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Single Touch Payroll (STP) troubleshooting 108-24103134

This document assists staff to have informed discussions about pre-filled STP data with customers and resolve discrepancies that may occur.

On this page:

Customer contacts as they have been placed on reporting

Troubleshooting the STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen in Process Direct

Help with discrepancies for pre-filled STP data

Escalating issues to mySupport

STP processing tips

Customer contacts as they have been placed on reporting

Table 1




Exemptions when STP data will not place a customer on reporting + Read more ...

The following circumstances are exempt from STP service profiling and will not place a customer on reporting:

  • STP component amounts are zero or less
  • the customer or partner have monthly income coded with an MTE frequency
  • blind customers (Age Pension (Blind) (AGB) and Disability Support Pension (Blind) (DSB)) with an income and asset test exemption coded on the Pensions Disability Information (PDI) screen, see Income and assets tests for blind customers
  • customers in environment I (International Operations)
  • an active Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE) employment type with:
    • a continuous employment income frequency of 1WE or 2WE, or
    • employment income reported by Employer Electronic Reporting (EER)

Note: if STP data is available while a current customer is temporarily overseas and meets portability conditions, existing business rules will not place them on reporting.


Customer contacts as they have been placed on reporting + Read more ...

When STP data is available for a customer, STP service profiling triggers will place the customer on 2-weekly reporting if they are not already and an exemption does not apply.

These triggers may also take customers off reporting 6 fortnights after confirming cessation details or if there has been no STP data reported for 6 fortnights. See Employment income options online.

Service Officers can check if the change to reporting requirements is due to STP data by:

  • entering ‘PQS’ in Next in Customer First to go to the Profile Summary (PQS) screen, then
  • placing ‘S’ in the checkbox next to the Profile Description of Reporting Profile – Income -2WE stim, and
  • selecting enter to go to the Profile Details (PQD) screen

If predictor code 1790 STP data suggests 2WE reporting is:

  • displayed - STP data has been reported for the customer. Service Officers must ask the customer if they are working and discuss all the details received through STP, including if they are being paid by the business or organisation
  • not displayed - the update to the customer’s reporting requirements is not due to STP data. Service Officers must review the code description and any DOCs on the record to find the reason

Note: if a customer states they are no longer working and request to be taken off reporting, Service Officers can update the reporting requirements. However, customers must be advised any final pay details reported later through STP may place them back on reporting.

Where predictor 1790 shows and the customer advises:


Where the customer confirms they are currently employed + Read more ...

Service Officers must:

  • discuss reporting requirements with the customer
  • advise the customer of their self service reporting options, and register them, if needed
  • explain that STP payroll data reported by their employer may pre-fill when reporting using self service
  • run the STP Employer Update workflow to confirm the STP employer, or
  • the Earnings and Reporting workflow (if the customer is due to report) to confirm the employer, review any pre-filled STP income details and complete the report. See Recording and correcting employment income details

Customers can refer to the Services Australia online guides for myGov, online accounts and mobile apps for assistance with self service tools.

Service Officers can refer to Reporting employment income online or Reporting using phone self service for customer reporting information.

Note: check the STP employment start date field on the STP Employer Wage Items (EMGI) screen, the date when employment income was first reported by the employer via STP and when/if the customer first reported income on the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) table. If there is a gap in the data, payslips will be required.

Procedure ends here.


Customer advises they do not work + Read more ...

Where STP data places a customer on reporting, it is a result of identity matches by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and Services Australia to ensure a high level of data integrity. Where there is missing data or inconsistencies, the STP data does not match to a customer. This gives a high level of confidence that the pre-filled STP details are accurate and for the right person.

Service Officers must use the following in Process Direct:

  • STP Employer Update workflow to check for employer/organisation data only
  • Earnings and Reporting workflow to check employer/organisation data and employment income

If no STP data shows, it needs to be retrieved using the Earnings and Reporting workflow.

Select Yes at Update past periods, then:

  • enter a date range starting at least 8 weeks in the past, prior to the current reporting period. This searches for any STP data reported in a previous entitlement period that has placed the customer on reporting
  • select the entitlement period/s where STP data is present, then
  • select Next to progress to the STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen

If the workflow does not go to EMCF, it means the STP employer has been previously rejected. Service Officers must manually enter EMCF in the Superkey field.

The STP employer’s details displayed on EMCF must be discussed with the customer. Ask:

  • have they ever worked for the employer/organisation or signed a Tax Declaration Form (TDF)?
  • could it be their current employer, but not their trading name? (Check ABN lookup)
  • did they have a job trial, one-off or short-term work with the employer with no ongoing employment?
  • could it be a family business?
  • do they get paid any payments from that employer/organisation, such as allowances, compensation, income protection or other benefit? Check for income that may already be coded on the Other Income (OINS), Trust and Companies Summary (TRCIAS) or Foreign Income/Asset Detail (FID) screens; or Compensation Management System (CMS)
  • are they paid any other type of income from another source?
  • If the customer confirms the STP employer/organisation:
    • is their current employer, see Item 3
    • pays them, but they do not work, see Item 5 to review available STP income
  • If the customer does not confirm the STP employer/organisation, see Item 5 to review available STP income


Reviewing available STP income + Read more ...

Service Officers must provisionally confirm the employer status on the STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen to retrieve the available income on the STP Employer Wage Items (EMGI) screen. This will support the discussion with the customer about the STP data.

While still on the on EMCF, select:

  • Edit to launch the STP Employer Update window, then
  • Confirmed from the Status drop down. Service Officers must note recent employers in the drop down list, and then select New Employer, then
  • Save and then Next

The EMGI screen will show. If the STP employer status was initially rejected, Service Officers must manually navigate to EMGI by entering ‘EMGI’ in the Superkey field.

Discuss the employment income with the customer.

If the customer confirms they work for the STP employer and the employer name:

  • was displayed in the drop down list on EMCF, return to EMCF to link the STP employer to the existing employer. Select Save and Next to continue back to EMGI, or
  • was not displayed in the drop down list on EMCF, then
  • review the STP income and adjust if required. Select Accept Income to confirm the details and Next to continue with the report, see Item 3

If the customer confirms they are paid the income but do not work, see Item 6.

If the customer advises they do not work or get paid by the employer/organisation, see Item 9.


Customer is paid but advises they do not work + Read more ...

Discuss the nature of the relationship between the employer/organisation and the customer. Some customers may not understand the income they are paid is ordinary employment income that requires them to be on 2-weekly reporting. This can include but is not limited to, customers who get paid:

  • to attend board meetings for a charity or community organisation
  • by the family business
  • to undertake relief work as a retired teacher
  • honoraria
  • sitting fees that are not a reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses

Some employers or organisations may be required to report income through STP or may incorrectly report components that are out of scope when the income is not ordinary employment income. See Assessment of income for Centrelink payments. This can include, but is not limited to:

  • workers’ compensation payments
  • foreign pensions
  • retirement allowances
  • allowances paid to volunteers for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses
  • distribution to beneficiaries of a trust/company that is not employment income earned as an employee

If the STP income:

  • is ordinary employment income, explain the STP employer will be confirmed as the income needs to be reported. Review the STP data and adjust if required. Select Accept Income to confirm the details and Next to continue with the report, see Item 3
  • is not ordinary employment income, see Item 7


STP data is not ordinary employment income + Read more ...

Where the income is assessable, Service Officers must check it is currently coded on the relevant screens on the customer’s record and compare it with the recent STP pay event amounts. This includes checking the:

Where the amounts coded on the relevant screens are outdated, or do not match the recent pre-filled pay event details, discuss this with the customer. Where the customer confirms there has been a change in the amount that was previously recorded, follow the process for that income type.

