New Zealand 'In' case management - Registrations between NZIR and Child Support – Receiving and Registering case 277-08180020
This document explains the process for receiving and registering a case between Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) and Child Support.
On this page:
Record, check, update and create case details
Create or update a case registration
Apply formula modifications based on care arrangements
Record, check, update and create case details
Table 1: this table describes the process Services Officers in the International Services teams follow to record, create and update payee/carer/spouse information following a request from Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR).
Step |
Action |
1 |
Intray received + Read more ... An International CO/101/AGR rcvd intray is created when Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) send information via the 'weekly exchange' requesting a case be registered where the payee is (or was) a resident of New Zealand (NZ) and the payer is a resident of Australia. See New Zealand Case Management - Exchange of Information - NZIR to Child Support - Weekly required tasks. When the International CO/101/AGR rcvd intray is received, open the relevant macro document in the folder titled Reg Rec'd BAU (or NZF). The team leader will email the link to the Service Officer each week. Notes in this intray will advise if the registration is 'business as usual' or NZ Funded and the date the information was received from NZ. Note: the macro Word document is created by an Operations Support Business Analyst using data provided by NZIR in the 'weekly exchange'. The Service Officer can copy and paste the registration information from this Word document into Cuba as they register the case. |
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Record case details + Read more ... The macro document is created by Operations Support Business Analyst by running a macro over the excel data provided by NZIR which converts it into a Word document so it's easier to read. The macro Word document provides details provided by NZIR about the New Zealand (NZ) 'In' case to be registered as part of this process. Use the information provided on the macro Word document to record the case details using the instructions below. |
3 |
Find record for the payer + Read more ... Locate the payer record on Cuba using the Child Support Reference Number (CSRN) provided on the macro document, see the Find customer record table of Customer records Cuba process Help. Note: NZIR must request pre-transmittal tracing before requesting a case be registered. If the tracing response was sent to NZIR more than 6 months ago the case cannot be registered. Advise NZIR that the registration cannot proceed and request a new pre-transmittal on the Daily Exchange, 'Cases unable to register' tab. Document this in the customer detail notepad. Undertake customer location activities, including Department of Home Affairs searches. Consider obtaining the arrival passenger card if not already obtained. See Customer location (Tracing). Keep a record of the payer's CSRN to assist later with the case registration process. |
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Update/create record for payee, carer or spouse + Read more ... Where NZIR request an existing NZ 'In' case be restarted or send an amended certificate providing new information and the payer is identical, the existing payee record must be updated, do not create a duplicate or new payee record. If a case has not previously been registered create a new customer record (even if a record for the customer already exists) using the following details in the client details window:
Complete the following details in the address fields:
Where NZIR advise of multiple payees/carers create 1 record with the details of all payees/carers by completing the following details in the client details window:
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Record payee residency information + Read more ... Update the payee's residency information to New Zealand in the Client Residency window, see the Record decision table in Residency Cuba Process Help:
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Create/update record for children + Read more ... If NZIR request that an NZ 'In' case be amended or restarted and the customers are identical do not create a duplicate record for the child/ren. Instead, update the child/ren's record, see the Update individual customer details table in Customer records Cuba Process Help. If a case has not previously been registered create a new record for each of the children of the case (claimed for or not claimed for), see the Add a child to a case in Cuba table in Assessments Cuba Process Help. If they already exist in Cuba and are active in an Australian assessment do not use their existing CSRN, create a duplicate record for each of the children. When creating/updating the child record, the following details must be entered:
If child is over 18 years of age, go to Step 7, otherwise complete the following details in the address fields:
Keep a record of the child/ren's CSRNs to assist later with the case registration process. If the case is an arrears only case and/or all the children of the case are over 18 years of age, go to Step 7. In all other instances, see Table 2 > Step 1. |
