Claiming family assistance and Parental Leave Pay (PPL) for a newborn child 007-01010100
PPL details for customers with children born or entering care both before and on or after 1 July 2023.
This document explains an explanation of how parents can claim Parental Leave Pay (PPL), and/or Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for a newborn child and enrol the child in Medicare and the Medicare Safety Net, My Health Record and the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).
How to claim FTB/PPL for newborn child and Medicare enrolment
This table contains information about helping customers make an effective claim for FTB and/or PPL for a newborn child. The customer's claim and proof of birth can also be used to enrol the child in Medicare.
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Customer contacts + Read more ... A customer contacts about claiming PPL and/or FTB including Newborn Supplement (NBS) and Newborn Upfront Payment (NBU) after the birth of a child (or a child under 1 year of age entering their care). Separate procedures apply for customers claiming:
PPL/NBS choice Customers not eligible for PPL or who do not claim PPL will have their NBS/NBU entitlement automatically assessed with FTB. PPL and NBS cannot both be paid for the same child (for multiple births, PPL can be paid for 1 child and the higher rate of NBS/NBU for the other children). Note: in the event there is a significant delay between the births of the children from the same pregnancy, for example 5 days apart, the births may be considered separate birth events and not part of a multiple birth. In these instances, PPL may be payable for each child. Service Officers must refer these PPL claims to the Level 2 Policy Helpdesk with a letter from the attending doctor/midwife confirming the children were of the same pregnancy but born in separate birthing events. If a customer or their partner claims or intends to claim PPL, and it is correctly coded NBS/NBU will not be paid. The 'Intent to claim PPL' indicator will show 'Yes' on the:
If a customer or their partner does not claim PPL or is not eligible, NBS/NBU eligibility will be automatically assessed with a customer's FTB claim. For more information, see Claim choice for a newborn or adopted child. FTB Current customer Customer wants to add the newborn child to their current FTB record. For more information, see Providing proof of birth in Proof of Birth Lodgement table in Helping customers provide proof of a child's birth for family assistance, Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Paid Parental Leave scheme claims. Paid Parental Leave Superannuation Contribution (PPLSC) If a customer contacts in relation to the PPLSC, tell them:
For more information, see Paid Parental Leave Superannuation Contribution (PPLSC). |
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Claim lodgement + Read more ... Service Officers must use the correct date of receipt and the correct date of event when coding and processing claims. This date can sometimes differ from the 'capture date' used to confirm the date of a claim which has been scanned. Staff can confirm the correct date of receipt from:
This allows a search for all documents in the ECRM Environment and displays both the 'date of receipt' and the 'capture date'. The customer may have made an early claim pending proof of the child's birth or confirmation of entry into care), or the customer may have to provide additional information/documentation for their claim to be assessed. For children born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023:
For children born or adopted before 1 July 2023:
To view pre-birth/entry claims that have been assessed pending finalisation, in Customer First select Quick Links > Family Summary > Early Claim Information. For post-birth/entry claims,
For paper claims, make sure missing information is requested and the claim is not finalised until the customer has been given the required time to provide this information. If an early claim has been assessed, this is indicated by a status of assessed or pending. To provide help to customers who meet the definition of a family in crisis, or a family experiencing financial hardship. See Helping customer in crisis or financial hardship claim family assistance. If the customer is requesting urgent claim processing but does not meet the definition of a family in crisis or a family experiencing financial hardship, see Progress of claim – Families claims. Is a claim in progress?
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Self service offer + Read more ...
Use the online rate estimator options to calculate their potential FTB entitlement. Issue a Save time - claim online (11593). Offer On-site Self Services. Promote online accounts, but note that for some customers, it may be unreasonable to claim online. |
4 |
Reasonable for customer to claim online + Read more ... Customers with language difficulties may need help with completing their online or paper claim. Extra assistance is available to help remote Indigenous customers claiming family assistance and PPL. Note: nominees do not have access to lodge online claims (with the exception of Child Care Subsidy (CCS) claims). Therefore, correspondence nominees are to be offered an Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) if available when they want to apply for a families payment on behalf of their principal. If they decline ACC or it is not available, then a paper-based claim form will need to be issued. If the customer is not already registered for online services, see How users create a myGov account and link services. Is it reasonable for the customer to claim online?
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Proof of birth + Read more ... For a customer's claim to be finalised, proof of the child's birth is required unless it has already been provided.
For a newborn child, the easiest way to provide proof of birth is to go online and upload the Doctor/Midwife Proof of birth declaration on the back page of the Newborn Child Declaration (FA081) issued by the hospital/midwife. Parents who have lost the FA081 must provide other acceptable proof of the child's birth and must lodge a separate Medicare enrolment application. Note: customers who have participated in the Newborn Enrolment Trial may not be required to upload the FA081. To finalise their claim however, these customers must complete the Add Newborn or Add Child service to confirm the Electronic Proof of Birth details are correct. |
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Information/documentation or action required + Read more ... When claiming, customers must indicate which payments they wish to claim. If the customer is claiming PPL, it is important they are aware:
Information/ documents required PPL claims:
For birth mothers - approval to claim and approval to share days will be required for the:
For adoption, where there is:
Family assistance claims:
Customers claiming FTB for a child from a previous relationship must be advised of the requirement to take initial action to obtain child support. Customers can claim for a newborn who has not yet been named. However, this may indicate the customer has not yet applied to register the child's birth. The child's first name is to be listed as 'Newborn' and the chosen name followed up. See Linking a child to a customer's record. |
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Claim or documentation lodged + Read more ... |