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Dependents listed on a customer's concession card 101-06020040

This document outlines when a dependent is listed on a customer's concession card, including Health Care Card (HCC), Pensioner Concession Card (PCC), Low Income Health Care Card (LIC), Foster Child HCC (FST), Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) and Ex-Carer Allowance (child) HCC (EHC).

On this page:

Partner listed on concession card

Children listed on a parent/guardian concession card

Child not automatically listed on PCC or HCC (other than a FTB HCC)

Child not automatically listed on FTB HCC or LIC

Partner listed on concession card

Table 1: This table describes the process to check if a customer's partner is listed on the customer's concession card and the referral process where the partner is recorded correctly on the system but is not automatically listed on the cardholder's concession card.




Check the Concession Dependant Summary (MCDS) screen + Read more ...

The MCDS screen displays a summary of all dependants that are linked to a concession entitled customer.

Is the customer's partner listed as an eligible dependant for concession entitlement?


Check card preferences + Read more ...

Go to the Concession Card Preference Summary (CCPS) screen to check preferences for concession card.

Is the partner’s name suppressed?


Check the Concession Card Issue Summary (CCIS) screen + Read more ...

The CCIS screen displays actual cards issued, not current entitlement.

Go to the CCIS screen. Confirm that the currently issued concession card includes the customer's partner as an eligible dependant.

Does the current issued concession card include the customer's partner as an eligible dependant?


Reissue concession card + Read more ...

Reissue the concession card. Check the CCIS screen to confirm the reissued concession card includes the customer's partner as an eligible dependant.

Does the newly issued concession card include the customer's partner as an eligible dependant?


Check residence qualification + Read more ...

HCC or PCC cards will not include the name of the cardholder's partner as a dependant of the cardholder if the partner does not satisfy residence requirements.

Does the customer's partner satisfy residence requirements for HCC and/or PCC?

  • Yes, update the residence screens Legal Residence Details (RSLEG), Country of Residence (CRES) and Immigration Enquiry (RSIM), as appropriate. Go to Step 6
  • No, procedure ends here


Check the Concession Dependant Details (MCDD) screen + Read more ...

Select the partner on the MCDD screen to check the partner's concession entitlement history and current status.

Has the partner's entitlement ended?

  • Yes, if the partner’s concession entitlement has ended, check the MCDD screen to confirm the reason. See the Resources page for the End Reason codes. Go to Step 7
  • No, go to Step 7


Refresh required + Read more ...

If the partner's entitlement has not been reflected on the MCDS screen or the system has not generated a replacement card automatically (on the CCIS screen) a refresh is required.

The Concession Benefit Action (MCBA) screen refreshes concession entitlement and concession data to be sent to Medicare Australia.

Go to the MCBA screen and in these fields:

  • Action, key RSH
  • Reason, key HIC (Health Insurance Commission)
  • Effect date, key the relevant Event Date. For example, if the MCDD screen shows the partner lost concession entitlement due to NIA (not in Australia), record the event date as the date the partner last returned to Australia. If the customer has recently been granted FTB/ISP/LIC, code the DOV as the most recent grant date

Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and select Finalise.

Did the refresh fix the issue with dependents displaying on Concession record?


Referral + Read more ...

If an eligible partner has been recorded correctly on the system but is not automatically listed on a cardholder's concession card, refer the customer record to the Level 2 Policy Help Desk - Concessions to request a manual override.

Once a response has been provided by Level 2 Policy, procedure ends here.

Children listed on a parent/guardian concession card

Table 2: This table describes how to determine which children are covered on a parent/guardian's concession card, including HCC, PCC, LIC, FST, CSHC and EHC.




Age of child or young person + Read more ...

If the dependent child or young person is aged:


Dependent child aged 0 to 18 years + Read more ...

If the parent/guardian of the dependent child holds the following concession card:

  • PCC, go to Step 3
  • HCC (other than a FTB HCC), go to Step 3
  • FTB HCC, go to Step 4
  • LIC, go to Step 4
  • FST, only the foster child will be listed. Procedure ends here
  • CSHC, only the cardholder is listed. Procedure ends here
  • EHC, only the cardholder is listed. Procedure ends here


PCC or HCC (other than FTB HCC) + Read more ...

The dependent child should be automatically listed on the parent/guardian's concession card.

The child's surname is not displayed on the concession card.

Is the dependent child aged 0 to 18 years listed on the parent/guardian's concession card?


FTB HCC or LIC + Read more ...

Is the child a Family Tax Benefit (FTB) child or Regular Care Child?


FTB child or Regular Care Child + Read more ...

The child is a dependant of the parent/guardian and will be automatically listed as a dependent child on the parent/guardian's FTB HCC or LIC.

The child's surname will not be displayed on the card.

Note: if a child is an FTB child or Regular Care Child who would otherwise be covered by their parent's HCC through entitlement to FTB, except that maximum rate FTB Part A is not paid because of the income test or the parent is not claiming FTB via fortnightly instalments, the child is not qualified for a LIC in their own right. See Health Care Card (HCC) not renewed/issued for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers.

Is the FTB child or Regular Care Child listed on the parent/guardian's concession card?


Child 0 to 18 years not FTB child or Regular Care Child + Read more ...

The dependent child:

  • will not be listed as a dependant on the parent/guardian's FTB HCC or LIC
  • can apply for an LIC in their own right

If the dependent child was in receipt of a Carer Allowance (child) (CDA) HCC when they reached 16 years of age and they are currently a full-time student and under 26 years of age, they may be eligible for an EHC in their own right.

Procedure ends here.


Young person 19 years and over + Read more ...

The young person:

  • will not be listed as a dependant on the parent/guardian's FTB HCC or LIC
  • can apply for an LIC in their own right

If the young person is under 22 and they are a dependent child, they may be listed on their parent’s income support payment HCC or PCC (unless the young person holds an HCC or PCC in their own right).

Procedure ends here.

Child not automatically listed on PCC or HCC (other than a FTB HCC)

Table 3: This table describes how to determine why a dependent child is not automatically listed on the parent/guardian's PCC or HCC (other than a FTB HCC).




Check the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen + Read more ...

Go to the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen by selecting the child from the Child Selection (CHS) screen. Check the child details are recorded.

A claim (CLM) line must exist on the CHOC screen for all relevant service reasons to ensure the child is included on the parent and/or guardians PCC or HCC.

If there is no CLM line for the customer’s relevant payment on the CHOC screen, update the child’s CHOC screen.

Go to Step 2.


Check the MCDS screen + Read more ...

Is the dependent child listed as an eligible child for concession entitlement?


Check the CCIS screen + Read more ...

Check the CCIS screen to confirm the current issued concession card includes all eligible dependents. For example, check if the system has issued a replacement card that includes the dependent child.

Does the current issued concession card include eligible dependents?


Check the MCDD screen + Read more ...

Go to the MCDD screen, select the child to check the child’s concession entitlement history and current status.

Has the child's entitlement ended?


Reissue concession card + Read more ...

Reissue the concession card. Check the CCIS screen to confirm the reissued concession card includes only eligible dependents.

Does the newly issued concession card include the customer's relevant dependants?


Child's entitlement has ended + Read more ...

If the child's concession entitlement has ended, check the MCDD screen to confirm the reason. See the Resources page for the End Reason codes.

If shared care arrangements apply for the child:

  • check that the level of shared care satisfies the minimum percentage required for the relevant payment on the SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen
  • see the Resources page for percentage of care required for concession cardholders with shared care arrangements


  • Child Student/Income Circumstances (CHSI) screen
  • ensure the Student Code field is populated with an appropriate student status from the relevant Event Date
  • if the child was undertaking full-time secondary education on the child's 16th birthday, a new date of event will need to be added using the child’s 16th birthday

If the child is aged 16 to 21 years:

  • the Education Details should reflect full-time student status
  • update if appropriate

Procedure ends here.


Refresh required + Read more ...

