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Determining proof of rent for the Verification field on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen 108-18092616

Staff must:
- start at Step 1 > Table 1. The following steps and tables are a step-by-step guide
- use Customer First to complete accommodation updates unless within a Process Direct Transaction or Claim activity

This document outlines how to decide if verification of rent is needed. It also explains what to code in the Rent Verification field when verification is not needed, or if it is needed and has not yet been received.

On this page:

Rent verification

Verification not provided

Rent verification

Table 1




COVID-19 rent verification waiver + Read more ...

Throughout this procedure, if the customer is partnered, check the partner record. Apply the same checks to both customer and partner.

Was the customer's claim or updated accommodation details received during the relevant COVID-19 rent verification waiver period (before 25 September 2020) relevant to their payment type?


Customer contact reason + Read more ...

Has the customer and/or partner contacted about a Rent Assistance (RA) Profile review or Location Intervention - Accommodation Certificate (SU657)?

  • Yes, these forms are to be actioned only by the Rent Review Processing team or Location Intervention Compliance team. If verification is being determined by:
  • No, go to Step 3


Applying rent verification codes UPL and RVL + Read more ...

The following codes only apply when the customer has updated their accommodation details using the online service:

  • RA paying - Rent Verification to be uploaded - UPL
  • Upload Rent Verification Required - RVL

To find the rent verification code that was determined by the online service:

  • Customer First, go to the Document List (DL) screen and view the DOC 'Cus COA UPD CLI Cust AAC Online Update'
  • Process Direct, go to the Notes tab and display the note for the relevant 'Change of Circumstance - CoC ID'

Check if all of the following apply:

  • the customer updated their accommodation details using the online service
  • the update did not automatically complete and has been allocated for finalisation
  • the rent verification code that was determined by the online service is UPL or RVL

Do all of the above apply?


Finalising the online service update + Read more ...

When finalising the online service update and the code UPL or RVL is to be applied, staff should not change the code unless it is incorrect.

Based on the customer's circumstances, is the rent verification code of UPL or RVL correct?

Note: if there is reason to suspect the information provided is fraudulent, staff can use Rent Verification Required - RVR instead of UPL for customers who are paid RA with their income support payment. The decision to use RVR must be recorded in a DOC. Search RVR in the A-Z of Rent Assistance terms and codes for more details.


Rent paid + Read more ...

Is the customer paying rent for their accommodation?


Rent threshold + Read more ...

Is the rent paid above the applicable rent threshold?

  • Yes, go to Step 7
  • No, the customer is not entitled to RA. Verification is not needed. A Rent Certificate (SU523HD) is not to be sent:
    • if the Sharer Status code is Exempt from Sharers rate - XSH, go to Step 15
    • if the Sharer Status code is Exempt - EXE, go to Step 14
    • if the customer is living in a retirement village, go to Step 16
    • for all new claims and change in circumstances AC updates the correct verification code is Change of address – COA, go to Step 19


Payment of RA + Read more ...

Check the customer's entitlement to RA Rent Assistance (RA) eligibility criteria which apply to all customers Additional RA eligibility criteria which apply to specific customer groups Payability of Rent Assistance to customers in some situations For some customers not all of the rent paid is used when calculating RA RA for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and regular care child(ren) Assessing RA for customers in rental relief schemes and subsidy arrangements using:

  • the information provided by the customer
  • supporting documents, for example, lease/tenancy agreement

Assessment of eligibility and accommodation update is to be done using information provided/available.

Is the customer eligible for RA?

  • Yes, go to Step 10
  • No, and the customer:
    • has children who may claim ABSTUDY, Youth Allowance (YA) or Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC), go to Step 8
    • does not meet the above criteria, go to Step 9


Customer has children claiming/receiving ABSTUDY, YA or AIC + Read more ...

The parent may not be eligible for a Services Australia payment, however a notional rate of FTB is calculated as part of the parental income test if:

  • the student applies for any of these payments, and
  • there are other dependent siblings

Does the customer want to provide verification of rent?

  • Yes:
  • No, verification is not needed:
    • the correct verification code is Not Verified - NVE
    • RA will not pay and a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) will not issue
    • go to Step 19


RA eligibility may change + Read more ...

The customer may not receive RA at the time of notification however changes may occur making RA payable in the near future. For example:

  • Family Tax Benefit (FTB) reconciliation income changes
  • Dependent YA children living at home may become eligible for independence
  • ABSTUDY, YA or Disability Support Pension (DSP) customers soon to be paid the away from home rate
  • JobSeeker Payment (JSP), DSP and ABSTUDY customers become eligible for RA due to their age

Will the customer be eligible for RA in the near future?

  • Yes, and the customer is residing in boarding style exempt accommodation, go to Step 15
  • Yes, and rent verification will be required to pay RA when eligible:
  • No, verification is not needed:
    • the correct verification code is Not Verified - NVE
    • RA will not pay and a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) will not issue
    • go to Step 19


Government rent + Read more ...

A primary tenant paying rent to a state/territory housing authority is not entitled to RA.

A sub-tenant is entitled to RA when the state/territory housing authority:

  • is charging the primary tenant market rent for the property, or
  • has been told by the primary tenant (leaseholder) they have a sub-tenant and has taken the sub-tenant's income into account when calculating the rental for the dwelling

Is the customer paying rent to a state/territory housing authority?

  • Yes, and the customer is:
    • the primary tenant or a sub-tenant not eligible for RA, verification is not needed. Leave the Rent Verification field blank, go to Step 19
    • a sub-tenant eligible for RA, go to Step 12
  • No, go to Step 11


Community housing organisation + Read more ...

The Electronic Verification of Rent (EVoR) service is used by some community housing organisations to automatically verify rent paid. When done, the rent verification shows as Verified electronically - VEE or as EXB ,EXC, EXE, EXR or EXV where the customer has a current exemption.

Note: to check if an update is completed via EVoR, staff can view the AMR of the update on the ES or HAL screens, checking the source = AUTO and keywords = EVoR.

Has EVoR been used to verify the rent as Verified Electronically - VEE and are all details on the Accommodation Details (AC) screen are correct?


Income support or Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claim or transfer + Read more ...

Check if all of the following apply:

  • a new claim or payment transfer is being processed
  • no change to the AC screen is needed
  • accommodation details have previously been recorded as verified, and
    • the customer was previously receiving RA for the existing accommodation details, or
    • the customer currently receives RA, which will continue

Do all of the above apply?


Timeframe since previous verification + Read more ...

Accommodation details will not need to be re-verified, however if and how the ACS screen is updated depends on when the previous rent verification was last recorded.

Has the current accommodation been verified within 12 months of the new claim/transfer?

  • Yes, further verification is not needed:
    • if a change in marital status has updated the Rent Verification field with Link of two customers - LNK or Unlink of two customers - ULK, update the rent verification field to the same code that existed prior to LNK/ULK (e.g., VEF/VEC/VED) or to Verified (Rent Declaration) - VED if the previous code was Verified Electronically - VEE. Go to Step 19
    • if the new claim process has updated the Rent Verification field with New Claim-14 days to verify – NCL, delete the NCL line on the ACS screen, go to Step 19
    • for all other circumstances, do not recode the Rent Verification field, go to Step 19
  • No, rent does not need to be re-verified:
    • the correct verification code is Verified (Rent Declaration) - VED
    • go to Step 19


Non-boarding style exempt accommodation + Read more ...

Verification is not needed when the customer is living in:

  • a 'refuge type' accommodation (a refuge, crisis or emergency accommodation which is short term), the correct verification code is Exempt as customer is living in a refuge - EXR
  • a care facility (temporary or permanent) and eligible for RA. For example, a nursing home type patient, an unfunded place in residential care, supported accommodation, a detoxification, rehabilitation, or mental health facility etc. The correct verification code is Exempt as customer full time in non-Commonwealth Residential Care - EXC

For more details, review the definition for exempt accommodation or search exempt accommodation in the A-Z of Rent Assistance terms and codes.

Does the customer live in one of the above?

  • Yes, verification is not needed:
    • RA can be paid if the rate is above the threshold
    • explain to the customer they may no longer be exempt from providing rent verification if they move into another type of accommodation
    • the Sharer Status field must be Exempt - EXE
    • go to Step 19
  • No, go to Step 15


Boarding style exempt accommodation + Read more ...

Customers do not need to provide rent verification when they live in exempt accommodation.

This also applies for ABSTUDY secondary students:

  • approved for the away from home rate boarding in a hostel or at boarding school, and
  • the boarding institution provides the official board charge

For more details, review the definition for exempt accommodation or search exempt accommodation in the A-Z of Rent Assistance terms and codes.

Is the customer living in exempt accommodation?

  • Yes, verification is not needed:
    • the correct verification code is Exempt as customer in boarding style accommodation - EXB
    • RA can be paid if the rate is above the threshold
    • explain to the customer they may no longer be exempt from providing rent verification if they move into another type of accommodation
    • Sharer Status field must be Exempt from Sharers Rate - XSH
    • go to Step 19
  • No, go to Step 16


Retirement village + Read more ...

Verification is not needed when the customer is living in a retirement village and they are regarded as a non-homeowner due to the amount of the entry contribution.

Is the customer living in a retirement village?

  • Yes, verification is not needed:
    • the correct verification code is Exempt as customer in a Retirement Village - EXV
    • RA can be paid if the rate is above the threshold
    • explain to the customer they may no longer be exempt from providing rent verification if they move into another type of accommodation
    • go to Step 19
  • No, go to Step 17


Reduced verification for rent assistance + Read more ...

Does the customer meet reduced verification for rent assistance?

  • Yes, verification is not needed:
    • the correct verification code is Verified (Rent Declaration) - VED
    • go to Step 19
  • No, go to Step 18


Verification is needed + Read more ...

Tell the customer what options they have to verify their rent. Include in the DOC why the customer does not meet reduced verification for rent assistance rules. If verification:


Verification not needed + Read more ...

Tell the customer they:

  • do not need to provide any verification documents, and
  • should tell the agency if their circumstances change

If rental verification been provided and it was not needed

Verification not provided

Table 2




Check customer circumstances + Read more ...

Is the customer in financial hardship or affected by an emergency/natural disaster:

any other customers, go to Step 9


Financial hardship rent verification provisions + Read more ...

If the customer is in financial hardship or has been affected by emergency/natural disaster Financial hardship rent verification provisions may apply.


Financial hardship + Read more ...

Financial hardship rent verification provisions can be used to extend the date verification is due:

  • This includes re-starting RA if it has been cancelled Not Verified - NVE
  • An example of when this would apply is if the customer is having difficulty contacting their landlord or their landlord has refused to sign a Rent Certificate (SU523HD)

Financial hardship rent verification provisions apply if the customer:

  • has had rent verification coded as Change of address - COA or New Claim-14 days to verify - NCL, and
  • they will be financially disadvantaged because:
    • they cannot verify their RA before it is due to automatically stop (NVE), or
    • RA has already stopped (NVE)

Customers with a 28 day extension to verify their rent who fail to do so will have RA stopped.

Go to Step 3.

Emergency/natural disaster + Read more ...

Due to an emergency/natural disaster, a customer:

  • due to return rent verification including documents for rent reviews, may be unable to do so
  • may have had RA cancelled because they have not returned rent verification documents

Affected customers may:

  • not have received advice of the RA cancellation due to a mail delay, or
  • have lost or misplaced rent verification documents

Financial hardship rent verification provisions can apply in these situations.

