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Centrelink payment details options online 133-04140000

This document outlines how customers can manage their Centrelink payment details online. Customers may be able to update their payment destination and view future and past payments.

Access this service

Encourage customers to view and update details for their payment online.

Customers need to create a myGov account and link Centrelink to access this service.

Customers can access this service using their Centrelink online account or the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.

Where payment destination details show, the agency:

  • fully masks Branch code (BSB) numbers, including SWIFT codes (equal to a BSB number for overseas accounts)
  • masks all but the last 4 digits of account numbers

This also applies to Customer Online View and Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) staff tools.

By masking bank account numbers online, the agency can:

  • significantly reduce the risk of misuse of this sensitive data in the event of a data breach or cyberattack
  • make it much harder for cybercriminals or unauthorised third parties to access the full account number. To make transactions or access further details the user normally needs to have the full account number

Manage payment destination option online

To use this service, customers must have a payment status of:

  • Current (CUR)
  • Current Zero Rate (CZR)
  • Pending (PND)
  • Assessed (ASS)
  • Suspended (SUS), or
  • Cancel Next Pay (CNP)

Note: for Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) customers, the payment status can only be CUR or PND.

Customers can use the view service if:

  • their payment is made through:
    • direct credit to a financial institution, for example, bank, building society or credit union accounts
    • cheque, such as customers with a current Direct Credit Exemption reason
  • they have a group institution arrangement (for example, Public Trustees)
  • they have overseas destinations (both direct credit and cheque)
  • they do not have a payment nominee appointed

Customers can use the update service, if:

  • their payment is made through:
    • direct credit to a financial institution, for example, bank building society or credit union accounts, or
    • cheque, such as customers with a current Direct Credit Exemption reason
  • their payment is not:
    • via a Group Payment Schedule
    • to an overseas payment destination (either direct credit or cheque)
  • they get Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY and are:
    • aged 18 years or over, or
    • aged between 16 and 18 with a personal payment exemption
  • they do not have a current third party payment (including payment nominee) arrangement in place

The account must legally be in the customer's name alone or jointly with another person. Customers without legal access to the account will not be able to change the payment destination online.

If a customer contacts to advise their payment destination has been changed online without their knowledge, or a fraudulent claim was lodged, see Identity fraud.

The Resources page contains links to the Services Australia website and Digital Support Products. There is also information about issues customers may have using the service and possible fixes.

Centrelink self service - access status, locking and unlocking

How users create a myGov account and link services

Using myGov accounts

Accessing and using Centrelink self service

Payment destination

Advance payment options online

Money you owe option online

Identity fraud