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Solutions Gateway Team 277-09160000

This document outlines the process for the management of customers by the Solutions Gateway Team (SGT).

On this page:

Warm transfer to SGT

Intray referrals to SGT

SGT service recovery

Employer Services consolidated revenue reassignments

Late A18 applications

Potential identity mismatch

Data integrity

Tip off

ATO dupe amended income

Warm transfer to SGT

Table 1




Service Officer responsibilities before a warm transfer + Read more ...

  • Review the case
  • Ask clarifying questions to determine what outcome the customer is seeking
  • Use support materials such as Operational Blueprint to resolve the customer’s issue and respond to their concern

Seek support from a Service Support Officer, Team Leader, or other specialist team where appropriate before referring to SGT.

If a customer asks to speak to a Team Leader or supervisor, establish if they:

  • are making a complaint
  • do not understand the information given to them
  • would like to discuss the matter with someone else

This will help to determine whether to refer to a Team Leader or SGT.

Complaints must be managed as per Managing complaints and feedback.

Do not remove the headset before ending a phone call. See Table 15 in Contact with Child Support customers.

Finalise all presenting issues within Service Officer scope.

SGT referral criteria

Resources has a link to Solutions Gateway Team (SGT) Quick Reference Guide for information.

Refer the customer to the SGT according to Referrals to the Solutions Gateway Team table in Customer referral guidelines for Child Support staff.


Warm transfer received - SGT Officer responsibilities + Read more ...

Customers will be warm transferred by a Service Officer.

The SGT Officer who answers the call will:

  • clarify with the Service Officer the customer issues and what action has already occurred
  • confirm that the customer is not dissatisfied and actually wants to lodge a complaint
  • ask the Service Officer what the customer is hoping to achieve
  • identify if the Service Officer requires further support. If so, refer the Service Officer to their Team Leader
  • confirm whether any follow up information will be provided with the Service Officer
  • let the Service Officer know when they can end their call

This should not be a long conversation because the customer is on hold, no more than 2-3 minutes. Do not undertake a case review or provide technical information during the transfer.

Accept all calls transferred to the SGT unless the call:

  • meets one of the Level 2 complaint escalation reasons
  • is a Security incident or an incident of customer aggression - these calls do not meet the criteria for referral to SGT and should not be transferred to the SGT

If a referral does not meet the SGT referral criteria, provide feedback after the call via the Staff Feedback Tool.

Use the SGT Referral macro in real time to record the interaction in the Customer Review Gateway window, see Solutions Gateway Team (SGT) Cuba Process Help. There should only be one SGT interaction recorded in Cuba.


Undertake a real time case review + Read more ...

A real time case review gives an overview of the case history and any unresolved issues. It does not investigate case issues to the extent of an objection or a Level 2 complaint.

Conduct a review while the customer is on the phone by:

  • researching the case to confirm the timeline of events and issues discussed with the customer
  • asking the customer what they believe the issues are
  • identifying the issues to be resolved
  • identifying any underlying issues (including non-Child Support issues) that may be impacting on the customer’s acceptance or understanding of a Child Support decision

Use the G.R.O.W model to ask clarifying questions, to gain an understanding of the customer's current situation.

If an extensive review is required and cannot be resolved in real time, go to Step 6.


Identify options + Read more ...

After reviewing the case and getting information from the customer, consider:

  • administrative options available to resolve the issues
  • errors or omissions to be corrected
  • decisions to be made or reviewed
  • any actions the customer could take to assist with resolution, such as objections or court proceedings
  • customer behaviours or limitations that may impact on resolution
  • what outcomes the customer wants to achieve, including:
    • an apology
    • acknowledging their concerns
    • an explanation of an action or decision
    • correcting an error
    • formally reconsidering the decision (objection)
    • lodging a Level 1 complaint

Take a holistic case management approach, as there may be other unresolved issues or errors that the customer has not identified.

If additional time is needed to consider appropriate options, go to Step 6.


Resolution + Read more ...

Explain to the customer:

  • the outcome of the review
  • options for resolution
  • confirm a way forward
  • what actions will be taken, and any action the customer needs to take

Providing a customer with an action plan of incremental steps assists them to understand how to progress their issue to resolution. Emphasise what can be done to resolve the issues, rather than what cannot.

Resolution may include:

If the customer requests a letter confirming the outcome of an interaction with the SGT, see Letter for Child Support customers.

Do not remove the headset before ending a phone call. See Contact with Child Support customers, Ending phone calls.


SGT finalisation + Read more ...

Issues resolved in real time

If the customer’s issues can be resolved in real time and there are no further intrays to be managed, document and finalise the CRG interaction. See Solutions Gateway Team (SGT) Cuba Process Help.

Issues cannot be resolved in real time

If the customer is locked to a specialist area, Service Officers must:

  • route the SGT Warm Transfer intray to their individual Cuba position
  • contact the owning specialist Service Officer to collaborate if required

If the issues are not able to be resolved in real time, lock the customer and intrays, taking a holistic case management approach. Tell the customer what action will be taken and that they will be contacted again.

Make sure the SGT Warm transfer intray remains locked while all customer issues are being managed by SGT.

Auto unlock the customer once all issues have been resolved and there is no further action required.

Delete intrays once the customer is auto unlocked. The time needed to keep customers locked and resolve their issues will vary from case to case.

Intray referrals to SGT

Table 2




Review the SGT referral + Read more ...

Check the referral meets the SGT referral criteria.

If the referral criteria is:

  • met, go to Step 2
  • not met:
    • document the reasons the referral is inappropriate in the SGT Referral intray
    • re-route the SGT Referral intray back to the referring Service Officer


Create and document CRG Interaction + Read more ...

To create a CRG interaction and to document contact, see Solutions Gateway Team (SGT) Cuba Process Help.

SGT intray referrals:

  • should have initial actions commenced within 48 hours
  • for customer call backs, customer should be contacted within 48 hours

SGT service recovery

Table 3




Service recovery in SGT + Read more ...

Service recovery work in SGT includes:

  • undertaking corrective action in Cuba, to make sure the child support case is correct
  • ATO Duplicate Amended Incomes
  • MyGov letter remediation
  • WA Ex-nup Workarounds

SGT Service Recovery Intrays start with ‘SGT’. Only SGT Officers can action and delete these intrays.

A record with a Service Recovery Intray does not meet the referral criteria for a warm transfer to SGT. See Customer Referral Guidelines (CRG) > Solutions Gateway Team (SGT).

When undertaking service recovery work, see Resources page for User guides.

Employer Services consolidated revenue reassignments

Table 4




Employer Service consolidated revenue reassignments + Read more ...

These requests are:

  • made when there is a consolidated revenue debt on one customer’s account, which needs to be moved to another customer’s account. This is generally the other party of a child support case
  • received from Employer Services (ES) via SGT Referral intrays for action
  • the result of an employer deduction that:
    • has been credited to a payers account, and disbursed to the receiving parent, and
    • did not belong to the payer

When ES remove the payments from the payer account:

  • A consolidated revenue debt is created for the paying parent because the receiving parent has received funds they were not entitled to
  • If the receiving parent has received funds they were not entitled to, the debt must be re-assigned from the paying parent account to the receiving parent account
  • The receiving parent then needs to repay the amount to Child Support

SGT Officers must check:

  • Approval from National Intensive Collection Services (ICS) Program Support Manager (PSM) or Policy:
    • has been provided for the consolidate revenue debt to be created, and
    • is documented in the Communication window by ES prior to referral
  • If there is no National ICS PSM or Policy approval documented, the referral is to be sent back to the ES Officer to get the appropriate approval
  • If the receiving parent is an International Central Authority, this is not a ‘real’ customer, and the consolidated revenue debt cannot be transferred to this record


Review the SGT referral + Read more ...

If the customer is locked to Personalised Services (PS), staff must:

  • contact the Personalised Services Service Officer (PSSO):
    • before contacting the customer, and
    • tell them about any activities/work items completed

Follow the Personalised Services Mandate.

SGT Officers must:

  • Review the SGT referral intray notepad and Communication window
  • Lock both customers
  • Check the payer account to make sure the consolidated revenue debt amount has not changed. If it has changed:
    • Escalate to the PSM
    • Policy Advice need to approve it before staff can action the reassignment
  • Try to contact the receiving parent to explain the overpayment and negotiate repayment of the debt, see Debt repayment. Staff must:
    • Call all available contact numbers once. Send a pre-call SMS notification
    • Make 2 additional contact attempts on all available numbers, even if the customer does not have an exception indicator. See the Table 1 in Contact with Child Support customers
  • After phone contact has been attempted, send MX0-1 Unique letter to the receiving parent:
    • Use the pre-approved letter text UQ14.08 - Manual Overpayment letter
    • Print the letter locally
    • Create a blank payslip for the receiving parent via the MX31-2 Additional Pay Slip and save
    • Open the blank payslip and print it locally
    • Delete the payslip from the letter list so that it does not issue centrally (payslips are automatically issued centrally and cannot be changed to issue locally)
    • Send the Manual Overpayment letter and the blank payslip together manually
  • Do not unlock the customer until:
    • the consolidate revenue debt has been reassigned and
    • a payment arrangement is in place to repay the debt

To unlock customers, see Customer Management Approach (CMA) for Child Support.


Refer the request to the SGT mailbox + Read more ...

