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Single Touch Payroll (STP) - Employer reconciliation 277-24011011

Reconciliation documentation templates

Table 1




Reconciliation Notepad on ERR


Contact attempt:

Information received via:

Information received from:

Date information received:

Payment amount: $

Payment details:

Deduction Variations:


Receipt number offered, if relevant:


STP Reconciliation Notepad on ERR


Contact attempt:

Information received via:

Information received from: employer

Date information received:

Payment amount: $

Payment details:

Deduction Variations:


Receipt number offered, if relevant:

STP Mismatch information for both employer and employee checked: Y/N

Payroll ID/Pay date/Pay cycle updated: Y/N or NA

YTD derivation completed: Y/N or NA

S72A reissuance required: Y/N or NA

Note: Employer advised of withdrawal of old notice, reissuance and to pay to the employer account.

If using Top Up – This is applicable to Manual, CSBOS and STP

Include the below documentation only where relevant.

When reconciling and matching the payment (ie: SUB) Or, if setting to INIT:

I have made the decision to use S77 of the Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988, as I am satisfied that the deductions have been made, a valid notice is in place, and the deduction has not been paid and am utilising top up as per the Operational Blueprint procedure: Employer withholding reconciliation and top up 277-04170000.


STP Reconciliation Notepad – RECORD ONLY

Subject: Submission set to RECORD ONLY


Set to Record Only for the following reason:

Adjustment documentation templates

Table 2




Employer Account Adjustment (down) template

Name of employer:

Employer Payment Adjustment for




Information received via:


Affected Customer:




Reason for adjustment:

Reconciled as:

Adjusted to:

Is this adjustment causing a Con Rev on the customer account?

If yes has approval been sought from a TSO?

If no, approval must be sought if adjustment is creating a conrev debt.

Approver Name and Role:

Have you documented on the paying parent communication and the employer account?


ESO Name:





Employer Account Adjustment (up) template

Name of employer:

Employer Payment Adjustment for




Information received via:


Affected Customer:




Reason for adjustment:

Reconciled as:

Adjusted to:

Top up documentation:


ESO Name:




Top up - Use the below documentation only where relevant.

When adjusting up and using Top up:

I have made the decision to use S77 of the Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988, as I am satisfied that the deductions have been made, a valid notice is in place, and the deduction has not been paid and am utilising top up as per the Operational Blueprint procedure: Employer withholding reconciliation and top up 277-04170000.

Miscellaneous tools

Do not share these attachments externally. See Freedom of Information -Information publication Scheme.

Employer Services documentation – Where to document

How to report Associated Employers


mySupport > Cuba Applications and Child Support Systems Issues form

Contact details

National Intensive Collection Services (ICS)

Status reason code descriptions

Table 3



Can be selected by a Service Officer

Additional information


The Service Officer has completed the investigation, and changes have been completed in the system, but an Employer Reconciliation Report (ERR) does not need to be created from this submission.

Service Officer do not use this code.

Code appears after action taken by NAT ICS. E.g., when it is determined that a report has occurred with an employer that has no record with child support

To make sure NAT ICS recognise these, Service Officers do not touch.


When a submission is ready to be processed by the STP mismatch batch.


This is the status of all submissions when created.


The system automatically cancels an STP submission when a CANCELLED submission is received from the Digital Gateway.


Employers can cancel submissions. It cancels the whole STP event, not just child support, therefore it needs to be investigated when received.


Service Officer has investigated the issues with the STP submission and determines the submission (employee level) is not to be processed.

Do not use at the employer level.


This is selected at employee level in the STP Mismatch Summary.

E.g. included:

  • incorrectly reported customers
  • deductions advised in error which are not actual child support deductions
  • paying parent needs to be removed from Employer Reconciliation Report (ERR)


A system error has occurred.


Investigate and check if there is another submission for the same pay date that can be actioned.

Note: the ERROR submission lodgement status cannot be changed.


Originally set to this status by the STP Matching Batch to indicate the submission has mismatches.


Investigate the mismatch on the employer and employee before actioning.


The submission is set to FINALISED, when either the:

  • create STP ERR batch runs, or
  • system has capacity to create the report straight away (creates an ERR from this submission)

Services Officers do not use this exception reason.


In most cases an STP Mismatch submission when changed to READY FOR ERR and saved, will move to FINALISED straight away. It will create overnight if there is too much bandwidth being used at the time.


A pay event received more than 9 days before the pay date and the STP Matching batch has assigned a CSRN to the employer

The submission is placed at a status of PARKED and checked every night by the STP Matching batch.

When the pay date is less than 9 days in the future, the submission will be processed. See Table 4 in Single Touch Payroll (STP) - Issue management.


Yes, but only in certain circumstances.

Service Officer only select or action, if the employer has made a keying error with the pay date.

E.g. the employer keyed a pay date a month in advance instead of a pay date that would normally be within 9 days. The pay date in the submission needs correcting.

No changes can be made to the submission until it is less than 9 days. The only status viewable until then is PARKED.


This is used when:

  • all action/s have been taken in the STP Mismatch Summary window/s
  • when a Service Officer assigns a CSRN to a submission or makes changes in the STP Mismatch Summary and Cuba determines it can move to the READY FOR ERR status


All customer mismatches (which are only in the Mismatch window) must be completed before this is selected.

This status will create an ERR in Cuba when selected and the information in the Mismatch Summary window will not be accessible. Note: in most cases an STP Mismatch submission when changed to READY FOR ERR and saved, will move to FINALISED straight away. It will create overnight if there is too much bandwidth being used at the time.


Selected when a Service Officer has investigated a match and determined a change is not needed.

Do not use this status as a way to create the ERR manually, instead of using valid STP data. STP data must always create the ERR for that pay date, unless there are exceptional circumstances.


An ERR has manually or auto reconciled before the STP submission was received. The ERR cannot be duplicated, as it is already completed, so it is marked as RECORD ONLY.

Note: if it hasn’t been reconciled, the pay date may be deleted if it was manually created.

STP intrays

Table 4: these intrays generate when a mismatch is identified.





Separate intrays automatically create on both the employer and customer when the:

  • employer reports child support deductions (EW), including reporting zero
  • deduction amount is less than the requested amount, and
  • employer has completed the cessation field in their STP submission, resulting in the reason of deceased reporting though to Cuba

Both have a 2 business day timeframe for action. The intray on the:

  • customer is auto routed to the Deceased management team
  • employer is auto routed to Employer Services

Action needed



The intray automatically create on the employer with a 7 day due date when the:

  • child support deductions (EW) are reported, including a zero report
  • deduction amount is less than the requested amount, and
  • employer has completed the Single Touch Payroll Cessation field

Note: the employer will not report a reason code as there is no field for this in STP, the Cessation is derived from the STP cessation field.

Action needed

  • Reconcile the mismatch
  • Delink the customer and use the Employer Withholding (linking) macro to document the cessation reason. Save the document in the Employer Relationship window
  • Cessation reasons an employer can report are:
    • R - Retrenched
    • T - Transfer
    • I - Ill-Health
    • F - Dismissal
    • V - Voluntary cessation
    • C - Contract cessation
    • D - Deceased



The intray automatically creates on the employer with a 7 day due date when:

  • more than one report is received for the same pay date, deduction type, customer and employer combination, this can be from the same or different channels
  • the Employer Reconciliation Report (ERR) can be reconciled or unreconciled

Cuba will auto create a hold to prevent auto reconciliation.

Action needed

  • Investigate both reports to find out why a duplicate report occurred
  • Check whether the Actual Amounts in the STP Mismatch Summary window are the same
  • Contact employer if needed
  • Check the STP Mismatch list and Summary Mismatch button to confirm if the mismatch is related to a variation in the pay date or pay period
  • The STP mismatch must be actioned if a manual ERR has been system created and is not reconciled. Do this by deleting the manual ERR
  • Update the exception status to the appropriate reason when investigations are complete
  • Remove Hold if issue is resolved

Note: a duplicate report may occur if:

  • the pay date has already been reported by Child Support Business Online Services (CSBOS), or
  • a manual ERR has already been created if the employer is a STP New Reporter



This intray will automatically create on the employer with a 3 day due date when:

  • duplicate reports are received from one or more reporting channels and are for same pay date, deduction type
  • the ERR has already been reconciled, and
  • deduction amounts differ

Action needed

  • Place a Hold Auto Reconciliation on the employer if one does not already exist to prevent auto reconciliation
  • Investigate duplicate record by checking STP, manual and CSBOS deduction reports received
  • Check which Actual Amounts in the STP Mismatch Summary window are different
  • Check all documentation as the employer may have already contacted child support to advise of adjustments being made

If unable to find a documentation, contact the employer to discuss the duplicate pay event and differing amounts.


  • Pay date
  • Pay period
  • Actual amount deducted



This intray will automatically create on the employer with a 7 day due date when the:

  • STP reported message is delayed for an employee. This intray will generate after the Matching Batch has added in information
  • STP Submission pay event/s have changed and the original STP submission status is FINALISED when an ERR has been created

Note: STP data transfers occur overnight, sometimes it can be an incomplete file. This information will become available after the data transfer runs again the following days. This intray will not create unless the mismatch has been FINALISED.

Action needed

  • Check the Actual Amounts related to the customers/employees and check if these amounts have been used in the ERR
  • If the Actual Amounts differ or are not showing for some employees (the employer total may not match the actual amounts), refer to the Mismatch List/ERR notepads to check if the employer has already provided the deduction amounts over the phone

Is there a matching payment?

  • Yes, it matches the ERR or the new STP data, complete the action
  • No, it does not match the ERR or the STP data, wait until the data transfer runs overnight. If this does not happen, escalate the issue through an SSO via the site PSM to National ICS to get further information from the daily STP reports before contacting the employer



This intray will automatically create on the employer with a 7 day due date, when:

  • an employer has cancelled one of the STP submissions, and
  • it is no longer valid for use

The details of the CANCELLED STP submission are listed in the intray notepad.

Note: do not use the CANCELLED STP submission if it has not been finalised.

Action needed

  • Check if there is a new record for the same pay date
  • Place a Hold Auto Reconciliation on the employer if one doesn’t exist already
  • Contact the employer to find out why the event was cancelled

If the CANCELLED pay event has already been reconciled and a new pay event has been received for the same period:

  • investigate if adjustment to ERR is needed
  • determine if a cancellation can be accepted. This depends on if funds have been transferred or Top Up has been used

It may not be possible to action a cancellation if the funds have been transferred.

Employers must not be adjusting downwards without Child Support authorisation. If an employer has not received authorisation before making an adjustment down, due to a cancellation, the adjustment may not be considered.

If the employer error has led to a mistaken disbursement, there are limited circumstances where the error can be corrected via a Consolidated Revenue Debt submission.

When considering using consolidated revenue funds to correct an error, consider the individual circumstances of the case and facts of what occurred.

Seek SSO help when a consolidated revenue submission is needed.

See Table 8 in Employer withholding reconciliation and top up.

If the CANCELLED pay event has not been reconciled, it can be disregarded and marked as RECORD ONLY.



The intray automatically create on the employer with a 7 day due date, when:

  • an STP submission is received for an employer with multiple employees, and
  • there is no active EW deduction or s72A garnishee in place for more than one employee

This can occur when:

  • an EW deduction or s72A garnishee notice has never been issued for one or more customers
  • the employer has reported the wrong deduction type
  • the customer is no longer linked or has an active garnishee in place
  • the pay date in Cuba does not match the STP submission pay date
  • an employer has reported voluntary deductions at their employee’s request
  • an employer has set up STP reporting and has reported the YTD for an employee that no longer has a notice in place, but did in that financial year

Action needed

  • Review previous mismatch/ERR documents to see if this has occurred before, it may be possible to action without employer contact
  • Check if the deduction type reported is correct
  • Correct the pay date if needed
  • Investigate if a delink/s has occurred recently or if any garnishees have been withdrawn and/or any final payment/s have been received. See Process page, Table 3, Item 2
  • If the employer reported a voluntary deduction, contact the employer and tell them that they only report when issued with a notice
  • Investigate if a Stop Withholding – EW not to apply decision has been accepted

If a stop withholding has been accepted

If there is still information on the Payer Employer relationship window, Cuba will count the employee as ‘linked’ even with the stop withholding election. Delink the payer to clear the linking window.

Action needed

  • Delink the customer and document the reason for clearing the link
  • Document the record with the following:
    • Subject: STP Stop Withholding Delink
    • Details: Employer is reporting via STP. Stop withholding accepted, Paying Parent (PP) continues to appear as $0.00 expected. Deduction is causing STP exception reporting. PP delinked due to activity impacting on STP reconciliation

Note: the Discard Zero DEP will discard a customer where they are not in the expected pay date list for a zero submitted, zero expected and zero actual amount.

See Table 1 in Single Touch Payroll (STP) – Issue Management.



This intray will automatically create on the employer with a 7 day due date, when STP pay event data is received and:

  • an STP submission is received for an employer with one employee in the submission, and
  • there is no other active EW deduction or s72A garnishees, and

This can occur when:

  • an EW deduction or s72A garnishee notice has never been issued for the customer
  • the customer is no longer linked or has an active garnishee in place
  • the pay date in Cuba does not match the STP submission pay date
  • an employer has reported voluntary deductions at their employee’s request
  • an employer has set up STP reporting and has reported the YTD for an employee that no longer has a notice in place, but did in that financial year

Action needed

  • If the employer reported a voluntary deduction, contact the employer and tell them they only need to report when they are issued with a notice
  • Investigate if a delink has occurred recently or if any garnishees have been withdrawn and/or any final payment/s have been received. See Process page, Table 3, Item 2
  • Investigate if a Stop Withholding – EW not to apply decision has been accepted

If a stop withholding has been accepted

If there is still information on the Payer Employer relationship window, Cuba will count the employee as ‘linked’ even with the stop withholding election. Delink the payer to clear the linking window.

Action needed

  • Delink the customer and document the reason for clearing the link
  • Document the record with the following:
    • Subject: STP Stop Withholding Delink
    • Details: Employer is reporting via STP. Stop withholding accepted, Paying Parent (PP) continues to appear as $0.00 expected. Deduction is causing STP exception reporting. PP delinked due to activity impacting on STP reconciliation

Note: the Discard Zero DEP will discard a customer where they are not in the expected pay date list for a zero submitted, zero expected and zero actual amount.

See Table 1 in Single Touch Payroll (STP) – Issue Management.



This intray generates on the 11th of the month when:

  • an active s72A garnishee deduction is in place for a customer and the s72A notice has been reported via STP previously, and
  • an s72A submission\payment is received equal or exceeding the total debt on the notice

Action needed

If the customer has:

  • no debt, check that the s72A notice has been withdrawn. If not, withdraw the notice. Document the withdrawal of the notice
    Details: s72A issued xxxxx has equal or excess payments to this notice, so it has been withdrawn
  • has a debt:
    • create a Collection Activity Required intray on the customer
    • add documentation in the intray advising the Notice has been withdrawn as it has been fully complied with. Check to see if the notice needs to be reissued



This intray generates monthly on the employer record only and has a 14 day due date. The note on the intray has the Employees Name, CSRN and the date the s72A notice was sent. The intray generates when:

  • an active s72A garnishee deduction is in place for a paying parent, and
    • the s72A notice has been reported via STP previously, and
    • no s72A submission/payment has been received from the employer in the previous month
  • an s72A notice for a periodic amount, issued after the employer starts reporting via STP and no deduction/payment has been received in the previous month

Action needed

  • Check if the s72A notice has been withdrawn or satisfied. If not, contact the employer to follow up why an s72A payment was not received
  • Check if the employee is still employed. If not, document the no longer employed details in the About Notice window and withdraw the notice



This intray automatically creates on the customer with a 7 day due date when an:

  • s72A garnishee deduction is reported by employer through STP, but customer (employee) has no outstanding debt, or
  • employer incorrectly reports a child support deduction as a child support garnishee. If this occurs, check the customer record to make sure a S72A DDN RCD NO DEBT intray has not created incorrectly. If so, delete the intray

Action needed

Service Officer managing the customer, actions the s72A garnishee notice see Table 4 in Collection of child support debts through third parties (s72A and s72AC).



This intray will automatically create on the employer with a 7 day due date, on the 11th of the month. It creates when an s72A for a periodic amount, issued after the employer starts reporting via STP is not within $10 of the expected amount. The intray will list employees this relates to for follow up.

This intray will not create if the deductions reported are within $10 of the periodic amount to allow for system rounding.

Action needed

Contact employer to find out why deductions reported are not what was requested.



This intray will automatically create on the employer with a 7 day due date, when the employer has reported via STP for the first time and there are active s72A garnishee notices in place.

The intray notepad has a list of customers whose notices have old payment details for all existing, active s72A garnishee notices.

Each notepad includes the following:

  • Customer CSRN
  • Customer Name
  • Letter ID
  • Generation date of all active notices per customer with this organisation

As the employer is reporting via STP, issue an s72A notice to track the deductions reported and reconciled against the notice. This then creates the intray when there is:

  • no debt, or
  • the notice issued had been satisfied, and
  • as all garnishee deductions have to be paid to the employer account, the notice needs to be reissued with the employer reference number.

Note: even if the notice has been issued a few days before the first report, it must be reissued as the trigger to track against the notice only occurs after the employer commences reporting via STP and the s72A is then reissued.

Action needed

Investigate if there is still an active s72A garnishee notice with the employer for the employee/s listed in the intray

Status option

No debt not withdrawn – Employer Services to withdraw

No debt and withdrawn – contact the employer to confirm they received the withdrawal notice and explain they can stop deducting. Confirm the amount advised in the pay event received was not submitted/deducted in error

Debt - If there is a debt on the paying parents account ES will:

  • contact the employer to explain they:
    • will receive a withdrawal notice and a new s72A notice
    • need to make the payment onto the employer account
  • create STP S72A UPDATE NOTICE RQD CUS intray on the customer
  • paste in the following instructions
    • Customer contact required to advise - withdrawal of the current s72A notice and re-issue of a new notice, which will enable updated payment details to be provided to the employer and the deductions to be tracked against the notice
    • Payroll ID is not to be included
  • route the intray to:
    • Region: NATIONAL
    • Stream/Team: NO SNON NAT ICS COMPL
    • Position: STP S72A REVIEW



This intray automatically create on the employer with a 7 day due date, when an ATO or Employer Update is received with a change to the YTD or the Match Outcome.

There is only one intray type for ATO and Employer Updates which generates in the following manner:

  • If no previous ATO/Employer Update events have been received on the employer, this intray will be created with a notepad. Text will be added advising details of the update event and submission ID
  • If the intray already exists on the employer due to a previous ATO/Employer Update and the new notepad is relating to the same Submission ID, then the notepad will be added to this intray
  • If the intray does exist and the new notepad does not relate to the same Submission ID, a new intray will be created with the new notepad

Cuba will auto create a Hold Auto Reconciliation to prevent auto reconciliation.

To action, see Single Touch Payroll (STP) – Update events.



This intray automatically create on the employer with a 7 day due date when a child support update is received and the:

  • ERR has a status of UNR
  • a submission that has a status of SAVE or INIT in Cuba or no ERR has been created and the STP Submission is in the STP Mismatch List window

Cuba will auto create a Hold Auto Reconciliation on the employer to prevent auto reconciliation.

Action needed

See Step 10 in Single Touch payroll (STP) - Update event.



This intray automatically create on the employer with a 7 day due date when a child support update is received, and the:

  • ERR has a status of REC
  • submission has been reconciled in Cuba

Action needed

See Step 10 in Single Touch payroll (STP) - Update event.

STP Digal Gateway error and warning codes

Error and warning codes

Table 5: this table has a list of error and warning codes. Select the code to go to more information.

Code type


Error codes

1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015

Warning codes

3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3008, 3009, 3010, 3011, 3012, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3016, 3017, 3018, 3019, 3020

Error codes



Code display reason

Action needed


Cancelled Event

The initial STP data event is determined to be CANCELLED and no longer valid for use. This can be determined by either the Employer or the ATO.


  • if the CANCELLED pay event has already been reconciled, and
  • a new pay event has been received for the same period

Contact the employer to confirm the correct deduction for each customer/employee.

If the deduction is different to the reconciled amount, make an adjustment to the ERR.

If the new pay event is for a:

  • higher amount, make an upward adjustment using funds received or top up
  • lower amount (downward adjustment) and the ERR has been FINALISED, ask the employer for more information to understand how the error/cancellation occurred. Approval is dependent on individual circumstances

If the CANCELLED pay event has not been reconciled, and a new pay event:

  • has been received for the same pay date/pay period:
    • Contact the employer to confirm the correct deduction for each customer/employee and finalise the STP submission
    • Update the CANCELLED pay event from EXCEPTION ERROR to RECORD ONLY
    • Document the reason using the STP Reconciliation template > record only
  • not been received for the same pay date/pay period:
    • Contact the employer to confirm if deductions have occurred for each customer/employee. If the employer confirms no deductions were made, confirm the reason/s and create a manual ERR of the pay date not reported via STP
    • Update the CANCELLED pay event from EXCEPTION ERROR to RECORD ONLY
    • Document the reason using the STP Reconciliation template > record only


Suspended Event

This is applied at employee level only when the ATO flag that the STP pay event is temporarily suspended, and subject to some further analysis or determination.

Once the ATO have completed analysis they will change the pay event status to either 'Processed' or 'Cancelled'.

Manually add a Hold Auto Reconciliation if:

  • mismatch cannot be actioned immediately, or
  • ERR is at SAVE or INIT

Monitor for a change to this pay event as it will be updated to a status of either processed or CANCELLED by the ATO.

If the status does not change and reconciliation due date is approaching, escalate to National ICS via the site PSM.

National ICS will check the following reports which are not displayed in Cuba:

  • STP pay event errors and warnings report
  • STP update and Delta pay events report

National ICS will advise if

  • extra information has been received, or
  • if employer contact is needed


Duplicate Event

This is a duplicate of another processed STP Event, based on some of the STP pay event data.

It does not mean all of the data is exactly the same in the duplicate STP pay event.


  • DG Warnings & Errors window for the 1003 duplicate indicator
  • If there is a duplicate indicator, return to the STP Mismatch Summary window and note:
    • the pay date, and
    • the difference between the 'Reported YTD' and the 'Previous YTD'

If there is a difference between the 2 YTD amounts described above:

  • Note the amount, and
  • check if this is the same amount used in the ERR for that pay date

Are the amounts the same?

  • Yes:
    • No action is needed as the correct amount has been used in the ERR
    • If a duplicate is received and no change is needed, set the status to RECORD ONLY
  • No, contact the employer contact as the correct amount may not have used when reconciling the ERR. That is, the Actual Amount the employer has deducted for this pay event


Later Payment / Update Date

This is the date the STP data was processed by the employer.

This confirms the most recent record is always the record last processed.

No action needed.


ATO Low Confidence

All STP pay events for the employer/employee relationship prior to this pay event, are considered to be low confidence.

It is likely all future STP pay events will also have the ATO Low Confidence indicator until the end of the financial year.

When the ATO identify duplicate STP pay events they will mark the duplicate with a low confidence indicator. This indicator is only applied to duplicates on the ATO system.

Note: This is different to the 1003 Error which is a duplicate in Cuba.

Due to the ATO having low confidence in the STP pay events they will show a $0 Actual Amount in the STP Mismatch Summary window. This is likely to continue until the end of the financial year.

Contact the employer to advise, due to a duplicate record within the ATO system, STP information isn't reliable, so they need to provide deduction/garnishee reports for this employee/s until the EOFY. This will allow the Service Officer to adjust the 'Actual Amount' before reconciliation.

All previous STP submissions, will change to have $0 Actual Amounts. This will not update in Cuba (until a future release). The changes will be available in the STP Update Report received by National ICS.

If ERR's have:

  • been reconciled, a review is not needed
  • not been reconciled, contact the employer to confirm deduction/garnishee amounts. The employer:
    • will not know that a low confidence indicator has been applied
    • will know the ATO has identified a duplicate record


Invalid Value

An invalid value was in the person ID field.

This is an unexpected value in Cuba.

For tracking and monitoring purposes, the team SSO needs to:

  • raise any SD referencing the 2001 Error Code, and
  • escalate via the site PSM to National ICS with the SD number attached

National ICS will escalate to Child Support Program by forwarding the email with SD details attached.

Child Support Program will provide guidance on how to process the ERR.


Mandatory Field Missing

A mandatory field was not completed in the pay event.

This is an unexpected value in Cuba.

For tracking and monitoring purposes the team SSO needs to:

  • raise any SD referencing the 2002 Error Code, and
  • escalate via the site PSM to National ICS with the SD number attached

National ICS will escalate to child Support Program by forwarding email with SD details attached.

Child Support Program will provide guidance on how to process the ERR.


Not a Valid Date

A mandatory field was not completed in the pay event.

This is an unexpected value in Cuba.

For tracking and monitoring purposes, the team SSO needs to

  • raise any SD referencing the 2003 Error Code, and
  • escalate via the site PSM to National ICS with the SD number attached

National ICS will escalate to Child Support Program by forwarding email with SD details attached.

Child Support Program will provide guidance on how to process the ERR.


Invalid Value - not from the list

A mandatory field was not completed in the pay event.

This is an unexpected value in Cuba.

For tracking and monitoring purposes the team SSO needs to:

  • raise any SD referencing the 2004 Error Code, and
  • escalate via the site PSM to National ICS with the SD number attached

National ICS will escalate to Child Support Program by forwarding email with SD details attached.

Child Support Program will provide guidance on how to process the ERR.


Invalid Value - cross field validation failed

A mandatory field was not completed in the pay event.

This is an unexpected value in Cuba.

For tracking and monitoring purposes, the team SSO needs to:

  • raise any SD referencing the 2007 Error Code, and
  • escalate via the site PSM to National ICS with the SD number attached

National ICS will escalate to Child Support Program by forwarding email with SD details attached.

Child Support Program will provide guidance on how to process the ERR.


Entity Matching Validation Error

A mandatory field was not completed in the pay event.

This is an unexpected value in Cuba.

For tracking and monitoring purposes, the team SSO needs to

  • raise any SD referencing the 2008 Error Code, and
  • escalate via the site PSM to National ICS with the SD number attached

National ICS will escalate to Child Support Program by forwarding email with SD details attached.

Child Support Program will provide guidance on how to process ERR.


Entity Matching Infrastructure Error

A mandatory field was not completed in the pay event.

This is an unexpected value in Cuba.

For tracking and monitoring purposes, the team SSO needs to:

  • raise any SD referencing the 2009 Error Code, and
  • escalate via the site PSM to National ICS with the SD number attached

National ICS will escalate to Child Support Program by forwarding email with SD details attached.

Child Support Program will provide guidance on how to process the ERR.


Invalid Payroll Event Status/Type Decode and Lodgement Channel

A mandatory field was not completed in the pay event.

This is an unexpected value in Cuba.

For tracking and monitoring purposes the team SSO needs to:

  • raise any SD referencing the 2012 Error Code, and
  • escalate via the site PSM to National ICS with the SD number attached

National ICS will escalate to Child Support Program by forwarding email with SD details attached.

Child Support Program will provide guidance on how to process the ERR.


Not Null Not Blank Validation Rule

A mandatory field was not completed in the pay event.

This is an unexpected value in Cuba.

For tracking and monitoring purposes the team SSO needs to:

  • raise any SD referencing the 2013 Error Code, and
  • escalate via the site PSM to National ICS with the SD number attached

National ICS will escalate to Child Support Program by forwarding email with SD details attached.

Child Support Program will provide guidance on how to process the ERR.


Invalid value for Financial Year

A mandatory field was not completed in the pay event.

This is an unexpected value in Cuba.

For tracking and monitoring purposes the team SSO needs to:

  • raise any SD referencing the 2014 Error Code, and
  • escalate via the site PSM to National ICS with the SD number attached.

National ICS will escalate to Child Support Program by forwarding email with SD details attached.

Child Support Program will provide guidance on how to process the ERR.


At Least One Not Null, Not Blank Validation Rule

A mandatory field was not completed in the pay event.

This is an unexpected value in Cuba.

For tracking and monitoring purposes the team SSO needs to:

  • raise any SD referencing the 2015 Error Code, and
  • escalate via the site PSM to National ICS with the SD number attached

National ICS will escalate to Child Support Program by forwarding email with SD details attached.

Child Support Program will provide guidance on how to process the ERR.

Warning code



Code display reason additional information

Action needed


Not an ABN or WPN

A value received in the ABN/WPN field which is not a valid ABN/WPN.

ABN - Australian Business Number

WPN - Withholding Payer Number

This STP pay event is not allocated to an employer/organisation record. It is viewable in the STP Data Submission List.

Investigate STP pay event data to identify the employer this record relates to.

Escalation is needed even if this STP pay event can be actioned and processed without employer contact.

This is an unexpected value in Cuba. For tracking and monitoring purposes the team SSO needs to:

  • raise any SD referencing the 3001 Error Code, and
  • escalate via the site PSM to National ICS with the SD number attached

National ICS will forward the email to Child Support Program.


New Payer BMS ID provided

An employer has changed/upgraded payroll software or changed how they are paying an employee. This has resulted in the Business Management Software Identifier (BMS) ID changing.

BMS ID is a field used in STP processing to link pay events together. This link is used to calculate the Actual Amounts displayed in Cuba.

If a new BMS ID is identified:

  • review the STP pay event information
  • check to make sure the Actual Amounts are correct

Are the Actual Amounts correct?

  • Yes, process the ERR
  • No, unable to determine or there are discrepancies, escalate to an SSO

If SSO is unable to resolve the issue, escalate via the site PSM to National ICS who will investigate and refer to Child Support Program if required.


New Payer BMS ID provided with potential YTD transfer errors

An employer has changed/upgraded payroll software. This has resulted in the Business Management Software Identifier (BMS) ID changing.

BMS ID is a field used in STP processing to link pay events together. This link is used to calculate the Actual Amounts displayed in Cuba.

If a new BMS ID is identified:

  • review the STP pay event information
  • check to make sure the Actual Amounts are correct

Are the Actual Amounts correct?

  • Yes, process the ERR
  • No, unable to determine or there are discrepancies, escalate to an SSO

If SSO is unable to resolve the issue, escalate via the site PSM to National ICS who will investigate and refer to Child Support Program if required.


New Payee Payroll ID provided

New employee Payroll ID provided. (Error references payee, however, this is any employee)

Check Cuba record and confirm if the new payroll ID matches.

Does the new payroll ID match?

  • Yes, no action is needed
  • No, update payroll ID as per STP pay event information

Note: some payroll IDs are not to be confirmed with employers and not to be updated in Cuba. They appear to be a long alphanumeric combination. E.g., 46EX11AM-PL12E-402F-ABC-4F13B62122ED.

If unsure if a payroll ID update is needed, escalated to an SSO.

If SSO is unable to resolve the issue, escalate via the site PSM to National ICS who will investigate and refer to Child Support Program if required.


New Payee Payroll ID provided with potential YTD transfer errors

New employee Payroll ID provided and not all YTD amounts have aligned in the transition. (Error references payee, however, this is any employee)

This warning needs more scrutiny than 3004 Payroll ID above. Check the Actual Amounts have calculated correctly by confirming the expected amount against the Actual Amount.

Check Cuba record and confirm if the new payroll ID matches.

Does the new payroll ID matches?

  • Yes, no action is needed
  • No, update payroll ID as per STP pay event information

Note: some payroll IDs are not to be confirmed with employers and not to be updated in Cuba. They appear to be a long alphanumeric combination. E.g., 46EX11AM-PL12E-402F-ABC-4F13B62122ED.

Before contacting the employer, escalate to an SSO if unsure if reported deduction/garnishee amounts have calculated correctly or if payroll ID update is needed.

If SSO is unable to resolve the issue, escalate via the site PSM to National ICS who will investigate and refer to Child Support Program if required.


New payer Branch Number provided

Employer has updated their branch number.

The Branch Number is a field used in STP processing to link pay events together. This link is used to calculate the Actual Amounts displayed in Cuba.

This warning indicates that the Actual Amounts needs checking as there may be calculation errors due to the change of Branch Number.

Check the Actual Amounts have calculated correctly by confirming the expected amount against the Actual Amount.

Have the Actual Amounts calculated correctly?

  • Yes, process the STP pay event
  • No, or unsure if the reported deduction/garnishee amounts have calculated correctly, escalate to an SSO before contacting the employer

If SSO is unable to resolve the issue, escalate via the site PSM to National ICS who will investigate and refer to Child Support Program if required.


Abnormal Previous Pay Period Gap

The employer has a defined pay cycle (weekly, fortnightly, etc.) in the STP pay event information already received. This indicator is applied if an STP pay event is received that does not have a pay period start and pay period end date that aligns with the established pay cycle.

This can occur if the:

  • employer:
  • has missed reporting for a pay date
  • changes from STP reporting to manual reporting, then back to STP reporting. This swap causes a 'gap' in STP data
  • enters unexpected start and end dates in the STP pay event
  • employee is paid on different pay cycles by the same employer

Employer Changing Reporting Channels / Missed STP reported pay dates

Check the STP pay event information in the STP Mismatch Summary window. Determine if the Actual Amount can be determined with the information available in Cuba.


  • The expected amount is $100 per week
  • The employer reported a weekly deduction amount of $100 (Actual Amount) via STP
  • The employer missed 2 weekly STP reports
  • The employer submits an STP pay event, and the Actual/Derived Amount is $300

In this e.g., the Service Officer can calculate this is for the 2 missed pay dates and the third amount for the week reported.

Unexpected start and end dates / Employees paid under different pay cycles

STP reporting may not always come in with the expected start and end date. An employer is able to report an STP pay event 'out of cycle'. Investigate to confirm if STP pay event information can be used before contacting the employer.

Check the

  • pay date. Does this match the Cuba pay date?
  • actual amount. Is this the expected amount?
  • discussion notes in Cuba

Is there enough information to use the STP pay event data in the ERR?

  • Yes, process the ERR, do not contact the employer
  • No, or unsure if the reported deduction/garnishee amounts have calculated correctly, escalate to an SSO before contacting the employer

If SSO is unable to resolve issue escalate via the site PSM to National ICS who will forward the email to Child Support Program.


Cessation Date before Pay Period Start Date

Employee has ceased employment, before the first expected deduction.

Check the STP Mismatch Summary window for cessation reason/s.

  • EW: delink the customer, use the Employer Withholding (linking) macro
  • S72A: withdraw the s72A notice on the customer record. Document the cessation details in the About Notice, Additional Information window


Commencement Date later than existing Date of Commencement for same Employer

The employee stopped employment, then started employment at a later date without notifying child support. The employee was not delinked when they stopped employment.

Check the:

  • actual deduction amount matches the expected deduction amount, and
  • the pay date and pay cycle aligns in STP data

If details align with what is expected, update the STP submission from EXCEPTION ERROR to READY FOR ERR, and document in the STP Mismatch List using the STP reconciliation template.

If this is the first time the employer reporting via STP, see Process page, Table 1.

If this is a subsequent STP report and the submission cannot be updated from EXCEPTION ERROR to READY FOR ERR, escalate to SSO. If SSO is unable to resolve issue escalate via the site PSM to National ICS who will forward the email to Child Support Program.


Commencement Date is within 31 days of the earliest STP Events for the Employer

This is related to first time reporting employers.

No action needed.


Duplicate period of an earlier STP Event

A pay event has been received for a previously reported period.

Check past ERR for differences between the Actual Amount used in the ERR, and the new STP pay event.

Do the Actual Amount's match?

  • Yes:
    • Set STP pay event record to RECORD ONLY
    • Document the reason using the STP Reconciliation template > record only
    • No further action is needed
  • No, contact the employer to confirm deduction amounts. If the employer confirms the deduction amount used in the ERR is
    • correct, set STP Pay event to RECORD ONLY. Document the reason using the STP Reconciliation template > record only
    • incorrect amount, confirm the correct deduction/s for each customer/employee. If the correct deduction is for a:
    • higher amount, make an upward adjustment using funds received or top up
    • lower amount (downward adjustment), ask the employer for more information to understand how the error/duplicate pay event occurred. Approval is dependent on individual circumstances.
    • Seek SSO help when a consolidated revenue submission is needed.

See Table 8 in Employer withholding reconciliation and top up.


Overlapping Period of an earlier STP Event

Two pay periods are overlapping.

Check past ERR for any differences between the Actual Amount used in the ERR, and the new STP pay event.

Did the Actual Amount's match?

  • Yes:
    • Set STP pay event record to RECORD ONLY
    • Document the reason using the STP Reconciliation template > record only
    • No further action is needed
  • No, contact the employer to confirm deduction amounts. If the employer confirms the deduction amount used in the ERR is:
    • correct, set STP Pay event to RECORD ONLY. Document the reason using the STP Reconciliation template > record only
    • No further action is needed
    • incorrect, confirm the correct deduction/s for each customer/employee. If the correct deduction is for a:
    • higher amount, make an upward adjustment using funds received or top up
    • lower amount (downward adjustment), ask the employer for more information to understand how the error/duplicate pay event occurred. Approval is dependent on individual circumstances.
    • Seek SSO help when a consolidated revenue submission is needed.

See Table 8 in Employer withholding reconciliation and top up.


Later Processing Date applied for an earlier Payment Date

Payment Date was previously later than the Payment Date of a more recently processed STP Event

Process the STP submission as per a subsequent STP reporter. All employer and employee mismatches must be checked and actioned before updating the submission to READY FOR ERR.


First STP reporting for Employer’s payroll details

This is related to first time reporting employers.

This indicator is similar to the STP new reporter indicator in the organisation front screen of Cuba. As they are both monitoring similar changes, no action is needed for the 3014 indicator.


Unreasonable Amount as Withholdings exceed Gross Payments

Tax withheld amount is more than the total income in the STP pay event.

Check if PEA variation reason code has been automatically applied by Cuba in the STP Mismatch Summary window.

Do not rely on the automatic application of this reason code. Contact the employer to confirm if PEA needs to be applied.


Unreasonable Amount as payment exceeds total payment for previous financial year

This is for the first valid STP Event for the Employer / Employee Relationship for a Financial Year.

It checks that the first YTD income amount is not more than the last YTD income amount from the previous financial year.

Contact employer to confirm the first deduction/garnishee reported Actual Amounts for the financial year.

The STP income amounts that generate this indicator are not available in Cuba.


STP not the final event received for the Financial Year

The employer has the option to mark an STP pay event as the last/final pay event they are submitting for the employee in the financial year.

This indicator is triggered if a STP pay event is received after the employer has already submitted an event with the final pay event indicator.

Check if the STP pay event is needed in an ERR. To do this, check if the pay date, pay period start and end dates are expected. Check if the Actual Amount has a value above $0.

Does the Actual Amount have a value above $0?

  • Yes, use the STP pay event data, process as per subsequent STP Reporter
  • No, the value is $0 or a negative value, escalate to an SSO

If SSO is unable to resolve issue escalate via the site PSM to National ICS who will investigate and refer to Child Support Program if required.


New payer Branch Number provided with potential YTD transfer errors

Employer has changed the type of relationship the employee has with the employer which ends and restarts the YTD.

This is a key field in the STP pay event information that is used to calculate the Actual Amount for deductions / garnishees.

Branch Number is a field used in STP processing to link pay events together. This link is used to calculate the Actual Amount’s displayed in Cuba.

If a new Branch Number is identified there may be issues with the Actual Amount calculated.

Review the STP pay event information and make sure the Actual Amounts are correct.

Are the Actual Amounts correct?

  • Yes, process as per a subsequent STP Reporter
  • No, or there are discrepancies, escalate to an SSO

If SSO is unable to resolve issue escalate via the site PSM to National ICS who will investigate and refer to Child Support Program if required.


First STP reporting with pay event 2020

This is the first pay occurrence of pay event 2020.

Cuba cannot display this indicator correctly. The following warning/error dialogue pop up, displays.

'Data Retrieval Failed

Retrieval of Error and Warning data failed for at least one row. Please contact system support’

Select OK in the Warning Pop Up dialogue box.

No action needed, as these changes do not impact child support information fields.


Negative amount in derived income fields

An income stream linked to the original pay event has been submitted with a negative value.

Cuba cannot display this indicator correctly. The following warning/error dialogue pop up, displays.

'Data Retrieval Failed

Retrieval of Error and Warning data failed for at least one row. Please contact system support’

Select OK in the Warning Pop Up dialogue box.

No action needed, as these changes do not impact child support information fields.

Staff script

An attachment is available.Conversation guide for employer services staff