This document outlines the change of circumstances process that applies to employers who have registered to provide Parental Leave Pay (PPL) to an employee.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Employer notifies of an employee's change in circumstances for PPL + Read more ...
Employers can provide evidence of an employee's change in circumstances for PPL either:
Verbally (on the phone)
Written (post, email or fax)
Online if they are registered for:
Centrelink Business Online Services (CBOS), or
Business Hub (Bhub)
If the change in circumstances was notified:
Verbally or written, go to Step 2
By a started activity created by online REA activity (Bhub or CBOS):
By staff allocated a due DOC for a future change of circumstances, go to Step 7
By staff allocated a due activity or DOC requesting evidence, see Table 2 > Step 1
2 |
Notification of an ABN change + Read more ...
If an ABN has changed due to:
an internal change in the business and the employee is still employed under the same position, conditions and employer, the ABN is still required to register and administer to deliver PPL
the sale of the business, attempt to contact the new owners. If they do not wish to administer PPL to non-mandatory staff or the contact is unsuccessful then normal revoke process applies, see Delivery of Parental Leave Pay (PPL)
3 |
Status of employee's PPL claim + Read more ...
Check the employee's claim status from the Benefit Status line.
For New Claim (NCL) status
Document the progress of claim DOC on employees record with the change in circumstances
Procedure ends here
Note: do not discuss any information with the employer regarding the change of circumstances.
For all other claim status
4 |
For Assessed (ASS), Current (CUR) or End of period (EOP) PPL claims + Read more ...
Confirm the information with the employee before making any updates to the employee's record.
Search for the employer's CRN in the Business Hub Access Management tile in Process Direct, to determine if the employer is registered for:
PRODA, and
Paid Parental Leave Services
Is the employer registered for PRODA and Paid Parental Leave Services in Business Hub?
Yes, tell the employer they are able to nominate the change of circumstances online. They can:
log into PRODA
access Paid Parental Leave Services in Business Hub
select the Providing Parental Leave Pay for existing claimants tile
search for the employee
complete the required fields, and
submit the notification
To action the verbal or REA notification, go to Step 6
No, go to Step 5
5 |
Is the employer registered for Centrelink Business Online Services (CBOS)? + Read more ...
6 |
Check record + Read more ...
Check the current employer details and any notifiable events using the Paid Parental Leave Employer Notified Details (P1ERD) in Customer First.
Note: a resignation, termination of employment, return to work or working on a PPL day can be advised up to 30 days in advance, but a system limitation will not allow coding of a future date on the employee record. Staff should continue to accept any information (up to 30 days) provided by the employer and complete any follow up to enable the change.
If the employer:
is advising advance information (30 days or more) their employee will resign, be terminated, return to work, or work on a PPL day, in Customer First on employer record:
Document the employer's record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text > use Families > Updates > PPLEPT - Future CIC
Hold the DOC until the date the employer notified change of circumstances is due to occur
Procedure ends here
is advising their employee has returned to work, or worked on a day they received PPL, go to Step 7
is advising their employee has resigned or been terminated and the date is in the past or within the next 30 days, go to Step 9
no longer meets requirements to deliver employee instalments, see Table 2 > Step 12
needs to update the employer bank details, see Delivery of Paid Parental Leave
If there is a change to the details for the employer in relation to the employee (for example, employer now accepts nomination), go to the P1ERD screen in Customer First to complete the relevant fields with information provided by the employer.
7 |
Employer advises employee has returned to work or performed work on a day they received PPL + Read more ...
Where an employer has advised that the PPL employee has returned to work or working on a PPL day, and the child was born or adopted:
on or after 1 July 2020 and before 1 July 2023:
If RTW is within the PPL period, the PPL period will be cancelled or rejected (reason: RTW)
Flexible days will be available to be claimed
on or after 1 July 2023, an employee can return to work without losing eligibility but cannot be performing more than one hour of paid work on a PPL day
For PPL claims for children born or adopted before 1 July 2023
Check if the return to work has already been notified and updated, and the return to work date was:
Before the end of the customer's PPL period, their PPL period will cancel (reason: RTW) from the return to work date. Any connected Flexible PPL days will be returned to the customer's balance of unclaimed Flexible PPL days
During the customer's connected Flexible PPL days, the day scheduled on the return to work date will be rejected (reason: NWF) and any subsequent Flexible PPL days will be rejected
Flexible PPL days can be accessed before and after the customer has returned to work. However, they must not be performing paid work on the days they want to access Flexible PPL. If the customer returns to work or performs work on a Flexible PPL day, the day will:
be rejected (reason WOF), and
returned to their balance of unclaimed days
Note: employers are only required to deliver Flexible PPL days that are connected to the customer's PPL period.
See Claiming and managing Flexible Paid Parental Leave (PPL) days for children born or entering care before 1 July 2023.
For PPL claims for children born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023
Employees are able to return to work without losing eligibility to PPL.
To be paid a PPL day, an employee cannot be performing more than one hour of paid work on this date (they can be receiving paid leave).
If an employer determination is made, the employer will be responsible for the delivery of PPL when the customer nominated:
an 8 week (40 consecutive weekdays) minimum block of continuous PPL days (Monday to Friday only), and
the PPL days fall before the child turns one/anniversary of care
The employer determination only applies to the first block of PPL days since birth/entry to care. An employee must not be performing paid work on the days they want to access PPL. PPL days can be accessed before and after performing work on a PPL day.
If the employee performs work on a PPL day that is a weekday (Monday to Friday), the day will:
be rejected (reason WOD), and
returned to their available PPL days balance
the employer determination will end and Services Australia will pay any remaining claimed PPL days
Note: this does not occur when the employer notifies their employee worked on a weekend day (Saturday or Sunday) only within the employer paid period. The employer paid period is only paid for weekdays (Monday to Friday). See Delivery of Parental Leave Pay (PPL)
To check if the return to work or working on a PPL day change in circumstance (CoC) has already been notified, staff will need to check the following in Customer First:
If the return to work or working on a PPL day has been recorded for the same date as the employer notified, via
Written notification:
In Customer First, upload notification to employer's record
Document the employer's record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT - Employee - Change in Circs
Complete the DOC
Procedure ends here
Verbal notification:
In Customer First, document the employer's record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT - Employee - Change in Circs
Complete the DOC
Procedure ends here
Online notification:
In Customer First, cancel the REA activity on employee’s record
Document the employer's record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT - Employee - Change in Circs
Complete the DOC
On the employer's record, for any CoC uploaded evidence, ensure work items for the CoC in Process Direct has a change status and input is completed
Procedure ends here
If the return to work or working on a PPL has not been recorded for the same date as the employer is notifying, and
8 |
Discuss the circumstances + Read more ...
Obtain the following information from the employer:
Employee's name
Date of return to work
Date of days the employee performed paid work
Reason for the return to work, or working on a PPL day - i.e. was it for an allowable exception reason
See Parental Leave Pay (PPL) customer, for a child born before 1 July 2023, returns to work.
Employers can advise a customer has returned to work for an allowable reason.
Employers advising a return to work change of circumstance are presented with:
Return to Work for allowable reason field and asked to select a reason from the dropdown list:
Does not apply
Health/Emergency/Other Essential Worker
Defence Force/Law Enforcement Worker
Court Ordered Summons
Employers are not presented with all exception reasons in the dropdown list due to maintaining the employee's privacy for sensitive circumstances. See Parental Leave Pay (PPL) customer, for a child born before 1 July 2023, returns to work
This may have been advised via Business Hub, CBOS, verbally or in writing.
If evidence is received from the employer, attach the evidence to the employer's record.
Keeping in touch (Kit days)
For PPL claims for children born or adopted before 1 July 2023, employees can access up to 10 KIT days that allow them to transition back to employment. These days can be accessed:
before the customer returns to work for the first time following their child's birth or adoption, and
during the PPL period or any Flexible PPL days
For more information about what qualifies as a KIT day, see Parental Leave Pay (PPL) customer, for a child born before 1 July 2023, returns to work.
Discuss with employer the details surrounding the work performed, including if KIT discussions have occurred between the employer and the employee.
Both the employee and the employer must agree on KIT days and either party can refuse to participate. KIT days allow employees to perform a day of regular duties, up to ten (10 days) for transitioning back to employment.
This can include:
performing regular duties
refreshing their skills, or
to become familiar with the workplace or role
It does not include performing regular duties for other purposes, such as filling in for an absent staff member or to earn additional income.
Note: in the instance where an employee suggests to perform a KIT day, it should not be performed within 14 days after the day the child was born. If the employer requests the employee perform a KIT day, this must not be within 42 days after the date of birth of the child.
Following discussion of the employee's circumstances, ask the employer to confirm they have incorrectly advised the employee has returned to work or performed work.
Has the employer confirmed they incorrectly advised the employee has returned to work or performed work (for example, KIT and work for permissible purpose occurring)?
9 |
Attempt first contact with the employee + Read more ...
Make 2 genuine attempts to contact the employee using all contact numbers.
If first attempt to contact the employee regarding the employer notified change in circumstances was successful, go to Step 10.
On the employer record, upload any evidence the employer provided.
On the employee record, if contact was not successful via:
Verbal notification:
In Customer First, close the due DOC, if applicable
Document the record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT - Employer notified CIC
Place the DOC on hold for 1 day
Go to Step 12
Written notification:
In Customer First, close the due DOC, if applicable
Document the record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT - Employer notified CIC
Place the DOC on hold for 1 day
Go to Step 12
Online notification:
In Customer First, HLD the REA activity on employee's record for 1 day
Document the record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT - Employer notified CIC
Complete the DOC
On the employer's record, for any CoC uploaded evidence, ensure work items for the CoC in Process Direct has a change status and input is completed
Go to Step 12
10 |
Employee successfully contacted + Read more ...
Employee is contacted to discuss the advice from the employer and if the change in circumstances has occurred, and they:
Confirmed via
Verbal or written notification, on the employee record:
In Customer First close the due DOC
In Process Direct, action the PPL Change in Circumstances workflow to record the update:
For resignation/termination of employment, see Table 2 > Step 9 For Return to Work/Return to Work exception, or Working on a PPL day, see Table 2 > Step 10
Online notification - go to Step 11
Disagrees with the advice by the employer, go to Step 13
11 |
Online notification for a Change of Circumstances (CoC) + Read more ...
Employee confirmed the CoC notification provided by the employer online.
In Customer First, on the:
Employee record
Review and finalise the started REA activity
Document the record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT – Employer notified CIC
Complete the DOC
Employer record:
Document the record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT - Employee - Change in Circs
Complete the DOC
Procedure ends here.
12 |
Attempt second or subsequent phone contact with the employee + Read more ...
When the DOC or REA activity falls due, make a second genuine attempt to contact the employee using all contact numbers available on the employee's record.
If contact is unsuccessful via:
Verbal or written notification, on the employee record:
In Customer First, annotate with the details of the contact attempt and close the due DOC
In Process Direct, action the PPL Change in Circumstances workflow to record the update:
For resignation/termination of employment, see Table 2 > Step 9 For Return to Work/Return to Work exception, or Working on a PPL day, see Table 2 > Step 10
Online notification on the employee record in Customer First:
review and finalise the started REA activity
annotate with the details of the contact attempt and close the due DOC
Procedure ends here
Online notification - on the employer record:
In Customer First, document the record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT - Employee - Change in Circs
Complete the DOC
Procedure ends here
Contact is successful - discuss if a change in circumstances has occurred. If employee confirms the advice provided by the employer via:
Verbal or written notification - on the employee record:
In Customer First, annotate with the details of the contact attempt and close the due DOC
In Process Direct, action the PPL Change in Circumstances workflow to record the update:
For resignation/termination of employment, see Table 2 > Step 9 For Return to Work/Return to Work exception, or Working on a PPL day, see Table 2 > Step 10
Online notification on the employee record in Customer First:
review and finalise the started REA activity
annotate with the details of the contact attempt and close the due DOC
Procedure ends here
Online notification - on the employer record:
In Customer First, document the record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT - Employee - Change in Circs
Complete the DOC
Procedure ends here
Disagrees with the advice by the employer
13 |
Employee to provide evidence + Read more ...
If the employee disagrees with the change in circumstances advice from the employer (including date of return to work or that an exception applies), follow up action is required.
Discuss why the employee does not agree and request the employee to provide evidence within 14 days. Evidence can include but not limited to emails, payslips etc.
On the employee record
Verbal notification:
In Customer First, document the record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT – CIC Evidence required
Place the DOC on hold for 14 days + allow extra time for mail delivery
Written notification:
In Customer First, upload the evidence employer provided
Document the record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT – CIC Evidence required
Place the DOC on hold for 14 days + allow extra time for mail delivery
Online notification:
In Customer First, document the record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT – CIC Evidence required
Complete the DOC
Place the REA activity on hold for 14 days + allow extra time for mail delivery
PPLEPT staff will need to contact the employer to discuss and request evidence, go to Step 14.
14 |
Employee disagrees with the notified change of circumstances, contact the employer + Read more ...
The PPLEPT must contact the employer to discuss and request evidence if not previously provided
If the employer is unable to be contacted, send a Q999 to request evidence
In Customer First:
Document the employer's record. Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT - CIC Evidence required
Complete the DOC
Evidence could include:
For termination or resignation, a letter between the employee and the employer
For return to work:
Exchange of emails confirming return to work, or work
KIT arrangements (for children born or adopted before 1 July 2023)
Timesheets/attendance record, or
For example, an employer and employee might have an exchange of emails to agree on:
using a KIT day (for children born or adopted before 1 July 2023)
what paid work activity will be undertaken
the timing and duration of the paid work
Note: employers do not need to keep formal records of KIT activities. However, it is best practice to have a record of the agreed arrangements in place before the KIT activity occurs.
For employers registered in Business Hub, the PPLEPT will create a task in Process Direct, this will allow the employer to upload evidence in Business Hub, go to Step 15.
15 |
Creating a task in Process Direct to allow the employer to upload documents in Business Hub + Read more ...
For employers to upload a document in Business Hub, a task must be initiated by the Paid Parental Leave Employer Processing Team (PPLEPT) staff must:
select the Business Hub Request Documents tile
search for the organisation. Note: CRN (CRN must be entered as 10 consecutive characters with no spaces, for example, 408XXXXXXA)
select the organisation
select Claimants of PPL
select the relevant employee from the column on the left hand side
select Tasks
select Request evidence for employee's return to work or termination
update the Authority to request: Paid Parental Leave Act 2010
update the Information to be supplied: 14 days
update the Required for: Incomplete Application
Resignation, or
Return to work
Working on a PPL day (Monday to Friday)
Select right arrow
select Add as no additional details are required
select Finish
Note: evidence is not required from either the employer or employee when the customer has returned to work for an allowable exception reason. Evidence can only be requested if the Service Officer is not satisfied with the information provided.
After the task is initiated:
an outstanding task is generated for the employer in Business Hub
an email notification is sent to the employer advising the organisation can provide the requested documents through the Upload Requested Documents tile in Business Hub
procedure ends here
Step |
Action |
1 |
Allocation of due activity or DOC to provide evidence + Read more ...
If the employee disagreed with the employer's advice they had returned to work, working on a day or the date of the return to work. Request employee and employer to provide evidence within 14 days, allow extra time for mail delivery.
Employers can provide evidence via:
Business Hub
Centrelink Business Online Services (CBOS)
Has a due activity or DOC and 14 days passed (including extra time for mail delivery) been allocated?
place the due DOC on hold until the allowable time has expired
procedure ends here
2 |
Evidence uploaded by employer via Centrelink Business Online Services (CBOS) or in writing + Read more ...
To view evidence provided by an employer staff are to search
CBOS - in myHSI - Organisation Online Mail inbox
the PPLINFO mailbox
Has the employer uploaded evidence?
Yes, on the employer's record in Customer First:
upload the evidence
annotate the due DOC with the document(s) provided
No, on the employer's record in Customer First:
To view employee evidence, go to Step 4.
3 |
View evidence by employer uploaded via Business Hub + Read more ...
To view:
Enter the Process Direct Inbox
Type the organisation CRN (CRN must be entered as 10 consecutive characters with no spaces, for example 408XXXXXXA)
Provider Change of Circumstances from the Main Category
Employment status change from Benefit dropdown
Employment status change work item
Application to ensure the work item is for the relevant employee
Documents to view the employer uploaded document
Change Status
Completed for Possible Status
select Save
if provided, upload the evidence to the employer's record
Annotate the due DOC on the employer's record with the document(s) provided
Go to Step 4
4 |
View evidence uploaded by an employee + Read more ...
To view evidence provided by an employee, staff are to search for documents in;
Go to Step 5.
5 |
Reviewing evidence + Read more ...
Review the evidence provided by the employer and employee.
For all situations where the employer has failed to provide evidence, complete the current review based on employee advice, go to Step 6
If evidence supports employer notified change in circumstances, if it is determined the employee has:
been terminated or has resigned and the employer has advised in the past or within the next 30 days, go to Step 9
returned to work or working on a PPL day, go to Step 7
accessed a KIT day (for PPL claims for children born or adopted before 1 July 2023), go to Step 8
exception for return to work or working on a PPL day, go to Step 8
If evidence does not support the employer notified change in circumstances for an employee, go to Step 6.
6 |
Employer to remain as paymaster after evidence reviewed + Read more ...
Staff when reviewing the evidence may find the employer failed to respond or they provided evidence that does not support the notified change in circumstances for an employee.
As the evidence does not support the notified change in circumstances for an employee, no coding is to be applied.
Staff are to:
On the Employee record, in Customer First:
Written or previously advised verbal notification:
make an genuine attempt to contact the employee to advise them of the change of circumstances outcome
annotate the evidence request DOC with the decision, details of the contact attempt and if successful contact the discussion with the employee
close the DOC
Online notification:
cancel the REA activity
make an genuine attempt to contact the employee to advise them of the change of circumstances outcome
annotate the evidence request DOC with the decision, details of the contact attempt and if successful contact the discussion with the employee
On the Employer record, in Customer First:
make an genuine attempt to contact the employer to advise they will need to continue delivering PPL payments to their employee
annotate the evidence request DOC with the decision, details of the contact attempt and if successful contact the discussion with the employer
Procedure ends here.
7 |
Returned to work or working on a PPL day + Read more ...
If the evidence provided supports that an employee has either returned to work (PPL claims for children born or adopted before 1 July 2023) or working on a PPL day (PPL claims for children born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023).
Staff to:
On the Employer record, in Customer First:
Annotate the evidence request DOC with the decision
Close the DOC
On the Employee record:
In Customer First:
Annotate the evidence request DOC with the decision
Close the DOC (If applicable)
Written or previously advised verbal notification, in Process Direct
Action the PPL Change in Circumstances workflow to record the update for Return to Work or working on a PPL day
Go to Step 10
Online notification on the employee record, in Customer First:
Review and finalise the started REA activity applying the return to work or working on a PPL day as advised by the employer
make an genuine attempt to contact the employee to advise them of the change of circumstances outcome
annotate the evidence request DOC with the decision, details of the contact attempt and if successful contact the discussion with the employee
Procedure ends here
8 |
Exception to return to work or working on a PPL day + Read more ...
If the evidence provided supports that the employee accessed a
KIT day or an exception to the return to work (PPL claims for children born or adopted before 1 July 2023) or
an exception to working on a PPL day (PPL claims for children born or adopted on or after 1 July 2023).
Staff to:
On the employer record, in Customer First:
Make an genuine attempt to contact the employer to advise they will need to continue delivering PPL payments to their employee
Annotate the evidence request DOC with the decision, details of the contact attempt and if successful contact the discussion with the employer.
Close the DOC (If applicable)
On the Employee record:
In Customer First:
Annotate the evidence request DOC with the decision
Close the DOC (If applicable)
Written or previously advised verbal notification, in Process Direct:
Action the PPL Change in Circumstances workflow to record the update.
Go to Step 10
Online notification, in Process Direct:
Review and apply the exception for children born or entering care before 1 July 2023 return to work on the P1ED screen and finalise the started REA activity
make an genuine attempt to contact the employee to advise them of the change of circumstances outcome
annotate the evidence request DOC with the decision, details of the contact attempt and if successful contact the discussion with the employee
Procedure ends here
9 |
New resignation/termination of employment date or amend previously recorded details + Read more ...
Resignation/termination of employment advised within 30 days in advance.
Process Direct
To add a new resignation/termination of employment date or amend previously recorded details - On the employee record:
Launch the PPL Change of Circumstances workflow:
Key START into the Super Key
Select the PPL Change of Circumstances workflow from the Task Selector
PPL Employment Dates (P1ED) task: to view or update resignation or employment termination
Parental Leave Pay days (P1FLX) task: to view or update a PPL day:
appropriate tasks if other updates are required
Select Start
On the PPL Employment Dates (P1ED) screen, expand the relevant claim via the action field twisty:
To amend - Where a termination/resignation has been previously recorded and edits are required, select Edit. Correct/update Employment Termination date
To add - Where new termination/resignation coding is required, select Add. Add/Update the Employment Termination date (customer's last working day +1). For example, if a customer finished work on 13 January, the ceased employment date is 14 January
Select Save
Update Receipt Date, Channel and Service Reason fields
Select Save
Select Next
On the Parental Leave Pay days (P1FLX) screen:
Select Next to update additional selected tasks if required
To complete change of circumstances transaction, go to Step 11.
10 |
New return to work date or working on a PPL day or amend previously recorded details including return to work or working on a PPL day exception + Read more ...
Process Direct
To add a new return to work date, working on a PPL day, or amend previously recorded details, including return to work exception - On the employee record:
Key START into the Super Key
Select the PPL Change of Circumstances workflow from the Task Selector
PPL Employment Dates (P1ED) task: For children born or adopted before 1 July 2023, to view or update return to work, including paid leave, record a return to work exception
Parental Leave Pay days (P1FLX) task: To view or update a PPL day
Appropriate tasks if other updates are required
Select Start
On the PPL Employment Dates (P1ED) screen for children born or adopted before 1 July 2023, expand the relevant claim via the action field twisty:
To amend - Where return to work has been previously recorded and edits are required, select Edit. Correct/update Return to Work date
To add: - Where new return to work coding is required, select Add. Add/Update the Return to Work date
If the customer has returned to work for an allowable exception reason, select the relevant reason from the Exception Reason field
Select Save
Update Receipt Date, Channel and Service Reason fields
Select Save
Select Next
On the Parental Leave Pay days (P1FLX) screen:
Select Next to update additional selected tasks if required
To complete change of circumstances transaction, go to Step 11.
11 |
Completing change of circumstances transaction/task + Read more ...
When a transaction is created in Process Direct, the Service Reason may not automatically default to the correct reason. This should be corrected before finalising the transaction.
Process Direct
Select Assess
Update Service Reason and Payment System (if required). If the customer receives, or has received other payments in the past, the Service Reason and Payment System may not default to PPL. They must be manually changed to PPL, so the PPL Note generates when finalising the activity. No changes are required to the Activity Type
Go to the customer information header and check if the Service Reason and Payment System drop downs have defaulted to PPL
If they have, no action required
If they have not, change both to PPL
Address any errors/warnings on the Errors (SWE) screen
Use Digital Assistant Roxy in Process Direct to address any warnings or errors that present in the Message Log on the SWE screen
Refer to additional support resources where errors or warnings present including:
Network News Update (NNU)
Operational Blueprint
Process Direct - Current Issues screen
If error or warnings cannot be resolved using above resources, Service Officers can raise an incident via Roxy DA. See Reporting ICT issues in Process Direct.
Note: do not attempt unapproved manual workarounds
Select Assess again
Check the results on the Entitlements (ELD) screen are correct, then select Finish
Record in the Notes 'refer to evidence request DOC for updates'
Select Finalise
Employee is on the phone advise them of the change of circumstance outcome
Employee is not on the phone:
If the second or subsequent attempt was made on the same day as the change of circumstances coding, no further contact attempts to be made
Reviewed evidence provided, make a genuine attempts to contact the employee to advise them of the change of circumstances outcome
If the employee's PPL entitlement has been reassessed and a debt is identified, the debt shell will automatically allocate to the appropriate debt team for investigation
Where first contact attempt was successful and the employee confirmed advice and no evidence is required, in Customer First, document the records:
Employee record:
Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT - Employer notified CIC
Complete the DOC
Employer record
Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Families > Updates > PPLEPT - Employee - Change in Circs
Complete the DOC
If employee disagreed with advice and evidence was requested once the change in circumstances is applied, in Customer First:
on the employee record, annotate the evidence request DOC. Include:
outcome of evidence review
did employee provide evidence: Yes/No
employee debt created: (input amount and period)
employee contacted: Yes/No
document any discussion with the employee
on the employer record, annotate the evidence request DOC. Include:
outcome of evidence review
did employer provide evidence: Yes/No
employer debt created: (input amount and period)
To action the debt shell, see Parental Leave Pay (PPL) debts between employers and employees. A letter will be issued to the employee advising of the outcome, and to the employer, if required.
Procedure ends here.
12 |
Payment delivery change + Read more ...
If the employer notifies a change in circumstance that no longer requires them to deliver PPL to an employee, for example, the business is or has stopped trading, a transfer of payment responsibility needs to be actioned and the agency will start payments directly to the employee.
Revocation or transfer of the employer role can be updated retrospectively, in cases where PPL has cancelled and it has been determined, the employer has not/cannot deliver PPL funds to an employee. Overpayments of PPL may occur in these circumstances, and apportioning of debts must be investigated.