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Level 1 - Online feedback 104-21012236

This document outlines how to manage online complaints, suggestions and compliments.

Note: customer and non-customer is referred to as 'customer' throughout the complaints suite of Operational Blueprint files.

On this page:

Log in and retrieve work

Authenticated, unauthenticated and anonymous feedback

Identify the feedback type

Check for multiple feedback entries

Investigate and Manage complaint

Contact the complainant

Customer comments mailbox access

Log in and retrieve work

Table 1




Retrieve Centrelink work

Open Customer First:

  • select Inbox from the left hand menu
  • select Ready for Work at the top of the Inbox screen, this opens the feedback entry
  • if the feedback item is not displaying in the Results list, select refresh

If retrieving work via Process Direct or Work Optimiser:

Customer First can be used to search for a Centrelink or Medicare Feedback ID.

Presented work

Manage the presented work as follows:

  • a bundle of work presents, see Table 2, Step 5 in Work Optimiser for staff
  • written correspondence that is a complaint letter, not an online complaint, see Table 1, Step 5 in Level 1 - Manage complaints and feedback
  • the online complaint Customer Feedback Tool (CFT) is already allocated to a Service Officer, see Table 4, Step 3
  • an unallocated online feedback presents, go to Step 3


Retrieving Medicare work

Open Front of House Application:

  • Select Medicare Customer First tile
  • Select ZCFS_ICF_MGR-Integrated Customer Feedback
  • Select Agent Inbox from the left hand menu
  • Change Status to Feedback Received
  • Change the Assigned To dropdown to blank
  • Select Search
  • The feedback items are listed in date order:
    • Go to last page
    • Select the earliest date without an Employee Responsible
    • Select the grey box to the left of the Feedback ID
    • Select Forward on the Menu bar
    • Input the User Id in the User cell
    • Select Search
    • The work item will now display the Service Officer's name as the Employee Responsible
  • Select the Customer Feedback ID
    • Go to the Details tab
    • Select Edit
    • Change the Status to Investigation in Progress
    • Select Save

Go to Step 9


Alternative servicing arrangements

Is the feedback:


Restricted Access Centrelink customer

Restricted Access is available for Centrelink customers seeking additional protection of personal information held by Services Australia.

Does the customer have a Restricted Access record?


Managed Service Plan (MSP)

An MSP specifies the way a customer can communicate with the agency. MSPs do not restrict how the agency contacts the customer. Responding to customer complaints and feedback is a business need where contact with the customer may be required:

  • Read the MSP to decide the customer's servicing arrangements
  • If the customer has a One Main Contact (OMC):
    • contact the OMC to decide appropriate management of the customer’s complaint and relevant issues.
    • if the OMC can manage the complaint, the OMC follows feedback management procedures
    • if assigning feedback to the OMC, code the OMC as the employee responsible. Procedure ends here for Level 1
  • If the customer feedback will continue to be managed by Level 1, go to Step 6


Employee Responsible

Go to the Parties Involved tab.

Is an employee responsible assigned to the Level 1 Feedback?


Assign Employee Responsible

In the Customer Feedback Tool:

  • go to the Parties Involved tab
  • select Edit
  • go to the blank Created By line under the Partner Function column. Use the drop down to select Employee Responsible
  • assign the Employee Responsible:
    • select the box on the right hand side of the Employee Responsible line. This opens a Search Criteria box
    • select the box on the right hand side of the User line and enter the Employee Responsible logon
    • select Search
    • select the name of employee responsible
    • select Save


Update the Feedback Status

Update the Feedback Status to reflect it is being actively worked on.

  • Go to the Details tab
  • Select Edit
  • Change the Status to Investigation in Progress
  • Centrelink only - make an entry in the On Hold Expiry Date field to set a hold date:
    • Initially set the hold date as 5 business day
    • After investigating, update the hold date if required
  • Select Save

The Feedback Status may change from Investigation in Progress after completing the initial investigation. Check the Feedback Status always reflects the correct status.


Feedback for another agency or government department

Is the feedback for an agency or government department outside of Services Australia?


Unauthenticated feedback for another agency or government department

  • Check the Notes History tab in the CFT entry for a Customer Reference Number (CRN) or Medicare number.
  • Before a CRN or Consumer ID is linked to a record, ensure the feedback has been submitted by the customer or their authorised representative. Consider the following:
    • Is the feedback written in the 'first person' or the 'third person'?
    • Has the Centrelink nominee / Medicare Representative or a third party lodged the feedback directly on the customer record?
  • If it is not apparent the customer or their authorised representative lodged the feedback, do not link the feedback to the customer record
  • If the CRN or Medicare number can be located and there is sufficient information to confirm the feedback has been lodged by the customer or authorised representative, link the CRN or Consumer ID to the CFT entry:
    • Go to the Parties Involved tab
    • Select Edit
    • Select the box on the right hand side of the Feedback Customer line, this opens a Search Criteria box
    • Type the CRN or Consumer ID into the ID number field and select Search
    • Select the ID that appears in the Results List
    • Select Save


Refer the customer to the correct organisation

  • Search the Useful Internet links for the relevant agency or government department
  • Phone the customer, using softphone to ensure the call is recorded, to advise the correct organisation details
    • If the contact is unsuccessful or a phone number is not available, and an email address is provided, send an approved 'other agencies complaint response email'
    • Send the email from the Customer Comments mailbox with a classification of 'OFFICIAL'. Do not change the email template except for adding the CFT ID and any prompted instructions. For access to the Customer Comments mailbox, see Table 7
    • Attach the email or letter to the feedback entry
    • If the contact is unsuccessful, or a phone number and email address has not been provided, send an approved 'other agency complaint response' letter. Print and post the letter. Attach the email or letter to the feedback entry
  • If the customer has a Centrelink Nominee or Medicare Representative
    • prepare an approved 'NOM copy of Email sent to customer' letter or 'NOM other agency complaint response' letter
    • print and post the letter to the nominee
    • attach the email or letter to the feedback entry
  • Send a Complaint Action required email via the 'External Channel Email' in the CFT to Level 2 Complaints. Request action by the relevant program and ask for the entry to be removed from reporting:
    • email subject line: Agency outside of Services Australia - CFT ID <80xxxxxxxxx>
    • email body of text: ‘This complaint relates to an agency or government department outside of Services Australia. Notes have been added to the CFT entry. Please remove from reporting.’
  • Document the CFT:
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
    • Select Edit and change the Text Type drop down to Action Taken/Response Provided
    • Record 'This feedback relates to an agency outside of Services Australia. The customer (and nominee/representative, if applicable) have been notified by <phone>, <email> or <letter>. A request to have this entry removed from reporting has been sent'
    • Record the date and time of the call to the customer or nominee/representative (if phone contact made)
    • Select Save
  • Finalise the feedback
    • Update Remedy details tab. Use the Remedy Provided drop down to select Action Taken and External Referral. In the Free text field type Other agency
    • Update Details tab. Change the Feedback Status to Finalised and use the appropriate selection for the Outcome channel. Add an Acknowledgement date
    • Select Save

Procedure ends here for Level 1.


