving payment as a job seeker, see Student to job seeker transfers.

Procedure ends here.


Current YA student under 22, no longer intends to study or cannot be considered a continuing/intending student, notifies within 14 days from date of event + Read more ...

The student may continue to qualify for YA if they are under 22 years of age and willing to satisfy their mutual obligation requirements as a job seeker or they have become an Australian Apprentice.

If they want to receive YA as:

If they no longer want to receive YA:

  • On the Benefit Action (BA) screen code:
    • Svc Rsn = 'YAL'
    • Action = 'CAN'
    • Reason (as appropriate)=
      -NST (Not a Full Time Student)
      -NAC (Enrolled in Unapproved Course)
      -UMD (Studying Unapproved Masters or Doctorate)
    • Effect Date = student end date + 1 day
  • Finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Record details of decision on a DOC

Any arrears payment due may need to be released using the Recording and correcting employment income details.


Current Austudy or YA student, no longer intends to study or cannot be considered a continuing/intending student, notifies outside 14 days from the date of event + Read more ...

If an Austudy or YA student stops to have an intention to study or be considered a continuing/intending student, they must:

  • notify within 14 days, and
  • register as a job seeker, and
  • if over 22 years of age, claim another income support payment such as JobSeeker Payment (JSP)

This will allow assessment of their job seeking payment from the student end date (intention to study end date) + 1 day.

Failure to notify stopping study within 14 days will result in job seeking claims being assessed from the date they contact the agency.

If they have become an Australian Apprentice with a current Commonwealth registration number, see Existing customer starts an Australian Apprenticeship.

Newstart Education Status (NES)/Education Course Details (EDC) coding may cancel payment NST (Not a Full-Time Student). If another cancellation code is more appropriate or manual cancellation is needed:

To cancel the payment:

  • On the Benefit Action (BA) screen code:
    • Svc Rsn = 'YAL' or 'AUS'
    • Action = 'CAN'
    • Reason (as appropriate)=
      -NST (Not a Full Time Student)
      -NAC (Enrolled in Unapproved Course)
      -UMD (Studying Unapproved Masters or Doctorate)
    • Effect Date = student end date + 1 day
  • Finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Record details of decision on a DOC

Any arrears payment due may need to be released using the Recording and correcting employment income details.

If they want to claim YA (job seeker) or JSP, tell them that their YA or JSP may be granted only from the date they lodge a new claim.

Advise that a debt may be generated for payments received when not qualified as a student.

Procedure ends here.


Currently Austudy or YA student, over 22, no longer intends to study or cannot be considered a continuing/intending student, notifies within 14 days from the date of event + Read more ...

The student stops to qualify for Austudy or YA from the date they stopped to have an intention to study, unless they have become an Australian Apprentice.

If they want to receive YA as an Australian Apprentice, see Existing customer starts an Australian Apprenticeship.

Newstart Education Status (NES)/Education Course Details (EDC) coding will cancel payment NST (Not a Full-Time Student). If another cancellation code is more appropriate:

To cancel Austudy or YA:

  • On the BA screen, code:
    • Svc Rsn = 'YAL' or 'AUS'
    • Action = 'CAN'
    • Reason (as appropriate)=
      -NAC (Enrolled in Unapproved Course)
      -UMD (Studying Unapproved Masters or Doctorate)
    • Effect Date = student end date +1 day
  • Finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Record details of decision on a DOC

Any arrears payment due may need to be released using the Recording and correcting employment income details.

If the customer wants to apply for:

Assessing a student's entitlement when starting a new course after an end of course or intention to study review

Table 4: steps to determine whether the student can receive payment as a continuing/intending student when starting a new course.




Continuing/intending student assessment + Read more ...

Students who are continuing to study and starting a new course in the next available study period must meet the continuing/intending student rules.

Does the student meet the continuing/intending student rules?


22 years of age and over, not entitled to receive payment for new course + Read more ...

Auto cancellation will occur when the previous course end date is reached. An automatic letter will be sent to the student to advise of the cancellation of Austudy/ Youth Allowance (YA) from this date.

If the new course is not approved, the auto cancellation reason can be replaced with one of the following cancellation reasons by coding the Benefit Action (BA) screen as appropriate:

  • NST - Not a Student
  • NAC - Enrolled in Unapproved Course
  • UMD - Studying Unapproved Masters or Doctorate

As this is an unfavourable decision, tell the customer, by phone and by manual letter, why they cannot receive payment for their new course, and advise their review and appeal rights.