A refresh is required if:

  • the child’s entitlement has not been reflected on the MCDS screen, or
  • the system has not generated a replacement card automatically (displaying on the CCIS screen)

Go to the MCBA screen and in these fields:

  • Action, key RSH
  • Reason, key HIC (Health Insurance Commission)
  • Effect date, key same as Event Date recorded on CHSI screen

Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise.

Did the refresh fix the issue with the dependents displaying on Concession record?


Referral + Read more ...

If an eligible child has been recorded correctly on the system but is not automatically listed on a cardholder's concession card, refer the customer record to the Level 2 Policy Help Desk - Concessions to request a manual override.

Once a response has been provided by Level 2 Policy, procedure ends here.

Child not automatically listed on FTB HCC or LIC

Table 4: This table describes how to determine why a FTB child or Regular Care Child is not automatically listed on the parent/guardian's FTB HCC or LIC.




Check the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen + Read more ...

Go to the Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen by selecting the child from the Child Selection (CHS) screen. Check the child details are recorded.

A claim (CLM) line must exist on the CHOC screen for all relevant service reasons to ensure the child is included on the parent and/or guardian’s PCC, HCC or LIC.

Note: where the customer requires their dependent on their LIC, a LIC CLM line must exist.

If there is no CLM line for the customer’s relevant payment on the CHOC screen, update the child’s CHOC screen.

Go to Step 2.


Check the MCDS screen + Read more ...

Is the dependent child listed as an eligible child for concession entitlement?


Check the CCIS screen + Read more ...

Check the CCIS screen to confirm the current issued concession card includes all eligible dependents. For example, check if the system has issued a replacement card that includes the dependent child.

Does the current issued concession card include eligible dependents?


Check the MCDD screen + Read more ...

Go to the MCDD screen, select the child to check the child’s concession entitlement history and current status.

Has the child's entitlement ended?


Reissue concession card + Read more ...

Reissue the concession card. Check the CCIS screen to confirm the reissued concession card includes only eligible dependents.

Does the newly issued concession card include the customer's relevant dependants?


Child's entitlement has ended + Read more ...

If the child's concession entitlement has ended, check the MCDD screen to confirm the reason. See the Resources page for the End Reason codes.

For FTB HCC, check:

  • Child in Customer Care (CHC) and Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen
  • the child is assessed as an eligible FTB child, and
  • update if necessary, see CHOC screens for coding

For LIC, check:

  • the LIC Assessment Summary (LIAS) screen reflects the number of child dependants assessed for LIC HCC purposes
  • the CHOC screen. An eligible child must reflect a LIC/CLM line for the relevant Date of Event to enable the LIC system to include the child in the LIC assessment
  • update if necessary, see CHOC screens for coding

If shared care arrangements apply for the child:

  • check that the level of shared care is at least 14% on the FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen or for LIC check the SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen
  • see the Resources page for percentage of care required for concession cardholders with shared care arrangements


  • Child Student/Income Circumstances (CHSI) screen
  • ensure the Student Code field is populated with an appropriate student status from the relevant Event Date
  • if the child was undertaking full-time secondary education on the child's 16th birthday, add a new date of event using the child’s 16th birthday

If the child is aged 16 to 21 years:

  • the Education Details should reflect full-time student status
  • update if appropriate

If a FTB HCC is affected due to Maintenance Action test failure, see Health Care Card (HCC) not renewed/issued for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customers.

Procedure ends here.


Refresh required + Read more ...

If the child’s entitlement has not been reflected on the MCDS screen or the system has not generated a replacement card automatically (displaying on the CCIS screen) a refresh is required.

Go to the MCBA screen and in these fields:

  • Action, key RSH
  • Reason, key HIC (Health Insurance Commission)
  • Effect date, key same as Event Date recorded on CHSI screen

Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen and finalise.

Did the refresh fix the issue with dependents displaying on Concession record?


Referral + Read more ...

A referral may be required if an eligible child has been recorded correctly on the system but is not automatically listed on a cardholder's concession card.


For LIC: