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Non-student travellers for ABSTUDY 010-02100180

This document outlines when ABSTUDY Fares Allowance (FAA) may be payable for non-student travellers.

On this page:

ABSTUDY FAA non-student travel assessments

Non-student travel process

ABSTUDY FAA non-student travel assessments

Table 1




FAA eligibility + Read more ...

If a response has been received from the Level 2 Policy Helpdesk, see Table 2 > Step 4.

To assess a travel request for a non-student traveller, eligibility to FAA must be established for the student. See Assessing eligibility for Fares Allowance (FAA) for ABSTUDY.

Has eligibility for FAA been determined?


What type of non-student travel is being considered? + Read more ...

FAA may be paid for a person other than the student.

When the travel request is for:

  • a supervisor, go to Step 3
  • dependant/s of a student not undertaking an Away from Base activity, go to Step 5
  • dependant/s of an Away from Base (AFB) student, go to Step 7
  • dependant/s of an approved supervisor, go to Step 8
  • family (including dependants of parents/guardians) or community members of the student, go to Step 9
  • travelling companion (including a service animal) for ill, injured or disabled student, see Table 2 > Step 2
  • education provider representatives, see Table 2 > Step 3


Student/group suitable to be supervised + Read more ...

Is the student/group of students studying at a secondary school, and/or under 18 years of age?


Supervisor travel approval + Read more ...

The supervisor must be a:

  • parent/guardian
  • family member
  • community representative, or
  • representative of the student's school or hostel

All travel types are available for a supervisor.

The supervisor is eligible for one return journey between their permanent home address and the student's study location for each approved occasion. A supervisor may also elect to travel one way and terminate their journey at the destination, or earlier if there are multiple legs.

For group travel, the ratio of supervisors to students is assessed separately for each journey. Consideration is given to the student's circumstances and the circumstances of the journey. In general, the rule is one supervisor is allowed for every 6 students.

As the approved traveller, the nominated supervisor is the only person entitled to undertake the journey. If another person undertakes part or all of the journey, the nominated supervisor will be marked as a No Show for that travel. Penalties and overpayments may be applied to the nominated supervisor.

Does the supervisor meet one of the above criteria?


Conditions for approving student's dependants' travel + Read more ...

Travel for a student’s dependant/s may only be approved if:

Is one (or more) of the above conditions met?


The student's dependants' entitlements + Read more ...

The types of travel entitlement available for dependant travellers are:

Other types of specified travel may be approved for dependent travellers in exceptional circumstances. This is assessed on a case by case basis.

Dependants are normally expected to travel with the student but may use FAA to travel separately (for example to travel to the place of study after the student has found accommodation).

Note: the student is not eligible for mid-year travel if the dependants have travelled to the place of study.

Is the dependent an approved traveller for one of the above travel types?


Travel for dependent/s of an Away from Base (AFB) student + Read more ...

If a student is approved to travel for an Away from Base activity, their dependent/s may be allowed to travel with them. They can access ABSTUDY Additional Assistance in lieu of Fares Allowance to cover their travel costs in certain situations.

An AFB student can access Additional Assistance for a maximum of 2 dependants. This includes fares, meals and reasonable additional accommodation costs (for example, cot hire or additional bed fee). Other costs, including childcare, are the responsibility of the student. In exceptional circumstances, where a student requires additional support for their dependant, escalate these instances to DSS.

For the dependent to be approved, the student must meet the following circumstances:

  • there is no appropriate alternative care for the dependant and
  • there are alternative caring arrangements for the dependant while the student participates in the AFB activity, and the AFB:
  • the travel of the dependant would support the student to attend the AFB activity

Are the above conditions met?


Travel for dependent/s of a supervisor + Read more ...

If a parent or guardian is travelling with a child under 2 years old, the child is considered an approved traveller. The airline will not charge for the child’s seat. The child will be added to the parent or guardian’s itinerary. See Table 2 > Step 5.

ABSTUDY Additional Assistance in lieu of Fares Allowance can be approved for up to a maximum of 2 dependants per supervisor.

To approve travel for a dependant over 2 years of age for an approved supervisor all of the following must be met:

  • the supervisor is the student's:
    • parent/guardian or community representative (including a family member), or
    • private board provider
  • there is no alternative supervisor for the student
  • there is no other care for the supervisor's dependent/s
  • the supervisor's dependent/s are aged 17 or under
  • it would be unreasonable to use the student's entitlements to Special Purpose Visit travel

This does not apply if the dependent traveller is included in the reasonable number of travellers for the event and the travel reason is one of the following:

  • NAIDOC Week events
  • graduation events
  • the student is experiencing serious problems with adjustment or similar circumstances

Are the above conditions met?


Limits of approval for travel + Read more ...

To assess entitlement to travel under FAA for a family or community member traveller, the student cannot exceed the entitlement limit for the calendar year. For further information see:

Has the student reached the entitlement limit for approval of the applicable travel type?


