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Reporting statements for job seekers 001-18120543

This document provides details on processing Reporting Statements (SU19).

Reporting via self service options is the preferred channel choice for Services Australia. Verbal reporting is the next preferred channel, with paper reporting by exception only.

On this page:

SU19 lodgement and payment enquiry

SU19 lodged via post or fax

SU19 check

SU19 lodgement and payment enquiry

Table 1: This table describes how to answer SU19 lodgement and payment enquiries from customers. Paper reporting is by exception only.




Progress of payment + Read more ...

A customer may check on the progress of their payment, in relation to the lodgement of SU19 forms.

If the customer says:

  • I haven't received my fortnightly form. Can you give me another? Go to Step 2
  • I've lodged my form. Has it been processed yet? Go to Step 6


SU19 form not received + Read more ...

Is the form required urgently?


Form is required urgently + Read more ...

If a job seeker is not required to personally lodge their SU19, determine if there are any visiting services that the job seeker can visit to obtain a new form or fax a form (faxing should be a last resort, due to verification of fax numbers and identity of person who is receiving the fax). Note: if faxing the form it is a privacy requirement to not include the customer's address on the form.

Encourage the customer to register for self service (online account, Express Plus Centrelink app or phone) to lodge a Reporting Statement if they are required to lodge the SU19 personally. Where a customer has successfully reported once using the Report Employment Income (REI) workflow, (via the Online or IVR channel), they will automatically become a Reporting Statement customer and will no longer receive a SU19 in paper form. They will also be able to view all their reporting periods for the next 12 weeks online.

Customers are able to report verbally to a Service Officer in a service centre or Smart Centre where they do not have their SU19 and have been unsuccessful, refuse or are unable to use self service facilities.


Payment cancelled + Read more ...

Is the customer's payment cancelled?


Verbal lodgement + Read more ...

Verbal lodgement can be accepted via face-to-face or phone.

There is no requirement to issue a duplicate SU19.

If customer contacts on or after their Entitlement Period End Day (EPED) date:

  • Centrelink managed job seekers will be required to verbally confirm they have met mutual obligation or participation requirements
  • Record any employment income the customer and/or partner has been paid in the period. Note: any employment income displayed via Single Touch Payroll (STP) must be
    • checked and confirmed with the customer
    • edited if required
  • Stimulate the customer's payment, see Recording and correcting employment income details
  • Remind customers of their next reporting date and encourage them to use self service reporting in the future
  • If the customer lives in a rural or remote area and it would normally take more than 90 minutes each way (60 minutes for principal carers or people with a partial capacity to work) to travel to the nearest service centre or agency office, the customer should not be advised to visit the local office to report verbally. In this instance verbal reporting via Smart Centre Call is acceptable
  • Remote job seekers who complete their reporting via an agency can have their reporting completed verbally and the SU19 does not need to be faxed or a duplicate SU19 completed. If the customer is registered for self service and the service is down verbal lodgement is acceptable via either face-to-face (if customer attends the Service Centre) or phone
  • If the job seeker has already reported through self service, but was directed to contact Services Australia in order to finalise the report and stimulate their payment (for example: an outstanding participation compliance issue, or general self service 'drop through'), once the issue has been resolved, the report should be completed with the customer verbally
  • If the customer is capable of using self service, the customer should be registered for the service and encouraged to use this report. Verbal lodgement can be accepted
  • If the customer is a personal (PER) reporter, phones from home and is capable of using self service, encourage the customer to report through self service. Phone verbal lodgement can be accepted

If customer contacts before their due to report date:

  • Encourage the customer to register for self service (online account, Express Plus Centrelink mobile app or phone) to lodge their Reporting Statement on the due date
  • If the customer refuses or is unable to use self service facilities, advise that they will need to contact again on their reporting date to verbally lodge their Reporting Statement

Genuine attempts must be made to transition customers to report via self service options before assisted reporting is completed, unless an Exception applies.

Procedure ends here.


Payment not received + Read more ...

If payment has not been received:

  • Check the Payment Summary (PS) screen for payment status. 'Pend stim' means the form has not been processed
  • Check the Activity List (AL)/Event Summary (ES) screens in the NSS system to see if a continuation reassessment ('NSS/STM' or 'YAL/STM') is either up as started, submitted, or held
  • Check Document Tools to see if SU19 has been scanned and not yet actioned
  • If there is nothing on the AL/ES screens, or Document Tools, advise customer the SU19 has not been processed yet. If it has been posted/faxed, it may not yet have been received
  • If the SU19 is outstanding, process with details accepted verbally and close the scanned document if required
  • Encourage the customer to register for self service (online account, Express Plus Centrelink mobile application or phone) to lodge a Reporting Statement

Genuine attempts must be made to transition customers to report via self service options before assisted reporting is completed, unless an Exception applies.

If the SU19 has been received and coded, but the payment was not stimulated:

SU19 lodged via post or fax

Table 2: This table describes how to action a SU19 form that has been lodged via post or fax. Paper reporting is by exception only.




Postal or fax lodgement + Read more ...