Correct the feedback in the CFT if required

When a customer lodges online feedback, the customer selects the value they feel best reflects their feedback issue. The customer does not understand the impact to the agency when they make their selection, therefore every feedback item must be checked to determine if it is correctly recorded.

If the feedback is a general enquiry, incorrectly recorded as either a complaint, suggestion or compliment, go to Table 5 Step 4.

If the customer requests their feedback to be withdrawn, go to Step 16.

Otherwise, review the Details tab:

Service Brand - the Service Brand (Centrelink or Medicare) must reflect the complaint issue/s. If the feedback is recorded under the incorrect Service Brand the feedback item must be removed from reports and re-recorded in the correct Service Brand, go to Step 13.

Feedback Type - if the Feedback Type is recorded as a <COMPLAINT>, <COMPLIMENT> or <SUGGESTION> incorrectly, re-record the feedback under the correct Feedback Type. For example, suggestion recorded as a complaint, complaint recorded as a compliment, etc., go to Step 14.

Service Type/Service Detail - the most appropriate payment/service must be selected. Where the customer is providing feedback about a supplementary payment, such as Rent Assistance; select General Payments and Services: Rent Assistance, not the customer's primary payment.

Debts: If generic feedback is received about debts, such as repayment options, repayment amounts, etc. record the Service Type/Details as General Payments and Services:Debt Recovery. The feedback is managed by the Service Officer who received the complaint work item.

If the debt feedback is about a specific payment type, recategorize the feedback to the business area the debt relates to. For example, a Family Tax Benefit debt, should be amended to Families:Family Tax Benefit. Ensure the Work Type in Work Optimiser is updated if required, refer to Step 15.

I have a complaint about (1) / I have a complaint about (2) - the most appropriate reasons must be selected. If the complaint is about a Digital Service, the Digital Product must also be recorded, for example myGov, Online services or Mobile APP.

The cause of the feedback must be categorised, not the symptom or the remedy. For example, if a customer recorded a complaint about not receiving their JobSeeker Payment (JSP) as 'A Decision, Outcome or Payment: not received', but upon investigation the reason they did not receive the payment is because their JSP is suspended, re-categorise the complaint to 'A Decision, Outcome or Payment: cancellation or suspension'.

Note: 'A Claim, Application or Assessment Process' and 'A Decision, Outcome or Payment' are options under I have a complaint about (1).

Use A Claim, Application or Assessment Process when a complaint is about a claim, before it has been finalised or a decision has been made.

Use A Decision, Outcome or Payment when a complaint is made after the process has been finalised or payment has been made.

For example:

  • If the complaint is about the delay in Parenting Payment Single (PPS) claim being completed (before completion) - then it should be coded as 'A Claim, Application or Assessment Process: I waited too long' (not a Decision, Outcome or Payment)
  • If the complaint is about Child Care Subsidy (CCS) reconciliation delay - then it should be coded as 'A Decision, Outcome or Payment: I waited too long' (this helps distinguish between claims and other types of assessments)

Centrelink only, go to Step 15.

Medicare staff, see Table 2.


Incorrect Service Brand

When feedback is identified as being for another Service Brand within the agency, refer the feedback to the correct Service Brand to manage:

  • Send an approved 'incorrect-service-brand' email or letter to the customer (and nominee/representative, if applicable)
  • Send the email from the Customer Comments mailbox with a classification of 'OFFICIAL'. Do not change the email template except for adding the CFT ID and any prompted instructions. For access to the Customer Comments mailbox, see Table 7
  • Attach the email or letter to the feedback entry
  • Customer has a Centrelink Nominee or Medicare Representative:
    • Prepare an approved 'NOM copy of Email sent to customer' letter or 'NOM incorrect service brand' letter
    • Print and post the letter to the nominee
    • Attach the email or letter to the feedback entry
  • Document the CFT:
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
    • Select Edit and change the Text Type to Action Taken/Response Provided
    • Record 'Feedback relates to <Centrelink>/<Medicare>/<Child Support>, feedback will be passed onto the appropriate program. The customer (and nominee/representative, if applicable) have been notified by <email> or <letter>. A request to have this entry removed from reporting has been sent.'
    • Select Save
  • Finalise the feedback:
    • Update Remedy details tab. Use the Remedy Provided drop down to select Action Taken and Internal Referral. In the Free text field, type Other Service Brand
    • Update Details tab. Change the Feedback Status to Finalised and use the appropriate selection for the Outcome channel. Add an Acknowledgement date
    • Select Save
  • Send a Complaint Action required email via the 'External Channel Email' in the CFT to Level 2 Complaints requesting the entry be removed from reporting
    • Email subject line: Incorrect Service Brand - CFT ID <80xxxxxxxxx>
    • Email body of text: This complaint relates to <Centrelink>/<Medicare>/<Child Support>. Notes have been added to the CFT entry. Please forward to the appropriate Business Area and remove from reporting
    • Note: a Message from webpage error may display. Select OK. When returned to the Customer Feedback Tool, go to the Related Transactions tab. If an Outgoing E-mail line displays, the email has been sent. If there is no Outgoing E-mail line, resend the email

Procedure ends here for Level 1


Feedback Type

When feedback has been recorded against the incorrect Feedback Type, (<Complaint>/<Compliment>/<Suggestion>), remove the feedback from the customer's record and recreate it correctly:

  • Go to the Notes history page and copy all information. This information will be pasted into the newly created customer feedback
  • Go to the Details page and note all information. This feedback must be duplicated on the newly created feedback. For example, the date the feedback was lodged
  • Duplicate the feedback under the correct Feedback Type. Paste the notes from the History page into the Notes tab of the new CFT

In the correct feedback

  • Document the CFT:
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
    • Select Edit and change the Text Type to Action Taken/Response Provided
    • Record 'This Feedback was created to replace CFT ID <80xxxxxxx> which was recorded under the incorrect Feedback Type.'
    • Select Save
  • Enter the employee responsible logon in the newly created CFT to assign the feedback

In the incorrect feedback

  • Document the CFT:
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
    • Select Edit and change the Text Type to Action Taken/Response Provided
    • Record 'This Feedback was incorrectly recorded as a <COMPLIMENT>/ <SUGGESTION>/ <COMPLAINT>. A new feedback item CFT ID <80xxxxxx> was created. This feedback item will be removed from reporting.'
    • Select Save
  • Send a Complaint Action required email via the 'External Channel Email' in the CFT to Level 2 Complaints requesting action by the relevant program and ask for the entry to be removed from reporting
    • Email subject line: 'Incorrect feedback type - CFT ID <80xxxxxxxxx>'
    • Email body of text: 'This feedback was recorded as a <COMPLIMENT>/ <SUGGESTION>/<COMPLAINT> however is a <COMPLIMENT>/<SUGGESTION>/<COMPLAINT>. The new feedback item CFT ID <80xxxxxxx> has been recorded. Please remove from reporting.'
    • Note: a Message from webpage error may display. Select OK. When returned to the Customer Feedback Tool, go to the Related Transactions tab. If an Outgoing E-Mail line displays, the email has been sent. A confirmation email advice will present in the sender’s email inbox within the hour. If there is no Outgoing E-Mail line, resend the email
  • Finalise the feedback:
    • Update Remedy details tab. Use the Remedy Provided drop down to select Action Taken and Internal Referral. In the Free text field, type Other Service Brand
    • Update Details tab. Change the Feedback Status to Finalised and use the Not applicable selection for the Outcome channel. Add an Acknowledgement date
    • Select Save

Centrelink only, once the feedback has been recoded, continue to the next step.

Medicare staff, see Table 2.


Recategorise complaint in Work Optimiser, if required

Feedback items under the Centrelink General Payment and Services skill tag must not be reallocated unless a determination was made at Step 12 to correct the Service Type/Service Detail. If required, seek assistance as outlined in Tier 0 technical support - self-sufficiency.

Does the Service Officer have the capability to action the work item?

  • Yes, see Table 2
  • No,
    • navigate to the Parties Involved tab in Customer Feedback Tool in Customer First. Delete the Employee Responsible and the Responsible Group lines
    • For Farm Household Allowance (FHA), refer to the Complaints and feedback index > Farm Household Allowance (FHA)
    • For Special Benefit (SpB) or Assurance of Support (AoS) complete the WLM Technical Assistance Webform
    • For all other payment types, select Edit and update the Service Type on the Details tab to reflect the most appropriate program. For example, if the current Service Type is Older Australians, however the complaint relates to Families, change the Service Type to Families then select the most appropriate Service Detail, such as Family Tax Benefit and select Save
    • Make sure the Feedback Status on the Details tab is displaying as Feedback Received
    • Go to Work Optimiser
    • Select the Worklist tile
    • Locate the Customer Feedback ID number from the Work Item ID column
    • Click on the box on the left side of the column (next to the Work Item ID)
    • Go to the bottom right and select Actions
    • Select Unassign
    • Select the drop down and select Recategorised
    • Place the cursor in the Work Type box (a Select Work Type pop-out will display)
    • Type a suitable code from the list below:
      ZFSR_FEEDBACK_CAO (Complex Assessment)
      ZFSR_FEEDBACK_CAR (Carers)
      ZFSR_FEEDBACK_DIS (Disabilities)
      ZFSR_FEEDBACK_FCC (Families and Child Care)
      ZFSR_FEEDBACK_JSK (JobSeeker)
      ZFSR_FEEDBACK_OA (Older Australians)
      ZFSR_FEEDBACK_STU (Students)
      ZFSR_FEEDBACK_INT (use for international agreement complaints managed by CIS)
      ZFSR_FEEDBACK_GEN (General)
      ZFSR_FEEDBACK_PP (Parenting Payment Single and Partnered)
      ZFSR_COMPLAINT_RCA (Residential Care)
      ZFSR_COMPLAINT_CALC (use for Residential Care Assessment calculations only)
      Select the correct option from the list displayed and select Submit
    • Procedure ends here for Level 1.


Customer requests their feedback be withdrawn

A customer may add an additional comment requesting their feedback be withdrawn.

Note: feedback records cannot be ‘deleted' from the Customer Feedback Tool.

Send a Complaint Action required email via the 'External Channel Email' in the CFT to Level 2 Complaints requesting the entry to be removed from reporting or disassociated from the customer’s record.

  • Email subject line: ‘<REMOVE FROM REPORTING>- CFT ID <80xxxxxxxxx>'
  • Email body of text: 'The customer has requested this feedback be <REMOVED FROM REPORTING>. Refer to the Notes History tab for full details.’
  • A Message from webpage error may display. Select OK. When returned to the Customer Feedback Tool, go to the Related Transactions tab. If an Outgoing E-Mail line displays, the email has been sent. A confirmation email advice will present in the senders email inbox within the hour. If there is no Outgoing E-Mail line, resend the email

Document the CFT

  • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
  • Select Edit and change the Text Type to Escalation and Management
  • Record ‘A request to have this feedback removed from reporting has been sent’
  • Select Save

Update the Remedy Details tab

  • Remedy provided tab – Internal Referral

Finalise the CFT entry

Details tab > Status > Feedback Status

  • select Edit
  • update the status to Finalised
  • select Save

Procedure ends here.

Authenticated, unauthenticated and anonymous feedback

Table 2




Managing customer aggression + Read more ...

If the feedback item contains offensive content, educate the customer of the agency's behavioural expectations when speaking with them. Follow the steps in the Table 5 in Level 1 - Manage complaints and feedback.


Review feedback + Read more ...

The feedback must be linked to the record of the person the feedback relates to. For example:

  • If a complainant lodges feedback about their partner’s experience, the feedback must be recorded on the partner’s record
  • A Centrelink Nominee or Medicare Representative lodges feedback about an issue relating to the person for whom they are nominee, the feedback must be linked to the customer’s record
  • A Centrelink Nominee or Medicare Representative lodges feedback about their own experience, the feedback must be linked to the nominee/representative’s record

If the customer has asked to remain anonymous, and no identifying content details have been provided in the online feedback, go to Step 13.

Otherwise, review the feedback to determine if the feedback is authenticated and is linked to the correct record.

Is the feedback authenticated?

  • Yes, and the feedback has been lodged by:
    • the customer and is linked to the correct record, go to Table 3
    • a third party (including authorised representatives and nominees), go to Step 4
  • No, go to Step 3


Feedback is unauthenticated + Read more ...

Check the Notes History tab in the Customer Feedback Tool (CFT) entry for a Customer Reference Number (CRN) or Medicare number.

Before a CRN or Consumer ID is linked to a customer record, ensure the feedback has been submitted by the customer. Consider the following:

  • Is the feedback written in the 'first person' or the 'third person'?
  • Has the nominee/representative or a third party lodged the feedback directly on the customer record?

If it is not apparent the customer lodged the feedback, do not link the feedback to the customer record.

Has the feedback been lodged by a third party?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, and the customer is a:
    • Centrelink customer who has given their CRN, go to Step 7
    • Centrelink customer who has not given their CRN, go to Step 6
    • Medicare customer who has given their Medicare number, go to Step 9
    • Medicare customer who has not given their Medicare number, go to Step 8


Third party + Read more ...

Third parties, including authorised representatives and nominees, may lodge feedback on behalf of a customer.

Before actioning the feedback, make sure the third party has permission to enquire or make updates, on the customer's behalf. Review:

Determining the appropriate record for recording third party feedback

If a third party contacts about their personal experience whilst acting on a customer's behalf, record the feedback on the third party’s record.

Is the third party authorised to act on the customer’s behalf?


Third party is not authorised to act on the customer’s behalf + Read more ...

Do not access or update the customer's record.

Contact the third party using softphone to ensure the call is recorded.