Go to Step 3


Extending the date verification is due + Read more ...

Check if the customer is still receiving RA. RA has stopped if the code in the Rent Verification field on the AC screen is Not Verified - NVE.

Is the customer still receiving RA at the time of contact?

  • Yes:
    • create a new activity with the date the customer contacted as the Date of Event
    • the correct verification code is Hardship-28 days to verify - HAR
    • a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) will be automatically created and issued
    • RA will continue to be paid for 28 days from the date the activity is finalised
    • go to Step 11
  • No, restore RA by selecting the NVE line on the AC screen
    • update the verification to Hardship-28 days to verify - HAR
    • a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) will be automatically created and issued
    • arrears of RA will be paid (use the Review of Assessment (ROA) screen if needed)
    • payment of RA will continue for 28 days from the date the activity is finalised
    • go to Step 11


New claim for FTB + Read more ...

Different coding is needed if the customer claiming FTB receives RA with an ISP at the time of the claim, and:

  • notifies a change in accommodation details in the FTB claim, or
  • an accommodation update was made in a recent ISP claim or update and verification of rent is outstanding

If these circumstances apply to the customer and the FTB claim is a:

  • Post-birth claim being granted, go to step 10
  • Pre-birth claim being rejected or assessed or post birth claim being rejected:
    • the verification code is Change of address - COA or New Claim-14 days to verify - NCL (whichever is the most applicable). RA will pay for 28 days from the date the activity is finalised. Additional COA or NCL lines are not needed if already recorded in a recent ISP claim or update
    • a rent certificate:
      - will be issued automatically if the information recorded is the most recent DOV on the AC screen
      - must be issued manually if the information is not the most recent DOV on the AC screen
      - do not delete more recent DOV entries on the AC screen unless they have been recorded incorrectly
    • record the reason for selecting COA/NCL on the DOC, go to Step 11

If these circumstances do not apply to the customer:

  • the correct verification option is Rent Verification Required - RVR
  • RA will not be paid
  • a Rent Certificate (SU523HD):
    • will be issued automatically if the information recorded is the most recent DOV on the AC screen
    • must be issued manually if the information is not the most recent DOV on the AC screen
    • do not delete more recent AC DOV entries unless they have been recorded incorrectly
  • go to Step 11


New claim for ISP or ABSTUDY + Read more ...

If the customer is already receiving FTB, check if the RA will be paid with FTB or with the primary benefit.

Is the customer already receiving FTB and RA will be paid with FTB?

  • Yes, go to Step 10
  • No, RA will be paid with the ISP or ABSTUDY:
    • the correct verification code is New Claim-14 days to verify - NCL
    • NCL can only be applied within a provisional new claim activity
    • RA arrears may be payable. Payment of RA will continue for 28 days from the date the activity is finalised
    • go to Step 11


New claim for DSP + Read more ...

Where DSP claim is being finalised after Selective Application of Data (SAD) was previously applied, go to step 9.

Is the customer/partner receiving FTB/ISP and RA will be paid with FTB/ISP?


DSP claim continued + Read more ...

When RA will be paid with the DSP check if the DSP claim must be streamed.

Where SAD is:

  • Not to be applied as the claim is being finalised:
  • The correct verification code is New Claim - 14 days to verify - NCL
  • NCL can only be applied in a provisional new claim activity
  • Where DSP claim is granted, an SU523HD will be issued. RA arrears may be payable from the DSP claim start date. Payment of RA will continue for 28 days from the date the activity is finalised

Go to Step 11.

  • To be applied:
  • The correct verification code is Change of Address - COA.
  • Applying COA does not issue a SU523HD and RA will not pay as the customer is not in receipt of any FTB or ISP
  • Further ACS coding will be required when the DSP claim is being finalised in the future

Procedure ends here.


DSP NCL finalised after SAD + Read more ...

When finalising a DSP claim following a SAD activity, where the customer and/or partner was:

In receipt of ISP/FTB when SAD was applied:

  • The verification code of Change of Address - COA was applied on ACS within the SAD activity a SU523HD was issued, and RA was paid for 28 days
  • If rent verification has not been provided within 28 days, ACS will automatically update to Not Verified - NVE, no further AC processing is required until customer provides verification document/s requested.

Procedure ends here.

  • the verification code of Rent Verification Required - RVR was applied on ACS within the SAD activity a SU523HD was issued, and RA was not paid. no further AC processing is required until customer provides verification document/s requested.

Procedure ends here.

Not in receipt of ISP/FTB when SAD was applied:

  • The verification code Chg Address/Accom Circs-14 days to verify - COA. on ACS within the SAD activity will not have issued a SU523HD
  • If ACS has automatically updated to Not Verified - NVE 28 days after COA was applied, delete the NVE line
  • If rent verification is still required, select the original COA entry, and update the rent verification code to New Claim - 14 days to verify - NCL from the date of claim
  • When the DSP claim is granted, an SU523HD will be issued. RA arrears will be payable from the DSP claim start date until 28 days after the claim is finalised

Go to Step 11.


Check customer circumstances + Read more ...

Review Customers receiving RA with their primary payment instead of FTB to determine which payment RA is payable with.

  • RA will be paid with: Family Tax Benefit (FTB), go to Step 10
    • the correct verification code is Chg Address/Accom Circs-14 days to verify - COA. This is even if the last verification was COA.
    • a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) will be automatically created and issued
    • RA arrears may be payable. Payment of RA will continue for 28 days from the date the activity is finalised
    • If there is reason to suspect the information provided is fraudulent, Rent Verification Required – RVR can be used. The decision to use RVR must be recorded in a DOC. See RVR for more information
    • go to Step 11


RA paid with FTB + Read more ...

Is the customer currently receiving RA with FTB or FTB is being granted and RA will be paid with FTB?

  • Yes, and the accommodation change has been notified:
    • within 14 days, the correct verification code is Chg Address/Accom Circs-14 days to verify - COA. This is even if the last verification was COA. RA arrears may be payable. Payment of RA will continue for 28 days from the date the activity is finalised
    • go to Step 11
    • outside 14 days, the correct verification code is Rent Verification Required - RVR
    • RA will not be paid
    • a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) will be issued automatically if the information recorded is the most recent DOV on the AC screen and must be issued manually if the information is not the most recent DOV on the AC screen.
    • do not delete more recent AC DOV entries unless they have been recorded incorrectly
    • go to Step 11
  • No:
    • the correct verification option is Rent Verification Required - RVR
    • RA will not be paid
    • a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) will be issued automatically if the information recorded is the most recent DOV on the AC screen and must be issued manually if the information is not the most recent DOV on the AC screen
    • do not delete more recent AC DOV entries unless they have been recorded incorrectly.
    • go to Step 11


Advice to customer + Read more ...

Tell the customer to provide verification of the type of accommodation and the amount of rent paid.

If the customer is having difficulty contacting their landlord, their landlord has refused to sign a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) or they are travelling and move regularly consider providing them with a Rentg Declaration (SU336M).

  • if travelling, the customer may bring in rent receipts with their SU336M for each address change
  • customers should be encouraged to notify of their address change on the day of each move
  • SU336M is not available via the customer’s Centrelink online account

If the customer is:

  • registered online, they can:
    • return the required documents using Upload documents online, or
    • view, print and save their SU523HDs for up to 19 weeks. This is done from the Request a document option in their Centrelink online account
  • not registered online, the customer can:
    • use the reply paid envelope provided, or
    • deliver documents to a service centre

If the customer does not provide verification within 28 days:

  • RA will stop
  • the system will automatically update the AC screen verification code to Not Verified - NVE

If this procedure was accessed from Completing the Accommodation Details (AC) screen and assessing Rent Assistance (RA) it will have opened in a new window. Close this procedure and return there.