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Requests for information after someone has died 099-01030000

This page contains information about managing requests for:

  • information about a deceased person,
  • how to gather the information needed to respond to the request
  • how to prepare and issue the correct letter

Note: due to the sensitive nature written requests for information about deceased customers, including processing SS524 forms, are handled by suitably skilled Service Officers who have the appropriate skill tag.

On this page:

Calls received about customers who are deceased

Managing requests for information about a deceased person

Gathering details for an information request

Preparing and issuing response letters

Q999 letter templates

SS524 escalation process

Calls received about customers who are deceased

Table 1




Before taking the call + Read more ...

Before a Service Officer answers the call, a message 'Deceased CRN entered' shows in the Services Australia Workspace. This indicates the person is calling about a deceased customer.

It also alerts the Service Officer that:

  • this is a sensitive call
  • they must not give information about the deceased person (including whether they were a Services Australia customer) without sufficient evidence of their authority
  • the caller may not be an executor/administrator of the estate and may be calling to seek bereavement assistance for themselves or another person

Important cultural issues

Cultural issues must be respected and considered by Service Officers when being advised of the death of an Indigenous customer.

In some cases, immediate family members cannot mention the name of the deceased. This means immediate family members may have to ask other relatives/friends to call on their behalf.

In this situation, it may also be offensive to the person for the Service Officer to say the name of the deceased person. Service Officers should sensitively ask the person if it is all right for them to use the deceased person's name. If the person is not comfortable with this, avoid using the deceased customer's name wherever possible.



Death and executor information + Read more ...

Note: if the record is an inactive or deleted record, staff must go to Environment Y for inactive deleted and deceased customer records.


  • Process Direct – the Death and executor information (DEA) screen, or
  • Customer First – the Death/Executor (DEA) screen

On the DEA screen, has the death of the customer already been notified and updated (i.e. the Date of Death and Date of Notification fields completed)?


Caller is not the executor/administrator of the estate + Read more ...

Note: do not give any details about the deceased person, including whether they were a Services Australia customer.

Does the caller need bereavement assistance?

If unsure, ask the caller 'Do you need any information about payments or support while you are grieving?'

  • Yes, go to Step 6
  • No
    • Tell the caller that more details can only be given to the executor/administrator of the deceased customer’s estate after giving enough evidence of their authority
    • Procedure ends here


Caller is the executor/administrator of the estate + Read more ...

If the caller is an organisation and also enquiring about requesting information, go to Customer Information Release service and Release my Information service.

Have the executor/administrator details been entered on the DEA screen?

If the caller is also enquiring about bereavement services, go to Step 6.


SS524 form has been received + Read more ...

The Executor/Administrator Request for information (SS524) form will be allocated to suitably skilled Service Officers for processing. The requested information will be issued to the executor/administrator by letter. Information cannot be given verbally to the executor/administrator.

If the executor/administrator has additional questions, advise the caller they must submit a new SS524.

If the executor is requesting urgent processing or has lodged a complaint regarding the request for information, send a referral using Fast Note - select Auto text, use Third Party Organisations > Update > Executor Request - follow up required.

Due to the sensitive nature of these cases, do not process the request for information unless suitably skilled.

If the executor has lodged feedback about the processing of the SS524, see Process Table 5 Step 3 in Level 1 - Online feedback. This leads to the Customer complaints and feedback index. The index item is Information requests after someone dies (CLK).

Procedure ends here.


Enquiring about bereavement services, including eligibility for payments after the death of a loved one + Read more ...

Direct the caller to the Services Australia website and to search 'bereavement' for the relevant pages. This will give the caller information about what help is available after someone dies. Offer the services of a social worker where appropriate.

Customers will not need to submit a claim for Bereavement Payment in most cases; the amount will be calculated after notification of death and paid if they are an eligible income support customer.

For more information, see About Bereavement services.

The caller may want a copy of the Needing help after someone has died? (HD001) pamphlet, which is available at their local service centre.

Procedure ends here.

Managing requests for information about a deceased person

Table 2




Check death of the customer has been recorded + Read more ...

