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Processing Manual Follow-ups (MFU) for Families 007-13040000

This documents outlines information on processing Manual Follow-ups (MFU) generated as a result of Families claims or activities.

On this page:

Families MFUs

Alignment of Care MFUs

Child Support MFUs

Data Matching MFUs

Immunisation MFUs

Paid Parental Leave (PPL) MFUs

Dad and Partner Pay (DAP) MFUs

Families MFUs

Table 1




Review manual rate + Read more ...

Check for any rate change that may need to be performed. For example child change in age, updated income entered on record, and reassess the rate of Family Tax Benefit (FTB).

Action: Refer to Non NSS systems coding for manual rate of payment.

Note: Double Orphan Pension (DOP) manual rates should only be actioned by the DOP team.


Customer deceased. Claim and manual advice to new custodian + Read more ...

Action: See Death of a family assistance or Paid Parental Leave scheme customer for details of action required.

If another customer has claimed payments in respect of the child/ren since the date of death, cancel the MFU, no further action required.


Current address provided. Re-grant payment if entitled + Read more ...

FTB may be cancelled whereabouts unknown (CAN-WUK). New address has now been provided and FTB should be restored/re-granted if applicable.

Action: See Restoration of Family Tax Benefit (FTB).


Partner's whereabouts unknown + Read more ...

This MFU is created when a partnered customer advises a change of address and only the customer's address is updated.

Action: Confirm the partner's address, update if required and finalise MFU.



Duplicate Tax File Number (TFN) + Read more ...

The same TFN has been recorded on more than one customer record.


  • Obtain Customer Reference Number (CRN) of alternative record via MFU on Activity List (AL) screen
  • Investigate records to identify if they are the same
  • If the same customer, follow instructions in Centrelink customer has multiple Customer Reference Numbers (CRN) and if necessary run the Multiple CRN referral Fast Note and finalise MFU
    • Note: if there is a DOA DOC recorded by Region Code NA8, this step is not required and the MFU can be finalised
  • If not the same customer, contact the customer to obtain the correct TFN details, update their record and finalise the MFU



Blended Family Cancellation - transfer children to partner + Read more ...

One or both members of the couple only has regular care children, therefore they cannot be paid as a blended family. As a result, FTB for one member of the couple has been cancelled.

Action: Transfer all the children of both members of the couple to one person's record. If possible, contact the customers first to ask which person they prefer to be paid. If the customers are unable to be contacted, transfer all children to the FTB current customer's record. It is not necessary for another FTB claim to be lodged. Finalise the MFU.


Care not covered by aligned legislation + Read more ...

The care assessment is for a period:

  • the customer lived in a state that had not aligned their care legislation with the Commonwealth Alignment of Care legislation, or
  • the care assessment is pre 1 July 2010

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.


Recent new born child, check Early Claim (FECS) Early Claim + Read more ...

This MFU is created when an 'open' early claim exists on the FAO Early Claims Summary (FECS) screen.


  • S’elect the MFU and go to the FECS screen
  • S’elect the open claim line and enter the child's CRN on the FAO Early Claim Details (FECD) screen
  • Finalise the MFU


Multiple open early claims that have the same Date of Birth (DOB)/in-care + Read more ...

This MFU is created when more than one pre-claim has been assessed on the customer record for the same expected Date of Birth (DOB)/in-care creating multiple open lines on the FAO Early Claims Summary (FECS) screen.

Action in Customer First:

More than one pre-claim lodged that cannot be combined:

In some scenarios, it is correct to have more than one pre-claim line open on FECS for the same expected child. Some claim types cannot be combined including:

  • A claim for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and a claim for Dad and Partner Pay (DAP)
  • A claim for DAP and a claim for Parental Leave Pay (PPL)

For these scenarios, if proof of birth has not yet been provided, no action is required and the MFU can be completed without further action.

If proof of birth has been provided for the expected child/ren:

  • Check the customer has been assessed for all benefits claimed. If not, see Processing proof of a child's birth
  • Once the customer has been assessed for all benefits claimed, select the MFU and go to the FECS screen
  • Select any 'open' claim lines and enter the applicable child's CRN on the FAO Early Claim Details (FECD) screen
  • Finalise the MFU

More than one pre-claim lodged that can be combined:

Where the customer lodges separate pre-birth claims for FTB and PPL, these will create separate open lines on the FECS screen when processed. If the lines are not combined, the customer will only be presented with a PPL or a FTB Add Newborn (ANB) task online instead of a combined PPL/FTB ANB task. In addition, appropriate reviews and reminders may not be created.

More than one pre-claim lodged for the same claim type:

If both lines have the same information, delete the most recent line.

If proof of birth has not yet been provided for the expected child/ren:

  • Select the MFU and go to the FECS screen
    • S’elect the open FTB line
    • D’elete the FTB claim line on FECD screen
    • Use Source of INT and Date of Receipt the same as PPL/FTB claim that was most recently finalised
    • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen
    • Under Letter Action on the AR screen select Inhibit Letters
    • Add Activity Notes to advise 'FECD updated to allow merging of FTB/PPL lines in next activity as per OB 007-13040000'
    • Finalise the MFU
    • Cancel the inhibited letter off the AL screen. This will show as AMR:XXX letter suppressed from ASC screen - AY.INHB (if letter is not displaying on AL screen, type DDR in next)
  • Manually index a FTB claim via the IN screen using source of INT, and Date of Receipt (DOR) the same as the PPL/FTB claim that was most recently finalised. See Indexing, re-indexing, and cancelling claim activities
  • Within the manually indexed FTB claim, navigate to the FECS screen and:
    • Select the PPL line
    • C’orrect the PPL claim line Claimed Benefit with 'Y' for both PPL and FTB on the FECD screen (the indexed claim will create as additional blank FTB line on FECS which must remain, as this will be automatically removed after claim finalisation)
    • Finalise the claim
    • DOCument the record to advise FTB claim was manually indexed to combine FTB/PPL FECS lines

If proof of birth has been provided and the customer has been assessed for all benefits claimed:

  • If there is no 'Open' PPL or FTB line, finalise the MFU with no further action required. Otherwise:
    • Select the MFU and go to the FECS screen
    • Select the ‘open’ lines, claim line and enter the child's CRN on the FAO Early Claim Details (FECD) screen
    • Finalise the MFU

If proof of birth has been provided but the customer has not yet been assessed for the benefits claimed (i.e. there is a started Add Newborn work item that is only for FTB or PPL and not FTB/PPL combined):

In Process Direct:

  • Regenerate the Add Newborn work item and delete any provisional child link
  • Mark the Add Newborn work item as 'Not Required'
  • Create an 'Add Newborn - combined claim' SOA shell and manually code details for both FTB and PPL provided on the original ANB as per Processing proof of a child's birth.
    Note: if the child's record was previously created, ensure this is linked in the SOA to ensure a multiple CRN is not created
  • Finalise the MFU in Customer First




FTB child off ABSTUDY + Read more ...

This MFU is created when FTB is being paid for a child because:

  • they receive a means/income tested ABSTUDY scheme payment
  • they meet the living away from home conditions, and
  • their ABSTUDY payment has cancelled


Contact the FTB customer and confirm if:

  • the child who had been receiving ABSTUDY is continuing in full-time secondary school
  • other eligibility requirements remain correct (for example income estimate, care)

If the child has stopped studying, see Study requirements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) children aged 16 years and over.

If the child is continuing full-time secondary study, no action is required, finalise the MFU.


Check for FTB Clean Energy Advance (CEA) top-up + Read more ...

This MFU is created because the system has determined the customer may be eligible for an FTB Clean Energy Advance amount which cannot be automatically calculated.

Activity keyword FYCEAADJ indicates the customer's Clean Energy Advance amount was manually adjusted in an earlier activity. The system therefore cannot determine if a top-up should be paid.

Action: These MFUs are actioned by the Manual Intervention (MIV) team only, by checking the customer's eligibility and if necessary paying a CEA top-up manually using the One Off Payment (OOP) screen.