  • Send an email:
    • to the aligned SGT PSM mailbox in the Service Officer's region
    • immediately after attempting contact and sending the Manual Overpayment letter
    • use the email template below
  • SGT PSM will refer this work to the National Cash Management team in batches, to have the consolidated revenue debts reassigned in Cuba
  • After they finalise the request, the SGT PSM will send a response to the SGT Officer

Email template

Subject: CSRN (paying parent) XXXXXXXXXXX Consolidate Revenue Reassignment Request.


An EFT payment for $XXX.XX dated DD/MM/YYYY (assigned DD/MM/YYYY) was incorrectly assigned and paid to CSRN (PP) XXXXXXXXXXXX. The payments team has assigned the payments back to the suspense account, which has resulted in a consolidated revenue debt (Con Rev) on the paying parent (PP) of $XXX.XX.

Action Required

The Con Rev raised against the PP needs to be moved to the RP, in order to recover the overpayment to the RP.

PSM/Policy Approval

Refer to PP communication window dated DD/MM/YYYY for details of PSM or Policy approval.

Postings adjustments required:

From CSRN (PP) XXXXXXXXXXXX Case ID (XXXXXXX) Posting Code 33222 Amount $XXX.XX.

To CSRN (RP) XXXXXXXXXXXXX Case ID (XXXXXXX) Posting Code 33228 Amount $XXX.XX.

SGT Officers must include screenshots of the following screens in the email:

  • Payer Account Summary window - payment received
  • Payee Disbursement List window- payment disbursed
  • Payer Account Summary window- payment removed from account
  • Find Client Postings window - current consolidated revenue balance

Note: if multiple receiving parents have been overpaid by the same paying parent and multiple reassignments are required, add additional posting adjustments above. Individual requests are not required for the same paying parent.


Documenting consolidate revenue reassignment request + Read more ...

Add a document to the existing record in the Communication window for the paying parent using:

  • Subject: Con rev reassignment request
  • Text: A request has been sent to the National Cash Management team for the consolidated revenue debt of $XXX.XX to be reassigned from paying parent (Name) to receiving parent (Name)

Late A18 applications

Table 5




Late A18 application + Read more ...

If a late A18 application is made and the case has ended, Cuba will not allow an A18 application to be pended.

Service Officers will create a SGT Late A18 Application intray and route it to SGT to pend the application. See Eighteen year old children extending a child support assessment.

Application Status

  • SGT Officers with CUB S access are to:
    • key the application with the status Pending and save it
    • then amend the status to Evidence Required

SGT Officers must:

  • document all information and action required in relation to pending the A18 application
  • record the information in the Customer Review Gateway (CRG) window and copy the referral notes into the CRG window notepad


Workaround + Read more ...

Before applying the workaround

  • Go to the Case/Registration window, check that the:
    • Case status is Ended or Ended with Arrears
    • Registration status is Ended
    • Relevant child is not listed in the A18 Applications List
  • View the Case Fix window, check that the:
    • Case Status is END or EWAR (Ended with Arrears)
    • Registration Status is END

Apply workaround

  • Update the:
    • Case Status field to Active by entering ACTV
    • Registration Status field to Accepted by entering ACPT
  • Select Save

The case should now show as Active and the registration should show as Accepted.


Key the A18 application + Read more ...

After checking the case is Active go to Customer Application List window from the customer who made the original A18 application.

Select New:

  • The relevant child should now be listed
  • Can be selected from the list

Details of the A18 Application for the relevant child, can be keyed.

The status should be set to Evidence Required as this will stop Cuba from accepting the pended late A18, if a Service Officer has not actioned it within 21 days.


Document in Cuba + Read more ...

Create a notepad in the Customer Application List window with a title of Late A18 application recorded.

Copy and paste the referring Service Officer's notepad from the SGT Late A18 Application intray referral into the notepad.

Document the action in the Case/Registration window notepad and in the SGT Late A18 Application intray. Include the following information:

  • Subject: Late A18 application recorded on ended case
  • Text:
    • Child’s Name: xxxxx
    • Last day attending school: xxxxx
    • School name: xxxxx
    • Address: xxxxx
    • Phone: xxxxx
    • Course name: xxxxx

As per Operational Blueprint 277-03080000 Eighteen year old children extending a child support assessment.

The SGT Late A18 Application intray will be routed back to the referring Service Officer to finalise the decision.



Update Case Status in Cuba + Read more ...

The case status must be updated before routing the intray back to the referring Service Officer for a decision to be made.

This step is mandatory to make sure the collection status details are not removed by this process.

Return to the Case Fix window, update the:

  • Case Status field to END, EWAR or CLSD to return the case to the original status
  • Registration Status field to END
  • Select Save


Route intray + Read more ...

  • Route the following intrays back to the referring Service Officer:
    • SGT Late A18 Application
    • A18 awaiting evidence
  • Email the referring Service Officer and their Team Leader, include the document from Step 4
  • Finalise the CRG interaction

Potential identity mismatch

Table 6




Potential identity mismatch identified + Read more ...