Family or community member(s) requesting Orientation or Special Purpose Visit travel + Read more ...

Return travel costs between the student’s term address and the approved traveller's home address may be approved for:

  • parent/guardian
  • partner
  • other nominated family members, or
  • community members

A reasonable number of approved travellers with significant ties to the student, may be given approval to travel. A community member that has been involved in supporting or raising the student and/or who the student considers as having played an important part in their life, is considered to have a significant tie to the student. See the definitions of Kinship and Extended family.

Children less than 2 years of age are:

  • required to travel with a parent/guardian
  • considered to be an approved dependant traveller
  • added onto the itinerary and they travel on the ticket of the parent/guardian. The airline does not charge a seat ticket for the child

Is the request for 6 or more approved travellers for one student?

  • Yes, determine, if all travellers have a significant tie to the student, if:
    • all travellers are deemed suitable, see Table 2 > Step 5
    • the travellers are deemed unsuitable, travel is not approved, see Table 2 > Step 7
    • the assessing officer is unable to determine approval, escalate via LPS to Level 2 Policy Helpdesk for approval of FAA. Go to Step 11
  • No, see Table 2 > Step 5


Escalation to Level 2 Policy Helpdesk + Read more ...

Where the non-student traveller/s did not meet the outlined conditions, they are not considered an approved traveller.

Travel or Away from Base Service Officers can seek approval by completing a direct SSO referral to the ABSTUDY Travel and Away from Base SO5. See Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency.

Use the email template to forward any supporting documents provided by the approved traveller to the ABSTUDY Travel and Away from Base SO5 once the direct SSO referral has been submitted. See the Resources page for the email template.

The Booking Status of the non-student traveller/s is to remain as New until a Level 2 Policy Helpdesk provides a response.

Record details of the travel request and escalation on the non-student traveller/s and approved traveller’s bookings.

Procedure ends here.

Non-student travel process

Table 2:




Family or community member(s) approved for compassionate travel + Read more ...

Return travel costs to the student's term address may be approved for a parent/guardian, partner, other nominated family members or community members between the approved traveller's home address and the student's term address.

If the student has a terminal illness, approval may be granted for both parents/guardians to visit.

Children less than 2 years of age are:

  • required to travel with a parent/guardian
  • considered to be an approved dependant traveller
  • added onto the itinerary and they travel on the ticket of the parent/guardian. The airline does not charge a seat ticket for the child

Go to Step 5.


Undesirable for the ill, injured or disabled student to travel alone + Read more ...

It would be considered undesirable to travel alone in various circumstances, such as:

  • the health of the student is likely to deteriorate and/or results in the student being unable to adequately travel alone
  • an injured student is unable to travel alone and negotiate the necessary requirements (for example, stairs, baggage etc.)
  • a disabled student cannot undertake travel without assistance (for example, the student is blind and needs to travel with a service animal (dog))

See Resources for examples.

Is it undesirable for the student travel alone?

  • Yes, a travelling companion may be approved for FAA. All types of travel are available for a travelling companion. Go to Step 5
  • No, go to Step 7


Education provider representatives travel + Read more ...

Where student/s are qualified for FAA, representatives of an education provider or hostel may be approved to travel to the student/s home community in the following circumstances:

  • the student/s are eligible for Orientation Visit travel or Special Purpose Visit travel, and
  • the proposed travellers have direct contact with ABSTUDY students at the boarding location, and
  • the purpose of the trip is to engage with the family, where a family or community member is unable to visit the boarding location for a school event such as parent-teacher interviews


  • the student/s are eligible for Orientation Visit travel or Special Purpose Visit travel, and
  • the proposed travellers have direct contact with ABSTUDY students at the boarding location, and
  • there are at least 6 ABSTUDY students at the school/hostel who come from the communities to be visited and there is likely to be a continued boarding connection between the education provider and the community


  • the student is eligible for Away from Base travel, and
  • the student will be participating in either a testing and assessment activity or a residential school, and
  • the education provider can demonstrate that it is cost-effective for its representatives to travel to a community or communities instead of the students/parents travelling to the education provider location

Have any of the above conditions been met?


Level 2 Policy Helpdesk response + Read more ...

The Level 2 Policy Helpdesk will advise the assessing Travel Officer if travel for non-student traveller/s has been approved.

Has travel for the non-student traveller/s been approved?


Additional costs + Read more ...

An approved non-student traveller is also eligible for additional costs associated with travel for such things as meals and accommodation when an overnight stay in required as part of the journey.

An approved non-student traveller is responsible for any:

  • security deposits required at check-in
  • penalties or other costs incurred as part of the journey such as a No Show penalty
  • lost tickets, or
  • additional costs charged by an accommodation provider. For example, mini-bar, damage to room, lost keys etc


FAA payable + Read more ...

Advise the non-student traveller/s they are approved.

Determine if FAA is to be:

Procedure ends here.


FAA not approved + Read more ...

Advise the non-student traveller/s they are not eligible for FAA.

If the travel request has been received by: