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Processing Special Benefit (SpB) claims 003-08060000

Customers in immediate danger or at risk of harm must call 000.

Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.

If you have concerns about a child's safety, follow the Risk identification and management of threats to the safety or welfare of a child.

For Special Benefit processing teams only.

This document outlines how SpB processing teams process SpB claims in Process Direct.

On this page:

Review claim

Claim processing

Claim assessment and finalisation

Rejecting SpB claim

Reindexing claims

Review claim

Table 1




Locate the claim in Process Direct + Read more ...

Locate Work Item in Process Direct.

Select the Work Item to go to the Customer and Claim Information table on the Transaction Summary (TS) screen to review and process the claim.

New claims must be streamed on the day allocated via Workload Management. A Progress of Claim Note/DOC must be created and/or updated, if the claim cannot be immediately finalised.

Online claim/Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) submitted + Read more ...

  • When an online claim or ACC is submitted, a Special Benefit claim Work Item is created in Process Direct containing the claim information. The claim is reviewed in Process Direct
  • Annotate the existing SpB Progress of Claim Note/DOC
  • Go to Step 2

Claim for Special Benefit (SU004) lodged + Read more ...

  • When an SU004 is scanned to the customer's record, a Social Application (SOA) Shell Work Item is generated on the customer's record. This has no claim information apart from the CRN, personal details, and receipt date. Claim information will need to be manually updated into the Work Item using information from the scanned claim and supporting documents
  • Annotate the existing SpB Progress of claim Note/DOC
  • If needed, Services Officers can record a Fast Note to create a SpB Progress of Claim DOC. Select Auto text, use Special Benefit > Special Benefit > SpB Progress of Claim Doc.
  • Update template text with action or information as required
  • Go to Step 2

Claim for Special Benefit on behalf of a child who is an Australian Citizen or permanent resident (SU721) + Read more ...


Check the claim status + Read more ...

The claim status will determine what actions the Service Officer will take before processing the claim.

The claim status must be In Process before the claim can be assessed.

Note: if the customer wants to cancel or withdraw their claim, see Cancel or withdraw an online claim

Check the Status icon. Is the claim status In Process?


Review the claim details + Read more ...

Select Open left slider; Close right slider and Enter full screen to view the Claim Summary in a new window. If the new window is blank, press [F5] to refresh the screen. If the Work Item is an SOA shell (such as a paper claim), the claim details can be reviewed via this method

Check the customer's benefit status line:

  • If the customer's benefit status is SPL/CUR indicating that the claim assessment has already been completed, change the claim status to Completed using the Status icon. If Completed is not available, update to Not Required. Procedure ends here
  • If the customer is already current on more appropriate income support payment, e.g., JSP/CUR,
    • reject the SpB claim using streamline rejection ‘Customer receiving precluding Payment CPP’
    • Do not send a Request for Information (RFI)
    • Go to Table 4
  • If there is no current SPL or income support benefit status, review the claim information provided by the customer, go to Step 4


Residence assessment for customers claiming Special Benefit (SpB) + Read more ...

Select options:

Check residence information on customer’s record + Read more ...

The system uses residence information on the Legal Residence (RSLEG), Country of Residence (CRES) and Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM) screens to assess if customer:

  • is an Australian resident
  • has served any waiting period or qualifying residence period
  • has a qualifying residence exemption

Make sure citizenship and visa details are updated on RSLEG screen with IMM Channel displayed. See:

Determining whether the customer is an Australian resident + Read more ...

Check if the customer: + Read more ...

  • meets Australian residence requirement, see Table 1 in Residence assessment for customers claiming Special Benefit (SpB)
  • has Newly Arrived Residents Waiting Period (NARWP) exemption for SpB see Table 2 in Residence assessment for customers claiming Special Benefit (SpB)

If all residency requirements have been assessed such as Qualifying Residence Exemption (QRE) and NARWP. Check if the customer is eligible for a more appropriate payment. The Resources page has QRE and NARWP exemptions scenarios where a more appropriate payment may apply.

If the customer is eligible for another payment;

  • Reject claim - ‘Another payment is more appropriate COP’ using streamline rejection
  • Do not send a request for information (RFI)
  • Go to Table 4

If the customer is not eligible for another payment, do they meet the Australian residence requirements for SpB?


Independence or Unreasonable to Live At Home + Read more ...

If the SpB claimant is an unaccompanied humanitarian minor (UHM), see Determining financial assistance for an unaccompanied humanitarian minor (UHM).

Check if the customer meets the Independence criteria, see Independence for Youth Allowance (YA) customers

Young customers claiming SpB UTLAH:

See Unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) initial contact for Youth Allowance (YA), Disability Support Pension (DSP), Special Benefit (SpB) or Tertiary Access Payment (TAP)

Once the correct action to initiate a UTLAH is taken, go to Step 6.


Review scanned documents + Read more ...

  • Select the documents at the bottom of the expanded Claim Summary, or
  • Select Quick link from the bottom of the open Process Direct screen, or
  • Select Documents from the icon menu

Check the date the document was scanned.

Note: there may also be older documents not related to the claim that present.


Supporting evidence and requesting documents + Read more ...

For SpB online and Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) claims

The online claim question set is designed to capture customer circumstances and information without the need for additional modules such as Partner details (Mod P) Study details (Mod ST), Business details (Mod F).

SpB claims submitted online or by ACC are subject to Circumstance Change Monitor (CCM). Before requesting documents for an online claim or ACC, see Table 6 of Circumstance Change Monitor (CCM).

For SpB paper claims

The SU004 paper claim requests additional modules and supporting evidence throughout the claim via the Paperclip icon and checklist.

If the customer and/or correspondence nominee have not provided all documents, processing staff must contact the customer and/or correspondence nominee to request further modules and supporting evidence if needed.

To request information:

  • Make sure the correct address is on the record
  • Enter the claim, do not select Process
  • Select More Options icon > Request Documents
  • Select the required documents needed
  • Finalise the RFI
  • Annotate the progress of claim Note/DOC advising what documents are needed
  • Place the claim on hold for the appropriate time frame

Service Officers should only request documents where additional information is needed and must not re-request documents. If requested documents have not been provided by the requested date consider if customer contact is needed or if rejection should occur.

It is important to consider, before requesting additional documents or information, the customer is

  • residentially qualified for SpB or NARWP can be waived based on the reason they are claiming; and
  • deemed to be in financial hardship (available funds below $5,000) based on the information provided with the claim and/or evidence so far

It is important to request all required information and supporting evidence at first touch. This is to avoid multiple touches, rework, and unnecessary delay of claim being finalised.

Verbal requests can be made. The preferred method for requesting information is by a written notice. However, in certain circumstances, a verbal request for information may be quicker, and more effective option. If there is any doubt that the claimant/recipient may not fully understand a verbal request, a written notice must be issued. See Requesting information (CLK).

Vulnerable circumstance

If it has been established, that the customer has experienced a vulnerable circumstance (within the past 8 weeks) or they have a claim submission exception, consideration should be given as to whether an extension for return of required documents should be given. This should occur in limited circumstances only.

Have all the required documents been provided within the time allowed to respond?


Identity confirmation + Read more ...

On the TS screen, check the customer's Identity Status.

Note: claims lodged online would already have confirmed identity to be able to lodge an online claim.

If the Identity Status is:

  • Confirmed, go to Step 9
  • Not Confirmed:
    • Select the Not Confirmed link to open a Customer Summary window
    • Select Identity Confirmation > Identity Confirmation Dashboard from the Task Selector
    • Code the identity documents or consider alternative proof of identity
    • Close the Customer Summary window to return to the claim


Relationship/link details + Read more ...

These details must be reviewed and updated before selecting Process.

Compare relationship details provided in the claim with the information already recorded in the Marital Status (MS) and Link Summary (LS) tables. If the customer has provided different information about their relationship in the claim, to the confirmed data in the tables, attempt to contact the customer by phone to confirm the correct relationship details and dates. If phone contact is unsuccessful, the relationship details supplied in the claim are to be applied.

Link any nominees for customers at this stage.

It is mandatory to link both a payment and correspondence nominee for Special Benefit (SpB) for Australian Citizen Child (ACC) and Australian permanent resident children.

On the TS screen review and update the Link Summary (LS) and Marital Status (MS) tables:

Note: if updates have been completed (such as a nominee linked) outside of Process Direct, complete a SAP refresh Refresh if needed.

Section 24 - A Section 24 assessment may be required to determine whether a partnered customer is considered to have a ‘special reason’ not to be treated as a member of a couple. This may apply in, but is not limited to, circumstances of family and domestic violence. Section 24 is assessed by a SpB Service Officer at the new claim stage. For more information see Treatment of a partnered person as single under Section 24 new determinations

Age of consent - When determining the relationship status for a member of a couple where one or both are under the age of consent, see Customer or partner under the age of consent

Possible separation: - Service Officers must take extra care when assessing SpB claims where a customer advises they are separated or where they update their address only and not their partners. See:


Tax File Number (TFN) + Read more ...

Before granting SpB, customers need to supply a valid TFN or have an exemption recorded.

If the customer has given a valid TFN:

  • Go to the TFN screen
  • If the TFN is not already coded, and details have been provided code the TFN
  • If an exemption is appropriate, code the exemption for example, TFN exemption can be applied for customers under 16 years of age with the code U16 - Under 16 years of age

See Requesting a Tax File Number (TFN).


Special Benefit category + Read more ...

Determine the category of Special Benefit that applies to the customer.

There are different categories, which will apply to a customer depending on their personal circumstances. Some of these categories have additional category-specific rules, which the customer must satisfy, such as mutual obligation requirements paid under the JSP conditions.

From 20 September 2023, single parents and carers are eligible to remain on PPS until their youngest qualifying child turns 14. The SpB category for single principal carer with the youngest child over 6 under 14 years of age would be NMP, Payable under JSP conditions. See Special Benefit (SpB) categories.

Categories can change during the life cycle of a claim.

Note: certain categories of SpB need a particular available funds test to be applied.

Victims of trafficking

Due to the sensitivity with this initiative, the customer must have a password on their record (DOA DOC). See Customer password on a Display on Access DOC.

Holders of Bridging F Visa sub class 060 is eligible for SpB, family and ancillary payments.

Victims of Trafficking customer granted Permanent Referred Stay Visa Subclass 852 is exempt from NARWP and qualifying residence period for all payment types, except SpB. Note: the 10-year residence requirement for AGE and DSP still applies

Victims of trafficking must provide a supporting letter from Red Cross confirming their Red Cross living allowance has stopped, as part of their supporting documents, for their SpB claim.

Criminal Justice Stay Visa (CJSV) and Human Trafficking Visa subclass 060 are not subject to mutual obligation requirements. On the NSOD screen, Payable Under field: blank.

See Victims of trafficking.


Available funds test + Read more ...

All available funds are coded on the SPL Other Details (NSOD) screen.

Customers may receive various one-off support payments from the Australian Red Cross or a one-off immediate needs support packages funded by the State Government. These one-off payments are not assessed as income or in kind support for Special Benefit purposes, however may be included in the available funds test.

Note: where a customer does not meet the available funds test the NSOD screen must be coded

See Resources page of Eligibility and new claim procedures for Special Benefit (SpB) for examples.

Based on the SpB available funds test, are they eligible for SpB?

  • Yes, go to Step 13
  • No, and
    • it is auto rejecting Not in Hardship HAR (due to available funds of over $5,000 coded on NSOD screen), go to Table 4
    • requires manual rejection, go to Table 4


Referrals + Read more ...

If a specialist assessment is required, select > Referral and complete the referral details as required.

Referrals in Process Direct include:

  • Assessment of care arrangement
  • CALO (Course Assessment and Liaison Officer) Referral
  • Compensation Clearance Request
  • Social Work Service
  • Complex Assessment Officer (CAO)
  • International Services (CIS)
  • Member of a Couple (MoC)

When the referral has been completed in Process Direct, the claim will automatically be placed on hold with the referral reason.