A potential identity mismatch includes situations where a:

  • person disputes that they are the Child Support customer, or
  • TFN recorded in Cuba does not belong to the customer

Refer these matters to SGT to investigate and manage.

On receipt of a potential identity mismatch, tell the Team Leader and Program Support Manager (PSM) immediately.

Immediate action must be taken to investigate a potential identity mismatch and reduce impacts to the person. Team Leaders will help SGT Officers to prioritise this work.


Get information + Read more ...

If the person on the phone is disputing, they are the Child Support customer, get as much information as possible to help with the investigation.

Note: if the wrong information has been recorded in Cuba, the information the caller provides could match. This does not confirm it is the customer speaking.

Ask the person:

  • how they were contacted by the agency
  • what information they have received, for example letters
  • how they have been impacted, for example wages or tax refunds intercepted
  • if they have any information about why their information may have been used

Ask the person if they can give their details, this will help resolve the error sooner. Tailor the type of information asked, for example:

  • full name
  • if they have been known by any other names
  • date of birth
  • address
  • employer name
  • Tax File Number (TFN)
  • Centrelink Reference Number (CRN)
  • if they have any children, and have had a child support case previously

After getting the information from the caller, ask what actions they are seeking. For example, they:

  • may be financially impacted. That is, their employer has deducted money from their wages, and they need their payroll officer to be contacted
  • might be seeking confirmation from the agency that an error was made, and have the wrong person

Discuss with a Team Leader to prioritise the work item, making sure to minimise the adverse result to this person.


Take immediate action for identity mismatch + Read more ...

Action customer record:

Note: SGT Officers must work with the PSM to determine if any other actions needed.


Investigate identity mismatch + Read more ...

To find out if the incorrect person’s TFN or other details have been recorded incorrectly, Services Officers must thoroughly check:

  • Cuba notepads
  • ATO records
  • information provided by the customer

Consider all information provided about the customer’s identity during registration. How this compares to the potentially incorrect information recorded, or the ATO information for the recorded TFN. For example, you may need to review the information provided by the applicant in Pluto. See Viewing and searching correspondence in Pluto.

Services Officers must discuss the results with a PSM.

Is there an identity mismatch?


Complete Privacy Incident Notification form + Read more ...

Notify the Team Leader and PSM of the outcome of the findings.

Manage the privacy incident and complete the Privacy Incident Notification form, in accordance with Privacy Incidents. The Resources page has link to the Privacy Incident Portal.


Take corrective action + Read more ...

Complete any corrective action immediately, do not wait for contact from Privacy.

Corrective action may include:

  • ceasing all collection action, including withdrawing s72a notices or ending Employer Withholding
  • consolidated revenue submissions, where incorrectly collected funds have been disbursed/refunded
  • removing incorrect identifying information, such as TFN, CRN, address, phone number etc
    Note: TFN cannot be removed until after Tax Refund Intercept Process (TRIPs) are returned to the ATO if required
  • checking Cuba and Pluto to locate all references to the incorrect TFN or other information. For example the PCW, profile, income, and correspondence windows
  • deleting any notepads or documentation that contains information about the non-customer. Where any documentation is relevant for the purpose of the investigation/correction, save a copy of these

If there is a duplicate, intertwined or compromised TFN, see Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Services Australia Information Hub.


Correcting errors + Read more ...

An error correction may be required where the non-customer’s details has been used in the assessment, for example incomes. See Correcting errors on Child Support cases. Initial customer contact is required, as both customers are likely to have been affected by the error. Make contact in line with Customer Contact and Customer location (tracing).

An error correction must be approved before updating details, such as income.

Recording a correct TFN will trigger the TRDB function. This will automatically retrieve incomes for the last 3 years. Manual updates will be required for incomes more than 3 years old. Take note of the tax lodgement dates to establish the correct child support periods and incomes are applied. See Updating Child Support customer information.

If mySupport is required for any corrective action, see the User guide Information Guide – Data Integrity on the Resources page. Create a Data Integrity Issue intray. Document details of the data integrity issue and associated SD number in the intray.


Finalise and contact customer + Read more ...

Once all corrective action is finalised and assessment is correct:

Remove any payment holds and special recovery conditions that have been recorded. Where the only outstanding matters are data integrity issues, for example where ICT involvement is required to delete information from Cuba, delete the Potential ID Mismatch intray. Make sure the Data Integrity Issue intray details the issue and the SD number in the notepad.

If the identify mismatch occurred due to an incorrect TFN, update the special contact note to ‘Do not update TFN’. This makes sure the incorrect TFN is not used in the future.

Finalise any outstanding issues and unlock the customer, see Customer Management Approach (CMA) process.


No identity mismatch + Read more ...

Document the details of the investigation and why an identify mismatch has not occurred.

Note: Program Support Manager advice must have been sought.