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Adjustments for registrations where child/ren are over 18 years of age + Read more ... Create the child record, see the Add a child to a case in Cuba table in Assessments Cuba Process Help. If the youngest child is over 18 years of age, increase their year of birth by 10 years so that Cuba will recognise them as being under 18 years of age on the day of registration. This is so Cuba will recognise an eligible child and the case can be registered. The Service Officer may have to increase the child's year of birth by 20 years in some cases. Always use increments of 10 years so Cuba will recognise the child as eligible. Note: do not adjust the child's date of birth if they are under 18 years of age at the time of registration. If there is a previous case with discharged arrears there may need to be a small increase in the child’s age. This is to make sure that there is no impact on the previous discharged amounts. If required contact a Service Support Officer (SSO) for assistance in making a decision. See Technical support in Child Support. Keep a record of the child/ren's CSRNs to assist later with the case registration process. |
Create or update a case registration
Table 2: this table describes the process Services Officers in the International New Customer team follow to create or update a case registration following a request from NZIR.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Create or update registration record + Read more ... Determine whether there is an existing NZ ‘In’ case. If the application from NZIR is for an existing NZ 'In' case update the case details, see the Record a new application for assessment by the applicant in Cuba table of Assessments Cuba Process Help. If the application from NZIR is for a new NZ 'In' case check the payer residency screen. Check that NZIR received Pre-Transmittal information within the last six months. If not do not register the case. Advise NZIR the registration of the case will not occur until a pre-transmittal tracing request is received and actioned. This is completed via the Daily Hookup spreadsheet 'other' tab. Document this in the customer details screen. To register a new NZ ‘In’ case create a new registration record in the Case/Registration window. Use the information provided in the macro document to update/create a registration record:
If making adjustments to the date of birth of the children, document in the Case window. Use the following template: NZ IN Registration - All children of the case are over 18 years of age This is a New Zealand In registration where Child Support are registering arrears only and no ongoing liability, there are no eligible children. Cuba does not allow registration of a case where there are no eligible children. In order to register this assessment at least 1 child must be under 18 years of age at the time of registration. As a work around, it is necessary to add 10 years on to the date of birth of the youngest child of the case so that Cuba will allow the case to be registered. Document the following in the case notepad: I have adjusted the date of birth for the following child. Child's Name:{Add child's full name here} Child's actual date of birth:{Enter child's actual date of birth} Adjusted date of birth: {Enter the child's adjusted date of birth} See Documenting Child Support information. Do not run eligibility yet. |
2 |
Check if payer has a pre-existing case + Read more ... Check Cuba records to determine if the payer has:
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Check if Australian and New Zealand cases are the same + Read more ... Check if a case was registered for the same claimed for children in Australia and New Zealand at any time from 1 July 2000 onwards. Using the start and end dates of the New Zealand liable periods from the macro document, compare all liable periods in the Australian assessment/s for overlapping periods. Disregard overlapping periods prior to 1 July 2000 as the Australia-New Zealand Agreement was not yet in force the 'dual liability' can continue up to 30 June 2000. From 1 July 2000, the country in which the payee is habitually resident has jurisdiction. For more information, see Residency decisions for Child Support customers and the Child Support Guide 1.6.4: Habitual residency under the Australia-New Zealand Agreement. Note: eligibility must be run before proceeding to make sure the Australian assessment is correct. If there are no overlapping periods after 1 July 2000. Go to Step 5. If there are overlapping periods after 1 July 2000, a 'dual liability' exists and 1 of the cases will need to be updated. Go to Step 4. |
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Overlapping records after 1 July 2000 + Read more ... Investigate which case will need to be updated by completing the following:
If the country with jurisdiction cannot be established contact the payee in the Australian assessment case, see Contact with Child Support customers to:
If it is necessary, end the Australian case in accordance with the Australia and New Zealand Agreement:
Any retrospective decision that will change an existing formula modification must be compliant with Correcting errors on Child Support cases. If it is necessary to adjust the New Zealand case, contact NZIR to request this adjustment via the 'Article 5/7' tab on the daily exchange. See New Zealand Case Management - Summary of Exchange of Information from Child Support to NZIR. Note: when processing an article 5 or 7 end, review the formula modifications on all associated Australian assessments to make sure the assessments reflect the NZ cases appropriately. If you require help to make a decision, Contact a Service Support Officer (SSO), see Technical support in Child Support. |