Record details of the contact and the decision not to approve the new course on a DOC.

Discuss eligibility for other payments and services.

Procedure ends here.


18-21 years of age (inclusive), not entitled to receive payment for new course + Read more ...

  • If the new course is not approved or the customer cannot be considered a continuing/intending student, cancel the payment by recording the appropriate cancellation reason on the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • NST - Not a Student
    • NAC - Enrolled in Unapproved Course
    • UMD - Studying Unapproved Masters or Doctorate
  • If the study has stopped and the student has contacted more than 14 days after study end date, cancel YA:
    • Go to the BA screen and cancel YA with reason 'NST' (Not a Full-Time Student) from the student end date recorded on Education Course Details (EDC) screen + 1 day
    • Make sure the Newstart Education Status (NES) screen shows 'Not a Student' from the student end date + 1 day
    • Finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen
    • As this is an unfavourable decision, tell the customer, by phone and by manual letter, why they are not qualified for YA as a student and advise their review and appeal rights
  • Advise that a debt may be generated for payments received when not qualified as a student

Check ongoing entitlement

  • If they want to continue receiving payment as a job seeker, see Student to job seeker transfers
  • If they do not want to continue receiving payment as a job seeker and they have not started an Australian Apprenticeship, cancel the payment. Discuss eligibility for other payments and services
  • If their payment is still current, (for example, they advised their new course details before the current student end date, or within 14 days of their student end date), their YA status will change from full-time student to job seeker immediately after the student end date is reached. They will need to satisfy the job seeker mutual obligation requirements to continue to receive YA

Record details of the contact and of the decision not to continue paying as a full-time student on a DOC.

Procedure ends here.


Under 18 years of age, not entitled to receive payment for new course + Read more ...

Check ongoing entitlement

  • If they want to continue receiving payment as a job seeker, see Student to job seeker transfers
  • If their payment is still current (for example, they advised their new course details before the current student end date, or within 14 days of their student end date), their YA status will change from full-time student to job seeker immediately after the student end date is reached, if they have completed year 12 or equivalent. They will need to satisfy the job seeker mutual obligation requirements to continue to receive YA
  • If they have not completed year 12 or attained an equivalent qualification, YA will cancel (NEX) if there is no study exemption
  • If the new course is not approved, cancel the payment by recording the appropriate cancellation reason on the Benefit Action (BA) screen:
    • NAC - Enrolled in Unapproved Course
    • UMD - Studying Unapproved Masters or Doctorate
  • If the study has stopped and they have contacted more than 14 days after study end date, cancel YA:
    • Go to the BA screen and cancel YA with reason 'NST' (Not a Full-Time Student) from the student end date recorded on the Education Course Details (EDC) screen + 1 day
    • Finalise the activity via the Assessment Results (AR) screen
    • As this is an unfavourable decision, tell the customer, by phone and by manual letter, why they are not qualified for YA as a student and advise their review and appeal rights
  • Advise that a debt may be generated for payments received when not qualified as a student

Record details of the contact and decision not to continue paying as a full-time student on a DOC.

Procedure ends here.


Updating Intention to study details + Read more ...

If the customer has a current intention to study coded on EDC:

  • On the EDC screen select the INT/INS line
  • Update the Institution Course End Date and Student End Date to the day before the new course starts
  • Select ’Chg’ to change the coding
  • Select Continue

Go to Step 6


New course details + Read more ...

Code the new study details by updating the Education Course Details (EDC) screen manually:

  • Go to the Education Course History (EDCH) screen and take note of the most recent student end date recorded for the most recent course. Once noted, go to the Next field and key 'EDC' and press [Enter] to obtain a blank EDC screen
  • On the EDC screen, code the:
    • Participation Status Event Date field as the previous student end date+ 1
    • Participation Status field as 'FTS'
    • Key course details as supplied by customer
  • Check the NES screen
    • It may need updating if the completion of the most recent course means the Education Level Attained field needs updating and/or if Not a Student is coded for student end date + 1 day
    • Update the Student Status to Full Time Student in addition to the Education Level Attained if needed
  • Finalise the activity by the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Record details on a DOC

For YA only, once the study details have been updated the system will determine if the student qualifies for Relocation Scholarship (RS). If so see Relocation Scholarship (RS) payment and coding

For YA, Austudy and ABSTUDY customers check if customer has claimed for and is eligible for the Student Start-up Loan (SSL).

Record details of contact with the customer on a DOC.