Update the Progress of Claim DOC explaining any referral, or documents requested, and reasoning.

Is a referral required?

  • Yes, procedure ends here until the referred assessment has been completed and/or the requested documents have been returned. Claim should auto hold once referral initiated. To avoid holding the claim numerous times, remember to send the RFI as needed while the referral outcome is pending
  • No, go to Step 14


Waiting periods + Read more ...

Waiting periods will need to be assessed based on information provided by the customer.

For assessment of waiting periods, see Waiting periods for income support payments.

SpB does not have any early claim provisions. If the customer is not qualified on the date they claimed, the claim must be rejected, go to Table 4.


Generating Unemployment Non Payment Period (UNPP) + Read more ...

Nominated Visa Holder (NVH)

When a Nominated Visa Holder (NVH) Special Benefit customer who is subject to mutual obligation requirements has stopped employment before claiming SpB, Service Officers must consider whether the customer needs to serve a UNPP.

NVH holders subject to mutual obligation requirements and penalties are 070, 449, 785, 786 and 790.

Generate compliance action if documents indicate the customer:

  • is voluntarily unemployed, or
  • was dismissed due to misconduct as a worker (except if the customer has self-served the non-payment period)

Select > Generate UNPP.

The new claim cannot be finalised until a Service Officer with UNPP security resource makes a determination about the compliance action. This may affect the date of eligibility for payment. or result in payment rejection.

SpB has no early claims provisions, if UNPP is applied, manually reject Not in Hardship HAR. Advise customer when they can reapply. See Table 4.

Non Nominated Visa Holder (NVH)

SpB service officers are not required to generate UNPP as SpB non-NVH customers are not subject to compliance action.

If the non-NVH ceased working voluntary or due to misconduct and has not self-served the preclusion period, SpB service officer must investigate and consideration is needed to determine if:

  • the circumstances that led the job seeker becoming unemployed
  • whether the employment was suitable work
  • whether there were any factors that made it reasonable for the job seeker to leave employment voluntarily, or whether an incident of misconduct that led to dismissal actually occurred
  • persevering with an unprofitable business venture
  • spending their money on unnecessary items, or disposing of money, by gifting or other means without adequate return.

Check if the non-NVH customer has self-served the preclusion period. See Unemployment due to a voluntary act or misconduct.

SpB should not be paid if the delegate believes the person could have avoided the situation of financial hardship. Reject SpB Not in Hardship HAR. See Table 4.

For more information see Eligibility and new claim procedures for Special Benefit (SpB)

Claim processing

Table 2




Begin processing + Read more ...

Note: for SpB where the customer is an Australian citizen or a permanent resident child in the custody of a non-resident parent or guardian, see, Special Benefit (SpB) for Australian Citizen Child (ACC) and Australian permanent resident children. Select Process to start coding and assess the claim.

The Errors (SWE) screen will display.

Located on the SWE screen is the Message Log and Task selectors. This displays any errors with existing coding. These must be fixed before the claim can be assessed.

Process Direct Digital Assistant (Roxy)

Selecting Ask Roxy will launch Roxy the Digital Assistant.

Use Roxy to investigate or raise any errors encountered while processing a claim.

When an error message appears within a claim, Roxy will pre-populate the error message within the dialogue box and provide pre-loaded responses including Operational Blueprint hyperlinks.

If unable to resolve an error through Roxy's advice or other resources available, use Roxy's Raise Incident function to escalate the issue to ICT for investigation.

When escalating issues to ICT, check all fields in the template are complete and annotate the Progress of Claim DOC advising escalation to ICT.

See Using Digital Assistant Roxy in Process Direct.


Task Selectors + Read more ...

These list common and mandatory screens that are considered as part of the claim.

Task Selector may not list all screens on which information is coded during the claim. Check all required screens are updated as part of the new claim activity.

When assessing claims lodged via paper claim (SOA activities) check all required screens are updated as part of the new claim activity.

A flag Provisional Data Flag displays against listed screens that has data uploaded from the online claim, Assisted Customer Claim or added by a previous staff member.

Select screens to be checked/updated. There is an option to select all screens.

Select Next or press [Enter] to process through the selected screens.

Screens can also be accessed directly using the Super Key.

See Resources for a list of common screens for Special Benefit.


Customer details + Read more ...

Check the customer’s details are current and match the detail within the claim.

General contact detail updates + Read more ...

Update the:

Note: email address is updated outside of the claim via the Contact Details from the Transaction Summary (TS) screen.

Accommodation + Read more ...

The start date on the Accommodation History (ACS) screen must align with the claim start date. The exception is where the customer or partner currently receive rent assistance with another payment e.g. Family Tax Benefit.


No action is needed if:

  • the customer or partner already receive Rent Assistance with Family Tax Benefit or another income support payment, and
  • rent has previously been verified within the last 12 months, and
  • the address/accommodation details have not changed

For all other circumstances, see Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen.

Free board and/or lodgings + Read more ...

  • SpB rate of payment is reduced by one third for free board or free lodgings, or by two thirds if both free board and lodgings are received
  • If the customer receives free board and/or lodgings
    • Record the information on the Accommodation (AC) screen. Coding the Type of Rent: field with either 'FBL' (free board and lodgings), 'FBD' (free board) or 'FLD' (free lodgings) will allow the system to calculate the reduced rate
  • Customer will receive the maximum basic rate if the code No Rent Paid (NRP) is coded on AC screen:
    • NRP should only be used for customers in a temporary situation or who are legitimately homeless to make sure they are not penalised by a rate reduction
    • Free board and lodging is regarded as temporary if it is provided for no more than 6 weeks
    • For example, when someone provides temporary free accommodation while the customer awaits payment of SpB or where they are only staying on someone's couch/floor while they find somewhere else to live. The AC screen must be updated to FBL, FBD, FLD at the SpB review if the free board and/or lodgings is ongoing
    • SpB service officer must check at the 13 weeks review, if NRP is coded update to FBL, FBD, FLD if the free board/lodging is ongoing



Residence + Read more ...