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Check if payer has another case or cases + Read more ... Determine if the payer has other cases registered (for different children):
If the payer does not have another assessment in either country, go to Step 7. If the payer has an assessment in either country a formula modification may be required. Note: eligibility must be run before proceeding to make sure the Australian assessment is correct. Identify the overlapping liable periods. Check the start dates supplied by NZIR on the macro document and check the Child Support Periods window for any periods that overlap. From the start date of the liability of the New Zealand 'In' case being registered as part of this process, which is the date the registration is loaded, Cuba will automatically include the correct number of liable children in the payer's multi-case allowance. Therefore the period identified as requiring the formula modification will be the overlapping liable periods in both countries to the day before the NZ 'In' case is registered as part of this process. Post 1 July 2008, every child registered as a liable child in either country must be taken into account for the relevant parent for the period identified on the:
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Check if payer has existing New Zealand 'In' case + Read more ... Check the payee's Customer Details window to see if their name and date of birth match the information provided from NZIR on the macro document. If the payee and child details are the same in Cuba as on the macro document, see the Create or update a case registration table in New Zealand 'In' Case Management - Registrations between NZIR and Child Support. If the payee and/or child details are not the same in Cuba as on the macro document, see also: |
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Record arrears only case + Read more ... An arrears only case is where there is no ongoing liability and the end date of liability (EDOL) for all children is a past date, but a debt is still owed. An arrears only case is registered for 1 day only to create a liability for the arrears outstanding. These cases are identified on the macro document when no ongoing amount is provided. Record a care arrangement for the youngest child. Do not record a care arrangement for any ‘not claimed for’ children. See the Add a new care record table in Care Cuba Process Help:
Do not run eligibility yet. Note: as this case is arrears only this care does not need to reflect the arrangements made by the parents. |
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Register liability, arrears adjustments and recording registration information + Read more ... Use the information provided in the macro document to register the liability, arrears and/or make any adjustments using the following instructions. Use the amounts provided in $AUD. Note: if there is a NEW ZEALAND AMENDED CERT REQST intray on the NZ IN paying parent record, complete the registration using the more current amounts provided in the amended certificate. Go to Step 9 Register liability Go to the Additional Registration Information screen
Arrears and adjustments For cases with monthly ongoing amount, the word macro document calculates the amount of arrears to be added.
If the payer has another case, see Table 3 > Step 1. If the payer does not have another case, go to Step 10. |
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Register liability, arrears and adjustments using amended certificate amounts + Read more ... Use the information provided in the macro document to register the liability but use the actual amounts as provided on the amended certificate. Use the amounts provided in $AUD. Register liability, arrears and adjustments using amended certificate amounts If the NZ IN registration process has commenced, but not yet finalised, update CUBA through the actions outlined below:
Note: the new arrears amount can only be determined, once the Amended Certificate data is input into the Incoming NZ case calculator. Updating the children record/s:
Arrears and adjustments To update the arrears amount, calculate the adjustment of arrears using the 'New Incoming Cases' tab on the Incoming NZ case calculator. Use the amended certificate dates and amounts.
If the NZ IN registration process has yet to commence on CUBA
Use the amended certificate dates and amounts to calculate this. Note: In the notepad, clearly reflect the spreadsheet dates for both the NZ IN registration and the Amended Certificate and what information has been used to finalise the Registration. This information may be required at a later date. Document the information from the NZ Calculator in the Periodic Amounts window notepad. Recording registration information Record all registration information in the payer's Communication window as follows:
See Documentation Cuba Process Help. If the payer has another case, see Table 3 > Step 1. |
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Contact payer for pre-registration interview + Read more ... Before contacting the other party, a pre-call alert SMS must be sent to maximise contact by phone. Make 1 phone contact attempt to the payer on all available numbers. See Contact with Child Support customers. Discuss the following with the payer:
Was contact with the payer successful?
