Claiming Family Tax Benefit (FTB) instalments for children in care other than a newborn or adopted child 007-01030040
This document outlines how parents and guardians can claim Family Tax Benefit (FTB) instalments for children in their care. Customers can make a new claim for children in their care, or claim for an additional child who has entered their care.
FTB claims for children other than a newborn or adopted child
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Enquiry from customer + Read more ... A customer enquires about claiming Family Tax Benefit (FTB) instalments for children in their care. For example, a new claim for children in care, or an additional claim after a child has entered their care. A separate procedure applies if claiming: Does the customer currently receive ongoing payment/s from the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)?
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Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) customer + Read more ... A full-time secondary student aged 16 or over cannot receive both a Veterans' Children Education Scheme (VCES) payment and be an FTB child. In shared care arrangements, where one parent/carer is receiving VCES or Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme (MRCAETS) for a child, this does not preclude the other parent/carer from claiming or continuing to receive FTB for this child. Both parent/carer's can be paid their shared care percentage of the payment they select to receive. DVA customers may benefit from claiming FTB for a student child aged 16 years and over, particularly where the family is entitled to receive FTB Part B.
If the customer asks for more information about the additional educational assistance available through the DVA, they must be referred to the DVA. Does the customer wish to proceed with the FTB claim?
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CHG screen for the child + Read more ... Does the Child General Circumstances (CHG) screen for the child show that the child is in receipt of a Veterans’ Children Education Scheme payment? For shared care cases, a DOA DOC may be recorded if clearance is required by the DVA Clearance Team. Note: both the Veterans' Children Education Scheme (VCES) and Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme (MRCAETS) payments are coded as 'DVA' on the CHG screen as they have the same criteria for payment disqualification.
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Contact the DVA Clearance Team (SCS) + Read more ... Send an email to the DVA Clearance Team (SCS) via the positional mailbox to enquire whether the child is still in receipt of the Veterans' Children Education Scheme payment. The email must contain the:
The DVA Processing Team will advise whether the child is still receiving the Veterans’ Children Education Scheme payment, and if so, what their current rate of payment is. If the child is receiving a Veterans' Children Education Scheme Payment, the customer should be contacted by the Service Officer processing the FTB claim to discuss their payment options to enable them to make an informed choice. Note: the DVA education allowance for full-time secondary students aged between 16 and 18 years of age is paid to the person entitled to be paid FTB on the student’s behalf (generally the parent/guardian). Therefore, the child does not need to give permission for the DVA payment to be cancelled. Does the customer wish to proceed with the FTB Claim?
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Customer wants to proceed with FTB claim and cancel the child’s DVA payment + Read more ... Send an email to Liverpool DVA Processing via the positional mailbox. The email must contain:
Note: normally, DVA will cancel the payment from the start of the next entitlement period. If the cancellation of the DVA payment is backdated, the customer will have a debt with DVA. If the customer would receive a higher rate of FTB, they may wish to backdate the cancellation of the DVA payment. The customer needs to be advised that this will result in a DVA debt which they will have to repay The DVA Processing Team will organise for the Veterans' Children Education Scheme Payment to be cancelled. The FTB claim should be held until the DVA Processing team have confirmed the date of cancellation. |
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Check if customer is FTB current + Read more ... Is the customer currently receiving FTB instalments (status FTB/CUR or FTB/CZR) and advising that an older child (other than a newborn) has come into their care?
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Self service - Online accounts + Read more ...
The online rate estimators can be used to calculate their potential FTB, child care and child support entitlement. Issue a Save time - claim online (11593). Offer on-site self services. The Resources page contains a link to the 11593 publication. If the customer has provided an FA012 or documents to support a change of care and they are not FTB/CUR and have not lodged a claim, attempt to call the customer and encourage them to complete an online claim for family assistance. If the attempt to contact the customer is unsuccessful, issue a Q369 letter - Invite to claim for Family Assistance and Parental Leave Pay. |
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Online claim + Read more ... Self service should be promoted, however if a customer contacts and is deemed unable or unsuitable to complete an online claim, is considered a family in crisis or is an Indigenous customer claiming family assistance and PPL, a verbal claim for Paid Parental Leave and Family Assistance may be appropriate. The Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) workflow can be completed and a verbal signature declaration accepted for these customers. See Online or Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) for family assistance and Parental Leave Pay (PPL). Other payments have their own procedures for claimants who cannot claim online. Further assistance may be available for Families in crisis or Indigenous customers claiming family assistance and PPL. Is it reasonable for the customer to make an online claim?
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Advise customer + Read more ... Tell customers claiming FTB for a child from a previous relationship of the need to take initial action to obtain child support. Any additional information or documentation requested must be provided within 14 days of claim lodgement (21 days for remote area or overseas customers), unless the customer is required to return bank account (payment destination) details and/or Tax File Numbers, in which case all forms and documents are to be returned within 28 days. Smart Centre Processing staff will contact the customer by phone or mail if further information is required for their claim to be finalised.
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FA100 or documentation lodged + Read more ... |