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Child update screens 102-05050130

This page contains information on child update screens. If updates are required for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) purposes, refer to the relevant CCS Operational Blueprint page for reference.

Staff trained in processing families claims in Process Direct, select the Process Direct tab. Otherwise, select Customer First.

Process Direct

On this page:

Updating child details

Child update screens in Process Direct

Updating child details

Table 1




Child level screen + Read more ...

To update child details within an existing NCL transaction:

  • Select the child from the Relations Menu
  • If the child is not displayed on the Relations Menu, add, or link the child record on the Transaction Summary (TS) screen
  • Select Process
  • Select screens for update from the Task Selector (CHTS) screen
  • Complete all child updates inside the claim, regardless of whether the child has a child (CHI) or person (PER) record

Child updates not being made as part of new claim processing must be made in Customer First.

Child update screens in Process Direct

Table 2




Child in Customer Care (CHC) screen + Read more ...

Code Child in Customer Care (ICC) using the correct Event Date. On the CHC screen the DOV will default to date of birth. Update if required, as follows:

  • Date child entered customer's care/new care arrangements commenced, if the date is different from child's date of birth
  • Date of birth if the child was born overseas and is considered temporarily absent from Australia. All residency screens need to be coded for the child if the child arrives from overseas
  • If the child is born overseas and has newly arrived in Australia to live with the customer for the first time, the date of the child's arrival is to be used
  • If the child is born overseas, and both the child and the parent newly arrive in Australia, the child's date of birth is to be used

If coding a child in/out of care update as follows:


Change Child (CCH) screen + Read more ...

Death Details table (DOP processing staff only)

This table is used to record death details for a child. Only DOP staff can code this table.

  • Select Add
  • Select the reason
  • Death date
  • If required, Gestation Period and Birth Weight in Grams

Birth Registration Details table

In an online claim or ACC this table will prefill from the claim data. This table is used to record the Birth Serial Number on the FA081. To manually code for a paper claim:

  • Select Add
  • Enter the Birth Serial Number
  • Select Save

If Newborn Child Declaration (FA081) or Claim for Bereavement Payment (FA008) has been provided, the unique serial number from the back page must be entered/loaded on the Change Child.

Birth Verification Details table

This field will prepopulate, as a birth needs to be verified to create a CRN for a child. If it needs to be manually coded for a previously linked child:

  • Select Add
  • Enter the Event Date and DOB Verified
  • Select Save


Child Registration Details (CHR) screen + Read more ...

Update the following if required:

  • Birth Registered. For parents, code 'Y' if the customer has advised they have applied to register the birth of the child or code 'N' if they have advised they have not registered
  • Exempted from Birth Registration. Code 'Y' if this is not required, for example, customer and partner are not the natural parents, child born overseas, or the child has died. Leave blank if there is no exemption from registration requirements
  • Select Save

For NBS/NBU, parents must notify that they have registered or applied to register the child's birth with the State or Territory births registry. This requirement only applies to the natural parents of a newborn child. Customers may notify this verbally.

If 'No' is coded, when the claim is finalised, FTB may be payable, but NBS/NBU will not be paid with FTB Part A unless the birth registration requirements are met within the time limit.


Shared Care Assessment (SCA) screen + Read more ...

Information will not prepopulate into the SCA screen from an online claim or an ACC.

The FTB Shared Care (FSC) and SSA Shared Care (SSC) tables must be coded for current ongoing care advice (both shared care and 100%). These tables do not need to be coded for children already linked to a customer unless there has been a change of care. This ensures ongoing data is correct to limit the use of incorrect care dates.

FSC table

Select Add and update:

  • Start Date: date of birth/entry into care
  • Nights in Care
  • Care Percentage (%):
  • Assessment Method:
  • Carer: claimant
  • Apportioning Indicator:
  • Preliminary Indicator:
  • More than 2 Carers:
  • Agency: Centrelink
  • Select Save

SSC table

Select Add and update:

  • Start Date: date of birth/entry into care
  • Principal Carer:
  • SSA Care Percentage:
  • Carer:
  • Select Save

If there has been a change of care or the child is part of a shared care arrangement, a care assessment is required prior to coding the SCA screen.

For more information, see:


Care Alignment Details (CADDS) screen (FTB only) + Read more ...

CADDS will automatically populate a new line in the Care Assessment Summary table when the FSC table is coded on Shared Care Assessment (SCA) screen.

On the Care Assessment Summary table, select Edit and enter:

  • Care Assessment: select Finalised
  • Notification Date: this will prepopulate to the Date of Receipt (DOR)
  • Disputed Care: this will prepopulate to 'N'
  • Carer: this will prepopulate to the carer coded on the FSC table
  • Source: this will prepopulate to the agency coded on FSC table
  • Select Save

If the child is part of a shared care arrangement a shared care assessment will be needed prior to coding the CADDS screen. See Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB).


Newborn Supplement Questionnaire (NBSQ) screen (FTB only) + Read more ...

New lines will prepopulate for each carer coded on Child Relationship (CHRE) screen. If a carer is not present, select Modify to go to CHRE and complete necessary updates before returning to NBSQ. Data from the online claim and ACC will prepopulate for the claimant.

If correcting historical/prepopulated information, or assessing a paper claim, select the relevant carer from the NBSQ table. Select Edit under Customer Responses.

In the Create Customer NBSQ Response, select the relevant answer for each question from the drop-down boxes:

  • Is this child as part of a multiple birth event?
  • Has this child's birth mother had children (excluding stillborn children) previously?
  • Has this child entered your and/or your partner's care as part of a surrogacy arrangement?
  • Will you or did you have this child in your care for at least 13 consecutive weeks?
  • Are you or your partner claiming or going to claim PPL?
  • Select Save

If the NBS rate category cannot be determined, see Changing claim choice for a newborn or adopted child.


Child Relationships (CHRE) screen + Read more ...

On the Create Child Relationship Detail screen, the following can be updated:

  • Person Name/CRN of Parent Carer:
  • Relationship:
  • Relationship Start Date:
  • Original Notification Date:
  • Source Code:

Select Save.

Once these are updated a provisional line will display on the screen with the details entered.


Child Education /Exemption Details (CEED) screen (FTB only) + Read more ...

On the Education information table:

  • Select Add
  • On the Add Child Education Information screen, select the appropriate response
  • Update Child Education Information as per the claim
  • Select Save

On the Exemption Information table:

  • Select Add
  • On the Add Exemption Information, select the appropriate response
  • Update the Exemption Information as per the claim
  • Select Save

Verify child's exemption to study

If child education and exemption details need to be verified for this claim, see Study requirements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) children aged 16 years or over.


Travel Outside of Australia (TOAS) - view only + Read more ...

This screen displays summarised departure and return data for assessment purposes. If a child's first movement is an arrival in Australia, it is not displayed on this screen, see RSIM screen instead.


Residency Details (RSLEG) + Read more ...

Citizenship Details table

  • Select Add
  • Enter the Country of Citizenship
  • Enter Start Date
  • Select Save

Visa Details table

  • Select Add
  • Enter:
    • Visa number (optional)
    • Visa Sub Class Code
    • Grant Date
    • End Date (optional)
    • Application Date (optional)
  • Select Assurance of Support Indicator (for AoS staff only)
  • Channel: prepopulates to Customer Service Officer (CSO)
  • Select Save

New Zealand Residence Status table is used to manually code the residence status of New Zealand citizens when this is not automatically populated by the DIAC link. This can only be done by CIS staff. For more information, see Australian residence rules for New Zealand citizens.


Country of Residence (CRES) + Read more ...

Select customer, partner, or child on the Relations Menu

Select Add and enter:

  • Country of Residence
  • Start Date

Select Save.


Immigration Enquiry (RSIMME) screen + Read more ...

Country of Birth table

  • Select Add and enter Country of Birth
  • Select Save

Immigration Enquiry table

  • Select Add
  • Key Travel Document Number
  • Select the Type of document
  • Country of Issue
  • Channel
  • Select Save

Select Request Immigration Data. Customer Immigration Link status will automatically update in the Immigration Enquiry table. If a child was born overseas to Australian residents, the country of residence will default to the child's country of birth and may result in an incorrect outcome.


Immigration Movements (RSIM) + Read more ...

This screen will record the child's absences from Australia since 1 September 1994 obtained directly from the Department of Home Affairs records.

If there is an active immigration link in the Immigration Link table, edit the limiting date field by selecting Edit.

The Immigration Movements table is display only.


Care Assessments (CAS) screen + Read more ...

This screen displays 3 task selectors to use when updating changes in care:

  • Child Out of Care (CACOC)
  • Child Into Care (CACIC)
  • Child Care Variation (CCV)

For more information on using these task selectors, see Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB).


Customer Person Details (CPD/CPDS) screen + Read more ...

On the Change Customer Person Detail, the following can be updated:

  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Surname
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Date of Event
  • Select Save

This information should have been automatically uploaded from the online claim or ACC.

For a paper claim, manually update a child's name change using the steps record that evidence has been provided to support the change of name for the child.

For more information, see Changing the legal name of customers or their children.

Child with single name. If the child has only 1 name, for example, Sampson, duplicate the name in both the first name and surname fields. This ensures the current system function can pull the appropriate information for letters and online processes for the child.

An unnamed newborn is recorded with the given name of 'Newborn' until the customer advises the chosen name. The new name can then be updated without verification. 'Newborn' must then be listed as an AKA (also known as) name.


General Circumstances + Read more ...

The Child General Circumstances (CHG) screen is used to:

  • group children who were born in the same birth, for Multiple Birth Allowance (MBA):
    • The Multiple Birth (3 or more): field records and displays a multiple birth indicator. This field does not require a Date of Event (DOV) as it is assumed to be the child's date of birth
  • record that the child is claiming, receiving, or ceased receiving a precluding payment. See Family Tax Benefit (FTB) child of a person for information about precluding payments

Information should not be deleted from this screen unless it is confirmed that it is incorrect and should never have been coded.

For example, if a child is recorded as being in receipt of a Veterans’ Children Education Scheme payment (code ‘DVA’), this should not be deleted unless a DVA clearance confirms the child never received the payment. If the child has ceased receiving the precluding payment, the screen should be updated with ‘CEA’ from the date the payment ceased. See Completing Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) clearances and income coding for more information.

Customer First

On this Page:

Updating child details in the CHS screen

A - C child update screens

D - I child update screens

J - R child update screens

S - Z child update screens

Updating child details in the CHS screen

Table 1: This table describes the Child Selection (CHS) screen and process to update details in relation to a child.




Child Selection (CHS) screen + Read more ...

To update details in relation to a child, on the customer's record, 'S'elect the child from the Child Selection (CHS) screen and then select screens for update from the Child Task Selector (CHTS) screen.

  • If the child is not displayed on the CHS screen, first add, or link the child record.
  • If the child is a Centrelink customer, an edit will display when attempting to update the child's details. To update child details, go to the child's record using their Customer Reference Number and then select 'Self' from the CHS screen. Complete activity on the child's record and then return to the customer's record to process a reassessment activity

A - C child update screens

Table 2: This table describes the child update screens for A to C. The following fields can be selected from the Child Task Selector (CHTS) screen to go to the relevant screen.




Benefit Action - Child + Read more ...

Select this option to display the Child Benefit Action (CHBA) screen.

A refresh (RSH) action can be performed on the child record when child data is not being assessed correctly by the system.


Care Align Details + Read more ...

The Care Alignment Details page can only be accessed via the CHTS screen.

This screen is used to record and display the status of care assessment information for customers and is relevant for Centrelink Master Program/Child Support Agency mutual customers.

It must be checked/updated for all changes in care and shared care assessments.

Once a care assessment is determined, the information will be transmitted between agencies so it can be applied for both FTB and child support purposes.

Care assessments from the Child Support Agency will be displayed as protected text and cannot be corrected or deleted.



Change Child + Read more ...

The Change Child (CCH) screen is used to update the child's name, date of birth, gender, birth registration for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme claims, and death details.

See Change Child (CCH) screen.


Child Deferment + Read more ...

The Child Entitlement Deferment (CHDF) screen was used to record or update a customer's choice to defer payment of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) for the child until after the end of the financial year. This option no longer applies from 1 July 2015.

See Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claim options and payment choices.

It was also used after the end of the financial year to indicate that the child is to be included in the FTB reconciliation calculation if the customer advises that the child's income did not exceed the child income limit for the 2013-14 financial year and earlier years.

See Family Tax Benefit (FTB) child income.


Child Immunisation Summary (! CIS) page + Read more ...

For children to whom FTB immunisation requirements apply, the Child Immunisation Summary (CIS) Guided Procedure will show:

  • the child’s immunisation status including the Last Immunisation Update Event (LIUE) date as provided by the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)
  • the child’s date of birth as recorded on the AIR
  • whether the child’s record has been successfully linked with the AIR
  • details of any documentary evidence that has been supplied by the customer to Services Australia

If the child’s record has not been linked with the AIR, see Establish a Family Tax Benefit (FTB) link for a child between Centrelink and the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).

In most cases, customers are not required to provide further documentary evidence of a child’s immunisation status. If the customer does provide evidence directly to Services Australia, it must be scanned and, if appropriate, sent to the AIR. See Management of immunisation evidence.

For more information on tasks that can be completed using the Child Immunisation Summary Guided Procedure, see View and update a child's immunisation status and assess or update immunisation exemptions for Family Tax Benefit (FTB).

If updates are required for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) purposes, refer to the relevant CCS Operational Blueprint page for reference.


Child in Primary Care + Read more ...

The Child in Primary Care screen can only be accessed via the CHTS screen.

This screen is used to record details of the periods the child is in primary care and the child’s primary carer details for Paid Parental Leave scheme claims.

Only one customer can be the primary carer of a child at the one time.


D - I child update screens

Table 3: This table describes the child update screens for D to I. The following fields can be selected from the CHTS screen to go to the relevant screen.




Dependant Assessment + Read more ...

A copy of the Family Tax Benefit Dependant Assessment (DA) screen for the selected child.


DOP Circs + Read more ...

The Child Double Orphan Pension (CHDP) screen is used to record eligibility details for Double Orphan Pension (DOP).

See Eligibility and coding claims for Double Orphan Pension (DOP).


FTB Bereavement + Read more ...

The FTB Child Bereavement Assistance Delivery Option (FBRV) screen allows the customer's payment delivery option to be recorded for the FTB bereavement payment.

See Death of a family assistance or Paid Parental Leave scheme child.


General Circs + Read more ...

The Child General Circumstances (CHG) screen is used to:

  • Group children who were born in the same birth, for Multiple Birth Allowance (MBA):
  • The Multiple Birth (3 or more): field records and displays a multiple birth indicator. This field does not require a Date of Event (DOV) as it is assumed to be the child's date of birth. Use field help '?' for coding assistance
  • Record that the child is claiming, receiving, or ceased receiving a precluding payment. See Family Tax Benefit (FTB) child of a person for information about precluding payments

Note: information should not be deleted from this screen unless it is confirmed that it is incorrect and should never have been coded.

For example: if a child is recorded as being in receipt of a Veterans’ Children Education Scheme payment (code ‘DVA’), this should not be deleted unless a DVA clearance confirms the child never received the payment. If the child has cased receiving the precluding payment, the screen should be updated with ‘CEA’ from the date the payment ceased. See Completing department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) clearances and income coding for more information.


In Customer Care + Read more ...

The Child in Customer Care (CHC) screen is used to record details of each customer linked to the child's record, including their name, care status, and the date the child entered or left their care.

A child can be in the care of more than one person at a time if a shared care arrangement exists.

If more than one customer is linked to the child, each customer will have a number that is used to update details for them.

If a child is assessed as leaving a customer's care without their consent, this is recorded on the CHC screen, and the details are used to set up a review to follow up entitlement.


J - R child update screens

Table 4: This table describes the child update screens for J to R. The following fields can be selected from the CHTS screen to go to the relevant screen.




Medicare Info + Read more ...

If immunisation requirements apply to the child, the Medicare Information (MEI) screen is used to:

  • record their Medicare Card number, and
  • Individual Reference Number (the number that appears next to the child's name on the customer's Medicare card), or
  • record the reason the customer has not provided their Medicare number for matching with the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)

See Establish a Family Tax Benefit (FTB) link for a child between Centrelink and the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).

If updates are required for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) purposes, refer to the relevant CCS Operational Blueprint page for reference.


Miscellaneous Circ + Read more ...

The Child Miscellaneous Circumstances (CHM) screen is used to record:

  • adopted child details for Family Assistance if the child has been legally adopted by the customer or their partner
  • whether or not the child is a foster child (for Family Assistance)
  • whether or not the customer is the principal carer of the child
  • a CDA or DOP savings provision
  • a DOP Student Savings provision

See Child Miscellaneous Circumstances (CHM) screen.


Mtce Previous Year + Read more ...

The Child Maintenance Previous Year (CHMPY) screen is used to record details for a lump sum Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claim.

This screen is not used for claims for 2008-09 onwards.

See Recording child support details for a previous year Family Tax Benefit (FTB) claim in Customer First.


Override/Claim + Read more ...

The Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen must include a CLAIM line for each non-pension service reason the customer is claiming or receiving in relation to the child.

Details are used in determining the customer's:

  • eligibility for family assistance or Parental Leave Pay (PPL)for the child
  • concession card details

See Child Override/Claim (CHOC) screen.


Overseas Absence + Read more ...

The Travel Outside Australia Summary (CHTOAS) Screen shows details of temporary departures overseas for the child. The Country of Residence (CHCRES) screen shows details of permanent departures overseas for the child.

See Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Paid Parental Leave scheme customer/child going overseas.


Residence Screens + Read more ...

The Residence Cluster Task Selector (CHRETS) is used to record and view Australian residence details for the child.


S - Z child update screens

Table 5: This table describes the child update screens for S to Z. The following fields can be selected from the CHTS screen to go to the relevant screen.




Shared Care (FTB) + Read more ...

The FTB Shared Care (FSC) screen is used to record details of the actual care percentage or number of nights in care for each person caring for the child. This is used for entitlement to Family Assistance.

See Notification and assessment of shared care arrangements for Family Tax Benefit (FTB).


Shared Care (SSA) + Read more ...

The SSA Shared Care (SSC) screen is used to record details of the SSA shared care percentage and the principal carer determination for social security payments.

The following rules apply to the PC indicator on the SSC screen/shared care table to facilitate correct coding:

  • Care percentage 55% and above must be coded with Y
  • Care percentage 45% and below must be coded with N
  • Care percentage 46% to 54% (equal care) can be coded with Y or N

See Shared care for social security payments.


Student/Inc Circs + Read more ...

The Child Student/Income Circumstances (CHSI) screen is used to record:

  • Student details for FTB
  • Whether or not the child's income exceeds the limit for Family Tax Benefit or for Social Security payments. Note: child income limit only applies to prior 1 May 2014

See Child Student/Income Circumstances (CHSI) screen.

If updates are required for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) purposes, refer to the relevant CCS Operational Blueprint page for reference.