Was the contact successful?

  • Yes:
    • Explain the agency is unable to provide any details about the customer's situation
    • Encourage them to assist the customer with contacting the agency to discuss their issues
    • Inform them about the process to gain authority to enquire on the customer's behalf
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry. Select Edit and change Text Type drop down to Action Taken/Response Provided
    • Document the CFT 'The third party does not have permission to act on the customer's behalf’. Include details of the information and advice provided during the contact
    • Select Save
    • See Table 9 in Level 1 - Manage complaints and feedback
  • No:
    • Send an appropriate contact request email
      If an email address only was provided, send the email-only-provided email to the third party
      If an address only was provided, send the ‘unsuccessful-contact-followup-required’ letter. Remove the sentence ‘We have attempted to call you, but have not been able to reach you.’ if a phone number was not provided
    • Treat the feedback as anonymous. Remove customer identifying details from the Details and Parties involved tabs
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry. Select Edit and change Text Type drop down to Action Taken/Response Provided
    • Document the CFT with phone contact attempts, if applicable. If an email or letter was sent, document ‘An <'unsuccessful-contact' email> <'unsuccessful contact – follow up required' letter> was sent to the third party’. If no contact details were provided, document ‘phone, email or address details not provided’
    • Select Save
    • Attach the email or letter to the feedback entry
    • See Table 9 in Level 1 - Manage complaints and feedback


Locate a CRN + Read more ...

If the customer has not noted a Customer Reference Number (CRN), complete searches in Customer First:

  • Name Search (IN) screen search using the customer's name
  • SMS/Email Search (SMEM) screen search using the customer's email or phone number
  • Global Selection Menu (GLO) screen if the CRN the customer has written in the text has no letter at the end

A Service Officer must be satisfied the customer record being accessed belongs to the correct person before assisting with the feedback.

Authentication is conducted by assessing the information contained within the feedback against information held on the record.

Service Officers can only proceed once they are satisfied that the person lodging the feedback is the owner of the record being accessed or an authorised representative.

Can a CRN be located and there is sufficient information to confirm the feedback has been lodged by the customer or authorised representative?


Add a CRN to a CFT entry + Read more ...

To link or edit the CRN attached to the CFT entry:

  • go to the Parties Involved tab
  • select EDIT
  • select the box on the right hand side of the Feedback Customer line, this opens a Search Criteria box:
    • enter the CRN into the CRN field and select Search. Select the ID that appears in the Results List
    • select Save

If any issues occur when attempting to link a CRN to a CFT entry, including where a CRN is already appearing on the Feedback Customer line, email the Level 2 Complaints mailbox with the following:

  • CRN
  • Feedback ID, and
  • details of the error or issue

Add an On Hold Expiry Date on the Details tab. The 'hold' date is the date the work item will present for follow up. This should not be more than 2 business days.

Once a response is received, return to this point and continue with the below steps.

See Table 3.


Locate a Consumer ID + Read more ...

Complete search in the Customer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS), see Register a customer for Medicare in the CDMS.

Can a Consumer ID be located and there is sufficient information to confirm the customer lodged the feedback?


Add a Consumer ID to a CFT entry + Read more ...

To link the Consumer ID to the CFT entry:

  • go to the Parties Involved tab
  • select EDIT
  • select the box on the right hand side of the Medicare Customer line, this opens a Search Criteria box:
    • type the Consumer ID into the ID number field and select Search
    • select the ID that appears in the Results List
    • select Save

If any issues are experienced when attempting to link a Consumer ID to a CFT entry, email the Level 2 Complaint mailbox with the following:

  • Consumer ID
  • Feedback ID, and
  • details of the error or issue

Once a response is received (within 2 business days), return to this point and continue with the below steps.

See Table 3.


Review the CFT entry content + Read more ...

Review the feedback and determine if the complaint or feedback needs investigating.

In an attempt to authenticate the feedback, contact must be attempted even if the details page displays 'no further contact'.

Is there a phone number within the CFT entry text?


Email address + Read more ...

Send an appropriate approved email if the customer has given an email address but no phone number.

Has the customer provided an email address?

  • Yes:
    • Send an approved email to the customer from the Customer Comments mailbox. Do not change the template unless prompted by the template text. For access to the Customer Comments mailbox, see Table 7
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry. Select Edit and change the Text Type to Action Taken/Response Provided
    • Document the CFT 'Email only provided' email sent to the customer. The feedback has been finalised. No further action can be taken at this time.’
    • Select Save
    • Finalise the feedback entry, go to Table 9 in Level 1 - Manage complaints and feedback
  • No, go to Step 12


Residential or postal address + Read more ...

Send a request for contact letter if the customer has given an address but no phone number or email address.

Has the customer provided an address?

  • Yes,
    • Send an approved letter to the customer
    • Print and post the letter
    • Attach the email or letter to the feedback entry
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry. Select Edit and change the Text Type to Action Taken/Response Provided
    • Document the CFT 'Unsuccessful contact - Follow-up required letter sent to the customer. The feedback has been finalised. No further action can be taken at this time.’
    • Select Save
    • Finalise the feedback entry, go to Table 9 in Level 1 - Manage complaints and feedback
  • No, go to Step 13


Treat feedback as anonymous + Read more ...

Treat the feedback as anonymous if there are no identifying factors and the customer has not provided a phone number, email, residential or postal address

Review the feedback to determine if any actions can be taken. Actions may include, but are not limited to:

  • a staff complaint or compliment where there is sufficient information to identify a staff member, service centre or smart centre
  • a complaint or suggestion about a specific business area

Escalate the feedback to Level 2 if the information provided in the online feedback:

  • references suicide or self-harm, or
  • indicates they are experiencing vulnerability, or
  • indicates the issue may cause them to experience vulnerability, or
  • makes an allegation of discrimination or bias, including seeking support from the Australian Human Rights Commission

Does the feedback need to be escalated?


Feedback needs to be escalated + Read more ...

  • Document the CFT:
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
    • Select Edit and change the Text Type to Escalation and Management
    • Record why the feedback entry has been escalated
    • Select Save
  • Go to the Reason for Escalation tab:
    • Select Escalation Reason 3-Complaint is fundamentally sensitive
    • When an escalation reason is selected the Feedback Status will automatically change to Escalated and the Parties Involved tab will update to the correct Branch and remove the Employee Responsible
  • Send a Complaint Action required email via the ‘External Channel Email’ in the CFT to Level 2 Complaints advising of the vulnerable complainant issue
  • Note: a Message from webpage error may display. Select OK. When returned to the Customer Feedback Tool, go to the Related Transactions tab. If an Outgoing E-Mail line displays, the email has been sent. A confirmation email advice will present in the senders email inbox within the hour. If there is no Outgoing E-Mail line, resend the email


Feedback does not need to be escalated + Read more ...

Can other actions be taken?

  • Yes, follow the process in the Complaints and feedback index
  • No, and there are no actions which can be taken:
    • go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry. Select Edit and change the Text Type to Remedy Provided Details
    • document the CFT ‘Anonymous feedback with no identifying factors, complaint finalised. No action taken'
    • select Save
    • finalise the feedback entry, see Table 9 in Level 1 - Manage complaints and feedback


Contact the online complainant + Read more ...

Make 2 phone contact attempts using softphone to ensure the call is recorded to the complainant to acknowledge, discuss and progress the complaint entry. One in the morning, one afternoon call on the same day or next business day.

Document the contact attempts.

  • If contact was successful:
    • go to the Notes tab, select Edit and change the Text Type to Action Taken/Response Provided
    • document the time of the call, number contacted and details of discussion
    • select Save
  • If contact was unsuccessful:
    • go to the Notes tab. Select Edit and change the Text Type to Unsuccessful Contact Details. Document the time of the call, number contacted, and if a message was left. Also document the details of what was to be discussed with the customer (should the customer return the contact)
    • Select Save
    • go to the Details tab. Navigate to the Customer Contact Attempts and complete the date and time fields of the call attempt
    • Select Save

If contact is:

  • successful and the complaint needs to be linked to the customer's record, for
  • successful and the complaint is to remain anonymous, go to Step 13 above
  • successful and the customer refuses to complete Proof Of Record Ownership, go to Step 11 above
  • unsuccessful, go to Step 11 above

Identify the feedback type

Table 3




Identify the feedback type + Read more ...

Is the feedback a:

  • Centrelink complaint, compliment or suggestion, go to Table 4
  • Medicare:


Record a Sensitive Information Indicator in CDMS + Read more ...

Medicare customer complaints reported in the CFT must also be recorded as a Sensitive Information Indicator in the Consumer Directory Maintenance System (CDMS) with the following:

  • Category: Service
  • Indicator Type: Complaint

Follow the process in Adding or amending Service Indicators to add the complaint Sensitive Indicator in CDMS.

Go to Table 4.

Check for multiple feedback entries

Table 4




Open the feedback items + Read more ...

The customer may already have open feedback items on their Centrelink or Medicare record.

Review all open items, before investigating and actioning the new feedback item. These may include Level 1 and Level 2 entries that are being managed by a Service Officer.

Use the search function in Workspace, go to Customer Feedback History.

Medicare customer complaints will be recorded as a Sensitive Information Indicator in CDMS. Review the Sensitive Information alert pop up table for any active indicators and the Sensitive Information tab for any inactive indicators.

Are there open feedback entries?


Level 1 Feedback + Read more ...

Is an employee responsible assigned to the Level 1 Feedback?


Level 1 Feedback - employee responsible assigned + Read more ...

Contact the employee responsible to discuss the feedback item.

Successful contact with the employee responsible

Determine who is best placed to take ownership of the new feedback item. It is preferred that one Service Officer manage all open complaints for the customer. This helps with efficiency and provides consistent customer service.

  • If handing the complaint to the other Service Officer, code them as the employee responsible. Procedure ends here
  • If taking ownership of all open complaints, code the new employee responsible, see Table 5

Unsuccessful contact with employee responsible

  • Read the open complaint progress notes to determine where the investigation is at
  • If the feedback is urgent or the customer is experiencing vulnerability, take ownership of all feedback items
  • If the employee responsible has been offline for an extended period, contact the employee responsible manager to determine who should manage all open complaints
  • If unsure what action to take, speak to a Manager
  • If taking ownership of all open complaints, update the employee responsible by following the instructions in Table 1 Step 7 then see Table 5


Level 1 Feedback - No Employee Responsible Assigned + Read more ...

Take ownership of all open, unassigned Level 1 Feedback item/s, update the Employee Responsible.

Read all feedback entries.

If there are multiple entries for:

  • the same issue:
    • go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry. Select Edit and change the Text Type to Escalation and Management
    • document the CFT with 'Customer has lodged multiple feedback entries. The following feedback item/s have been closed 80xxxxxxx, 80xxxxxxx, 80xxxxxxx and will be managed under 80xxxxxxx'
    • select Save
    • leave the feedback recorded first open and close all other feedback items
    • update Remedy details tab. Use the Remedy Provided drop down to select Action Taken and Internal Referral. In the Free text field type refer to <complaint ID left open>. Note: if the complaint is about a Digital Service, use the most appropriate option.
    • update Details tab. Change the feedback status to Finalised and use Not Applicable for the Outcome channel. Add an Acknowledgement date
    • select Save
  • different issues, investigate and manage each feedback separately

See Table 5.


Level 2 Feedback – awaiting action + Read more ...

Level 2 will review the Level 1 feedback item/s.

Staff should:

  • document the CFT:
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
    • Select Edit and change the Text Type to Escalation and Management
    • Record ‘This complaint has been referred to Level 2 for review as there is a current Level 2 complaint 80xxxxxxxx on record awaiting action’
    • Select Save
  • send a Complaint Action required email via the External Channel Email in the CFT to Level 2 Complaints requesting review
  • Note: a Message from webpage error may display. Select OK. When returned to the Customer Feedback Tool, go to the Related Transactions tab. If an Outgoing E-Mail line displays, the email has been sent. A confirmation email advice will present in the sender’s email inbox within the hour. If there is no Outgoing E-Mail line, resend the email.

Procedure ends here for Level 1.

Investigate and Manage complaint

If a child is in immediate danger or risk of harm you must act, and a delegate must call 000.
If you have concerns about a child's safety, conduct the risk and referral process.

Table 5




Type of feedback + Read more ...

Is the feedback a compliment or suggestion?


Compliment or suggestion + Read more ...

Compliments or suggestions lodged online are acknowledged at the time of lodgement via a message informing customers that no response will be provided, and their feedback will be shared with relevant staff and business owners.

Compliments and suggestions do not require a response from Level 1 to the customer.

Refer the compliment or suggestion to the appropriate staff member or business area:

  • See Compliment or Suggestion in the Complaints and feedback index
  • Go to the Record section of the index item for instructions on how to code the Business Reference details
  • Then go to the Manage section of the index item for details on how to send the email to the staff member's Manager or relevant business area

Finalise the feedback in the CFT:

  • Go to the Details tab
  • Change the Feedback Status to 'Finalised'
  • Select the Outcome Channel as 'online'

See Table 9 in Level 1 - Manage complaints and feedback.


Review complaint + Read more ...

Is the feedback a general enquiry incorrectly recorded as a complaint, compliment or suggestion?


General enquiry + Read more ...

  • Phone the customer to acknowledge the feedback and educate the customer on the correct channels to use to make an enquiry. Answer the customer's general enquiry or provide the most appropriate number for assistance. Document the contact including the date and time on the Notes tab of the CFT.
  • If the contact is unsuccessful, send an approved 'general enquiry not complaint' email or letter to the customer.
  • Send the email from the Customer Comments mailbox with a classification of 'OFFICIAL'. Do not change the email template except for adding the CFT ID and any prompted instructions. For access to the Customer Comments mailbox, see Table 7
  • Attach the email or letter to the feedback entry
  • Document the CFT:
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
    • Select Edit and change the Text Type to Action Taken/Response Provided
    • Record 'This feedback is a general enquiry recorded as a <complaint>/<compliment>/<suggestion>. The customer has been notified by <email><phone><letter>. A request to have this entry removed from reporting has been sent'
    • Select Save
  • Finalise the feedback
    • If the general enquiry was recorded as a complaint, update Remedy details tab. Use the Remedy Provided drop down to select Action Taken and Internal Referral. In the Free text field type General Enquiry. If a digital services complaint, use the Remedy Provided drop down to select Digital Service Improvement then select General Advice or Nil
    • Update Details tab. Change the feedback status to Finalised and use the appropriate selection for the Outcome channel. Add an Acknowledgement date (only for a complaint)
    • Select Save
  • Send an email via the 'External Channel Email' in the CFT to Level 2 Complaints asking for the entry to be removed from reporting. Replace text in all fields with the following:
    • Email subject line: General enquiry recorded as feedback - CFT ID <80xxxxxxxxx>
    • Email body of text: This feedback is a general enquiry recorded as a <complaint>/<compliment>/<suggestion>. Notes have been added to the CFT entry. Please remove from reporting
    • Note: a Message from webpage error may display. Select OK. When returned to the Customer Feedback Tool, navigate to the Related Transactions tab. If an Outgoing E-Mail line displays, the email has been sent. A confirmation email advice will present in the sender’s email inbox within the hour. If there is no Outgoing E-Mail line, resend the email.

Procedure ends here for Level 1.


Investigate complaint + Read more ...

Investigate the customer's complaint issue/s:

  • Review the feedback to identify the complaint reason
  • Thoroughly review the customer's record
  • Refer to the Complaints and feedback index for help with investigating the issue
  • Record multiple issues separately in the CFT. For example, if a customer is lodging a complaint about a staff member and a claim delay, record 2 complaints

Is the complaint issue about a potential APS Code of Conduct breach?


Potential Code of Conduct complaint + Read more ...

Where the complaint issue is about a potential breach of the APS Code of Conduct (including employee fraud or unauthorised access), escalate the complaint to Level 2.

Procedure ends here for Level 1.


Document investigations + Read more ...

  • Record the investigation details, for example:
    • a chronology of events (who, when, what, where and how),
    • reference material researched including policy or legislation, etc.
    • if complaint is about a staff member, details of identified staff member logon and how this information was located
  • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
  • Select Edit and change the Text Type to Investigation
  • Record details of investigations
  • Select Save


Manage and Document complaint issue + Read more ...

  • Refer to the Complaints and feedback index for help with actions required to manage and resolve the complaint issue
  • Record the escalation and management steps taken, for example:
    • processed customer claim
    • requested actions (for example, escalated ICT issue, sent Fast Note requesting priority assistance)
    • seeking Local Peer Support or Service Support Officer assistance
    • case consulting with a Team Leader
  • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
  • Select Edit and change the Text Type drop down to Escalation and Management
  • Record details of the escalation and management steps taken
  • Select Save


Potential Systemic Issue + Read more ...

Systemic issues:

  • are problems or errors that have the ability to reoccur and impact business if not addressed
  • have the potential to affect a customer base, business area, product or service or the agency as a whole
  • are problems due to issues inherent in the overall operating system, rather than due to specific, distinct isolated factors

To determine if the potential systemic issue is a known issue, use resources such as:

  • Technical or Access Support
  • Communications Hub, review:
    • Messages
    • NNU Bulletins

Is the complaint issue a potential systemic issue?


Potential systemic issue exists + Read more ...

Select either:

Known potential systemic issue and can be resolved + Read more ...

The issue is known and the customer’s issue can be resolved:

  • On the Details tab, select Potential Systemic Issues
  • Document the CFT:
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
    • Select Edit and change the Text type to Escalation and Management
    • Record why the Potential systemic issue option was selected, and the identified workaround or information found in reference material to resolve the issue
    • Select Save
  • Record suggestions provided by the complainant to improve the agency’s procedures, legislation or policy in the CFT. Forward to the appropriate business area for consideration
  • Resolve the customer's complaint using the identified workaround or information provided in the resource material

Go to Step 11.

Unknown or unresolved potential systemic issue + Read more ...

Escalate the complaint to Level 2 for action if the issue cannot be resolved and could reoccur and affect customers and the agency if not immediately addressed:

  • Select Escalation reason - 5 Complex, cross programme or multiple issues
  • On the Details tab, select Potential Systemic Issues
  • Document the CFT
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
    • Select Edit and change the Text type to Escalation and Management
    • Record why the Potential systemic issue option was selected. Include any action taken to try to resolve the issue, such as resources used
    • Select Save
  • Procedure ends here for Level 1.


Tailored servicing - more help needed to communicate with the agency + Read more ...

Some people have significant barriers impacting their ability to communicate with the agency to resolve their complaint. The contact and servicing approach must be tailored to meet any accessibility needs. Level 2 can explore all options for appropriate servicing based on individual circumstances.

An example of when to escalate may include:

  • a complainant with hearing, speech loss, or other disability or medical condition who cannot use the agency’s accessibility services, and
  • where level 1 are unable to remedy the complaint issue/s, or
  • an email response requesting the customer phone us is not appropriate servicing for their individual circumstances, for example a complaint from an incarcerated customer

Does the complainant require tailored servicing?

  • Yes,
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry. Select Edit and change the Text Type to Escalation and Management
    • Document the CFT with the reason for escalating the feedback
    • Select Save
    • Escalate to Level 2 under Escalation reason 3 – The complaint is fundamentally sensitive
    • Send a Complaint Action required email via the 'External Channel Email' in the CFT to Level 2 Complaints advising tailored servicing required
    • Note: a Message from webpage error may display. Select OK. When returned to the Customer Feedback Tool, go to the Related Transactions tab. If an Outgoing E-Mail line displays, the email has been sent. A confirmation email advice will present in the sender’s email inbox within the hour. If there is no Outgoing E-Mail line, resend the email
    • Procedure ends here for Level 1
  • No, go to Step 12


Customer Vulnerability or allegation of discrimination + Read more ...

Is the customer experiencing vulnerability or making an allegation of discrimination or bias?


Indicated vulnerabilities or allegation of discrimination + Read more ...