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Unsuccessful payer contact + Read more ... Document attempts to contact the payer in the Communication window.
If the first attempted contact is unsuccessful and the payers address is confirmed, issue a UQ43.02 Request to register New Zealand Child Support Assessment. Record the due date 21 days from the date of issue. Allow the customer time to respond. See Standard response times. Additional contact attempts Staff must make 2 more attempts if the customer falls into one of the higher support categories listed below:
For all other cases, consider making more attempts where:
This is to make sure the other party has an opportunity to respond. If contact attempts have been unsuccessful and no response to the letter has been received after 21 days of the date of issue, go to Step 13 |
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Successful payer contact + Read more ... Document contact with the payer in the Communication window
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Determine payer's residency + Read more ... An Australian residency decision is pended at the pre-transmittal stage. This is not an actual residency decision. A full Residency decision must be completed before registering the case, preferably while the payer is on the phone. If the payer is not a resident of Australia the case will be refused as neither party is a resident of Australia. Document the reasons for making the case ineligible in the case screen notepad and advise NZIR of the decision including the reason for the decision on the Daily Exchange spreadsheet, 'cases unable to be registered' tab. If the payer's residency has changed, this is the end of the process. If the payer is a resident of Australia, continue with registration process. Do not run eligibility. |
Apply formula modifications based on care arrangements
Table 3: this table describes the process Service Officers in the International New Customer team follow to apply a formula modification when registering a case following a request from NZIR.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Formula modifications + Read more ... A formula modification is required on the payer's other cases if they have periods of liability prior to the date of registration of the NZ 'In' case (that was registered as part of this process). This is so the correct number of liable children are taken into account in the Australian assessments. Check the Care Arrangements window to determine if the parents/carers have divided care of the children that is, 1 parent/carer has care of 1 or more children of the relationship and the other parent/carer has care of different children of the same relationship. This must be considered when calculating the adjusted child support percentage or multi-case allowance to be applied. If:
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Periods between 1 July 2000 and 30 June 2008 - adjust child support percentage + Read more ... If liabilities exist for periods between 1 July 2000 and 1 July 2008, the total number of children the payer is liable to pay child support for in any Australian and New Zealand assessment must be worked out and the Australian assessment adjusted so that the correct number of liable children is reflected. Calculate the payer's child support percentage based on the total number of children they are liable for, see Basic values. For example, if the payer is liable for 2 children in New Zealand and 1 child in Australia they are liable for a total of 3 children and the child support percentage will be 10.65%. To add the child support percentage in the Formula Modification window, see Add, update or delete formula modifications table in Agreements Cuba process help:
Note: the formula modification cannot be recorded if the Australian liability is based on a Court Order, change of assessment periods or Child Support agreements where the ongoing rate has been set. If liabilities exist for periods 1 July 2008 onwards, go to Step 3. If all liabilities end by 1 July 2008, go to Step 4. |
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Periods 1 July 2008 onwards - multi-case allowance + Read more ... If liabilities exist for periods commencing on or after 1 July 2008, the total number of children the payer is liable to pay child support for in any Australian and New Zealand assessment must be worked out and the Australian assessment adjusted so that the correct number of liable children is reflected. Determine which age group the payer's liable children fall into for the NZ 'In' case. For example, a NZ 'In' case has 2 eligible children, Timmy is 9 years of age (12 years and under) and Jimmy is 15 years of age (13 years and over). Two formula modification records are added for each Australian case based on the parent's role. Note: if the child is under 13 years of age 2 separate periods may be required, 1 up until 13 years of age and the other from 13 years of age until the end date. For each child of the NZ 'In' case, add a formula modification for the associated Australian cases in the Formula Modification window, with the assistance of the following:
If Cuba is automatically applying a formula modification and it is not applying correctly, or generating an overpayment, contact a SSO. See Technical support in Child Support. |
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Document reasons for formula modification + Read more ... Document in the Case window notepad, see Documenting Child Support information:
Do not run and save eligibility at this stage. |