The new claim process will attempt a datalink with the Department of Home Affairs. If successful, the datalink will automatically record a customer's visa and movement information from 1 September 1994, and grants of Australian citizenship where available.

Immigration Limiting Date (ILD) on the RSIM screen decides which movements are used in the assessment of the customer record. Service Officers should adjust any data if they are aware of any date before the default date within the record that needs to be assessed for a correct outcome.

For example, an absence in the past 2 years, which may extend the NARWP dates or a departure from Australia that needs to be considered for assessment.

If the datalink is unsuccessful, the residence information must be manually recorded.



Study details + Read more ...

There are only limited circumstances where customers can receive SpB while undertaking studies.

SpB recipients under 18 years of age may undertake full-time secondary study of more than 12 months duration. A recipient who turns 18 years while undertaking secondary school may complete that year on a full-time basis. Under no other circumstances can full-time study of more than 12 months duration be approved for SpB recipients.

Education Details (EDCH) and Newstart Education Status (NES) screens

  • Do not code EDCH and NES screen if the customer is:
    • Under 16 years (USY) – They are not subject to mutual obligation. Coding of NES and/or EDCH screen may result in incorrect automatic benefit transfer to YA when they turn 16 years. This should not occur as they are required to lodge a legal claim for YA/ABSTUDY
    • 18 years and above – They are subject to mutual obligations. They must be referred to an employment service provider. Study can only be approved by the employment service provider who will include it in the customers Job Plan
  • Only code EDCH and NES screen if the customer is:
    • 16 to 18 years undertaking full time secondary studies - They are allowed to undertake full time secondary studies while on SpB, code EDCH and NES screen that will update Full Time Study on AEX screen. No referral to an employment service provider is required

Check the customer's study meets the Mutual obligation requirements for Special Benefit (SpB).

Does the customer appear eligible for SpB based on their SpB category and current study (this includes cases where the customer is not studying)?


Income and assets + Read more ...

Check the customer's:

Employment details may be pre-filled through Single Touch Payroll (STP) in the online claim for the customer to confirm. This includes the employer name and ABN. Staff can recognise a STP employer has been presented if the question “Do you work for (employer)” is displayed in the claim slider. Further details can be seen on the STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen.

Note: the Resources page of Coding income and assets for Centrelink payments and services has a table 'Income and assets - who can action' with links for more information including Small change to asset values.

Parental income test (PIT)

Customers under 22 years old, living with parents are subject to parental income test as per YA. If the parental income is above the threshold, reject SpB OSA. If the parental income is below the income threshold, use Payment Finder to calculate the SpB rate payable. Refer to Level 2 Helpdesk for assistance.

Requirement to claim foreign pension (if customer is of age pension age)

Unless an exemption applies, social security law requires a person who is in receipt of a Designated Australian payment to claim any Comparable Foreign Payment (CFP) which they may be entitled to. See Foreign pension claims

Designated Australian payment

  • Age Pension
  • Carer Payment (CP)
  • Disability Support Pension (DSP)
  • Parenting Payment Single (PPS)
  • Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP)

Although Special Benefit is not listed above, the requirement for SpB customers to pursue any income they may be entitled to is managed in the same way as comparable foreign payments. Note: the outcome of the foreign pension claim may take time, SpB claim should still be finalised if there are no other outstanding documents or information, as this can be followed up at the 13 weeks review.

One off support payments

Customers may receive various one-off support payments from the Australian Red Cross or a one-off immediate needs support package funded by the State Government. These one-off payments are not assessed as income or in kind support for Special Benefit purposes, however may be included in the available funds test. See the Resources page of Eligibility and new claim procedures for Special Benefit (SpB) for examples.


SPL Other Details (NSOD) screen + Read more ...

Determine the category of Special Benefit that applies to the customer.

Code the following on the NSOD screen:

  • The Date of Event: field will be provided by the system
  • Code the SPL Category: field with the appropriate SpB category

Code the Payable Under: field with the conditions under which SpB will be paid:

  • Code JSP for workforce age customers who are subject to mutual obligation requirements
  • JSP must also be coded for customers in the TPP SpB category
  • For all other SpB customers not subject to mutual obligation requirements, this field should be left blank.
  • Note below SpB categories for principal carers.
  • Non-NVH
    • Principal carer (single or partnered) with the youngest child aged under six, code NMP category, Payable Under field blank. They are exempt from mutual obligation requirement
    • Principal carer (partnered) with the youngest child aged six or over, code NMN category, Payable Under field ‘JSP’ condition. They have part-time job seeking requirements
    • Principal carer (single) with the youngest child aged six or over and under 14, code NMP category, Payable under JSP condition. They have part-time job seeking requirements
    • Principal carer 309 or 820 visa holders (single or partnered) with the youngest child aged under 6 years, code PPV category, Payable Under field blank. They are exempt from mutual obligation requirement
    • Principal carer 309 or 820 visa (single or partnered) with the youngest child aged six or over, code PPV category, Payable Under field: ‘JSP’ condition. They have part-time job seeking requirements
  • NVH
    • Principal carer (single or partnered) with the youngest child aged under six, code TPP category, Payable under JSP condition, mutual obligation exemption DCE (maximum 13 weeks) on AEX screen until the youngest child turns 6 years of age

Code the Available Funds Test: field with the appropriate available funds test

Coding on the NSOD screen will result in one of the following:

  • rejection of claim
  • automatically apply a Short Term Available Funds Test Preclusion Period

Outcomes from coding the NSOD screen will apply when the claim is assessed.


SPL Start Date Calculator (NSL) screen + Read more ...

The start day is the first day a social security payment is payable.

The start day of a payment is calculated based on the day a claim is made. In some circumstances, the start day may be earlier or later than the date a claim is made depending on factors such as backdating provisions and waiting periods. See:

On the NSL screen:

  • Check Eligibility End Date: field with the end date of the customer's eligibility. Note: the maximum period of eligibility for a customer is 13 weeks
  • The Calculated Claim Date: field is provided by the system
  • The Calculated Start Date: field is provided by the system
  • Make sure the New Migrant WP NARWP end date is showing the correct end date where applicable

Note: NARWP for 309 and 820 visa starts from the visa application date, only the physical presence in Australia should count towards the NARWP.