Has the person been recorded as deceased on the Death and executor information (DEA) screen in Process Direct or the Death/Executor (DEA) screen in Customer First?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No and the record has been found, process the death action of the customer, then go to Step 2
  • No the customer's record cannot be found
    • Information requests through other sources such as email, where a Services Australia customer record cannot be located on the system,
    • Attempt 1 outbound call to the executor
    • Tell them the record cannot be located. Ask if there is any more information they can give to help with searches. For example, other names or omitted details on the form
    • If no record is found, confirm this with the executor, verbal discussion is sufficient. Procedure ends here
    • If outbound contact with the executor is unsuccessful, send a Q999 and record steps taken in a DOC on the executor’s Centrelink record, where available. See Table 5 for suggested text.
    • If the record is found, go to Step 2


Determine action needed + Read more ...

A request for information from a third party about a deceased person may be received by letter or lodgement of an Executor/Administrator Request for information (SS524) form.

A work item is created and allocated by Workload Manager (WLM). Only suitably skilled Service Officers who have the appropriate skill tag can process these requests.

If a third party makes a verbal request for information about a deceased person, tell them to submit an SS524 form with proof of their authority.

Where the work item is:

If a third party requests any returned payments be issued to them, see Replacing payment made to a deceased customer where payment was returned from financial institution.


Determine what Service Delivery brand this request is for + Read more ...


Aged Care Means Test Assessment (MTA) information requests + Read more ...

Refer requests for information about Aged Care MTA to the Aged Care (RCA) team. See Office Locator for the team’s contact details.

The Aged Care (RCA) team can give copies of any letters about Aged Care or manual assessments/reassessments of existing MTAs where needed.

To refer the request to the Aged Care (RCA) team:

  • Create an open work item using Fast Note - select Auto text, use Aged Care > Enquiry > Aged Care Discharged CR – Man Let Req
  • Select Confirm
  • Edit auto text and include details about written request received and action needed
  • Select Continue
  • Complete any existing work item associated with this request

Procedure ends here.


Request for information received + Read more ...

Suitably skilled staff must only disclose information to:

  • the executor as named in the will
  • the Public Trustee
  • a court
  • the administrator of the estate
  • state and territory government departments assessing burial/funeral assistance

Is the person/organisation requesting the information in 1 of the above categories?

Information Release Section referrals (not Freedom of Information referrals)

+ Read more ...

In some specific situations, the Information Release Team must make a decision about whether to give information to the requestor.

Suitably skilled staff must only refer the following requests:

  • from police, the Coroner, a Royal Commission or a court/tribunal
  • identity information about the deceased person is sought (such as their next of kin) and the request is made separate to any request for a statement of pension
  • from a life insurance or superannuation company requesting information to contact a beneficiary or determine the policy holder
  • from a state or territory government department requesting information about assets held by the deceased person to determine eligibility for funeral assistance
  • if unsure, see Table 3 for how to escalate queries regarding executor requests

Does the request relate to any of the above circumstances?

  • Yes,
    • Email the request to the Information Access Team
    • Record progress on the deceased customer's record. Use Fast Note – select Auto text, use TPO - Third Party Organisations > UPD – Update > Deceased Customer - Executor Request
    • Close the associated work item/s
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 6


International agreement countries + Read more ...

Services Australia has International Social Security Agreements with a number of countries.

Requests for information to or from an international agreement partner to Centrelink International Services (CIS). Information that may be given or requested from the International agreement partner include:

  • date of death
  • executor/administrator details
  • last known address
  • surviving partner
  • assessment of entitlement to foreign pension and any recovery debts

Requests or follow up actions from non-International agreement partners including overseas lawyers, Power of Attorney (POA) and general overseas executor requests are not to be referred to CIS.

Does the request relate to an international agreement partner?

  • Yes,
  • Email the request to the CIS Helpdesk
  • Record progress on the deceased customer's record. Use Fast Note –select Auto text, use TPO - Third Party Organisations > UPD - Update > Deceased Customer - Executor Request
  • Close any associated work items
  • Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 7


Check form, supporting documents and proof of authority + Read more ...

Check the SS524 form to make sure the executor or administrator has:

  • signed the form
    Note: the form may be signed electronically, digitally or by hand
  • completed the SS524 form completely and lodged all required pages

Proof of executor or administrator authority is always needed before releasing any information or taking follow-up action to contact or advise the estate on matters such as a debt or payments owed.

The following documents are acceptable proof of authority:

  • executor as named in the will. See notes below
  • letter from the Public Trustee or a solicitor stating they are administering the estate
  • a court order
  • letters of administration from the administrator of the estate
  • letter from the legal representative clearly naming the executor or administrator of the estate and identifying they are acting on their behalf


  • If the will or other legal documents relating to the deceased estate is presented in a service centre, do not remove any staples when copying for upload to the deceased customer’s record. This can render the document invalid
  • If the will states there are multiple executors, check if they have been appointed to act jointly, or jointly and severally. Two or more executors appointed to act jointly, must act together. All executors must submit an SS524 or letter confirming the request. Two or more executors appointed to act jointly and severally can act on behalf of the estate together or individually
  • If a letter is received from a family member or individual (who is not a solicitor) stating they are administering the estate, one of the above supporting documents is needed as evidence.
  • A letter received from a legal practitioner not acting on behalf of the executor or administrator of the estate cannot be accepted as proof of authority.

If needed, record on a DOC on the deceased customer's record with all relevant information about disputed executor or administrator roles.

Has the SS524 form been completed and enough evidence been given?

  • Yes:
    • record the executor or administrator details on the DEA screen, and
    • place a DOC on the deceased customer's record advising the Executor / Administrator of the estate has been verified and recorded on the DEA screen
    • proceed to Step 1 in Table 3
  • No, go to Step 8


Further information or follow up with executor needed + Read more ...

If any further information or supporting documents are needed, contact the executor.

Complete 1 outbound call attempt to the executor

See Calling a customer or returning a customer's call

Contact successful + Read more ...

  • Authentic the executor using Category A mandatory questions:
    • Full name or Business name (if not provided already)
    • Customer's full name (if not disclosed already)
    • Customer's date of birth
    • Address of Executor/Administrator (Death (DEA) screen) and customer
    • The Australian Business Number (ABN) of the business (if applicable)
    • See Authenticating a Centrelink customer
  • Advise the executor:
    • of any supporting documents needed and Services Australia cannot give the information asked for until these documents are provided.
    • if there is any information missing in the SS524 and this must be supplied before the request for information can be processed
  • Record the outcome on the deceased customer's record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use TPO - Third Party Organisations > UPD - Update > Deceased Customer - Executor Request
  • Close the SS524 work item
  • Procedure ends here

Contact attempt not made + Read more ...

If unable to complete the outbound call due to processing the SS524 activity outside regular business hours, complete a Fast Note for handoff.

  • Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Third Party Organisations > Update > Executor Request - follow up required
  • Close the SS524 work item.
  • Procedure ends here

Contact attempt was unsuccessful + Read more ...

If the contact was unsuccessful, go to Step 9


Reject the request for information + Read more ...

The request for information must be rejected, as Services Australia has no authority to release the information.

If outbound contact with the executor is unsuccessful, send a Q999 (see Table 5 for suggested text):

  • if the executor has a Centrelink record, issue the Q999 from their record. Scan a copy of the executors Q999 letter this onto the deceased customer’s record
  • if the executor does not have a record issue from the deceased customer’s record. For privacy reasons, if the SS524 or correspondence received did not include the deceased customer’s CRN, staff must redact this from the Q999 letter before sending manually.
  • Include details in the Fast Note - select Auto text, use TPO - Third Party Organisations > UPD - Update > Deceased Customer - Executor Request.

Complete the SS524 activity.

Procedure ends here.

Gathering details for an information request

Table 3




Request for information received + Read more ...

The executor or administrator may request some or all the below information:


Payments owed to the deceased customer + Read more ...

Gather information for the response letter. Check the customer's record:

  • Payment Summary (PS) screen for rejected or returned payments
  • Document List (DL) screen for money owed to the deceased customer
  • Outstanding activities that will result in arrears being paid
  • Outstanding claims that will result in a payment

Issue the payments to the deceased customer’s estate using the SF030 form and send to Shared Financial Services, see Replacing payment made to a deceased customer where payment was returned from financial institution. The Resources page has a link to the SF030.

For more information, see the relevant Operational Blueprint for the deceased customer's payment type. For example:


Check for undetermined debts + Read more ...

Undetermined debts can be identified by a started (STA) debt activity on the deceased customer's Activity List (AL) screen. The debt activity will contain a Debt Id that will correspond to a debt listed on the Debt List (OPDL).