Request evidence where required if the income has not previously been assessed, or if backdating of updates is necessary. If workers’ compensation details have not previously been advised, see Process > Table 6 > Item 2 in Single Touch Payroll (STP) processing.

Once necessary updates or referrals have been made, navigate back to the STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen to reject the STP employer and finalise the activity. A detailed summary advising why the STP reported data has been rejected must be included in a DOC on the record.

See Item 8.


Follow-up action for potential reporting override + Read more ...

Once all necessary steps above have been taken, DOC the record with the details of the discussion.

The customer may be eligible to have an STP reporting override coded if all the following apply:

  • relevant screens have been updated and other necessary actions taken, and
  • STP employer details on the STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen have been rejected, and
  • customer has no mutual obligation requirements, and
  • customer and partner have no other employment income

Manually updating a customer’s reporting requirements on the Reporting Regime Summary (RPRS) screen will not permanently remove a customer from reporting. Any further STP data that is reported will place a customer back on 2-weekly reporting.

Staff must escalate the case through mySupport for a reporting override to be considered.

Note: where an STP reporting override is not appropriate, explain to the customer how they may need to adjust the pre-filled component that is not ordinary employment income to 0.00. Refer the customer to the Services Australia website. See Resources for a link to the website. Contact Local Peer Support (LPS) for more assistance if required.

See Table 4 > Item 2.


Customer advises they do not work or get paid by the employer/organisation + Read more ...

Staff must explain to the customer that STP data:

  • is reported by employers/organisations to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
  • pre-fills after data integrity checks and identity matches are completed by the ATO and Services Australia. The agency has high confidence the STP details are matched to the correct mutual client. See Mutual Client Register (MCR) for Service Delivery staff
  • can be accessed through myTax or myGov where the ATO is a linked service

The customer should be encouraged to check the income reported in their myTax or myGov where the ATO is a linked service. If there is income there that is not their income, they need to contact the ATO to discuss.

Where Service Officers manually take the customer off reporting and STP data continues to be reported, it will not resolve the enquiry. Tell the customer that if any further STP data becomes available, the system will place them back onto 2WE reporting.

If the customer continues to state the STP reported data does not belong to them, an escalation must be made through mySupport, see Table 4 > Item 2. A review of the data and matching criteria will be investigated.

Troubleshooting the STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen in Process Direct

Table 2




When to correct an STP Employer Status + Read more ...

An update to an existing STP employer status may be required when:

  • a customer contacts to correct their previous rejection of an STP employer
  • an existing employer on the customer’s record was incorrectly linked to the STP employer
  • a fix is required to resolve errors when multiple entries are recorded on the Employment Income Summary (EANS) screen (STP and non-STP) for the same employer and Australian Business Number (ABN) / Withholding Payer Number (WPN) that prevents the customer from reporting in self service
  • the previously confirmed STP employer status appears incomplete, for example the Status, Confirmed On and/or Linked Employer fields are blank
  • the STP code does not show in the Employer Verification field on EANS

The STP Employer Update workflow must be run to either confirm or reject the STP employer status. For details, see Process > Table 1 > Item 3 in Single Touch Payroll (STP) processing.

If the workflow is run to reject an incorrectly linked employer, the workflow must be run again to re-confirm and link to the correct employer. Service Officers cannot reject and confirm in the same transaction. Each action must be completed separately before the next action can occur.

Additional steps are required when confirmed STP income has been mapped to the incorrectly linked employer. See Item 7.


  • when an STP employer has been confirmed and linked to an existing employer from EANS, the pre-filled ABN will override the Employer ABN field of the linked employer. The ABN field of the STP verified employer will become greyed out and unable to be updated from EANS
  • if E009EA or E016CQ errors occur, see Item 3


An error displays when manually attempting to update an STP employer status + Read more ...

When using the Earnings and Reporting workflow to complete a reporting task or to update a past period, the STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen will automatically show when STP data is available and the STP employer has not been reviewed.

The following error will occur if using the Earnings and Reporting workflow and manually navigating to EMCF to make updates when there is no reporting period or past period selected:

An exception with the type YCX_BOBF_CONTAINER_PROXY occurred, but was neither handled locally, nor declared in a RAISING clause.

If this error occurs, select Next to continue to Update past periods, then select Yes and enter the relevant reporting period for when the employer details were available. After selecting the period/s to be updated, EMCF will display when the employer has not yet been reviewed.

Alternatively, the standalone STP Employer Update workflow can be used to confirm the employer first, before using the Earnings and Reporting workflow to update past periods where STP data is available.


Resolve E009EA and E016CQ errors caused by duplicate employer entries + Read more ...

To resolve E009EA - You cannot enter a duplicate ABN/WPN and E016CQ - Details for this type of income already exist when duplicate entries of an employer name and/or Australian Business Number (ABN)/Withholding Payer Number (WPN) exist, complete these steps:

  • Review the employer and ABN/WPN entries on the Employment Income Summary (EANS) screen. Identify all matching employer entries
  • Identify the correct employer entry. Things to consider are:
    • Do any of the employer entries have an Employer Verification status of 'STP'?
    • Are there other employer entries for the same employer with income coded?
    • Which entry has the earliest income recorded and/or the largest number of pay events recorded?
    • Is there evidence of previously verified employment income (for example, random samples survey or employment income reviews)?
  • When the correct record is identified, run the STP Employer Update workflow
  • If the STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen shows multiple employers with the same ABN on the Employment Income data table:
    • go to EANS
    • select edit for the employer entry that is deemed to not be the correct employer entry and remove the ABN/WPN, select Save
    • go back to EMCF
  • From EMCF, select the edit button to reject the current STP employer’s status, select Save and finalise the activity

If E016CQ is displayed, check if there is another employer entry on EANS with the same name and/or ABN/WPN. If so, follow the same steps above to remove the matching ABN/WPN from the other non-STP employer entry on EANS. If there is no other name and/or ABN/WPN duplication:

  • Check the STP employer entry on EANS. After rejecting the employer on EMCF, it removes the ABN/WPN on the linked employer. Copy the STP employer’s ABN/WPN from the ABN/WPN field on EMCF and enter it in the ABN/WPN field of the correct employer entry on EANS, and select Save
  • When all troubleshooting has been applied, finalise the activity
  • Run the STP Employer Update workflow again to confirm the employer status and link the correct STP employer. Select Save and Next
  • When on EANS, merge any pay events that were coded on the incorrect or duplicate employer entry onto the correct STP employer entry. See Item 7
  • When all employment income updates have been made, finalise the activity. Note: no arrears or debt should be generated. If arrears or a debt is generated, staff must check their recoding before finalising the activity


Mismatched STP employer name and ABN/WPN + Read more ...

When an STP employer has been confirmed and linked to an existing employer from the Employment Income Summary (EANS) screen, the pre-filled Australian Business Number (ABN) will override the Employer ABN field of the linked employer. The ABN field of the STP verified employer will become greyed out and unable to be updated from EANS.

In limited circumstances, unlinking the incorrect existing employer from the STP employer, may not refresh the STP employer’s original name/ABN details on the STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen.

To resolve this, the following steps must be taken:

  • Run the Earnings and Reporting workflow in Process Direct
  • Answer Yes to Do you want to update income for a past period?
  • Enter a date range for a period the STP employer has previously reported a pay event. Select Search
  • Select a reporting period where the STP data present field is Yes. Where a customer has more than one STP employer, staff must ensure the reporting period they have selected includes a pay event paid by the STP employer requiring the update. This action results in the STP employment data being refreshed. Select Next
  • Check that the STP employer’s name and ABN/WPN details displayed on the STP Employer Wage Items (EMGI) screen have been updated
  • Staff can cancel the transaction


Provisional STP employer status + Read more ...

If a previously confirmed STP employer has reverted to a ‘provisional’ record status, it may prevent STP data from pre-filling for customers or staff. The record status must be updated.

Service Officers can identify this by the Record Status being 'Provisional' without there being a started transaction. The Status field will also show as Confirmed but the Submitted On and/or the Linked Employer fields may be blank.

  • Launch the Earnings and Reporting workflow or the STP Employer Update workflow
  • Select the delete icon next to the relevant STP employer on the STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen
  • If the Record Status remains as Provisional, select the delete icon again
  • If the error Row with the index 1 is not in the table displays, perform a refresh by pressing down on the right mouse click button and selecting reload from the menu. Go back to EMCF to verify that the STP employer status now shows as Confirmed
  • Finalise activity


Unconfirmed STP employer status + Read more ...

If a previously confirmed STP employer’s record status reverts to ‘unconfirmed’ on the STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen, Service Officers can refresh the record status.

Select Retrigger located above the STP employer table on EMCF. This button will only become visible in this scenario.


Merging income on EAPP after EMCF updated + Read more ...

When an incorrect employer is linked to the STP employer, any confirmed STP income will map to the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) table under the incorrectly linked employer.

After the linked employer has been corrected, any employment income coded under the incorrect or duplicated employer name needs to be merged on the correct STP employer entry.

For STP data, Service Officers must run the Earnings and Reporting workflow to:

  • re-accept all pay events previously confirmed by the customer. This action will re-map the confirmed STP pay events to the correct STP employer entry on EAPP
  • manually delete the matching pay events incorrectly recorded under the wrong employer entry
  • check for manually coded income with NVE verification code and replicate the coding. See below

For non-STP data:

  • use the Snipping Tool to take a copy of the income details coded on the ‘incorrect or duplicate’ employer
  • replicate the coding from the snip onto the STP employer entry
  • when income is merged to the correct STP employer entry, delete the income from the incorrect or duplicate employer. For more help with coding employment income, see Recording and correcting employment income details
  • when all employment income updates have been made, finalise the activity

Note: no arrears or debt should be generated unless income details have also been corrected. If arrears or a debt is generated, staff must check their recoding before finalising the activity.

Help with discrepancies for pre-filled STP data

Table 3




Date paid is incorrect + Read more ...

The date of event used to assess employment income is the date the employer pays the employee, not when the employee receives the payment. See Determining the Date of Event for employment income.

Customers and Service Officers are not able to edit the date paid reported by the employer through STP. Usually, the date is correct as it is reported by the employer. Tell the customer to check the date paid displayed on the payslip.

If the customer advises the provisional STP date paid is not correct and needs to be changed, tell the customer the pre-filled pay event amount(s) can be zeroed and then re-coded as a new pay event with the correct date paid when reporting through self service. See Resources > Table 3 > Item 1 in Single Touch Payroll (STP) processing.

Where Service Officers are assisting with the report and the customer states the amounts paid are correct but the date is not:

  • Select Accept Income on the STP Employer Wage Items (EMGI) screen
  • When on the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) table, select the pencil/edit button and change the provisional date paid only
  • DOC the reason the date paid has been adjusted

Note: if DOCs indicate or the customer advises there is an ongoing issue with the STP paid date, see Table 4 > Item 1.


Why does STP data seem incorrect? + Read more ...

Customers have control over the STP data that pre-fills and can adjust pay details that do not match their payslip.

There may be times when the data does not match, due to, but not limited to:

  • the employer having made a mistake when reporting the STP pay components
  • the employer reporting final pay details at the end of the financial year, for a previous period already paid
  • the employer making a later correction to an amount already reported to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
  • missing data attributes filtered out a previous pay event(s). When this is resolved, the missing STP pay event(s) are included in the total of a later pay event
  • the employer reporting multiple pay events in the same report

In all cases where a customer advises the pre-filled amounts do not match their payslip, corrections must be made before confirming the data.

Service Officers must not:

  • contact STP employers to discuss the STP data
  • tell customers to contact their employer(s) to discuss any differences between the pre-filled STP data and the related payslip

Ongoing discrepancies in the STP data transferred to Services Australia must be reported to mySupport once payslips are provided. Cases are investigated and escalated to the ATO, as required. See Table 4 > Item 1.

Customers can be advised to talk to the employer only where they have questions about their payslip.


Why is STP data missing? + Read more ...

Depending on when a customer reports, there may be times when all pay events paid in the reporting period are not pre-filled. The most common scenarios are where customers are paid on a weekly or fortnightly payroll which is reported by the employer to the ATO on the same day the customer reports.

Customers who are paid weekly by their STP employer, may have only one pay event pre-filled at the time of their report. Even if an employer has reported their payroll data on the same day, the STP data needs time to be prepared for it to pre-fill.

The customer must add pay details that have not pre-filled. In some cases, it may be appropriate to discuss with the customer about changing their reporting day. See Changing Entitlement Period End Dates (EPED).


Why STP data does not pre-fill + Read more ...

STP data reported by employers to the ATO is prepared by Services Australia in near real time to pre-fill in reporting channels. For more details, see The Digital Gateway.

The below circumstances may result in STP data not pre-filling in a reporting statement:

  • the employer does not report payroll via Phase 2 STP enabled software yet
  • no match was established on the Mutual Client Register (MCR) due to personal details not matching between the 2 agencies or is missing. For example, the customer has reverted to their maiden name, the date of birth or a middle name is missing. See Mutual Client Register (MCR) for Service Delivery staff
  • the customer has rejected the STP employer twice through self service
  • the customer has an employment type of SWS, ADE, AOE, SAC, PSS or PSG recorded on the Employment Income Summary (EANS) screen for any previous employers. See Recording and correcting employment income details for more information about employment types. STP data will only pre-fill in a customer’s online report when there are only EAR employment types on EANS. (STP data would then only be accessed through staff assisted reporting in Process Direct)
  • the confirmed STP employer reports payroll later on the day that the customer reports. This may include where one weekly pay event is pre-filled, but a second weekly pay event is not available
  • the confirmed STP employer has not reported payroll yet when the customer reports early due to a public holiday or travelling overseas. Employers may delay reporting payroll during shutdown periods
  • inconsistent reporting dates from the employer
  • missing data attributes resulting in filtering out of STP pay events
  • unusual data may trigger a Low Confidence Indicator which will prevent STP data pre-filling
  • known system issue where the STP employer’s record status on the STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen reverts to provisional. See Table 2 > Item 5 to resolve
  • data transfer delays between the employer, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and/or Services Australia. Check Network News Update (NNU)
  • data preparation issues. Check NNUs


  • STP pay events reported after the relevant reporting period do not pre-fill for the customer to review in a later reporting period
  • STP data for a partner does not pre-fill for a customer
  • Service Officers can retrieve STP data from a previous reporting period that has not been checked by using the Earnings and Reporting workflow. Select the relevant reporting periods from the Update Past Periods screen
  • Hours worked are not included in the STP data


Why are negative amounts displayed? + Read more ...

The PayPP amount that pre-fills in a report is the difference between the previous year-to-date (YTD) component amounts and the recent pay event. Pay components with a negative amount may pre-fill after the employer has made an adjustment to a previous YTD figure.

Customers must check if they have been paid an amount for the pre-filled pay component(s) in their current reporting period and, if needed, the amount can be adjusted. If no updates are made to the negative component amount, nothing is assessed and the negative amount will not reduce the Gross Income Reported total after selecting Accept Income. See Resources > Scenarios > Table 3 in Single Touch Payroll (STP) processing for an example.

In some cases, an employee may have a purchased leave arrangement with their employer which may also display a negative amount. See Process > Table 6 > Item 3 in Single Touch Payroll (STP) processing.

Note: no changes are required to a salary sacrifice pay component with a negative adjustment. Salary Sacrifice components pre-fill for display purposes only and are not used in the PayPP calculation, as the amount is already included in the Gross Income. Service Officers and customers will see Salary Sacrifice components displayed as not assessable.


Why does the STP data mapped to EAPP not match what was confirmed on EMGI? + Read more ...

STP data that pre-fills is reviewed, adjusted (if needed) and confirmed by the customer before each assessable component is mapped to the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) table. When a customer contacts to correct what they confirmed, this must be updated on the STP Employer Wage Items (EMGI) screen using the Earnings and Reporting workflow in Process Direct only when evidence is provided that shows the STP data was incorrect.

If Service Officers incorrectly make updates directly on EAPP, it will cause discrepancies and lead to confusion when reviewing what the customer confirmed on EMGI.

Escalating issues to mySupport

Table 4




Escalating discrepancies with STP data + Read more ...

Customers have control over the STP data that pre-fills and can make corrections when the pay details do not match their payslip.

In some cases, there may be one-off events where pre-filled data may not match the details on the payslip. Contact Local Peer Support (LPS) if unsure about the pay components as they may show differently through STP compared to the payslip, but the total gross income is the same.

Where Service Officers are helping a customer report and they advise the pre-filled amount is incorrect, Service Officers must DOC the discussion. Where Service Officers can see the customer has varied pre-filled data in previous reports, or a customer has contacted to advise the STP data is consistently incorrect, payslips must be provided to clarify the discrepancies.

Once payslips are uploaded, check the details on the STP Employer Wage Items (EMGI) screen against the payslips. Service Officers must make sure any required updates have been made on EMGI, to match the payslip details. This includes making updates to STP income that was incorrectly adjusted. See Process > Table 4 in Single Touch Payroll (STP) processing.

Where it is confirmed there are consistent discrepancies, Service Officers must lodge a mySupport request through the Single Touch Payroll (STP) pre-filled employment data request web form. See Resources for a link.

The STP program monitor employer behaviour and will escalate discrepancies to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) when needed.

Note: Service Officers must check ICT Interaction Viewer to see if the issue has previously been escalated and advice provided. Service Officers must follow any instructions previously provided and escalate where the issue is still occurring.


Escalating a potential reporting override request + Read more ...

Before escalating the record, Service Officers must request evidence and make any required updates, as advised in previous steps. This may include:

  • updating the Other Income Summary (OINS) screen
  • updating the Compensation Management System (CMS)
  • creating a Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) referral
  • checking that previous unused leave and termination payments have been coded and assessed correctly
  • rejecting the employer details on the STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen, if required

Service Officers can lodge a mySupport Single Touch Payroll (STP) pre-filled employment data web form to request coding of a reporting override where a customer:

  • states they no longer work but get paid an amount from their previous employer, or
  • is a volunteer who is paid a reimbursement of expenses, or
  • has an active claim in CMS and has identical workers’ compensation income reported through STP, or
  • states they have never worked or no longer work for the employer/organisation and do not get paid

Service Officers must include the following in the escalation notes:

  • Name of the employer on EMCF
  • Details of the customer’s connection to the STP employer (current or former employee) and the income paid
  • If the customer is paid something other than employment income. For example, a retirement type allowance or compensation payment
  • If the income source is currently coded on the OINS screen or in CMS
  • Any income paid from another source
  • Any income updated or a CAO referral made before escalation

Note: where a customer advises they do not work or get paid by the STP employer and Service Officers have not followed the above actions, the mySupport request will be rejected and Staff Feedback sent.

STP processing tips

Table 5




Select Next when using Earnings and Reporting workflow with pre-filled STP data + Read more ...

Avoid manually navigating to screens in the workflow via Superkey, where possible. The workflow is designed to progress to the screens relevant to the customer’s income support and family payments. Use the Next and Back buttons to progress through the workflow.

This will reduce instances of the workflow looping or failing to continue.

See Recording and correcting employment income details for processing instructions.


Partnered customers + Read more ...

When a partnered customer reports, the partner may have already reported income for the reporting period. This means employment income may already be recorded on the customer’s record, from the partner’s completed report.

Where Service Officers provide staff assisted reporting:

  • carefully check the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) table for the provisionally confirmed STP data and any other income recorded for the customer in the same reporting period. A pay event reported by a partner online will have a verification status of not verified (NVE), likely for the same employer, date and amount
  • if needed, check the details with the customer
  • Service Officers may need to manually delete the same pay event on the EAPP table reported by the partner, to prevent duplication of employment income


Helping customers who report online + Read more ...

Service Officers must educate customers to carefully check pre-filled STP data displayed in the STP confirmation service. Tell customers they must change or add to the STP data before selecting Submit and continue, if needed.

STP data confirmed in the first step of the reporting task that is assessable income, will be displayed in the next step of the Report employment income service in the online report.


Changing STP data when completing the report in the Earnings and Reporting workflow + Read more ...

Where Accept Income has already been selected and the customer then advises of a change to the provisionally confirmed STP data before the report is completed, staff must:

  • return to the STP Employer Wage Items (EMGI) screen, and
  • ask the customer to check their payslip and discuss the reason for the change
  • select edit next to the STP component needing the update and make the required changes as advised by the customer. Select Save, and/or
  • select the + button above the Pay Events table to add a new STP pay event, for example, to add a weekly pay event. Complete the details as advised by the customer. Select Save, and/or
  • select the + button above the Income Details table to add a new STP component to a pre-filled pay event or to a new pay event. Complete the details as advised by the customer. Select Save
  • Staff will see the Accept Income button is reactivated and must be selected again to confirm the updated details. Select Next and check the updated income has updated to the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) table, before finalising the transaction


Staff must check STP data that maps to EAPP + Read more ...

After selecting Accept Income and Next, the Employment Income Summary (EANS) screen will show. Staff must select the STP employer/s to check each STP pay component has correctly mapped to the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) table. This includes:

  • corrections made to previously accepted STP component amounts
  • changes to confirmed STP employer pay period dates
  • changes where confirmed STP amounts on the STP Employer Wage Items (EMGI) screen are changed to zero or a manually added STP component is deleted. The system is not able to correct an amount that originally mapped to EAPP that is then changed to zero or deleted on EMGI, so Service Officers must delete the relevant component
  • changes to a response in the Additional Information field needed for STP Other Allowance and STP Qualification Allowance. Changing the confirmed response from No (not a reimbursement) to Yes (reimbursement) means the amount originally mapped to EAPP is no longer correct. The component will need to be deleted from EAPP
  • where a partner has already reported the customer’s income in their own report, there can be the appearance of duplication of STP data. Income already reported by the partner with a date of event (DOV) in the entitlement period is visible with an NVE verification status and must be deleted from EAPP to prevent duplication of income


STP data on EAPP does not match the payslips + Read more ...

When a customer confirms STP data, the components map to the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) table with the STV source code. Before confirming the STP data, the customer can adjust the amounts to match their payslips.

If what has mapped to EAPP does not match the payslips, Service Officers must check the STP Employer Wage Items (EMGI) screen. The Gross STP Income field shows what was pre-filled to the customer and the Gross Income Reported field shows what the customer confirmed.

Where the amount/s in the Gross Income Reported field do not match the payslip, Service Officers must correct the confirmed STP data on EMGI using the Earnings and Reporting workflow in Process Direct. Updates are done by selecting Yes at Do you want to update income for a past period? See Process > Table 4 in Single Touch Payroll (STP) processing.

Once the updates are made on EMGI and Accept Income is selected, this will update the incorrect amounts that mapped to EAPP.