NSL screen displays the NARWP end date, however, staff must confirm the NARWP using the Time inside/outside Australia TIO screen in Process Direct to calculate NARWP or manually calculate the absence and deduct it from the number of weeks the customer has already spent in Australia during the NARWP period. If NSL displays incorrect NARWP end date, raise incident in Roxy.

If customer is subject to NARWP and the Service Officer is satisfied the customer has suffered a substantial change in circumstances beyond their control, code Y in the New Migrant WP End Exempt field on the SPL Start Date Calculator (NSL) screen, to exempt the NARWP.

  • For 309 visa granted offshore, the substantial change must occur after the arrival date
  • For 820 visa granted onshore, the substantial change must occur after the visa application date

The Manual Claim Date: and the Manual Start Date: fields are only to be updated if the calculated dates above are incorrect. This might be the case if the customer had lodged another claim in the 13 weeks before their SpB claim, which had been deemed an inappropriate claim. These fields cannot be updated with a date that is more than 13 weeks earlier than the date of receipt.


SpB child is assessed as unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) + Read more ...

If the under 16 years customer (USY) has been assessed as meeting UTLAH criteria by a social worker, refer to the social worker recommendation DOC. See Assessing unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) for customers claiming or receiving Youth Allowance (YA), Disability Support Pension (DSP), Special Benefit (SpB) or Tertiary Access Payment (TAP)

Check for confirmation the customer has been advised to test eligibility for YA if transitioning to 16 years of age within 13 weeks of claiming SpB. If no indication the customer has been advised to lodge an early claim for more appropriate payment (YA), advise customer or issue a letter (see letter template item no 2).

Code the Independent/Homeless/Away From Home Details (NIH) screen:

  • assessed independent status
  • start date for independence
  • start/reject reason, and
  • consent for parental contact details

Once the NIH screen has been coded with the UTLAH grant details, FTB is no longer payable for the customer.

Service Officers must check if the previous carer is receiving FTB and make sure FTB is cancelled before finalising the SpB claim.

Is the previous carer receiving FTB for the customer?

  • Yes,
    • create a Fast Note on the FTB recipient record. Select Auto text > Families > UPDATE > SPL Review: FTB care update required
    • Place the claim on hold for five business days using reason: Third party to claim
    • Procedure ends here.
  • No, continue processing the claim

When a USY customer is granted SpB, their qualification for Youth Allowance (YA)/ABSTUDY/Disability Support Pension (DSP) must be considered when they reach 16 years of age:

  • Australian Resident/citizens who are students and meet study requirements, or are undertaking a full-time Australian Apprenticeship may apply for YA as a student or Australian Apprentice, see Youth Allowance (YA) qualifications for students and Australian Apprentices
  • Australian residents looking for work or temporarily unable to work may apply for YA as a job seeker, see Claiming Youth Allowance (YA) (job seeker)
  • Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander customers who are studying or undertaking a full-time Australian Apprenticeship may apply for ABSTUDY, see Claiming ABSTUDY
  • Australian residents who have a physical, intellectual or psychiatric impairment that prevents them from working, or undertaking training, for 15 hours or more per week for at least 2 years, or are permanently blind, may apply for DSP, see Claiming Disability Support Pension (DSP)

Claims can be submitted up to 13 weeks before the qualification date. If SpB is to be granted to a USY customer who will turn 16 years within the next 13 weeks, SpB service officers must contact the customer to advise they may be eligible for YA/ ABSTUDY/DSP when they turn 16 years and assist them to submit an ACC where possible.

Note: customers under 16 years for whom it is unreasonable to live at home are experiencing vulnerability and may find navigating agency processes challenging. Supporting them with an ACC reduces the risk of payment cancellation.

Check if an ACC has already been submitted before contacting the customer.

Successful contact:

  • Submit ACC for YA, ABSTUDY or DSP
  • Advise the customer SpB will be cancelled when they turn 16 years. Tell them if this happens they can contact the agency for help
  • Update Eligibility End Date (EED) to 16 years minus 1 day
  • Code SAF – Assessed under shot-term available funds test on NSOD screen
  • Document customer record

Unsuccessful contact:

  • Make 2 genuine attempts to contact over 2 days. Where possible, make the attempts outside of school hours
  • Issue a manual letter, see Resources page for letter template
  • Update Eligibility End Date (EED) to letter issue date + 21 days
  • Code SAF – Assessed under shot-term available funds test on NSOD screen
  • Document customer record


SpB dependent customers + Read more ...

When an SpB customer does not meet the independence or UTLAH criteria they are considered dependent on their parent(s)/ guardian(s), and are subject to either Parental Means Test or the personal income test as per Youth Allowance (YA).

The rate of SpB to be paid is based on the test that results in the lowest payment each entitlement period.

When the MOD JY is received for a dependent customer if the Parental Income is above the threshold then reject OSA other means of support available. If the Parental Income is below the threshold use the Payment and Service Finder to calculate the rate of SpB payment available and escalate to the Level 2 Helpdesk for advice. Service Officers are to:

  • Place the claim on hold for 5 working days using the reason: Referred to Policy/Helpdesk
  • DOC the record advising ‘Referred to Policy/Helpdesk awaiting response’

The SpB Level 2 Helpdesk will aim to provide advice within 5 working days.


Additional screens + Read more ...

Depending on the information provided by the customer, additional screens may have to be selected.

Screens include:

  • Principal Carer Circumstances Details (PCCD)
  • Saving Summary (SVS)
  • Real Estate / Business Summary (REBS)
  • Tax File Number (TFN)

Resources page has common screens for SpB

Principal Carers

If a SpB customer is a principal carer, check the Principal Carer Circumstance Details (PCCD) screen for the principal carer status. Coding is needed, see the Resources page of Principal Carer of a Dependent Child.


SpB where customer is subject to a current Assurance of Support (AoS) + Read more ...

If a customer has an active AoS in place (AOE/CUR status), follow the process in Assuree makes a claim for an Assurance of Support (AoS) recoverable payment

Note: a social work referral is mandatory where the claim for payment has resulted from a relationship breakdown and family and domestic violence is a factor, see Social worker involvement with Special Benefit (SpB).

Update the AoS Checklist (AOCL) screen. System will either grant or reject depending on the answers to the four questions updated on the AOCL screen.

If customer has an AOS/ACC status on benefit status and is claiming SpB, the AOS case needs to be activated. Activation usually occurs when the status updates from accepted (ACC) to current (CUR). This happens when assuree(s):

  • arrive in Australia with the relevant visa (offshore visas), or
  • the relevant visa is granted while the assuree(s) are in Australia (onshore visas), whichever is later

The start date for each individual assuree should populate automatically via the Department of Home Affairs datalink.

If the datalink with the Department of Home Affairs has not worked, AoS Skill tag processing staff can manually update-see Activation, cancellation, transfer and expiry of an Assurance of Support (AoS) case.

Claim assessment and finalisation

Table 3




Claim outcomes + Read more ...

Changes to circumstances may affect the customer and/or partner's current payments and rates.

Update marital status and all information provided in the claim before finalising the claim. When Family and Domestic Violence is involved, make sure the marital status, address, contact details, nominees, are updated correctly before the claim is finalised, see Separating safely - protecting personal details.

Note: if the customer and/or partner Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) income is declared in a new claim and/or an edit/error or warning presents during new claim processing related to DVA clearance, see Payments from DVA and referrals to the DVA Clearance Team

After coding the claim and addressing any errors, is the customer eligible for SpB?


Granted claims + Read more ...

From the Errors (SWE) screen select Assess to go to the Entitlements (ELD) screen.

To check rate details, go to screens such as:

  • Payment Summary (PS) - check payments are starting from the right date. Make sure 'Number of months in past' is changed to '999' to view all potential arrears
  • Rate Summary (RATS)
  • Rate Component (RAC) - check arrears, overpayments and manual rate adjustments
  • Assessment Consequences (ASC) - determine debt investigation actions and stop advices


Finalise the claim + Read more ...

  • Select Finish
  • A claim finalisation DOC is automatically generated on the record. It has information about the claim outcome including:
    • claim submission date
    • claim ID
    • outcome of claim
    • Act reference
    • start or reject date/backdating date
    • reject reason (where applicable)
    • SpB category
    • visa subclass
    • visa grant date
    • citizenship
    • liquid funds
    • available funds
    • participation requirement/exemption
    • SpB rate payable
    • any additional comments
  • A dialogue box will show to record any additional notes in the DOC
  • Select Finish to complete the claim. A confirmation dialogue box will appear. Select OK
  • If a checklist of scans displays on the record, mark as complete using the tick boxes to close scans off the customer's record
  • If SpB status is assessed due to NAWRP being served in the next 3 months, manually reject the claim with reason NCC or NCA, and advise the customer to reapply when the NAWRP is served

If SpB is to be granted and customer is


Customer contact - SpB granted not paid under JSP condition + Read more ...

If SpB is granted and customer is not paid under JSP condition, make 1 genuine attempt to contact the customer once the claim is finalised.

Successful contact + Read more ...

Annotate the Claim Finalisation DOC with the details given to the customer.

Tell the customer:

  • their rate of payment, payment date and any waiting periods
  • about self service options such as enrolling their voiceprint for phone self service, the transactions available in their online account or Express Plus mobile app and how to access tutorials on the agency website, see Accessing and using Centrelink self service
  • SpB 13 weeks reviews and supporting documents. See Special Benefit (SpB) reviews
  • SpB available funds
  • to notify of any change in circumstances within 14 days to avoid a debt, including income, small change to asset values, relationship, study, caring responsibility, employment, noting any change in circumstances may impact their payment and rate

Unsuccessful contact + Read more ...

Annotate the Claim Finalisation DOC with the following information:

  • Contact attempt unsuccessful
  • Contact number/s: (what telephone numbers were used to attempt contact and if an SMS was sent)


Customer contact - SpB under JSP conditions + Read more ...

If SpB is to be granted and customer is paid under JSP condition, make two genuine attempts over two days, to advise the SpB mutual obligation, any temporary exemption and reporting requirements. Do not finalise the claim until after the two attempts are completed. Hold the claim for one day with reason ‘Pending Customer Contact’ if first attempt is unsuccessful and document date and time of contact.

If the customer is subscribed to Electronic Messaging (EM) service, issue a pre-call notification (SMS only) between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm, using the customer's local time. The SMS will let them know a Service Officer will call them today from a private number.

Successful contact + Read more ...

  • complete the Job Seeker Snapshot
  • where a job seeker's circumstances mean they can be Centrelink managed, negotiate a Job Plan
  • tell them about reporting and notification requirement, including to:
    • use their Centrelink online account or the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app to report
    • report for the specific dates within the reporting period
    • report the gross amount of earnings, and
    • complete any immediate or outstanding reports they must action
  • if they have overdue payments, (for example, more than 2 fortnights) they cannot report via Self Service, see Recording and correcting employment income details for more information
  • If there are two or more outstanding payments owing to the customer, discuss release of payments to avoid claim being rejected Failed to Report FRP overnight.
  • If it is confirmed the customer had no employment income for the fortnight pending, stimulate the payment by
    • select Assess
    • go to the RR screen
    • code 'Y' in the Report Indicator field, and
    • select Finish
  • Tell the customer:
    • their rate of payment, payment date and any waiting periods
    • about self service options such as enrolling their voiceprint for phone self service, the transactions available in their online account or Express Plus mobile app and how to access tutorials on the agency website, see Accessing and using Centrelink self service
    • SpB 13 weeks reviews and supporting documents. See Special Benefit (SpB) reviews
    • SpB available funds
    • to notify of any change in circumstances within 14 days to avoid a debt, including income, small change to asset values, relationship, study, caring responsibility, employment, noting any change in circumstances may impact their payment and rate

Unsuccessful contact + Read more ...

Hold the claim for one day with reason ‘Pending Customer Contact’ if first attempt is unsuccessful and document date and time of contact

Document the two attempts to contact

Note: if unable to confirm employment income for arrears payment, system automatically rejects Failed to Report (FRP) overnight. The claim will need to be reindexed.


Temporary exemptions from mutual obligation requirements + Read more ...

Depending on visa subclass and customer circumstances, mutual obligation exemptions must be considered where appropriate.

A customer may have an incapacity exemption due to serious illness. Medical certificates lodged as part of a new claim are recorded manually on the Medical Conditions (MC) screen in Process Direct and are assessed as part of the new claim.

See Assessing and coding medical evidence for temporary incapacity exemptions.

Staff must create a DOC on the customer's record, which provides the rationale behind any decision to grant or not grant a temporary incapacity exemption.

If a temporary exemption is applied, code the temporary exemption on the AEX screen using the appropriate exemption reason code.

Partner bereavement + Read more ...

If a customer advised within the SpB claim their partner has died, and the customer is currently subject to mutual obligation requirements, the customer is eligible for a bereavement exemption for the 14 weeks bereavement period. The customer must notify of their partner’s death within the 14 week bereavement period.

If the customer is pregnant and the pregnancy due date is more than 14 weeks after the partner's death, then the customer can notify of the death at any time until the child is born or pregnancy ends. The bereavement exemption will be applied for the 14 weeks bereavement period or to the end of the pregnancy (whichever is longer).

Note: following the end of the pregnancy, the customer may be eligible for another exemption, due to their pregnancy, until 6 weeks after the birth of their child – even if stillborn or placed for adoption.

To enable the bereavement exemption, after the claim is finalised, code details on the NMIS screen:

  • Date of partner death and date of notification: as advised in the claim
  • Notified by: Customer
  • Leave the bereavement payment type blank
  • Leave the event date and eligibility end date fields unchanged
  • Activity Action type: 'Change' action if Date of Event is the same, and 'Insert' action if Date of Event is different

Finalise the activity, then go to Activity test Exemption (AEX) screen to check that BPP (bereavement period - partner) or BPE (bereavement period - pregnant partner) is showing

Rejecting SpB claim

Table 4




Decision to reject SpB claim + Read more ...

Before rejecting make sure:

  • the customer does not meet the qualification and payability of Special Benefit, and
  • the decision to reject the claim is correct
  • the customer does not have a UTLAH assessment in progress, or does not meet the other Independence criteria

Note: if a UTLAH assessment is in progress, do not reject the claim FSD (failed to supply documents). If it is not already, place the claim on hold pending the outcome of the assessment.

Where the customer does not meet the eligibility requirements for payment, the claim should reject automatically due to details coded in the claim. There are circumstances where manual rejection via the Benefit Action (BA) screen may be required.

If manually rejecting SpB

Before implementing the decision, Service Officers must contact the customer to Record all details of the decision and the discussion with the customer in the rejection DOC.


Contact the customer + Read more ...

Before rejecting the SpB claim, Service Officers are required to make 2 genuine attempts over 2 days to contact the customer. Put the claim on hold with reason ‘Pending Customer Contact’ if first attempt is unsuccessful and document the date and time of attempt.

When advising verbally of an unfavourable decision the Service Officer must provide the customer with an explanation of the decision and an opportunity to provide further information or evidence.

During the discussion, confirm the customer circumstance to establish any substantial change in circumstances beyond the customer control and any committed funds. Discuss with the customer or nominee:

  • explain the decision
  • give them a chance to provide more information if relevant,
  • if they are serving a waiting period, when they can reapply, and
  • advise their review and appeal rights

See Advising verbally of an unfavourable decision

Note: if rejecting for reason FSD or FRC:

  • Ask the customer to upload documents while on the call and finalise the claim:
    • if the customer does not have access to documents requested during the call, advise them they must upload the evidence via the requested task in the online claim on the day. This is so their claim can be processed as soon as possible
    • the claim will be rejected if they do not provide the evidence
    • if the customer cannot supply the documents advise them to upload the required documents within 13 weeks for reassessment of the claim
  • If the customer uploads the documents within 13 weeks of rejection, a work item allocates to SpB processing Service Officers.

Note: if a UTLAH assessment is in progress, do not reject the claim FSD (failed to supply documents). If it is not already, place the claim on hold pending the outcome of the assessment.

Is contact successful?

  • Yes, and the customer:
    • can provide requested documents now or new information that will change the claim outcome, continue assessing the claim
    • cannot provide requested documents now, but can upload on the day annotate the progress of claim DOC, with the contact outcome. If the requested documents are not provided when the claim is re-allocated the following day, continue with claim rejection. Go to Step 3
    • cannot provide requested documents now or new information that will change the claim outcome, continue with claim rejection and DOC the record with any discussion held and action required. Go to Step 3
  • No,
    • Annotate the progress of claim DOC confirming the time contact was attempted and list any additional documents required
    • Place claim on hold for one day with reason Pending Customer Contact, and make second attempt next day. If still unsuccessful, document the date and time of the attempt, continue with claim rejection


Multiple rejection reasons + Read more ...

It is possible that in addition to the system determined rejection, the Service Officer notices other rejection reasons while assessing the claim, taking into account eligibility for Special Benefit.

The system will determine the most appropriate rejection reason (based on a hierarchy).

If the Service Officer notices that more than one reason could result in the rejection of the SpB claim, they must:

  • provide the customer with all the reasons their claim would be rejected, and
  • clearly document all the rejection reasons on customer's record

If rejecting a customer's claim for one of the following reasons, refer the claim to the DVA Clearance Team for review. See Table 1, Step 7 in Payments from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) and referrals to the DVA Clearance Team:

  • Service Pension/ Income Support Supplement (DVA)
  • DSS Age Pension paid by DVA (AGC)

If the customer wishes to appeal the decision to reject their claim, all the rejection reasons can be addressed in the one appeal.

For more information see

To finalise:

  • Select Assess
  • Check the results on the ELD screen

If the outcome is:

  • correct, select Finish
  • incorrect, correct any screens causing an incorrect outcome before selecting Finish

The Claim Finalisation DOC displays. Record all details of the decision and the discussion with the customer in the rejection DOC.

Select Finalise to complete the claim. A confirmation dialog box appears. Select OK.

Where a checklist of scans displays, mark each as complete using the tick boxes to close them.


Streamline rejection + Read more ...

Full claim coding is not required if the claim is to be rejected because of one of the following reasons:

  • FSD - failed to supply documents. If the customer has intentionally provided incorrect information (for example, completely unrelated documents or images) the claim must be rejected
  • FRC - failed to reply to correspondence
  • COP - another payment is more appropriate
  • CPP - customer receiving precluding payment

To stream line reject:

  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen
  • Select Add
  • Tick the Streamline Rejection box
  • Select the appropriate reason/s
  • Save rejection information
  • Select Assess
  • Errors (SWE) screen displays. Address any errors
  • Select Assess
  • Entitlement (ELD) screen displays. Make sure the correct rejection reason is displaying
  • Select Finalise
  • Finalisation DOC displays. Record all details of the decision and the discussion with the customer in the rejection DOC. For reason FSD, list all outstanding documents
  • Select Finish to complete the claim. A confirmation dialog box appears. Select OK

Where a checklist of scans displays, mark each as complete using the tick boxes to close them.

Note: changes to circumstances that may affect the customer and/or partner's current payments or benefits must be updated after completing the streamline rejection. For example, update the marital status and any other information provided in the claim.

Procedure ends here.


Manual rejection + Read more ...

Where the rejection reason cannot be automatically (auto) determined by the system, a manual rejection should be coded.

A manual rejection may be required in the following circumstances:

  • HAR - Not considered in hardship
  • OSA - Other means of support available
  • NCC - Migrant (two year waiting period) - no change in circumstances
  • NCA - NARWP assessment not met (four year waiting period)
  • USY - U16 does not meet SpB guidelines (UTLAH rejected)
  • OTH - Other
    • Do not use OTH if a more appropriate manual rejection is available. For example, for study requirements not met.
    • In the event rejection, OTH is used as a last resort.
    • A Q134 is the appropriate letter to send, as it advises a customer of the rejection/cancellation/suspension of their payment, and it provides free text space for an explanation of the reason.
    • It also advises the customer of their review rights and feedback options. See Creating a Q134 letter

Income related rejection reasons

If the customer and/or partner has provided evidence of income over the allowable limit, code the income and the system will auto reject SPL/REJ-INC - Income too high.

Residency related rejection reasons

If a customer does not hold a temporary visa, SpB will auto reject No Temporary Visa – NTV.

If a customer is a Non-protected special category visa (SCV) holder, SpB will auto reject Non-protected special category visa (SCV) holder – NSV.

If a customer is serving NARWP, SpB will auto reject NW2 (Residency less than 104 weeks) or NWA (NARWP assessment not met).

If the customer has a NARWP end date within 13 weeks in the future, the claim will grant with a status of assessed (ASS). There are no early claim provisions for SpB, manual reject the claim with reason:

  • NCC - Migrant (two year waiting period) or- no change in circumstances
  • NCA - NARWP assessment not met (four year waiting period)

To manually reject:

  • Go to the Benefit Action (BA) screen
  • Select Add
  • Select the appropriate reason/s
  • Save rejection information
  • Select Assess
  • SWE screen displays. Address any errors
  • Select Assess
  • Entitlement (ELD) screen displays. Make sure the correct rejection reason is displaying
  • Select Finalise
  • Finalisation DOC displays. Record all details of the decision and the discussion with the customer in the rejection DOC
  • Select Finish to complete the claim. A confirmation dialog box appears. Select OK

Where a checklist of scans displays, mark each as complete using the tick boxes to close them.

Note: changes to circumstances that may affect the customer and/or partner's current payments or benefits must be updated after completing the streamline rejection. For example, update the marital status and any other information provided in the claim.

An automatic letter will be issued.

Procedure ends here.


Check if a manual letter is required + Read more ...

Check if the rejection reason needs a manual letter, see Cancellation, suspension and rejection reason codes for Newstart System (NSS).

A manual letter will be required if a Manual Follow-up (MFU) activity was created on the Activity List (AL) screen after finalising the rejection activity.

Customer studying full time, see Resources page for letter template.


Send the manual letter + Read more ...

Send a manual letter (Q134) to the customer giving the reason(s) for rejecting the claim and advising their review and appeal rights.

Sometimes an automatic letter will reject. This creates a letter activity on the AL screen. Selecting the activity may display the letter. Others must be selected from the Text Find (TF) screen.

DOC the record advising a manual letter has been sent.

Procedure ends here

Reindexing claims

Table 5




Reasons for re-indexing + Read more ...

Reasons for re-indexing SpB claim:

  • The claim was rejected and all required documents have now been provided
  • A review of the original decision
  • To regenerate the original claim activity after it was cancelled so another activity could be processed
    • failed to report (FRP), or
    • where errors are identified which result in an incorrect outcome

For more information see Request to reassess a rejected claim


Re-indexing claims in Process Direct + Read more ...

To implement the decision to reindex the original claim in Process Direct.

Select the Customer Summary tile:

  • on the Search Customers screen, enter the Customer Reference Number (CRN) in the CRN field and select Go
  • select the CRN link from the Search Results
  • select Transactions icon
  • select All Transactions
  • select the Transaction ID of the completed claim that needs to be reassessed
  • the Claim Application screen displays
  • select More Options icon > Re-index Claim

Re-indexed claims will generate a new CoC Interaction transaction ID and display as Re-index Claim to be allocated for processing. For more information see Indexing, re-indexing, and cancelling claim activities

Once re-indexed Service Officers are to complete claim assessment and finalisation.