There may be situations where a recoverable debt was temporarily written off or ‘Finalised no debt’ (FND) to allow the death action to be updated. Where this occurs, the debt will not be raised until 4 weeks or more after the customer's death, and the information will be recorded in a DOC.

To identify any undetermined debts, check the deceased customer's:

  • Activity List (AL)
  • Debt List (OPDL)
  • Future Activity List (FAL) screen
  • Document List (DL) screen

For more information, see Requesting refunds and raising debts for deceased customer.

Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) loan debts.

  • HEAS loan debts are not an overpayment debt. They are an approved loan granted to a customer. Unless repaid by the customer earlier, they are recovered via the customer’s estate (or their surviving partner’s estate if applicable). They do not appear on OPDL and can be located:
    • in Process Direct on the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) screen
    • in Customer First on the PLS screen
  • Where a Service Officer receives any information relating to a HEAS loan debt (including an SS524), escalate to a Complex Assessment Officer (CAO).
  • To request action by a CAO for a loan or settlement enquiry, use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Complex Assessment > Request for CAO Action > CAO Home Equity Access Scheme
  • For more information on recovery of a Home Equity Access Scheme loan, see Initiating recovery of a Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) outstanding loan amount.

Does the deceased customer have any undetermined or potentially recoverable debts?


Investigate the record + Read more ...

Additional information about the deceased customer may be needed.

If there are any raised debts with outstanding balance on the Debt List (OPDL) screen, get the total balance of all debts owed by the customer’s estate. This information is needed before sending a written request for information to the customer's estate.

Has other information about the deceased customer been requested?


Investigate all undetermined debts + Read more ...

Before sending a written response in relation to the enquiry, all undetermined debts for the deceased customer must be assessed, and raised, waived or permanently finalised 'no debt' as appropriate:

  • To create the work item to refer to Debt Raising team, staff must:
    • create a Fast Note and
    • select the correct Service Reason relating to the payment of the debt activity on the AL screen: for example, JSP / FTB / CAR / AGE. To find the correct Service Reason, select the debt from AL screen the payment is displayed as Benefit Type
    • make sure Document Completion is marked as 'No'
    • use Auto text select Debts > Debt Raising > Debt Raising Deceased ACTion Request
    • select Confirm
    • In the text section add the following: 'The executor / administrator of the deceased customer's estate, has contacted requesting whether there are any monies owing to the agency. Please investigate all undetermined debts, raise debts if needed, and issue Q080 to the Executor listed on DEA screen. They are unable to finalise the customer's estate without this information. Please do not close this request without action or escalation if needed. Thank you'
    • select Continue
  • Note: if there is an open Fast Note referral to Debt Raising, do not create another one on the deceased customer's record. The work item could be waiting to be allocated or under investigation by the Debt Raising team. Check for any annotations to the open activity for further information. Note: If unsure how to proceed, contact Local Peer Support (LPS). See Step 12
  • Finalise the ‘Executor Request’ work item
  • Record an open work item. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Third Party Organisations > UPD - Update > Deceased Customer - Executor Request
  • HOLD this work item for 14 days to follow up determination of debts
  • Procedure ends here, pending determination of debts


Outstanding request for an explanation or application for a formal review of decision + Read more ...

On the deceased customer's record check the:

  • Document List (DL) screen for any outstanding:
    • requests for explanation
    • formal review of decisions
  • Appeals (APL) system for any open APL records

Suitable skilled staff must:

  • only respond to the enquiry about the deceased customer's account to advise if there is/is not an outstanding request for an explanation, application for a formal review or appeal
  • not give advice about the progress or outcome. This will happen as part of the explanation, formal review or appeal process

Go to Step 9.


Income and assets statement + Read more ...

For an overview of income and assets for pensions, go to the Pension Income and Asset Summary (PIAS) screen.

For income, check all associated screens in the customer’s record, such as:

  • Income from employment (EANS)
  • Profit from self-employment/business income or Real Estate/Business income (REBS)
  • Financial Investments (IVIS)
  • Income streams/annuities (SUPS)
  • Attributed Income from Trust or Company (TRCIAS)
  • Foreign Income (FIPS)
  • Other Income (OIN)

For assets, check all associated screens in the customer's record, such as:

  • Accommodation Details (AC)
  • Financial Investment Summary (IVIS)
  • Other Assets Summary (OASS)
  • Trust/Company Income/Assets Summary (TRCIAS)
  • Real Estate/Business Summary (REBS)
  • Savings Summary (SVS)
  • Shares or securities (SIS/SILS/SIUS)
  • Pension Annuities Summary (SUPS)
  • Managed Investment Summary (MIS)
  • Foreign Income/Asset Detail (FID)

Has other information about the deceased customer been requested?


Current or previous financial year statement/income details + Read more ...

Collect the following information for the response letter. For payment details about:

  • For previous financial year/s, view previous tax year details via the Tax Payment Summary (TXGS) screen. Select the relevant year to get the income information, including payment start and end dates. Note: any payments made after the customer’s death will not be included in the TXGS screen, as they are not taxable. For example, final payment paid to single pensioner’s estate up to the entitlement period end date (EPED) in which pensioner died are not included in TXGS
  • For current financial year, refer to the Tax Year to Date (TXYTD) screen. The end date will be the date the customer was last paid to as per the Payment Summary (PS) screen. Taxable and non-taxable payments will show, plus any tax deductions and Remote Area Allowance (RAA) amounts. All payments made to the deceased customer after their death, are not taxable. As a result, must not be included in the financial year income statement
  • Taxable and reportable tax-exempt payments or components of payments will show, plus any tax deductions and RAA amounts
  • Education Entry Payment (EdEP), Quarterly Energy Supplement or any other one-off payments, view the One Off Payments (OOP) screen
  • Tax File Number or any exemptions, select the Tax File Number tab from the CRN/BP link in Customer First
    Note: the CRN/BP link may need to be selected twice to get to the Tax File Number Tab. Add the customer's Tax File Number to the QTAXCH letter, as the information could be used to lodge a tax return if necessary.

Has other information about the deceased customer been requested?


Requests for other information + Read more ...

In limited cases, the third party may request details about other customer information.

If the third party makes a broad request or for excessive amounts of information, seek technical assistance. Go to Step 11.

Check with the Information Access Team for permission to release the information, if there is any doubt whether the information can be released.

Some examples of what may be requested, and where to find the information are:

  • Next of kin/dependents, check the Link Summary (LS) screen for any partner or children. The LS screen will also display any links to carers related to the customer
  • Date and place of birth, check the Customer Personal Details (CPD) screen. The Identity Summary screen may have birth certificate details recorded; if so, the state or territory of issue will be displayed
  • Former names, check the Customer Personal Details Summary (CPDS) screen
  • Former addresses, check Address Summary (ADS) screen
  • Date of arrival in Australia, check Country of Residence (CRES), Legal Residence Details (RSLEG) and Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM) and Customer Advised Travel Details (RSCD) screens
  • Centrepay deductions, see Requesting refunds and raising debts for deceased customer
  • Bank details, check the Payment Destination Summary (PAS) screen
  • Bereavement payments, check the Bereavement Payment Information (BVI) screen
  • Archived information, access Archiving and Culling Engine


Check all information gathered + Read more ...

Has all requested information been gathered?


Unclear or unreasonable requests + Read more ...

If an executor or other third party makes a request that is unclear or is unreasonable to process (seeking excessive types information):

  • If not sure about the request seek assistance, go to Step 12
  • Try to contact the requestor to clarify the information they need, attempt 1 outbound call to clarify and/or refine the scope of the information needed
    • If unable to complete outbound contact due to processing being outside regular business hours – complete a Fast Note for hand-off. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Third Party Organisations > Update > Executor Request – follow up required
    • If contact is successful, and the requestor still needs an excessive amount of information, tell them you will proceed with their request but it will be limited to any of the information selected at question 15 of the SS524 form, and any other information outside of these that are reasonable to give. Tell them if they still need more information after this, they must lodge a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Direct them to the Services Australia website and to search 'Freedom of Information' for the form and steps needed
    • If contact is unsuccessful, proceed with the request by providing only the standard information listed at Q15 of the SS524 form if selected. Send a Q999 letter from the deceased customer’s record advising them to lodge the FOI request for remaining information. See Table 5 for suggested text.
      Note: if the SS524 for or other documentation submitted by the executor or third party does not include the customer’s CRN, redact this from the Q999 letter before sending.
  • Record outcome on the deceased customer’s record using Fast Note > select Auto Text, use Third Party Organisations > Deceased Customer – Executor Request
  • Complete the SS524 work item


Seek technical assistance + Read more ...

When unable to get details to give the requested response, contact Local Peer Support (LPS).

For complex cases LPS:

  • escalate to the Level 2 Policy Helpdesk, the Resources page includes a link under Contacts
  • use the 'CSAEnquiry' type Bereavement unless another reason is more appropriate

Where needed, place the work item on hold pending advice and record a DOC on the deceased customer's record, including the action that has been taken.

Once all information has been received, see Step 1 in Table 4

Preparing and issuing response letters

Table 4




Determine which type of letter to send + Read more ...

Once all the required information has been gathered, determine which letter type/s will be sent in response to the request for information about the deceased person.

Note: depending on the information requested, more than one letter may need to be sent.

Choose the correct letter from:

  • Providing Info to the executor about deceased (Q126), used for:
    • payments owed to the customer's estate
    • claims against the customer's estate
      the option to display pension instalments is optional and should only be selected if the customer was a single pensioner at the time of death.
  • Tax Statement Details for Client (QTAXCH), used for current or previous financial year statement/income details and providing the customer’s Tax File Number
  • Free format text shell (Q999), used for requests for other information, for example income and assets, Centrepay and other payment deductions


Prepare advice letter/s + Read more ...

Prepare the started (STA) advice letter/s:

  • Do not finalise/issue the letter(s) until all letters have been prepared and checks completed as needed. Note: to prevent started letters from being allocated to other staff, place all started letters on hold for 7 days or more. Place a note in the started letter activity stating: 'DO NOT COMPLETE OR CANCEL THIS LETTER – WITH <USER ID>'
  • Use the correct letter code, either Q126, QTAXCH or Q999
  • If more than 1 letter is needed, create each letter separately

See Creating an Online Advice (OLA), including within an existing activity.

Is the letter being prepared a QTAXCH letter?


Prepare QTAXCH letter + Read more ...

When preparing the QTAXCH letter:

  • In the pension supplement field, for:
    • taxable payments such as Age Pension, enter the text 'Taxable component included in taxable pension paid'
    • non-taxable payments such as Disability Support Pension (DSP), enter the text 'Non-taxable'
  • If tax rebate codes are unknown or not applicable, record accordingly
    Note: these codes are no longer needed. To prevent these codes from populating on the QTAXCH letter - select 'Current Financial Year' in letter options, even if the information is about a previous financial year


Check delegation levels are met + Read more ...

Delegation to release information about a deceased person sits at the APS4 level for smart centre and service centre staff.

See the Resources page for links to the Delegation Instruments.

Staff members at all levels can prepare letters. However, a staff member with the appropriate delegation must approve them before they are issued.

Smart centre and service centre staff at the APS4 level or above have the delegation to both prepare and issue the letter without seeking further approval.

Note: if a Q999 letter is needed, an APS5 level staff member or above must check and approve it, unless approved text is used.

Is the Service Officer preparing the letter at the APS4 level or above?


Delegated officer to approve letter + Read more ...

Where possible, a staff member at the same site who has the appropriate delegation (APS4 level or above) must check and issue the letter.

In limited cases, where a staff member with the appropriate delegation is not available:

  • Add keyword EXCREQ to the draft Online Letter (OLA) on the Activity List (AL) screen, and
  • Record a DOC with the action taken. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use TPO - Third Party Organisations > UPD - Update > Deceased Customer - Executor Request

For the staff member:

  • who prepared the letter but is not delegated to approve or issue the letter, procedure ends here
  • with delegated authority to approve and issue the letter, go to Step 6


Approve and issue letter + Read more ...

If the approving staff member (APS4 level or above) did not prepare the letter, they must check the information to confirm the details are correct before issuing.

Issue the letter from the deceased customer's record.

To issue the letter:

  • Key 'FIN'alise in the Command field and press [Enter]. The system will prompt if any required fields are not completed - make any updates and key 'FIN'alise in the Command field then press [Enter]
  • If more than 1 letter is to be issued, print the letters locally and send together in 1 envelope
  • Once the letter is ‘FIN’alised, see Changing settings to print a letter or electronic message on a local printer to change the letter from central to local

See Creating an Online Advice (OLA), including within an existing activity.


Determine if 'Release of Information' web form is needed + Read more ...

Scan the request for information to the deceased customer's record.

Was the request for information from the executor or administrator of the deceased customer's estate?

  • Yes:
    • Finalise any work items associated with the request
    • Either annotate the existing DOC or record a new one (where a DOC is not already recorded). Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use TPO - Third Party Organisations > UPD - Update > Deceased Customer - Executor Request
    • Procedure ends here
  • No:
    • Complete a 'Release of Information' web form. The Resources page includes a link to the web form
    • Finalise any outstanding work items associated with the request
    • Record a DOC. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use TPO - Third Party Organisations > UPD - Update > Deceased Customer - Executor Request
    • Procedure ends here

Q999 letter templates

Table 5




Deceased customer record not found + Read more ...

Issue Q999 letter if executor/administrator cannot be contacted by phone to tell them we cannot give them the information they asked for because a record for the deceased person cannot be located.

Suggested text:

I refer to your recent request for information about <deceased customer’s name>

Attempts to contact you have been unsuccessful. From the information you have given, we could not find a Centrelink record for the deceased person in our system.


Insufficient evidence of authority + Read more ...

Issue Q999 letter if executor/administrator cannot be contacted by phone to tell them we cannot give them the information they asked for because they have not given enough evidence of their authority.

Note: if the executor/administrator has not quoted the customer’s CRN in the SS524 or other documents submitted, staff must either

  • issue the Q999 letter from the executor/administrator’s Centrelink record if they have one, or
  • redact the customer’s CRN from the Q999 before sending manually

Suggested text:

I refer to your recent request for information about <deceased customer’s name>

Attempts to contact you have been unsuccessful.

We cannot give you the information you have asked for. This is because we do not have enough evidence of your authority to receive this information.

If you wish to ask for this information again, please lodge a new Executor/Administrator Request for information form (SS524) together with evidence of your authority as executor/administrator.


Request not specific, amount of information is excessive, unauthorised or unavailable + Read more ...

Issue Q999 letter if executor/administrator cannot be contacted by phone to tell them we cannot give them the information they asked for, where the scope of the request is not specific enough, they have given too much information or the details requested are unavailable or not authorised to be given.

Suggested text (only use what is appropriate for the specific case):

I refer to your recent request for information about <deceased customer’s name>

Attempts to contact you have been unsuccessful.

As your request was somewhat unclear/broad, to help you we have given you the information we think you need as listed on the Executor/Administrator Request for information form (SS524).

If you need more information, please lodge a Freedom of Information (FOI) request.

You can find details on how to lodge a FOI request on the Services Australia website by searching 'Freedom of Information' or accessing the following link:

<the details being unavailable>

<non-disclosure provisions affecting the details requested>


Other information requested + Read more ...

Issue Q999 letter if executor/administrator has requested other information that cannot be provided in Q126 or QTAXCH letters, and the information can be provided, such as income and assets details.

Suggested text:

I refer to your recent request for information about <deceased customer’s name>

The following information is from our records:

<Give the information requested as dot points>

SS524 escalation process

Table 6




SS524 has been lodged, uploaded and requested urgent processing + Read more ...

If an executor/administrator makes contact after their SS524 has been lodged and uploaded staff must check:

  • there is a request for urgent processing, or
  • a complaint has been lodged

Has a request for urgent processing or a complaint been lodged?


Executor/administrator is requesting urgent processing + Read more ...

Where an executor/administrator is now requesting urgent processing of the SS524 that has been lodged and uploaded staff must use the process outlined in Table 1 Step 5.

Advise the executor/administrator that a request for urgent processing has been sent.

Procedure ends here.


SS524 urgent processing requested, and executor is escalating + Read more ...

Where an SS524 urgent processing request has been documented and the executor/administrator is requesting the SS524 to be completed staff must send an email to advise:

  • Title: SS524 executor escalation
  • Priority: High
  • Information to include:
    • executor/administrator details
    • advise action to be taken
    • advise when SS524 is completed, or
    • advise and DOC outstanding actions required before the SS524 can be completed. For more information see, Recording reasons for decisions

Procedure ends here.