Briefing interviews or notification when youngest child is 5 years and 9 months Service Update for Parenting Payment 102-01090030
This document outlines the process for conducting service update briefing interviews or notification for Parenting Payment (PP) customers when their youngest child is 5 years and 9 months (single customers). These interviews are conducted as Service Profiling appointments to discuss changes to mutual obligation requirements.
On this page:
Customer contact: notification received
Customer contact: missed appointment
Youngest child turning 5 years 9 months (PPS)
PP customer does not attend interview
Customer contact: notification received
Table 1
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer contacts + Read more ... Is the customer contacting due to not understanding the notification or what they need to do next?
2 |
Check the customer's details are up to date + Read more ... When a PP customer contacts as a result of receiving a notification, check to see if any PP children have come into the customer's care and not been coded. There are occasions where a PP briefing interview is booked (as youngest PP child is due to turn 6 years of age) however, they have other younger children that would qualify as PP children, who have not been coded. For example, where a customer has 4 children, oldest child was PP child but subsequent children have only been assessed for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) so not coded as PP children. Is the customer the principal carer of a PP child who has not been coded on their record?
Customer contact: missed appointment
Table 2
Item |
Description |
1 |
Customer did not attend scheduled PP briefing interview + Read more ... If the customer did not attend their scheduled briefing interview, see Table 4. |
2 |
Parenting Payment Single (PPS) customer contacts to participate in briefing interview + Read more ... If the customer's youngest child is turning 5 years and 9 months, see Table 3. Note: this is not to be confused with a PPS Compulsory Participation Interview conducted after the child turns 6. |
3 |
Customer contacts to reschedule a PP briefing interview + Read more ... If the customer contacts to reschedule their PP briefing interview, see View, reschedule or cancel an appointment in the Centrelink Appointment System. |
4 |
Customer contacts as their payment has been suspended for non-attendance at briefing interview + Read more ... If the customer has contacted as their payment has been suspended for non-attendance at a briefing interview, see Table 4. |
Youngest child turning 5 years 9 months (PPS)
Table 3
Step |
Action |
1 |
Attempt to contact the customer by telephone + Read more ... Service Officers should create a pre-call notification (SMS only) using Desktop Electronic Messaging Capability (DEMC). After sending the SMS, wait 1 or 2 minutes and call the customer at the scheduled appointment time. First contact attempt - If contact is unsuccessful, wait 15 minutes before attempting a second attempt to contact the customer. Sufficient detail about the outbound contact attempts must be included in a DOC. Was contact with the customer successful?
2 |
Discuss changes to eligibility + Read more ... Tell the customer that when their youngest child turns 6 they will have compulsory part time mutual obligation requirements. The customer will need to undertake approved activities to continue to receive their PP. These activities are aimed at increasing their chances of finding work and they could include looking for work, undertaking study, participating in an approved activity or working part time. |
3 |
Check the customer's details are up to date + Read more ... Check to see if any PP children have come into the customer's care and not been coded. There are occasions where a PP briefing interview is booked (as youngest PP child is due to turn 6 years of age) however they have other younger children that would qualify as PP children, who have not been coded. For example, where a customer has 4 children, oldest child was PP child but subsequent children have only been assessed for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) so not coded as PP children. Is the customer the principal carer of a PP child who has not been coded on their record?
4 |
Interview not required + Read more ... The briefing interview is not required due to a younger PP child being in the customer's care. Cancel the appointment and resulting 'STA' service component. Make sure the customer's details are up to date. Procedure ends here. |
5 |
Mutual obligation requirements + Read more ... Assess the customer's current circumstances to determine if they are already meeting their mutual obligation requirements. Is the customer already meeting their mutual obligation requirements?
6 |
Eligibility to register as a Job Seeker Registration Only (JSRO) job seeker + Read more ... PPS customers who are already meeting their requirements but require a Job Plan as part of their eligibility for income support payment, may be eligible for JSRO registration. JSRO customers need to be registered as job seekers in order to access other help. If they do not want to volunteer to participate in Workforce Australia, they are not referred to a provider and do not have access to Employment Service Providers. To register a jobseeker in Process Direct: Select
See Eligibility and Registration as a (NSSRR)/No RJCP Referral Required (NRRR) job seeker. |
7 |
Advise the customer of participation interview + Read more ... Tell the customer that they will need to attend a compulsory participation interview when their youngest child turns 6. See Conducting, rescheduling or failure to attend a Parenting Payment Single (PPS) Compulsory Participation Interview. |
8 |
Complete the Service Profiling Update + Read more ... Complete any outstanding activities if required. Provide details in a DOC of the mandatory information provided to the customer during the conversation, including key dates and any activities the customer is presently participating in that will meet future mutual obligation requirements. Launching the Service Profiling Update Workflow directly from the relevant appointment by selecting the ‘execute’ button in Customer First. This will automatically update the status of the Service Component to 'COM' (completed) and update the appointments status to Completed. See Service Component and Service Actions. Once the Service Component is completed, it cannot be restarted. |
PP customer does not attend interview
Table 4
Step |
Action |
1 |
Did Not Attend (DNA) process + Read more ... Has the customer contacted as a result of being suspended for not attending a briefing interview?
2 |
Customer failed to attend phone appointment - No contact + Read more ... Parenting Payment customers need to attend a 5 year, 9 month Parenting Payment briefing interview. The customer should contact Services Australia before the appointment if they can not attend, or reschedule. If contact can not be made with the customer after two genuine attempts, finalise the appointment as 'Did Not Attend' in the Centrelink Appointment System (CAS). If the customer did not:
Suspension may not be appropriate in exceptional circumstances where there is clear evidence on the customer record of recent events or known factors that have impacted on the customer's capacity to comply. When considering if to suspend payment, take into account:
3 |
Suspension of payment following DNA + Read more ... Has the Service Officer decided that suspension is appropriate?
4 |
Customer contacts following suspension + Read more ... Customer makes contact following suspension of payment for non-attendance at a briefing interview. Tell the customer:
Restore the payment from date of suspension with arrears, if entitled. |
5 |
Reschedule the briefing interview + Read more ... Does the customer indicate that they do not want to attend the briefing interview?
6 |
Outline the importance of attending the interview + Read more ... Outline the importance of attending the interview before compulsory mutual obligations requirements start due to the age of their youngest child. A briefing interview will tell the customer they will have compulsory requirements when their child turns 6 years old. Does the customer still choose not to attend the briefing interview?
7 |
Compulsory requirements once the child turns 6 + Read more ... Tell the customer they will need to attend a compulsory participation interview and enter into a Job Plan to remain qualified for PP when their child turns 6. Restore their payment if appropriate. |