Contact the customer and tell them the outcomes of the findings.

Manage any other outstanding matters in line with the CMA process.

Remove any, special contacts, payment holds, and special recovery conditions that have been recorded.

Process ends here.

Data integrity

Table 7




Data integrity check + Read more ...

Check if the customer is locked to Personalised Services (PS). The Personalised Services Service Officer (PSSO) must be notified before:

  • action is taken of activities and/or work items
  • contacting the customers

See the Personalised Services Mandate.


Data integrity referral + Read more ...

Record the SGT referral in the Customer Review Gateway window and copy the referral notes into the Customer Review Gateway (CRG) window notepad.

Investigate the issue and try to resolve all data integrity errors.

If issue is:

  • Resolved:
    • Make an outbound phone contact with one or both parties
    • Use a pre-call SMS notification
    • Finalise referral
    • Procedure ends here
  • Unresolved:
    • Lodge relevant mySupport form to escalate the issue to ICT (except Estimate/Estimate Reconciliation requiring deletion). See Resources page
    • Document the Data Integrity intray and Customer Details window notepad in Cuba. Use one of the below templates
    • Record all data integrity issues on the SGT Central mySupport register
    • Check the Data integrity locking rules


Estimate/Estimate Reconciliation requires deletion + Read more ...

Check the status of the estimate entries. Issues to consider:

  • an estimate is created on a case, despite the case not being active during the actual estimate period
  • deleting an estimate may result in a status of Recorded and Error Detail 1667
  • a pending reconciling income may be created which cannot be deleted

These recorded estimates and pending reconciling incomes mean the 'genuine' estimate on the active case cannot be reconciled.

SGT Officers will:

  • close the CRG interaction and delete the SGT referral intray
  • transfer notes from the CRG notepad into a Data Integrity Issue intray
  • document action in the Data Integrity intray. Use template, see Item 6
  • route the Data Integrity intray within the Service Officers' team
  • record details of the case on the 'estimate issue' tab of the SGT Central mySupport register

The Customer Management Approach (CMA) does not apply and these customers will not be locked to SGT staff.


Data integrity locking rules + Read more ...

Ongoing Issue

If the issue is ongoing and a correction to the case or account is expected, SGT Officers will:

  • lock the customer/s in Cuba
  • close off the CRG interaction
  • delete the SGT Referral intray and create a Data Integrity intray, making sure all notes are transferred
  • route the Data Integrity intray and any associated in-trays, which cannot be processed, to the Z - Data Integrity holding position within the Service Officers' team
  • manage the customer and any ongoing issues raised while the mySupport request is being resolved

Non ongoing issue

If the issue is not ongoing and does not require:

  • a correction to the case or account
  • further customer contact
  • follow up action

Service Officers will:

  • finalise any outstanding actions relating to the issue in Cuba
  • close off the CRG interaction
  • delete the SGT referral intray
  • keep the customer locked to the owning business area

If unsure whether the case should be locked to SGT discuss with the Program Support Manager (PSM).


Document - Data Integrity + Read more ...

Use the template to document actions.


Subject: mySupport form logged.

Text: A Cuba Application and Child Support System Issues form or Pluto System and Access Issue or Child Support online account and Express Plus Child Support mobile app issues form or Cuba Service and Business Request has been raised on xx/xx/xxxx, SD Number xxxxxx.

Action being completed/processed: (for example, A18 application, care change, reconciliation, opt in).

Issue preventing the action being completed: (for example, Errors in care window /Error when saving eligibility).

Error Number: (for example: Error Detail 4498, TIRM errors or N/A).

Expected Result: (for example: Ability to save eligibility to give effect to A18, key care change, reconciliation etc).

Preventative Action taken: (for example: Hold applied to account, Letters pended, customers locked etc).

Choose one of the following:

  • The customer has been locked to SGT for management during this time. If escalation of this issue is required, please contact owning SGT SO
  • This issue has been escalated to ICT, however as it does not affect the case/assessment, the customer is not required to be locked for ongoing management. If this issue requires urgent escalation in the future, please escalate via mySupport referencing above SD number



Document - Estimate issue + Read more ...

Use the template to document actions.


Subject: Data Integrity - Estimate Issue.

Text: An issue has occurred where an Estimate has created for this customer against case no xxxxxxx with a status of ‘Recorded’ and/or pending reconciling income – however the case is not active during this estimate period. The estimate and/or estimate rec needs to be deleted from Cuba to allow the genuine estimate to be reconciled.

Action being completed/processed: Attempting to reconcile genuine estimate dated xx/xx/xxxx against case no xxxxxxxxxxx.

Issue preventing the action being completed: ‘Recorded’ Estimate dated xx/xx/xxxx against case no xxxxxxx and/or pending reconciling income dated xx/xx/xxxx against case no xxxxxxx require/s deletion.

Error Number: Error Detail 1667 is presented when attempting to delete incorrect estimate.

Expected Result: Incorrect Estimate and/or Estimate Reconciliation to be deleted to allow Estimate dated xx/xx/xxxx against case no xxxxxx to be successfully reconciled.

Preventative Action taken: Case referred to SGT.

Please note - this is a known issue to ICT and a fix is scheduled at a later date – no further mySupport requests are required. Until this issue has been resolved the Data Integrity intray will be locked to SGT.

CMA does not apply and these customers will not be locked to SGT during this time.



Escalating a mySupport request + Read more ...

Escalation reasons

  • Customer is in urgent financial hardship
  • Customer is in crisis
  • Customer has engaged in a formal complaints processes
  • Dealing with a difficult customer
  • Whole site is experiencing an outage that prevents staff using core business tools
  • Connectivity issue affecting staff who provide services to customers outside of Services Australia sites
  • Staff member with adaptive technology requirements that are unable to use mySupport
  • Unable to undertake core business service or critical function as a direct result of an outstanding request

Service Officer action

To request the urgent escalation of an existing mySupport request, send an email to the aligned SGT PSM mailbox in the Service Officer's region.

Include the:

  • SD Number
  • escalation reason
  • summary of original issue
  • impact on case/s, assessment, or account

Program Support Manager (PSM) action

  • Review urgent requests
  • Check status of the incident
  • Escalate if required. Complete the Urgent escalation of mySupport request form, see Resources page

After the escalation form is logged, it will:

  • promote the original ticket for resolution
  • generate its own request number that will confirm whether the escalation has occurred and then close automatically

The original ticket will remain open.


Finalisation of mySupport request + Read more ...

ICT will send an email with any updates or outcomes to mySupport request. Service Officers will:

  • take any action as advised by ICT to resolve the data integrity issue (e.g. save eligibility, add manual period etc)
  • review Cuba to make sure outcome is as expected
  • contact customer/s where:
    • there is a change to the assessment or account
    • the customer is expecting a response
  • document any relevant decisions (that is, care change, opt in, reconciliation) that have now been finalised in the relevant Cuba window/s
  • update the SGT Central mySupport register to 'finalised'
  • unlocked the customer in accordance with CMA principles

If owning SGT Officer is not available, Team Leader’s may refer request (ticket) to another SGT Officer to finalise.

If the issue has not been resolved, the Service Officer is to respond to ICT within required timeframes before the mySupport form is closed.

If the issue is resolved by ICT and the issue in Cuba has not been resolved:

  • re-submit a new mySupport request
  • request an urgent escalation of an existing mySupport request
  • add the details to the SGT Central mySupport register


Check status of mySupport request + Read more ...

Send an email to the aligned SGT PSM mailbox in the Service Officer's region.

Include the following information:

  • SD Number
  • Brief summary of original issue

PSM will check Service Manager to confirm the ticket status regardless of who lodged the original form.


Staff no longer in SGT + Read more ...

Team Leaders will:

  • review the SGT Central mySupport register:
    • to identify any outstanding mySupport requests
    • seek status updates from SGT PSMs or the SGT national team
  • reallocate/lock customers to another SGT Officer

Tip off

Table 8




Tip off + Read more ...

Business Integrity Division vet all tip offs received from members of the public to determine if a prosecutable offence has occurred. If they determine no prosecutable offence occurred, they give the details to National ICS to investigate further.

National ICS check the referral and action as follows.

If the information is:

  • already on the case, no further action is needed
  • a suggestion the customer is earning ‘cash in hand’, they make a referral to the Australian Taxation Officer (ATO)
  • suggesting the customer has lifestyle factors above ATO incomes, they make a referral to Capacity to Pay (CTP)
  • is general and needs further investigation, they send a referral to SGT

Tip off referral to SGT

National ICS :

  • create an SGT Referral Intray
  • complete the Solution Gateway Team – SGT referral macro and include details of the tip off in the free text section with the heading ‘Sensitive information – Tip Off Received’


Review the SGT referral + Read more ...

  • Review the notes in the SGT Referral intray to identify:
    • details of the tip-off
    • affected case/s
    • notes from National ICS
  • Lock all affected customers
  • Record the intray referral in the CRG window
  • Research the case to determine the issue/event provided in the tip off
  • Determine if the tip off information has previously been given to Child Support, check the following systems to gather information:
    • Cuba/Pluto
    • ATO
    • Customer First
    • Department of Home Affairs search
  • Document all research and action taken in the CRG window

Note: if no further action is needed, document the reasons in the CRG interaction.


Customer management and contact + Read more ...

If the customer is locked to Personalised Services (PS) or Deceased Customer Management (DCM), apply a collaborative approach, see Customer Management Approach (CMA).

Discuss the information received with one or both parents as needed.

Make 3 attempts to call the customer over 48 hours. Send a pre-call SMS notifications.