Manual adjustment on the OOP screen for FTB Clean Energy Advance may be required + Read more ...

This activity has been created because the system has determined the Clean Energy Advance top-up may need manual adjustment.

Activity keyword FYCEAMAJ indicates the customer meets any of the 3 following Period 3 rules:

  • Activity keyword FYCEABLN indicates the customer meets the Period 3 blended family rules. A manual CEA payment is to be paid to such customers
  • Activity keyword FYCEASWP indicates the customer meets the Period 3 swapping FTB rules. A manual CEA payment is to be paid to such customers
  • Activity keyword FYCEASEP indicates the customer meets the Period 3 separated couples rules. A manual CEA payment is to be paid to such customers

Action: These MFUs are actioned by the Manual Intervention (MIV) team only, by checking the customer's eligibility and if necessary adjusting the CEA top-up manually using the OOP screen.


FTB Reconciliation from previous year has generated a debt, possibly due to an overestimation of tax free pension and benefits amounts by the customer. Please follow up. + Read more ...

The MFU is created after the initial Reconciliation result is completed with a debt outcome and the income applied is an estimate of tax free pensions and benefits. It is possible the estimate used is more than the actual tax free pensions and benefits paid for the financial year. Adjusting this amount may reduce the reconciliation debt.

Action: See Table 2 in Reconciliation of Family Tax Benefit (FTB).




School Leaver Payment, check for child + Read more ...

A Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or Income Support Payment (ISP) child and/or customer, not current on FTB A or ISP on the Bonus Test Day, may be entitled to School Leaver Payment.

Action: See Qualification and assessment of the Schoolkids Bonus School Leaver Payment for details on how to process these MFU's.


Claim contact details update failed + Read more ...

An attempt to automatically load the customer's contact details collected via an online claim has failed.

Action: Customer contact details need to be manually checked and uploaded. Finalise the MFU.


IMUDEC MFU - child/children are recorded as deceased in AIR + Read more ...

These MFUs are created when a child's Centrelink record is linked with the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) and AIR or Medicare have received information the child is deceased.

Action: IMUDEC MFUs are to be actioned by Families Bereavement and DOP Smart Centre Processing and Families Remote Smart Centre staff only.

Families Bereavement and DOP Smart Centre Processing and Families Remote Smart Centre staff, see Death of a family assistance or Paid Parental Leave scheme child for details on how to action IMUDEC MFUs.


NCL could not be recorded, manual action required or FTB Online Claim indexed 27 JUN 2016 Claim Id + Read more ...

FTB/NCL could not be indexed, manual action required.

Action: Index the claim from the date the claim was submitted. If this claim has already been actioned finalise the MFU.

PPL Online Claim indexed 04 JUL 2016 Claim Id

PPL/NCL could not be indexed, manual action required.

Action: Index the claim from the date the claim was submitted. If this claim has already been actioned finalise the MFU.


NCL could not be recorded, manual action required + Read more ...

PPL Online Claim indexed DD/MM/YYYY Claim Id NNNNNNNNNN.

PPL/NCL could not be indexed, manual action required.

Action: Index the claim from the date the claim was submitted. If this claim has already been actioned finalise the MFU.




Possible Preclusion or Possible exemption - Zero Entitlement customer + Read more ...

#ZRE and #PREC - The customer's FTB Part A and/or FTB Part B instalments should possibly be precluded because of Zero Entitlement rules. It may be appropriate to code a preclusion on the Zero Entitlement screen.

Action: See Non-payment of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) instalment payments to zero entitlement customers.

#ZRE and #EXEM - The customer's FTB Part A and/or FTB Part B instalments should possibly be exempted because of Zero Entitlement rules. It may be appropriate to code an exemption on the Zero Entitlement screen.

Action: See Assessing and recording exemptions from the non-payment of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) instalment payments to zero entitlement customers.

Alignment of Care MFUs

Table 2: this table describes the Alignment of Care MFUs that can be created as a result of information transferred electronically between Child Support and Centrelink in relation to care assessments.




More than 2 Carer indicator = Yes + Read more ...

More than 2 carers indicator received from Child Support and the child is in the care of 3 or more people and these details could not be transmitted in the data exchange.

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.


Care greater than 100% + Read more ...

Care percentage more than 100% indicator = Yes received from the Child Support.

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.


Child LWC recorded and CSACARE assessment received (LWC coding) + Read more ...

Left care without consent (LWC) for a child has been recorded and a subsequent Child Support care assessment is received within the 14 week review period.

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.

Child LWC recorded and CSACARE assessment received (Child Support Disputed Care)

Care arrangements were initially advised to Child Support and the Child Support care decision has Disputed care indicator = Yes. This is a trigger the customer may be eligible for LWC coding for the child.

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.


Carers greater than 2 recorded and care assessment received + Read more ...

There are more than 2 carers for the child on ISIS and a Child Support care assessment is received.

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.


Care > 100% care recorded, CSACARE received + Read more ...

More than 100% care is recorded on ISIS for the child and a Child Support care assessment received.

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.


CSACARE received and same care assessment + Read more ...

A completed care assessment is recorded on ISIS and a completed Child Support care assessment is received and the only difference is the care %.

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.


Disputed care recorded + Read more ...

Automatically created when the disputed care indicator is 'Y'es and the assessment method is CRT or WCA on the FSC screen. Once the activity has been completed, a review will be created to mature on the Interim Period End Date.

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.


Change of care received for deceased child + Read more ...

Created when a care transaction is received from Child Support regarding a child who is recorded as deceased by Centrelink.

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.


Care data produced from appeal process + Read more ...

Child Support has amended a care decision as a result of an objection.

An MFU is always created in this case as the Child Support care decision is not automatically applied to the customer's record.

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.


Child Support care received, check relationship type + Read more ...

Centrelink received updated care advice from Child Support. The update contains a change to the details regarding a carer's relationship with a child that cannot be automatically reconciled with the details already held by Centrelink.

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.


Change in primary carer for Baby Bonus (BBY) or Parental Leave Pay (PPL) + Read more ...

A Child Support care assessment has been received for a customer currently receiving, or who has previously received BBY/PPL for a child. The assessment determination has reduced the care percentage to less than 50% during the BBY/PPL relevant period.

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.


Retrospective care assessment received + Read more ...

A retrospective Child Support care assessment is received for a child in a partner's or ex-partner's care for a period before the relationship ended or commenced.

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.



Percentage of Care has changed for child. Check customer's entitlement + Read more ...

A Child Support care assessment has been received and the percentage of care has changed for a customer in receipt of an income support payment as a principal carer. They may no longer be eligible for the income support payment as it depends on them being a principal carer.

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.


There is missing Adequate Care data on the customer's record to complete the FTB Lump Sum Claim + Read more ...

The customer's lump sum claim for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) has been pending for at least 32 days for any reason and adequate care information is still required to complete the claim.

Action: See Alignment of Care Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities.

Child Support MFUs

Table 3: this table describes the Child Support MFUs that are generated on a customer's Centrelink record in relation to child support/maintenance. These MFUs are necessary to ensure the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) and Maintenance Income Test (MIT) are correctly applied in calculating the customer's rate of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A.




Maintenance Action review + Read more ...

This is a reminder MFU that will mature on day 56 of the Deciding Maintenance Action (DMA) period.

Action: See Child support Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities and automatic reviews.




Child Support details + Read more ...

A020MN - Child Support advises details of re-partnering

A021MN - Child support case end not received

A022MN - Child Support advises new entitlement

Action: See Child support Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities and automatic reviews for action required for these MFUs.




For Child Support Unit (CSU) staff only - Child support case end + Read more ...

Any future reviews triggered by the Maintenance Action Test (MAT) code will be mapped to Service Officers to action.

Action: See Child support Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities and automatic reviews.




Child Support child end + Read more ...

The maintenance action for a child has been updated to an 'end code' as a result of an Entitlement Load advising a child support case has been ended at the child level.

Action: See Child support Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities and automatic reviews.


Maintenance Action Requirement Notification letter (MARNL) not created + Read more ...

This MFU is created when either the initial or reminder Maintenance Action Requirement Notification letter cannot be sent because the customer is within a Child Bereavement period.

Action: See Child support Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities and automatic reviews.







Maintenance Action Review + Read more ...

MAI/VIO/SWO - MAT exemption due to threat of Violence granted one year ago. Social Worker

OSR - paying parent overseas in reciprocal country, proof of parentage not met

OSS - paying parent overseas in a reciprocal country, seeking court order

PMV - partial exemption due to violence

PRP - seeking proof of parentage

VIO - exemption due to violence

Action: See Child support Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities and automatic reviews.




Family Tax Benefit (FTB) lump sum claim pending Child Support data + Read more ...

This MFU is created when a lump sum claim activity is finalised but the claim status is pending, awaiting child support details.

Action: See Child support Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities and automatic reviews.


Child Support payer is current partner, please follow up + Read more ...

Information received from Child Support indicates that customer's current partner is recorded as the payer in customer's Child Support case.

Action: See Child support Manual Follow-up (MFU) activities and automatic reviews.

Data Matching MFUs

Table 4: this table describes the Data Matching MFUs that are generated on a customer's Centrelink record when the customer/child fails authentication when data is exchanged from Child Support to Centrelink.




Customer CRN/CIN mismatch + Read more ...

Error transaction received from Child Support due to a customer's Customer Reference Number (CRN).

Action: See Matching a child support child between Centrelink and Child Support.


Customer is not mutual. Customer CIN, CRN from Child Support + Read more ...

Error transaction received from Child Support as the customer is not a mutual customer.

Action: See Matching a child support child between Centrelink and Child Support.


Child with this CRN/CIN is not linked to the customer + Read more ...

Error transaction received from Child Support due to a Child CRN, Child Support Id Number combination not found linked to the customer.

Action: See Matching a child support child between Centrelink and Child Support.


Child with this CIN is linked to another customer + Read more ...

Error transaction received from Child Support as a child was found but has a different Child Support Id Number to what was on the transaction.

Action: See Matching a child support child between Centrelink and Child Support.


Child CRN not linked to this customer + Read more ...

Error transaction received from Child Support as a child was found but the Child Support Id Number exists on another customer.

Action: See Matching a child support child between Centrelink and Child Support.


Customer CIN not found on Child Support system + Read more ...

Error MAI160 received from Child Support as the customer Child Support Id Number was not found on the Child Support system.

Action: See Matching a child support child between Centrelink and Child Support.


Customer CIN not unique + Read more ...

Error MAI160 received from Child Support as the customer Child Support Id Number is not unique.

Action: See Matching a child support child between Centrelink and Child Support.


Customer CRN does not match + Read more ...

Error MAI160 received from Child Support as the customer's CRN does not match.

Action: See Matching a child support child between Centrelink and Child Support.


Child CRN/CIN combination not found + Read more ...

Error CSACARE or CLKCARE received from Child Support as the Child CRN/CIN combination cannot be found.

Action: See Matching a child support child between Centrelink and Child Support.

Immunisation MFUs

Table 5





AIR: Centrelink referred manual immunisation evidence to AIR assessment + Read more ...

This MFU is automatically created and outed to region code CIR when immunisation evidence is scanned to record (IM011, IMMU11, IMMU12, IM013, IMMU13 or UNSIMMU).

Action: Only AIR staff are to action this MFU.

See Management of immunisation evidence.


AIR: Link not successfully established and 14 days have elapsed + Read more ...

The CCB claim cannot be determined until the immunisation link has been established and the immunisation details have been received.

The initial link request was sent 14 days ago and the link request has not been successful. Contact customer / AIR to confirm child and Medicare details and establish the link. If no link is established within the next 21 days, the child will be made ineligible for CCB.

Action: See Establish a Family Tax Benefit (FTB) link for a child between Centrelink and the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).


Transaction rejected by AIR + Read more ...

This MFU is created where Centrelink received a transaction from the AIR where:

  • a mismatch reason code of 500 has been received for a child, or
  • a mismatch reason code of 510 has been received for a child, or
  • a mismatch reason code of 600 has been received for a child

Action: See Establish a Family Tax Benefit (FTB) link for a child between Centrelink and the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).



AWA ended. No response from AIR + Read more ...

Services Australia attempting to link with the AIR for matching process. No response has been received from the AIR after 14 days. This may be due to incorrect child details having been provided, including Medicare details, name and/or date of birth.

Action: See Establish a Family Tax Benefit (FTB) link for a child between Centrelink and the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).

Paid Parental Leave (PPL) MFUs

Table 6




Employment Determination + Read more ...

The customer's chosen employer needs to be investigated as to why they have not accepted the Employment Determination.

Action should be taken by the Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PEP) to investigate the Employment Determination of the organisation for providing PPL to this customer.

Action: See Assisted dispute resolution for employer determination for Parental Leave Pay (PPL).


Restore PPL claim + Read more ...

The customer's Paid Parental Leave claim needs to be restored via the PPL Claim Actions (P1CA) screen. Selecting the MFU will navigate the user to the PPL Claim Summary (P1CS) screen to select the relevant PPL claim.

Action should be taken by a Service Officer to restore PPL claim via PPL Claim Actions (P1CA) screen.

Action: See Restoration of Parental Leave Pay (PPL).


Employer declined to provide PLP + Read more ...

The customer's employer needs to be investigated as to why they have declined to provide PPL to the customer.

Action should be taken by the Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PEP) to investigate why the organisation has declined to provide PPL to the customer.

Action: See Paid Parental Leave (PPL) employer initiated reviews and appeals.


Employer not registered to provide PLP + Read more ...

The customer's employer needs to be investigated as to why they have not registered to provide PPL to the customer.

Action should be taken by the Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PEP) to investigate the registration of the organisation for PPL.

Action: See Role of the employer in Parental Leave Pay.


Payment eligibility transferred to secondary claimant + Read more ...

Note: this MFU will only be created for child born or entering care before 1 July 2023.

The PPLTFR MFU is triggered when:

  • the primary claimant has transferred some or all of their PPL period to another person, and
  • the date of transfer of primary care has passed, and
  • a change of circumstances has been recorded against the primary claimant, which may result in them no longer being eligible to receive PPL at the date of transfer of primary care e.g. returned to work

Investigation should be undertaken by a Service Officer to ensure there is no break in the PPL period eligibility. The secondary claimant must meet the full eligibility criteria from the date the primary claimant ceased to be eligible.

If there is a break in the PPL period, there will be no entitlement to be transferred to the secondary claimant. The secondary claimants PPL period will need to be rejected.

If there is no break in eligibility e.g. the secondary claimant is eligible from the date the primary claimant ceased to be eligible, it may be appropriate to change the date of transfer of the payment.

For further information see Eligibility for Parental Leave Pay (PPL) as a secondary or tertiary claimant for children born or entering care before 1 July 2023 and Customer notifies a change of circumstances for Parental Leave Pay (PPL).

If the change of circumstance for the primary claimant results in no gap between their and the secondary claimant’s PPL periods, the MFU can be completed with no further action required.


Returned Payments for Organisations + Read more ...

The PPL organisation needs to be contacted to update the bank details for the returned PPL payment to be reissued to the employer.

Note: action should be taken by the Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PPLEPT) to investigate the employer’s bank details

Action: See Table 3 of Delivery of Parental Leave Pay (PPL).

Dad and Partner Pay (DAP) MFUs

Table 7




Online claim failed + Read more ...

An attempt to automatically load the customer's contact details collected via an online claim has failed.

Action: Customer contact details need to be loaded manually. The following action is required:

  • select the Online Claims menu item
  • view or print claim details

Using ISIS screens update the following:

  • all of the customer's names
  • all of the customer's addresses
  • all of the customer's telephone details including fax
  • the customer's email address