Customer will not commence full-time study for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES), Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) and AIC PES 102-07020180
This page contains information about customers who will not commence full-time studies and they are receiving ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES) and Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) or AIC PES.
On this page:
Identifying payment and circumstances after not commencing full-time study
Assessing and coding suspension, rejection or cancellation
Identifying payment and circumstances after not commencing full-time study
Table 1: This table describes the process of identifying payment and circumstances when a customer advises they will not commence studying on a full-time basis.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Customer advises they or the AIC student will not commence studying at a full-time level (including ABSTUDY students who did not commence by the third Friday) Read more ... Is the customer unable to commence the course due to an incapacity or illness, and they are still considered to be enrolled? |
2 |
Australian Apprentice Read more ... Is the customer not commencing study due to becoming an Australian Apprentice? |
3 |
Student circumstances Read more ... If the customer:
4 |
As the customer was not in receipt of ABSTUDY in the previous study period and a new claim is ready to be processed on the Activity List (AL) screen, they do not qualify for any payments for the new course as they have not commenced. If the payment is:
Record details on a DOC of action taken. Procedure ends here. |
5 |
Identify payment Read more ... Identify which payment the customer is receiving. For:
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ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES not commencing full-time study Read more ... An ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY PES student advises they will not commence studying at a full-time level, or by the third Friday. If the student:
None of the above, go to Step 7. |
7 |
ABSTUDY customer Read more ... If the ABSTUDY customer:
Assessing and coding suspension, rejection or cancellation
Table 2: This table describes the assessment and coding of suspension, rejection or cancellation after a customer advises they will not commence studying at a full-time level.
Step |
Action |
1 |
ABSTUDY continuing student not commencing studies in new course in next study period or will not commence by the third Friday + Read more ... If the ABSTUDY student was a continuing student in a new course and did not commence study at all in the new study period, or by the third Friday, including secondary school students moving from 1 year to the next, they will be entitled to payment of Living Allowance/PES up to the date they became aware they would not be recommencing as a full-time student. Note: ABSTUDY customers going from year to year at a secondary level school are considered to be undertaking a 'new course' for the purposes of coding these steps. If the customer is:
2 |
Tertiary and secondary non schooling customers (including customers who are at a secondary school and are eligible to receive Incidentals Allowance as they are 18 years of age at 1 January) + Read more ... Payments can be cancelled as follows:
Note: if the activity created a debt shell, processing staff should complete the debt raising process end to end. See Raising ABSTUDY debts. Record details on a DOC of action taken. Procedure ends here. |
3 |
Continuing secondary school students Update the record based off the student's circumstances from the date they became aware they would not be recommencing as a full-time student, as follows: Date they became aware was in the year before the new course starts + Read more ...
Note: if the activity created a debt shell, processing staff should complete the debt raising process end to end. See Raising ABSTUDY debts. Record details on a DOC of action taken. Procedure ends here. Date they became aware was in the year the new course starts + Read more ...
Note: if the activity created a debt shell, processing staff should complete the debt raising process end to end. See Raising ABSTUDY debts. Record details on a DOC of action taken. Procedure ends here. |
4 |
ABSTUDY full-time student in the previous study period, recommencing as a part-time student without a study load concession + Read more ... A continuing student who has been paid Living Allowance over the vacation period, and will commence in the following study period as a part-time student (without qualifying for a study load concession), will only be eligible to entitlements under the Part-time Award. However the student will remain entitled to Living Allowance up to the date they became aware they would not be recommencing as a full-time student. No overpayment is raised for Living Allowance paid over the vacation period. For continuing students who will commence as a part-time student in a course in the upcoming study period:
Procedure ends here. |
5 |
ABSTUDY student does not commence new course + Read more ... The student is not entitled to ABSTUDY, reject the payment:
See Rejecting an ABSTUDY claim for more information. Note: if the activity created a debt shell, processing staff should complete the debt raising process end to end. See Raising ABSTUDY debts. Procedure ends here. |
6 |
AIC or AIC PES student advises they will not be studying at a full-time level + Read more ... An AIC student must be participating in approved study to continue to receive AIC or AIC PES. If the student has ceased study, cancel the AIC payment. Note: if the student is not studying full-time or at a reduced level due to a disability or health-related condition, and the school still considers the student is full-time, and the student is at least 16 years of age (or 15 years of age and an independent YA customer), check if the student qualifies for YA. |