Customers who are permitted to post their SU19 form, can also fax their SU19 for processing.

Encourage customers to use self service (online account, Express Plus Centrelink mobile app or phone) to report where possible. The lodgement of a Reporting Statement by postal lodgement should be a last resort and customers must be made aware of the delays made to their payments that will result.

Genuine attempts must be made to transition customers to report via self service options before assisted reporting is completed, unless an Exception applies.

Has the SU19 form been lodged or is a request being made to lodge by post or fax?


Determine if the customer is already exempt from lodging in person + Read more ...

Some customers affected by Working Credit who are fortnightly reporters are not required to lodge a SU19 form in person. They have the choice of reporting their income through the following self service options:

  • Centrelink online account
  • Phone self service
  • Express Plus Centrelink mobile app

See Checking, locking and unlocking self service access and Accessing and using Centrelink self service.

Genuine attempts must be made to transition customers to report via self service options before assisted reporting is completed, unless an Exception applies.

Check either:

Is the customer already exempt from reporting in person?

  • Yes, process the SU19. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 3


Establish reason for not lodging in person + Read more ...

Has the customer provided a valid reason for not lodging their SU19 form in person?


The customer has no valid reason to lodge their SU19 by post or fax + Read more ...

Advise the customer the form must be lodged personally. Offer them the option of reporting through self service (online account, Express Plus Centrelink mobile app or phone).

Genuine attempts must be made to transition customers to report via self service options before assisted reporting is completed, unless an Exception applies.

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.pngRun the SU19 Lodged by Mail in Error script.

Is there a pattern of mail / fax lodgement, and the script has been used before?

  • Yes, the script will send an advice asking the customer to arrange contact with Services Australia to discuss reasons for the mail/fax lodgement. Place the form on hold. Details will be recorded in a DOC. Procedure ends here
  • No, the first time the script is run it will send a warning advice to the customer outlining the customer's obligation to lodge the SU19 in person. Details will be recorded in a DOC. Procedure ends here


Action for reporting in person exemption: + Read more ...

  • If the reason for post or fax lodgement is a one off situation, advise the customer that the exemption is once only. Offer them the option of reporting through self service (online account, Express Plus Centrelink mobile app or phone)
  • Record details of customer contact and reason for permanent or temporary exemption on a DOC. If temporary, note period of exemption
  • Investigate recurring requests for one off/temporary exemptions
  • For permanent or long term exemptions for Reporting Statement (SU19) personal lodgement:
    • code RPRD in the Nxt: field in the NSS system and press (Enter)
    • in the RPRD screen, PER will default in the first space of the Allowable Channels: field code POS in the second space of the Allowable Channels: field and press [Enter]


Form lodged late + Read more ...

Has the form been lodged late?


Form lodged early + Read more ...

Has the form been lodged early?

SU19 check

Table 3: This table describes the process for checking the Reporting Statement (SU19) is completed correctly, outstanding issues and confirmation of mutual obligation or participation requirements.




Check the Reporting Statement (SU19) + Read more ...

Check that:

  • all questions are answered and that the answers are legible
  • the form is signed and dated by the customer and completed in pen

While self service reporting is preferred, job seekers are able to verbally confirm their mutual obligation or participation requirements or other change in circumstances when they refuse or are unable to use self service facilities, and do not have an SU19.

The work item ZDMS_SU019 - Application for Payment may be created when an SU19 is scanned to the customer's record. Check the details provided have been updated including any payslip information is recorded on Employment Income Summary/ Employment Income Paid Details (EANS/EAPP) screens. If complete, close the work item.

If a verbal report can be processed via phone, Smart Centre Call can action the form where a digital image of the Reporting Statement (SU19) is available for viewing and completed correctly or in certain circumstances when a customer's payment requires restoration, see Restoration of Youth Allowance (YA) or Austudy for full-time students and Australian Apprentices.

Where a question has not been answered on the Reporting Statement (SU19) about the customer's circumstances, the details need to be followed up verbally with the customer to determine payability. This needs to be recorded in a DOC prior to processing the form.


Fax or posted SU19 + Read more ...

Has the customer posted or faxed their form to the service centre and they have post/fax approval?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, and:
    • the customer does not have post/fax approval, contact the customer and advise they do not have approval to fax/mail their form. The report can be completed verbally in this instance, self service (online account, Express Plus Centrelink mobile app or phone) should be encouraged to be used. Procedure ends here
    • the form has been submitted in person (including verbal reporting), go to Step 3


Date of reporting + Read more ...

Check the date of lodgement against the reporting date. If the form has been:


Outstanding actions or issues + Read more ...

Check the Participation Summary screen.

Are there any outstanding actions or issues?


Determine if any of the issues are payment affecting + Read more ...

For example, if the job seeker has an outstanding compliance action, including an outstanding Capability Assessment, Comprehensive Compliance Assessment (CCA), or active failure investigation, transfer the customer to the Participation Solutions Team (PST).

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.pngWhen a Post Approved Activity (PAA) or new Job Plan is required, refer to: