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New Zealand Case Management (NZ In Case) – Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) to Child Support - Identifying Process Method Amended Certificate 277-08190010

This page contains information identifying the process method to be followed when an amended certificate has been received from Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR).

Amended certificate received




Amended certificate received + Read more

Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) forward the amended certificate spreadsheet to NZ Secure Messaging with the following emails:

  • weekly exchange, or
  • bulk annual assessment run

For more information see New Zealand Case Management - Exchange of information from NZIR to Child Support.

Note: do not process an amended certificate until advice of the completed registration has been sent to NZIR.


Identify process method + Read more

New Zealand (NZ) ‘In’ cases on the amended certificate spreadsheet are updated via:

  • automated batch run – when Cuba automatically updates the customer’s assessment to reflect the change in liability, or
  • manually – when Cuba is unable to automatically update the customer’s assessment because of various reasons listed at Step 3 and as a result, the customer’s assessment must be manually updated.

The cases included on the amended certificate spreadsheet are scrutinised to determine which can be amended via batch run and which must be manually adjusted.


Scrutinise spreadsheet + Read more ...

Open the amended certificate spreadsheet titled ‘ACERTS to DHS rec’d (xx)’ located in the folder titled Acerts rec’d yyyy in the Hobart shared drive folder. For more information see New Zealand Case Management – Exchange of information – NZIR to Child Support - Weekly required tasks.

Check the Case/Registration window details and the payer’s future liabilities window details against the case details recorded in the amended certificate spreadsheet. The case must be manually adjusted if any of the following apply:

  • an amended certificate or bulk annual assessment has recently been processed on the case and the arrears and/or liability is not yet due. See Establish child support account balance. Note: if the amended certificate is adding arrears it is unable to be batch-run. If arrears are discharged an amended certificate can be processed via automated batch run
  • another child is to be added to the case
  • the case has been withdrawn
  • Child is over 18
  • the case has been recently registered and the arrears and/or liability are not yet due
  • the case is ended with arrears and the amended certificate advises an ongoing amount or additional arrears are to be added. Before proceeding with the manual process, complete the process in New Zealand 'In' case management - Registrations between Inland Revenue, New Zealand and Child Support
  • the case is closed with no existing arrears on the case however arrears are being added as a result of this amended certificate
  • the payer’s account was $0 at the time the amended certificate was received i.e. maintenance arrears paid in full (check the Payer Maintenance Liability window) and when part of the most recent payment (not included in the amended certificate calculations of the debt) has been applied to reduce 10% late penalty payment amount
  • the payer has more than one International assessment, seek SSO assistance to identify the correct process method
  • there is no international case registered
  • no customer record exists - customer data on spreadsheet does not match data on Cuba
  • no number of nights care recorded. Before proceeding with the manual process, record 365 nights care for the payee (for each child) in the Care window. Enter the date (date of scrutiny) in From Date. Cuba will automatically record the payer as having ‘None’. Note: if care is updated and eligibility run, the amended certificate can be processed via automated batch run
  • the case is a payee overseas case – this is an old registration type of NZ ‘In’ case. When registering a NZ ‘In’ case before 1 July 2008, there was no option in the Case/Registration window to select ‘International Assessment’, the option selected was ‘payee overseas’


Scrutiny results + Read more ...

If none of the above apply, go to of the New Zealand Case Management (NZ In Case) - Processing Amended Certificate

If you have identified:

In all other circumstances where a manual adjustment is required, update the status column on the spreadsheet to include ‘do not run’ (as the amended certificate must not be batch run) and save. See Step 1 in Manually process amended certificate table.


No case registered + Read more

Check on Cuba to determine if the case:

  • has been withdrawn – advise NZ via the Aus daily exchange on the Miscellaneous tab. If the case has been withdrawn, request NZIR to re transmit the case if further collection is required, or
  • was not transmitted by NZIR – advise NZ via the Aus daily exchange on the Miscellaneous tab

Procedure ends here.


No customer record + Read more ...

Using the customer’s details recorded on the spreadsheet, search the List Customer window to see if a customer record exists.

If the customer record cannot be located, place a request on the daily exchange (Miscellaneous) asking NZ for any possible alias names or any other details to identify the customer. Make reference to the Acert Spreadsheet Date. If no new information is provided, advise NZ on the Miscellaneous tab of the daily exchange that Acert was not processed as there is no record. Procedure ends here.

If able to resolve the mismatch:

  • correct amended certificate spreadsheet and/or Cuba, following correct process for updating customer details, as per Updating Child Support customer information, and
  • NZIR are notified of the mismatch by updating the Miscellaneous tab on the daily exchange with the new or updated information found (for example, name, alias, date of birth). This allows NZIR to update their records and avoid future mismatches and for the batch run to proceed as Cuba needs to match NZIR records

If the mismatch is resolved and the case fits the criteria for batch run, go to the Automated batch run Amended Certificate table in the New Zealand 'In' Case Management - Process Amended Certificate document. Otherwise go to the Amended Certificate Manual Process table in the same document. See New Zealand Case Management (NZ In Case) - Processing Amended Certificate.


Payee overseas cases + Read more ...

These are an old registration type where a NZ ‘In’ case was registered prior to 1 July 2008 and can be identified by checking the Case/Registration window to see if a ‘payee overseas’ application type was recorded.

Where a payee overseas case has been identified, check if the old registration:

  • has arrears only and there is:
    • an increase to the existing arrears, process restart as an International assessment, see the Create or update a case registration table, or
    • a decrease to the existing arrears, discharge the arrears on the original registration

Procedure for amended certificate ends here.

  • has an existing ongoing amount which will change via an amended certificate process manually on the existing registration, or
  • has an associated Australian case, process a formula modification on the Australian case. The formula modification will need to incorporate periods of the payee overseas case. See Formula Modification Window Help. Then manually process the amended certificate on the existing registration

For arrears only cases, apply a formula modification to set the annual rate for the one day a special entitlement exists on the NZ In case. See Step 2 in Create or update a case registration table.

Note: update Acert Spreadsheet with ‘Needs Manual Processing’.