If contact is unsuccessful, send a CAL/unique letter and/or appropriate form.

Note: do not tell the customer a fraud tip off has been received. Tell the customer Services Australia have become aware that circumstances on the case may have changed and are investigating it.


Escalation to PSM + Read more ...

For help determining the issue or event causing the change, or if approval is needed send a PSM enquiry email to the regional PSM mailbox.

Escalate to PSM if:

  • the customer/s are impacted by FDV
  • either customer is locked to DCM or PS
  • the case is ended with no arrears and all children are over 18
  • the case is ended and has a significant debt
  • external remedies are not available, for example Change of Assessment is not available as the error occurred more than 7 years ago
  • there is an impact on the assessment rate for a period of 2 years or more, or multiple periods which total 2 years or more collectively. The impact relates to the assessment not the debt outcome or collection status
  • a financial impact greater than $10,000 (collect or private collect)

ATO dupe amended income

Table 9




Customer management + Read more ...

CMA does not apply.

Lock and manage the SGT Dupe Amended Income intray only.

It is possible that the duplicate income has already been removed from Cuba. If staff determine that there is no remediation to be completed (after investigating as per the steps in this table), document in the customer Details notepad and delete the SGT Dupe Amended Income intray.

Note: if the customer is locked to Personalised Services (PS), notify the Personalised Services Service Officer (PSSO) in line with the Personalised Services Mandate of any activities/work items before taking action or contacting the customers.


Dupe amended income background + Read more ...

Cuba may identify an income as a duplicate and not create a new record when all the following are met:

  • a taxable or amended taxable income message is received from the ATO
  • the income type is TAX or AMD, and
  • all income component amounts are identical to an income already in Cuba for that same year

The amended income still needs to be recorded as it may be relevant to the child support assessment.

It is not possible to determine whether an unloaded income is a duplicate or a new income based only on the information in the intray. Check the client calendar details in Integrated Core Processing (ICP) and assess on a case by case basis.

Usually for each form in ICP, Cuba has a corresponding income or missing income. The identification of the correct income can be impacted by a number of factors including but not limited to:

  • ATO cancelling returns/forms
  • ATO sending multiple taxable incomes which appear as 2 incomes in Cuba but only one assessment in ICP
  • Cuba processing incomes incorrectly when there is a delay between first and second incomes in above dot point
  • Duplication of incomes in Cuba, one is AUTO and the other is TRDB
  • Earlier missing incomes not loaded
  • The unloaded income being received and a subsequent amended taxable income which has been received and is loaded

If a taxable income message or amended taxable income message is received from the ATO and the income Type (TAX or AMD) and all income components amounts are identical to an income that is already recorded in Cuba for that same year, the new income is identified as a duplicate and no new record is created.

Since the legislative changes related to amended taxable incomes issued on or after 23 May 2018 were implemented, this functionality has resulted in some amended incomes being incorrectly identified as duplicates and therefore not recorded in Cuba.

Check if the customer has 3 or more amended taxable incomes, and:

  • one of the later incomes is the same amount as one of the earlier incomes, and
  • there is an income for a different amount in between

In this case, the later income is considered a duplicate and is not loaded. However, the amended income should be recorded as it may be relevant to the child support assessment.

Note: amended taxable incomes can keep replacing the previous income each time a new income is received.


Access income details + Read more ...

Open the SGT Dupe amended income intray to identify the impacted financial year. Ignore the MQ and assessment details.

Access ICP, from the Client menu dropdown menu:

  • Select Client Calendar
  • Select Received lodgement tab
  • From the Form type dropdown menu, select Tax return Individuals
  • From Select date range to filter by, select Period dates
  • From Period start date / Period end date, enter the date of the financial year being reviewed
  • Select Search


Compare the income in Cuba against ICP + Read more ...

The incomes in Cuba and ICP should match.

If required, create a timeline of events using information from Cuba, ICP transactions, ICP assessments and ICP calendar to determine if the income needs to be loaded. If in doubt, seek help from a Program Support Manager (PSM).

Compare Cuba and ICP

  • In ICP, select view form for each form listed for the financial year
  • Check the income and lodgement date match the information recorded in Cuba
  • Consider the impacts of removing the income. If the assessment for the current or past period will be affected, see Correcting errors on Child Support cases. Initial customer contact is not required, as the facts can be easily verified
  • If the form has a status of:
    • cancelled and the income is in Cuba, escalate to a PSM
    • processed and there is no income with the same lodgement date in Cuba, go to Step 6

Example of comparing incomes

Cancelled income needs to be removed from Cuba

2016/17 financial year, Cuba shows 4 incomes from the ATO and ICP shows 4 forms lodged:

  • Taxable income $19,251 – lodgement date 29/09/2020
    • ICP form is processed
    • The income in the form is the same as recorded in Cuba
  • Amended income $28,671 – lodgement date 18/04/2021
    • ICP form is cancelled
    • The income in the form is the same as recorded in Cuba
  • Amended income $19,500 – lodgement date 02/05/2021
    • ICP form is cancelled
    • The income in the form is the same as recorded in Cuba
  • Amended income $19,251 – lodgement date 08/12/2021
    • ICP form is suspended
    • The income in the form is the same as recorded in Cuba. This income has the status of suspended, it has been longer than 7 days since the lodgement date

In this example, the cancelled income needs to be removed from Cuba.

Note: suspended incomes do not need to be monitored. If cancelled, an SGT Cancelled Income intray will generate.

Two incomes in Cuba with the same lodgement date, only one income processed in ICP

2020/21 financial year, Cuba shows 3 incomes from the ATO and ICP shows 2 forms lodged:

  • Taxable income $41,565 in Cuba – lodgement date 11/08/2021
    • ICP form is processed
    • The income in the form is the same as recorded in Cuba
  • Amended income $33,978 in Cuba – lodgement date 04/09/2021
    • The income has been adjusted (not amended) by ATO and can only be found in the History tab of the lodgement in ICP
    • This income is no longer a legal income and should be removed from Cuba
  • Amended income $28,663 – lodgement date 04/09/2021
    • ICP form is processed
    • The income in the form is the same as recorded in Cuba

In this example, the income of $33,978 needs to be removed from Cuba, because it is not a processed income in ICP. Escalate to a PSM.


Determine taxable income + Read more ...

To proceed a manual ATO income is needed. This includes the taxable income plus all other components for the return:

  • from the View form – Tax return for individual, select Print form options 2 to see all this information on one page. Take note of all taxable income and other components
  • determine if the return was lodged by an agent. The tax agent signature will have a ‘Y’ in the tax agent details or the agent details will be populated. If these details are not displayed in the ‘Print Form’ tab, find the tax agent details in the ‘Spouse Details’ tab


Load the income into Cuba + Read more ...

If a tax agent lodged the return, select the checkbox before loading the income. After selecting NEW, the checkbox is enabled. Select the check box before selecting amended taxable from the type dropdown list. Add the income as follows:

  • Tax Year: relevant year
  • Source: ATO (MAN)
  • Income: Taxable income amount as recorded in ICP
  • Other Components: as recorded in ICP
  • Lodgement date: as recorded in ICP (ATO terminology is received date)
  • Issue date: same day as lodgement date,
  • Notification date: as per details in the intray
  • Effective date: same day as notification date
  • Lodged by Tax Agent checkbox: check if lodged by agent
  • Includes ISP checkbox: check if ISP included in return

Note: if the notification date recorded in the intray is after the notification/lodgement date of other amended incomes that should be used, enter the notification date as the lodgement date.


Document in Cuba + Read more ...

Add a notepad in the Income window using the following text:

Subject: ATO AMD Tax Income not loaded



If a taxable income message or amended taxable income message is received from the ATO and the income Type (TAX or AMD) and all income components amounts are identical to an income that is already recorded in Cuba for that same year, the new income is identified as a duplicate and no new record is created.

Since the legislative changes related to amended taxable incomes issued on or after 23 May 2018 were implemented, this functionality has resulted in some Amended incomes being incorrectly identified as duplicates and therefore not recorded in Cuba.

Where a customer:

  • has 3 or more amended taxable incomes, and
  • one of the later incomes is the same amount as one of the earlier incomes, and
  • there is an income for a different amount in between

The later income is considered a duplicate and is not loaded. However, the amended income should be recorded as it may be relevant to the child support assessment.

Note: amended taxable incomes can keep replacing the previous income each time a new income is received.

Details of Amended Taxable income being loaded manually

Tax year: [insert year]

Income message Received date: [insert date]

Lodgement date: [insert date]

Lodged by Tax Agent indicator: [insert Y/N]

Taxable income: $[insert amount]

Other Components: $[insert amount]

Modified taxable income: $[insert amount]



Save the manually loaded income + Read more ...

  • Select Save:
    • A MIR or MAC type letters should generate
    • If the income has not been applied as expected, run and save eligibility
    • If the income is still not applied correctly, escalate to a PSM

For the year in question, check Cuba and for an intray, was there an estimate reconciliation that needs re-reconciling?


Re-reconcile estimate reconciliation + Read more ...

To assess if any manual intervention conditions apply, see Table 1 in Manual reconciliation procedure for child support estimates (from 1 July 2011)

To re-reconcile the estimate, see Table 5 in Manual reconciliation procedure for child support estimates (from 1 July 2011).


Finalise and contact customer + Read more ...

Once all corrective action is finalised and assessment is correct:

Use discretion and apply a collaborative approach as necessary, such as when the record is locked to PS or DCM, record indicates written correspondence preferred, etc.