Review objection 277-09170020
This document outlines the process for reviewing the content of a Child Support objection to make sure it meets the criteria for a valid objection. The procedure is for Child Support Objections Officers at all levels (APS4 - APS6).
On this page:
Scrutinise the objection correspondence
Determine if an objection decision can be made
If objection is likely to proceed
Grounds for objection unclear or objection likely to be disallowed
Preliminary checks
Table 1: this table describes the preliminary checks before scrutinising an objection.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Check customer management status + Read more ... Check if any of the following specialist areas manage the customer:
Contact them to discuss:
For PST, see Parent Support Team and for SGT, See Solutions Gateway Team. For PS, See Personalised Services and Personalised Services Mandate Other specialised business area Contact the Service Officer and collaborate to address the customer's issues. See Customer Management Approach (CMA) for Child Support, Managing multiple issues - a collaborative approach. In the Objection Maintenance notepad record:
Customer is not locked to a specialised business area Lock the applicant to the allocated Objection Officer. Lock the respondent after the Objection Officer has decided the objection will proceed. |
2 |
Check all customers records for any sensitive issue indicators + Read more ... A sensitive case indicator may affect how the customer is contacted. Check the date and reasons for any sensitive case indicators on either party’s record. This to identify if the customer may have ongoing issues. If there are family and domestic violence indicators, see Family and domestic violence. If the sensitive issue is no longer current, update the sensitive issue to remove the indicator. See Sensitive issue management Cuba Process Help. |
Scrutinise the objection correspondence
Table 2: this table outlines the process for scrutinising and considering the information and evidence contained in the objection.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Scrutinise the objection correspondence + Read more ... Incoming correspondence is indexed as an objection. The system creates and routes a Potential Objection Received or Potential Gen Objection Rcvd intray for further action. Record the objection in the Objection Maintenance window. See Objections Cuba Process Help. Note: if any written correspondence contains threats of harm (implied or overt), escalate this immediately to your Team Leader. See Security Incident Management for more information. Use the Objection Scrutiny macro to record the information obtained from the review. The macro will record:
The Objection Scrutiny macro also creates a document for Cuba and has the option to launch the First Contact macro. |
2 |
Check where the original decision was made if the objection relates to a care decision + Read more ... Both Centrelink and Child Support can make care decisions. Encourage the customer (including non-mutual customers) to lodge their objection with the service delivery area that made the original decision. See Care objections. |
3 |
Check for other reviews + Read more ... Check where and when the original decision was made if the objection relates to a care decision.
Is Centrelink conducting a review?
4 |
Check if the applicant is objecting to a registered overseas maintenance liability + Read more ... Section 12 allows the Registrar to assist the Australian applicant to seek to vary an international maintenance arrangement. Child Support can transmit their objection details to the overseas authority on their behalf. The applicant must request and give permission for this to happen. Is customer objection to a registered overseas maintenance liability? |
5 |
Additional requirements for Part 6A objections + Read more ... If the objection relates to a change of assessment decision (Part 6A objection), also identify:
6 |
Determine information required + Read more ... Make notes of any information needed from the customers, including:
7 |
Extension of time (EOT) application + Read more ... Has an EOT application been lodged with the objection? |
Determine if an objection decision can be made
Table 3: this table outlines the criteria that the application must meet to be a valid objection.
Step |
Action |
1 |
The customer must lodge the objection within the appropriate timeframe, or an extension of time (EOT) has been granted + Read more ... The customer must lodge the objection within the relevant timeframe. See the objection and response time calculator in either the extension of time calculator or Objection First Contact macro. Add 12 business days to the 28/90 calendar day timeframe, to allow for postage. Consider customers who live in remote communities with limited postal access. Note: do not add 12 days to the timeframe if the applicant is notified of the decision via online services. Decide if a customer lodged an objection in time based on where the applicant lives, not the postal address. Where the applicant lives will not always match a person’s residency as recorded in the Residency window. If the objection has not been received within the relevant timeframe, consider whether:
There is no time limit for lodgement of objections to care percentage decisions made after 1 July 2010 (3 March 2011 for WA ex-nups). However the date of effect for objections lodged outside the relevant timeframe will be the date of lodgement, unless special circumstances are met. See Child Support objection received out of time - Extension of time and special circumstance applications. Is the objection lodged within the appropriate timeframe or an extension of time (EOT) is granted? |
2 |
The objection must be in writing + Read more ... The exception is that customers can lodge objections to care percentage decisions by phone. See Care objections Objections must be in writing, either on an Objecting to a Child Support decision form (CS1893) or as correspondence. The customer can lodge the written objection in person, by mail, email, fax or via online services. Note: a customer's representative may not lodge an objection on behalf of the customer unless the customer signs the objection or unless the representative has enduring power of attorney. See the References page for links to relevant policy. It is not necessary to use the word 'objection' in a written objection. However, a customer must ask Child Support to reconsider the original decision. Is the objection in writing?
3 |
Can a decision be objected to? + Read more ... A customer may only lodge an objection when:
If a customer has not been notified of a decision in writing, refer the case to a Team Leader. They will decide if the Objections officer or original decision maker should issue the letter. If there is a possible administrative remedy to address the issues raised, refer the customer in accordance with the Customer Referral Guideline. If there are errors that may need to be corrected, progress them in accordance with Correcting Errors on Child Support cases. If it is unclear which decision the customer is objecting to, contact them to clarify. Note: a customer cannot object to an objection decision. To review an objection decision, they can apply to the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) for a first review. See the References page for links to relevant policy. Can the person or their representative make an objection?
4 |
If the objection or any documents contain offensive or Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) content + Read more ... Objections containing irrelevant offensive or FDV content can be found to be 'improperly made’. In limited circumstances, such content may be redacted from the objection. For information on offensive content, see Table 5 > Step 4 in Open exchange of information for Child Support customers. Note: if any written correspondence contains threats of harm (implied or overt), escalate this immediately to your Team Leader. See Security Incident Management for more information. Sometimes, while content in photos may be indicative of FDV or otherwise offensive, they are provided in the context of either:
However, even if the material is potentially relevant and should not be refused nor redacted, it may be appropriate to urge a customer to reframe their content if the Service Officer thinks it is drafted in a manner intended to be malicious or could have unintended consequences. An example of content that should be exchanged due to relevancy is:
Objection Officers must consult their Program Support Manager (PSM) before making a decision about treating an objection as not being properly made. This includes where the objection may contain irrelevant, offensive or FDV content. This will make sure the policy is being applied consistently and as intended. Do not exchange documents containing irrelevant, offensive or FDV content with the other party, see Open exchange of information for Child Support customers. Does the objection have possible irrelevant, offensive or FDV content?
5 |
Document referral to SAS PSM + Read more ... SAS PSMs are authorised to make decisions about FDV content, and whether such content is relevant. PSMs refer decisions about otherwise offensive content to Program Advice. Where the content contains possible FDV or offensive content, record:
Note: do not include particulars of what precisely has been referred as this will be contained in the referral email. |
6. |
Content review returned + Read more ... |
If objection is likely to proceed
Table 4: this table provides guidance for locking customers during the objection process and progressing to the next stage of the process.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Lock customer if appropriate + Read more ... Lock customer per the Customer Management Approach (CMA) process. Objections Officers generally lock a customer unless they are already locked to another specialist area i.e. Personalised Services, non-compliance, litigation etc. When allocated an objection:
2 |
Lock the respondent + Read more ... Lock the respondent after initial contact with the applicant, unless the objection is not going to proceed. E.g., the customer withdraws the objection. Locking a customer means most intrays will route directly to the Objections Officer Always remember to lock first, then route the intrays as required The customer may be locked to a Service Officer in any other non-specialist area. E.g., Mainstream Customer Services (MCS) or Specialised Assessment Services (SAS). Lock the customer to your position in Cuba. Route the intrays back to the Service Officer to whom the customer was locked. If the customer is not locked to a Service Officer, lock the customer to your position in Cuba and route the intrays to the Cuba position in Step 3 |
3 |
Intray position for CMA activities + Read more ...
Procedure ends here. To proceed with the objection, see Make decision and finalise Child Support objection. |
Grounds for objection unclear or objection likely to be disallowed
Table 5: this table describes the process for a Service Officer to follow if the grounds for the objection are unclear or the objection is likely to be disallowed.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Grounds for the objection unclear or objection improperly made + Read more ... Contact the customer to clarify their reasons for wanting the original decision reviewed if:
A decision to not accept an application because it was not made in the manner specified by the Child Support Registrar is not reviewable. There are no objection rights. If the objection has been deemed to have been improperly made due to offensive or FDV content, contact the customer to provide them the opportunity to withdraw the objection and resubmit a new one without the offensive/FDV content. See Customer contact. If customer contact is unsuccessful or the customer does not wish to withdraw the objection, finalise the objection and issue relevant letters: |
2 |
Objection likely to be disallowed + Read more ... Where it seems unlikely the original decision may be wrong, contact the customer to manage their expectations and seek more information about the reasons for their objection. Only take this approach where the original decision does not involve discretion and there is no reason to doubt the facts in the decision. E.G., where a customer objects to the use of an ATO issued taxable income in the child support assessment. See Customer contact. |