Immediately try to contact the customer by phone, go to Table 6 Step 4, if the information provided by the customer in their online feedback references:

  • suicide or self-harm or
  • indicates they are experiencing vulnerability or
  • the issue may cause them to experience vulnerability or
  • have made an allegation of discrimination

Successful phone contact:

Unsuccessful phone contact - escalate the feedback to Level 2:

  • Document the CFT:
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
    • Select Edit and change the Text Type to Escalation and Management
    • Record why the feedback entry has been escalated
    • Select Save
  • Go to the Details tab. Update Customer Contact Attempts and add the date and time of the unsuccessful contact
  • Go to the Reason for Escalation tab. Select Escalation Reason 3-Complaint is fundamentally sensitive
  • When an escalation reason is selected the Feedback Status will automatically change to Escalated and the Parties Involved tab will update to the correct Branch and remove the Employee Responsible
  • Send a Complaint Action required email via the 'External Channel Email' in the CFT to Level 2 Complaints advising of the vulnerable complainant issue
  • Note: a Message from webpage error may display. Select OK. When returned to the Customer Feedback Tool, go to the Related Transactions tab. If an Outgoing E-Mail line displays, the email has been sent. A confirmation email advice will present in the sender’s email inbox within the hour. If there is no Outgoing E-Mail line, resend the email
  • Procedure ends here for Level 1.

Contact the complainant

Table 6




Status of Complaint Issue + Read more ...

If the initial investigation determines the complaint issue is

  • resolved and the customer:
    • is aware of the outcome and no other issues are present, go to Step 2
    • has not been advised of the outcome or an explanation of the outcome is required, go to Step 3
  • not resolved go to Step 3


Customer has been advised of the outcome + Read more ...

  • Send an issue-resolved-since-complaint-was-lodged approved email or Issue Resolved Since Complaint Lodged letter:
    • print and post the letter to the customer
    • if customer has a Centrelink Nominee, or Medicare Representative, prepare an approved 'NOM copy of Email sent to customer' letter or 'NOM issue resolved' letter
    • attach the email/s or letter/s to the feedback entry
  • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry:
    • select Edit and change the Text Type drop down to Action Taken/Response Provided
    • document the CFT with the name of the email or letter sent to the customer (and nominee if applicable) and why it was sent
    • select Save
  • See Table 9 in Level 1 - Manage complaints and feedback


Responding to the customer + Read more ...

Phone contact must be attempted if the customer has a contact phone number, except in the limited circumstances outlined below.

Review the Feedback details on the Notes History tab to check if the customer has requested:

  • no phone contact (this does not include the preferred contact channel the customer has recorded on the Details tab. This is only a preference not a customer instruction), or
  • an email response, or
  • a written response

Customer asks for no phone contact

If the customer has written in their comments they do not want the agency to contact them by phone, escalate the complaint to Level 2:

  • Document the feedback entry:
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
    • Select Edit and change the Text Type to Escalation and Management
    • Record why the feedback entry has been escalated, details of investigation, including Local Peer Support advice and references to resources used
  • Update the Reason for Escalation tab using Escalation Reason 8 - Refusal to accept first contact outcome
  • Select Save

Procedure ends here for Level 1

Customer asks for an email response

  • Phone number provided in the complaint or is available on the customer’s record:
    • Phone contact must be attempted
    • Tell the customer 'I know you have requested a response by email, but we have a responsibility to protect your personal information. We can only respond by email with general information. We need to speak with you to confirm your identity because your complaint requires us to access and disclose your personal information.’
  • If no phone number has been provided, go to Step 10

Customer asks for a written response

If a phone number has been provided in the complaint or is available on the customer’s record, phone contact must be attempted. Tell the customer ‘I know you have requested a written response. We would like to speak with you to discuss your feedback…’

If the customer:

  • has not provided a phone number
  • declines to accept a verbal response
  • asks for the complaint outcome to be confirmed in writing, or
  • 2 contact attempts are unsuccessful

escalate the complaint to Level 2 using Escalation Reason 8 - Refusal to accept first contact outcome.

Is phone contact required?


Centrelink or Medicare customer + Read more ...

Is the customer a Centrelink customer?


Pre-call SMS Alert - Centrelink customer + Read more ...

Customers who subscribed to SMS Electronic Messaging must be sent a pre-call notification (SMS only) alert. A pre-call SMS tells the customer to expect a phone call from Services Australia.

To see if the customer has their mobile number as their preferred electronic messaging option, go to the Electronic Messaging and Online Letter Services (EMOL) screen. The Communication History tab on the summary page of a customer’s record displays a history of all SMS messages sent to the customer.

Has the customer selected their mobile number as their preferred Electronic Messaging option?

  • Yes, send a pre-call SMS Alert, allow a 5 minute lead time before calling the customer, the go to Step 6
  • No, go to Step 6


Two phone contact attempts + Read more ...

Make 2 phone contact attempts using softphone to ensure the call is recorded, to the complainant to acknowledge, discuss and progress the complaint entry. One morning and one afternoon call on the same day or next business day is required.

Was the contact attempt successful?


Successful phone contact + Read more ...

If the customer refuses to complete Proof of Record Ownership, go to Step 10.

If the customer completes PoRO discuss feedback with the customer (see the Complaints and feedback index for assistance with management of the issue):

  • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
  • Select Edit and change the Text Type drop down to Action Taken/Response Provided
  • Record details of the response provided to the customer, including:
    • time (using the Service Officer's local time zone)
    • details of discussion
    • outcome of discussion
    • any follow up actions required
    • next customer contact commitment (if follow up required)
  • Select Save

If the complaint issue is not resolved, hold the complaint until the next agreed customer contact commitment date:

  • Change the Feedback Status to:
    • Investigation in Progress: if further investigation is needed
    • Awaiting Response: if waiting for a response from another business area or the customer
  • Centrelink only - add an On Hold Expiry Date on the Details tab. The 'hold' date is the date the work item will present for follow up. This should not be more than 5 business days
  • Once the customer contact commitment date arrives, go to Step 4 (above)

If follow up is not needed and the complaint is ready to be finalised, see Table 9 in Level 1 - Manage complaints and feedback.

If the complainant does not accept First Contact Resolution, escalate to Level 2, go to Step 8.


Escalate the Feedback + Read more ...

  • Go to the Reason for Escalation tab
  • Select an appropriate Escalation Reason (once an escalation reason is selected the Feedback Status will automatically update to Escalated and the Parties Involved tab will update to the correct Branch and remove the Employee Responsible)

Document why the feedback is being escalated to Level 2.

  • Go to the Notes tab
  • Select Edit and change the Text Type to Escalation and Management
  • Record why the feedback entry has been escalated, the customer’s expectations, and the customer’s preferred outcome
  • Select Save

To escalate the complaint, either:

  • warm transfer to Level 2 Complaints (preferred) or
  • via the CFT. When an immediate warm transfer is not possible and if priority assistance is needed, send a Complaint Action required email to Level 2 Complaints requesting urgent action
  • a Service Officer in the Level 2 team will manage the complaint in accordance with the Customer Complaints and Feedback Policy.

Procedure ends here for Level 1.


Unsuccessful phone contact + Read more ...

1st attempt unsuccessful

  • Keep ownership of the complaint for the 2nd phone contact attempt
  • Update the Feedback Status to awaiting response
  • Centrelink only - enter an On Hold Expiry Date for the next business day, even if the 2nd contact will be made on the same day as the 1st attempt. This holds the entry for access when next scheduled to online work
    Note: when the On hold date is met the Feedback Status reverts to Feedback Received, the feedback remains assigned to the assigned Service Officer
  • If the assigned officer is not scheduled for online work within the next 2 business days:
    • remove the assigned officer as Employee Responsible and delete the Responsible Group, from the Parties involved tab
    • select Save
    • Centrelink only - on the day of the On Hold Expiry Date, the feedback will present to another Service Officer
    • Medicare Only - the feedback item will present to another Service Officer once the employee responsible is removed

Document all unsuccessful contact attempts on the feedback entry:

  • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
  • Select Edit and change the Text Type to Unsuccessful Contact Details
  • Record details of the response provided to the customer, including:
    • time (using the Service Officer's local time zone)
    • details of the message if a message was left, for example message left asking the customer to contact 1800 132 468
    • a brief outline of information to be provided to customer (if the customer returns contact)
  • Select Save
  • Go to the Details tab
  • Update Customer Contact Attempts and add the date and time of the unsuccessful contact

2nd attempt unsuccessful

Was the 2nd phone contact attempt unsuccessful?

  • Yes:
    • Document the unsuccessful contact attempt
    • If the customer has an email address recorded (either in the complaint or on their agency record), go to Step 10
    • If the customer does not have an email address recorded (either in the complaint or on their agency record), go to Step 13
  • No, go to Step 7


Approved standard email template contact + Read more ...

Is the matter resolved?


Email to be sent - the matter is resolved + Read more ...

  • Prepare and send an approved email that appropriately represents the complaint finalisation reason
  • Attach the email to the feedback entry
  • If the customer has a Centrelink Nominee or Medicare Representative:
    • prepare an approved 'NOM copy of Email sent to customer' letter
    • print and post the letter to the nominee
    • attach the email or letter to the feedback entry
  • Document the CFT:
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
    • Select Edit and change the Text Type to Action Taken/Response Provided
    • Record the name of the email sent to the customer (and nominee/representative, if applicable) and why it was sent
    • Select Save
  • Finalise the feedback, go to Table 9 in Level 1 - Manage complaints and feedback


Email to be sent – the matter has not been resolved + Read more ...

  • No phone number provided, or the customer is overseas:
    • If a phone number has not been provided send an 'email-only-provided' email to the customer
    • If the customer is overseas, send the ‘Overseas-customer-contact-request’ email
    • If the issue is about Online Services, send the ‘Online-Services- complaint’ email
    • If the issue is about Call Wait Times, send the ‘call-wait-times’
    • Attach the email to the feedback entry
  • Phone contact was unsuccessful, or the customer refused to complete PoRO
    • Prepare and send an 'unsuccessful-contact-followup-required' email to the customer
    • Attach the email to the feedback entry
  • Customer has a Centrelink Nominee or Medicare Representative:
    • Prepare an approved 'NOM copy of Email sent to customer' letter
    • Print and post the letter to the nominee
    • Attach the email or letter to the feedback entry
  • Document the CFT:
    • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
    • Select Edit and change the Text Type to Action Taken/Response Provided
    • Record the name of the email sent to the customer and why it was sent
    • Document the reason further contact is needed
    • Select Save
  • Finalise the complaint entry
    • See Table 9 in Level 1 - Manage complaints and feedback
    • If the customer contacts at a later date, a new CFT entry must be recorded


Letter contact + Read more ...

Has the matter been resolved?


Letter to be sent – the matter is resolved + Read more ...

  • Prepare an approved letter:
    • 'Issue resolved since complaint was lodged' letter, or
    • If the customer is overseas, send ‘Overseas customer-issue resolved’ letter, or
    • If the issue is about Online Services, send the ‘Online Services complaint’ letter, or
    • If the issue is about Call Wait Times, send the ‘Call wait times’ letter
  • Print and post the letter to the customer
  • Attach the email or letter to the feedback entry
  • The customer has a Centrelink Nominee or Medicare Representative:
    • Prepare an approved 'NOM issue resolved' letter
    • Print and post the letter to the nominee
    • Attach the email or letter to the feedback entry
  • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
  • Select Edit and change the Text Type to Action Taken/Response Provided
  • Record the name of the letter sent to the customer (and nominee/representative if applicable) and why it was sent
  • Select Save
  • Finalise the complaint entry, go to Table 9 in Level 1 - Manage complaints and feedback


Letter to be sent – the matter has not been resolved and the customer refused to complete PoRO or is overseas + Read more ...

  • Prepare an approved:
    • 'Unsuccessful Contact - Follow up required' letter, or
    • ‘Overseas customer- Contact request’ letter
    • Print and post the letter to the customer
    • Attach the email or letter to the feedback entry
  • If the customer has a Centrelink Nominee or Medicare Representative:
    • Prepare an approved 'NOM unsuccessful please contact' letter
    • Print and post the letter to the nominee
    • Attach the email or letter to the feedback entry
  • Go to the Notes tab in the complaint entry
  • Select Edit and change the Text Type drop down to Action Taken/Response Provided
  • Record the name of the letter sent to the customer (and nominee/representative if applicable) and why it was sent
  • Document the reason further contact is needed
  • Select Save
  • Finalise the complaint entry:
    • Go to Table 9 in Level 1 - Manage complaints and feedback
    • If the customer contacts at a later date, a new CFT entry must be recorded

Customer comments mailbox access

Table 7: how to request mailbox access to respond to feedback. For bulk requests, email a list of names and log on IDs to the Level 2 Complaints.




Request access to the Customer Comments mailbox + Read more ...

Centrelink only:

The Customer Comments mailbox is used to send approved template emails to customers.

To request access:

  • Go to ICT Security Portal (ISP)
  • Select Request Resource
  • Reason field - ‘Required to send emails from the CUSTOMER.COMMENTS mailbox’
  • Select magnifying glass next to the Category field, then select:
    • Active Directory
    • Internal Domain
    • Messaging
    • Shared Mailboxes
  • Containing field - CUSTOMER.COMMENTS
  • Select Search
  • Select the mailbox assigned (staff only need to do this when an email is received advising that access is expiring), for example, SM.U.CUSTOMER.COMMENTS.SENDAS, SM.U.CUSTOMER.COMMENTS.2.SENDAS, etc

Note: staff only need access to one mailbox

Note: the FULLACCESS resource is not required for staff to send emails from the Customer Comments mailbox. Specialist boutique team staff are still able to access these mailboxes if required.

Medicare Only:

  • Follow the ICT Security Portal steps above, then select the mailbox below


Add the mailbox to FROM in Outlook + Read more ...

  • Open a new email
  • Go to the Options tab
  • Select From - a From box displays the personal email address
  • Select the drop down option on the From box
  • Select other email address
  • A pop-up box will display. Key 'CUSTOMER.COMMENTS'
  • Select OK
  • Select the mailbox assigned, for example CUSTOMER.COMMENTS, CUSTOMER.COMMENTS.2 etc

Note: all customer emails must be sent from the mailbox assigned using the approved email templates.