Cancellation of Parenting Payment (PP) 102-10020210
This document explains the cancellation of Parenting Payment (PP).
Determining correct cancellation of PP
This table describes the steps in cancelling a customer's Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP) or Parenting Payment Single (PPS).
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check the reason for cancellation of PP correct + Read more ... When making an unfavourable decision, speak to the customer:
Note: if customer calls due to PP continuing to pay when a disqualifying change of circumstance has been previously advised to Services Australia, investigate and action accordingly. Change in circumstances Separate procedures should be followed if:
Cancellation at customer request The customer must be advised of their options and their review and appeal rights. If they need financial help in the future, they may need to submit a new claim. If the customer requests cancellation, discuss the reason for cancellation. Cancelling payment Is the customer a statement reporter, or do they have income to declare for themselves or their partner?
2 |
Employment income and reporting + Read more ... When recording and correcting employment income details, if the customer has employment income, code employment income before cancelling the payment. If the customer is a:
Note: the Report Results (RR) screen cannot be updated until after the payment has been cancelled. If the customer is workforce age, Working Credits may enable them to keep some of their PP while they are working. If they are over Age Pension age, there is no entitlement to Working Credit. PP customers, regardless of age, do not have eligibility to the Work Bonus. If the customer's income reduces their fortnightly rate to nil and some of that income is from employment, the customer may remain current at nil rate for up to 12 fortnights and retain certain benefits. If PP has been cancelled FRP (Failed to Report), it may be restored within 13 weeks of the date the customer was advised of the decision, once employment income details are advised. Customers may be able to report on the 14th day of the 13th fortnight if the cancellation/suspension has not yet occurred. |
3 |
Can cancellation be coded on a circumstance screen? + Read more ... Note: whenever possible, circumstance screens must be used to effect the cancellation. For example, child left care, when coded on the Child in Customer Care (CHC) screen, will automatically cancel PP if the customer has no other PP children. Alternately, if the customer still has shared care of a child but is no longer the principal carer, coding OTN on the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen will also automatically cancel PP if the customer has no other PP children. For further information see Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB). Can cancellation be coded on a circumstance screen?
4 |
Code change in customer's circumstances + Read more ... The cancellation must be reflected on the Assessment Results (AR) screen. An automatic advice should be sent to the customer. If relevant, check if the partner's payment has been cancelled. Record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here. |
5 |
Cancel PP on Benefit Action (BA) screen + Read more ... For PPP, code the cancellation in the PGA system. For PPS, code the cancellation in the PEN system. Code:
6 |
The customer requests to cancel their payment + Read more ... Customers can cancel their payment for a number of reasons including:
Tell the customer of the options available to them and of the consequences for making this decision.
For PPP, code the cancellation in the PGA system. For PPS, code the cancellation in the PEN system. On the Benefit Action (BA) screen code:
7 |
Finalise assessment + Read more ... Record details on a DOC via Workspace > Documents and Correspondence > Fast Note:
Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen to finalise activity. The Finalise activity: field will be protected if there is a negative adjustment. Negative adjustments need the debt action field completed using the Assessment Consequences (ASC). The codes are:
Select the appropriate code and update debt action codes. For more information on debts, see General debt management information. Note: If a customer received a Crisis Payment in the period the change is applied, a manual reassessment of Crisis Payment may be required. For more information, see Reviewing and reassessing Crisis Payment (CrP). Press [Enter] to return to the AR screen. If cancellation is due to customer request, go to Step 10. For all other cancellations, go to Step 8. |
8 |
Manual letter + Read more ... Does the cancellation reason need a manual letter? This is in the Reason: field on the BA screen or a Manual Follow-up (MFU), which will be created on the Activity List (AL) screen the following day. Occasionally an automatic advice will reject. An advice PGA/ADV activity is created on the AL screen. On selecting the activity, some advices will show the letter while others must be selected from the Text Find (TF) screen.
9 |
Manual letter needed + Read more ... If a manual letter is needed, issue a General cancellation letter (Q134) to tell the customer of:
10 |
Customer receiving FTB or CCS + Read more ... If the customer receives Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or Child Care Subsidy (CCS), an automatic letter and a Request for income estimate form is sent requesting a new estimate. If an estimate has not been advised within 21 days of issue, FTB will cancel and CCS will reduce to the zero rate. |